Monday, January 30, 2017

How To Flashing celkon a8 plus

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How To Flashing celkon a8 plus

before i start talking about the cubietruck, i should talk about the other two boards that came before it in the fall of 2012 the cubieboard 1 came out. had 1 gb of ram on it with a single core. it was an arm cortex a8 processor that can run up to 1 ghz. single gpu mali 400 processor on it and a video decoder. there's a bunch of other stuff on the board but i'm not going to go into it. this is just a brief history. summer of 2013 cubieboard 2 comes out. still has 1 gb of ram. they upgraded the processor so you have a dual core arm cortex a7 processor that runs at 1 ghz with two gpu units

it's the mail 400 mp2. the mp2 stands for a multiprocessor two or something and you have a single video decoder unit. has all the same stuff as the cubieboard 1 with the other components the main problem with this board is when it came out. they just pushed it out. people who were first in line to get one you discover that you couldn't really run linux on it because no one really figured out how to get it booted up with this relatively new processor on it. so you had to wait for a month or two open source community to figure out how to get it working with the linux distributions i think the first one that came out with a working one for the cubieboard 2 was fedora 19 once that was done everything else fell into place

now, moving on we have the cubietruck sometimes called the cubieboard 3. it was released a couple weeks ago, fall 2013. it has 2 gb of ram instead of one same up cortex dual core a7 processor running at 1 ghz 2 gpu units. one video decoder and other stuff that they added to it is that they have a wireless / bluetooth chip on it vga output they also doubled the amount of flash memory under the board over here

they've removed a line-in connection that's on these two. you can't see them right now and they've also enhanced the gpio pins which are over here and over here to do more stuff and they also have one of these connections on it to. i think it's called s/pdif. now when you get the cubietruck it comes with a version of android preinstalled. so, i'll switch over to the android and show you what that can do. this is the default android image that's preloaded on to the cubietruck

i'm using the vga connection on the cubietruck and that's attached to my monitor i find that if i use a dvi connection and this is the same with the cubieboard 1, 2 and also the cubietruck. this is a dvi adapter. if i try to use this which i normally use for my monitor the android images don't work. you'll see a purple display and if you click on something it goes black. i've been able to use the android images on the cubieboard 1 on a high definition television, but i can't really say if it works with the cubietruck or not because i don't have a hdmi monitor. my monitor is dvi. one of the new things that they

did to this image which i like is that you can watch youtube videos. you can play them on chrome it works ok, but i find that it works better if you play it with the youtube application so, if i go into here and play one of my videos. this is also using the wifi connection it plays it... ok i find it does some buffering ... a 3.5 inch hard drive to ... the cubietruck which ... is venturing towards the side of ... being a mini-pc ... so there is a lot of buffering going on there. let me try switching it to

switching it to a wired connection ... is venturing towards the side of being a mini-pc ... yeah, it's doing a lot of buffering ... with a 3.5 inch hard drive addon which is ... sold separately from ... the cubie ... truck hey, that's better than

not being able play youtube videos at all for video playblack it does play videos i can play a video. this is at 1080p. i find that it plays better in this video player on the right-hand side. let me go and skip around in the video. that's better. that's video playback. it can play videos. with youtube it has some buffering issues. now, if didn't want android and want to put linux on it

you can with the phoenixsuit utility you'll need to go to click on the download menu item scroll down to the software tools section, and the phoenixsuit utility for windows is located right here you'd save this out to your desktop and install it on your machine. once you do that you will also need to download a firmware for the cubietruck and they have images... that's the android image that comes installed on the board they also have a ubuntu 12.10 desktop image that has a lxde desktop it's a light-weight desktop environment. they have a desktop image and one for servers as well

the way you go about flashing the board once you have all that stuff installed is run the phoenixsuit utility click on firmware and you'll specifiy the image that you want to flash to the cubietruck i'll click on the image button here and pick ... ah ... lubuntu-desktop-nand. i'll open that up with the cubietruck they have a mini-usb to usb cable, but i find that it's a little too short. you'll take the mini-usb end and

plug it into plug it into the mini-usb port. before you do that make sure that make sure that.. if you have a dc power cable plugged in, remove that first. before you plug this in and another complaint that i have about this is that the buttons are extremely small but you'll press down on this tiny button over here. if you look closely it has the word fel next to it that will put it into a mode that will allow you to flash it. so, if i press this button and plug the mini-usb cable into the mini-usb jack there we go it's asking me to do a mandatory format. choose no.

you'll see that the red light is on and none of the led lights are flashing because it's in fel mode it generally takes about six and a half minutes to flash an image on here, and after i get that up and running and i can just power on the board have lubuntu running on it one thing i should mention is that is that this lubuntu image the vga connection does not work you can modify the image to get it to work, but i'll have to use the hdmi connector

i'll just plug in my hdmi to dvi adapter and i'll wait for it to finish updating the firmware one other thing that i thought of is that if you're using an hdmi to dvi cable like i am is that's if you turn plug in what one of these adapters on it it gets in the way does because the hdmi is close to the ethernet wired port you'll have a difficult time getting that in. i find it better if you plug the ethernet in first and then this cable

but that probably won't affect a lot of people another thing i should point out and you won't notice this with the cubieboard 1 or 2, but with the cubietruck there seems to be like it very faint high pitched sound that comes from the bluetooth wifi chip or an area near there that you can hear if your are a couple feet away from it. it may bother some people; it may not. for me i personally don't like it in the next segment when i talk about lubuntu i don't have any noise cancellation in the video so you may pick up on it this is the lubuntu image that i just flashed to the cubietruck

and i'm using the hdmi connection with a hdmi to dvi adapter and if you select linaro in the drop-down and type a password of linaro you'll be able to log in in the lower left hand corner, they have a start menu icon and you can choose accessories, you have a terminal and you have graphics stuff you can install more software. i can open up to a web browser and unfortunately with the linux based images you can't play flash you can't play youtube videos in here because it requires adobe flash

and adobe flash does not run on arm-based processors one other thing i should mention before ending this video is that you can go out to let me minimize this window a little bit... if you click on docs, there's a tutorials section so if you're wondering, how do i take this and write it to a micro-sd card because you can boot it from micro-sd cards in the tutorials section they have a cubietruck link

and they have written tutorials on how to do all this stuff and this fedora section is also new. that wasn't there before so, they are adding more stuff as we speak. that's an excellent place to go to figure out how to do things with your cubietruck also, another site that i find useful is that if you go to they also have a community that just talks about cubieboard related stuff and that's at well, that's it for this video

and thanks for watching

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