Wednesday, January 25, 2017

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How To Flashing amoi n820

(serene music) - [coyote voiceover]as children we are told to follow our dreams. to work hard and never giveup until they come true. this long journey northis one of my dreams. (fire crackling) lost in the shadows ofthe alaskan wilderness, i step into thetree line and take in the smell of the forest.

this is wolverine countryand finally i am here. (dramatic music) (gentle music) - endless miles of denseforest, rushing rivers, and towering mountainsencompass what is considered the last true frontierin north america. welcome to alaska, aplace where the wild stretches as faras the eye can see. staking claim asthe largest and most

sparsely populated u.s. state, it boasts a staggering663,000 square miles of land, which also happensto be home for some of the continentsmost iconic animals. if you look up, there is agood chance you will spot a bald eagle watching as youroam along a river's edge. this elegant bird of preyis a symbol of vision and if one soursacross your path, it's a sign that youshould trust where

you were going andwhat you will become. my path in lifehad landed me here on the search foran animal so elusive that they are onlyever seen at a glance, as a flash of furin the underbrush or a shadow moving out offocus that you barely happen to catch from thecorner of your eye. to encounter a wolverine inthe wild is next to impossible, but for me, part of thedream was to at least try.

the wolverine is a spiritualsymbol of persistence, an animal that neversurrenders, that never gives up, and which defies all oddswhen it comes to survival. i knew that by immersingmyself into this wild place, i would allow my mind and spirit to become one withthe wolverine. i needed to place my handswhere paws may have touched the boulders that hadworn down over millions of years to becomegrains of sand.

i wanted to drink thesame life-giving water that melts from the glaciersand flows through the forests. i challenged myselfto venture across the skeletons of fallen giants so as to find myselffacing the exact same obstacles this animalconquered with ease. - this forest islike a playground. i can only imaginewhat it would be like to be a wolverineout here in all this.

i'm trying to find one, but man, thisterrain is difficult. - [coyote voiceover] for severaldays we searched riverbeds, forests, and boulderstrewn grasslands. the screw was with meevery step of the way as i climbed trees, foraged raging waters. - come on, keep going. hand me the camera.

woo, this is tough. - [coyote voiceover]and watched in wonder as the sun setbeyond the mountains leaving an eerie glow in anever darkening summer sky. i wanted to find awolverine more than anything i have everwanted in my life. yet, as the hoursturned into days, i came to the realizationthat it could take my entire lifetime and i may neversee a wolverine in the wild.

alaska is simply that vast and this creature istruly that elusive. but breaking trailsis an animal show, and if there is onething i've promised each and every one of you, it's that i would be gettingup close with a wolverine. so it was time to shiftthe gears into plan b. however, not all thingsgo according to plan. whenever the crew and i can'tfind animals in the wild,

we work withsanctuaries that have rescued or raisedthem in captivity. and today, we will be workingalongside steve kroschel. - oh man, it isbeautiful out today and we're about to meet steve. he is the man who canspeak with all animals, but specifically the wolverine. pretty excited to meet him. i've got my little stuffedwolverine here, gulo,

who i've had sincei was a little kid. eight years old, mymom made this for me and i've been carryingit ever since. i figured no betterplace to bring this stuffed animalthan to alaska. here he comes. this is steve. steve. - i heard talking.

- sorry, we walkedthrough the gate. we didn't know ifanybody was here yet. - well, i could hear thingsand the birds stopping singing so i thought, what'sgoing on here. - i'm coyote.- nice to see you. there're a few ofthose around here, too. coyotes.- yeah, no, i know. well it's a nickname i'vehad since i was a little kid. i know it's kind of unusual,but it's an original thing.

- coyote peterson. - coyote peterson, that's it. - you've got a showon the internet. - yes, youtube. we've been doing it forabout two years now. all sorts of different animals. and hopefully today. - you got one here. - yes, this is my wolverine.- it's not alive though.

- no, this is not as alive asthe wolverines you're used to. i told myself if i everactually make it to alaska to see a wolverine,gulo is coming with me. - oh god. well, you want tosee a live one? - yes. if we can get close tolive wolverine today, that would be pretty awesome. - what do you mean by close?

- as close as you'll let me get. - [coyote voiceover] sowho is steve kroschel? well, to put it simply, he isa man who cares about animals, so much so that hehas dedicated his life to building an incrediblewildlife sanctuary that is home to manyrescued alaskan animals, including moose, lynx, weasels,

and, of course, the wolverine. but we aren't allowedto see that yet. aside from being the manwho cares for and speaks to animals, he's also anincredibly successful filmmaker. steve has producedand directed several award winning documentariesand is world renowned as being the masterof avalanches. that's right, if you have everseen an avalanche on screen, there is a good chance steveis the one who filmed it.

- this has been a dream of minesince i was eight years old and you can help merealize that today. if you're willing to trainme and let me get close. i know, it's crazy, right? - how much time do we have? - [coyote] well, we needto get this episode today. so it's eight o'clock right now and i'd like to be workingwith the wolverine by-- - today, today, today?

- today, so let'ssay eight hours. can you turn me intosomebody that's ready to be in an enclosure with awolverine in eight hours? (laughing) if you're willing to train me, i'm willing to dowhatever it takes. - train you?- train me to the point whereyou feel i am ready to be in the presenceof a wolverine.

- i mean... (laughs) - is that a yes? i think that's a yes. i think that's a yes, guys. - all right, let'stry something here. - all right, let's letthe training begin. yeah, dude, we're in. so steve, i noticed thatyou don't wear any shoes.

is there a reason for this? - yeah, actually. i can afford shoes, but idon't like to wear them. i really feel better, andthis is scientifically backed, your physiologychanges immediately when you connect to the earth. and all creatures, all animalsare connect to the earth. fish, birds, everythingexcept people because of therubber sole shoes.

so you're missing out. - ok, well, because i amwalking in your steps today-- - [steve] no, no,no, don't do that. - [coyote] no, no, no, no. - [steve] no, yourfeet aren't... do you do this a lot? - no, but if i'mgonna learn from you, i need to be walkingthe same way that you do and connectwith the planet.

ok, this is where it begins. - [steve] so wegot, like, a day? is that it?- yeah, eight hours. eight hours beforewolverine time. - [steve] little wheelsare turning in my head. - [coyote] ok. cool, are these all your skulls? check this out. wow.

- [steve] here's awolverine skull right here. - [coyote] that isa wolverine skull. - [steve] that's wolves here. anyway. - [coyote] wow, can't i hold it? - [steve] yeah, sure, yeah. - ok, so i've seenwolverine skulls in museums. this is actually the first time i have ever physically held one.

- really? - yeah, honest to goodness. ok, so steve, i know this isgonna seem a little bit weird, but hold onto the skull. trust me. ok, i'm gonna put myhand inside of the jaws and i want you to justapply a little pressure. now press down. i'll tell you when to stop.

keep going, keep going,keep going, keep going. ok, that's good, that's good. - yeah, well, jiminy christmas. - wow, those caninesare unbelievably sharp. look at the indentationthat that put into my hand. ok, now that i feel like iknow what it's like to be slightly bitten by a wolverine,let's get into the training. - [steve] oh, jesus. - [coyote voiceover]i think at this point,

steve either thought iwas completely crazy, or that i was simply willingto do whatever it would take to get face-to-facewith the wolverine. then all of a sudden, i waspresented with my first test. - uh oh. - what was that? - got a little(mumbles) coming here. relative of the wolverine. - in that pipe?- yeah.

- [coyote] is it a weasel? - [steve] no, it'sa mystery animal. - [coyote] mystery animal. - [steve] you know what? i'm gonna get a little jarof jelly and i'll reveal it. how's that? - [coyote] thatsounds really good. ok, steve, wheneveryou're ready. - i went in the cabinand got this jelly.

i need to find a stick. - about this long? is that good? - [steve] just get alittle bit on the end. - [coyote] like that? - [steve] he's growling again. he smells that. hurry, hurry, hurry. this is a miniwolverine on steroids.

- right. first task, i can do this. you do the countdown for me. - no, i can't do it. - i hear it, i hearit, it's ok, it's ok. i got it, count me down.- it'll bite you. it'll bit you on the face. - it's ok, count me down. - one,

two. - did you see howfast that pine marten came out of that little box? and i still have all my fingers. how'd i do, steve? - oh, that's good enough. - [coyote voiceover] inmy mind, i was certain that it was time tomeet the wolverine. i was barefoot,

i felt the power ofthe wolverine's teeth, and i passed the pine martentest with flying colors. in my second test, steveneeded me to cut a gift for the wolverineout of moose hide. - that is youroffering to the animal. it's a peace offering. this'll help you to understandwhat size the wolverine would like and you'regonna put feeling into it. even while you're cutting it,

you're gonna thinkabout wolverines. you're getting into thewolverine's frequency. you're dialing in. right now, go ahead. don't cut yourself. - [steve] bigger. - [coyote] bigger? - [steve] yeah. that looks likeyou're insulting him.

- oh boy. ok, he says bigger. it's still wet down here. absolutely stinks. ok, and this hasgotta be the one. that is all stillrotting right there. almost looks like theface of a sasquatch. all right, steve, ithink i got a piece. - [steve] that looks good.

- [coyote voiceover]there is no greater stench than rotting moose hide. steve instructed me toliterally rub the rotting skin all over the insideof the arena. - the sense ofsmell in a wolverine is very, very, very keen. one molecule per five million. ok, yours is, like,one in a 125,000. - [coyote voiceover] the onlythought going through my mind

other than washing myhands was when in the world am i going to seethis wolverine. next, he had me carry a40 pound slab of cow ribs for nearly a mile. i was to place it inthe arena as an offering to the wolverine and asign that i came in peace. after that, he said ineeded to work on my speed, so i sprinted. next, it was mybalance, so i balanced.

steve believed thatconditioning me both physically and mentally was the onlyway i stood any chance at surviving an encounterwith a wolverine. i knew i was getting close and as steve headedoff on his own, he instructed me to enterthe arena and take a nap. he said that if i fellasleep listening to the call of the raven that itwould guide me to a dream that would tell of my destiny.

(raven squawking) (tranquil music) - [mark] coyote, what's up, man? what's going on? - well, it is mid-afternoonat this point. it's hot. we haven't seen steve for hours. i'm beginning towonder at this point is steve turning me into steve,

or is steve turningme into a wolverine. - [coyote voiceover] thecrazy thing about steve is that even when youdon't think he's listening, he's listening. my feet were weathered and worn. my hands ached. and just when i felt thati couldn't go any further, steve sat me down and told methat my training was complete. he said that i still wasn'tread to meet the wolverine,

but that it was time to learnhow to speak their language. and if i could accomplish that, or at least get to apoint where i wasn't asking for my faceto be clawed off, that maybe, justmaybe i would be ready to meet the phantomof the north. this next part isprobably one of the strangest thingsi have ever done. but when the teacher instructs,

the student would be wiseto listen to his teachings. - [mark] what's goingon right now, coyote? - [coyote] at this pointi am going to learn a little bit about thevocalizations that it takes to interact with the wolverine. - if the wolverine comesat you, it's (screams). can you do that? (screams)- ok, that's good enough. i can tell you can do it.

you gotta rememberthat because he will do things to you inwhich you won't like. - but i noticed youhave a whole bunch of variation in everything thatyou do and i want to make-- (screeching) - that's when he's coming at you and he's got that meat andyou're trying to (screeching). that's it, that's it. and then if he's chewing on it,

if he's doing whatyou want him to do. - just give himpositive reinforcement? - you got to keeptalking the whole time because hedoesn't know you. yeah, at some point. no, no, no, no, onlyif he comes at you. no, no, that wasn't good enough. - what if he makes full contact? - then you just (growls).

(growls) - ok, that's goodand i'll get there. oh god, that's good. don't do anymore. - it's good?- yeah. - you hear that, he said that. he said it's good. i think i'm there, guys. i think.

i think he's readyand i think i'm ready. i'm sure you're sittingthere in front of your screen thinking to yourself, coyote, what goes throughone's mind before they get into an enclosurewith a wolverine? i'm excited becausefor 25 years, i've been trying toget to this point. but at the same time,my heart is moving at about a millionmiles a second.

and i am nervous,i'm not gonna lie. but i need to make surethat that wolverine does not realize that i'mnervous because if it does, it's going to completelycontrol the situation. i need to keep mycool and get this animal up close for the cameras. gulo, my little buddy, it's been a long journey toget to this point. this is where i leaveyou behind and i get

in with the real, living,breathing wolverine. mark, are you ready for this? - [mark] as ready asi'm gonna be, man. let's do it. - we're about to getinto an enclosure with a real live wolverine. this is thewolverine coming out. - [steve] see if he'llgo up this log here. here we go.

- [coyote voiceover] theanimal was incredible, just as i hadenvisioned in my dreams. and as it scaled thelog and came to a stop, there was nohesitation between us as instantly, wecame face to face. my dream of meeting awolverine had come true. - [steve] here you go. - [coyote] ready? - [steve] all right.

- cool, did you get that? - yeah.- that was incredible. that was it. i just made a connectionwith a wolverine. this is good, right? he's accepting the fact thati have him on the tether. - [steve] yeah, ok,just let him walk. let's let him meetyour wolverine. you got a hold of him.

he's meeting your wolverinethat you had as a child. oh my god. - [coyote] it's ok, it's ok. this is completely natural. look at that. what is that? what is that, (mumbles)? it's ok, it's ok. - [steve] let him go, go, go.

that's good, that'sgood, that's good. let him be there,let him be there. let him be there, that'sgood, that's good. ok. now we're gonna go back. - i can't believe it. now we gotta see if stevewill actually let me into the enclosure and getit off the harness. - [steve] go ahead, gulu.

- [coyote] ok, nowmark's coming in with us. you know that, right?- yep. - [coyote voiceover] iwas about to be the first animal show host in historyto enter an enclosure with an unharnessed wolverine. - in an enclosure rightnow with a wolverine. i want to turn this gopro onand just set this over here by the moose skinand the cow meat. - [steve] so coyote,you're over there now.

get that moose hide. get that gift. - this is my gift. - [steve] and then markis right behind coyote. - ok, i'm gonna let him go now. - ok.- there we go. - ok. - now i'm gonna getover on this side and be behind youand i'm gonna watch.

- [steve] i thinkhe's so preoccupied. - [coyote] ok, at thispoint, the wolverine is off of the harness. we are in an enclosurewith the animal. - [steve] here he comes to you. ok, let him pull it. let him pull it.- do i let go? - [steve] no, no, justlet him pull on it. ok, ok, let go.

- [coyote] oh, he likes that. i knew it, that soft partof the moose's belly-- - [steve] watch yourhands, watch your hands. - [steve] very nice,that's your gift to him. now, i would get up andwalk over here with me. just watch him. i wouldn't get any closer. he'll defend his kill. - [coyote] i amabout two feet away

from the wolverine right now. - [steve] no, it's ok. let him do whatever he wants. what i want you to do now if he gets a little bit further, i want you to grabthat piece of meat, take it and put itover here and see if he takes it and puts it back. if you do that,you're developing

a relationship with himwithout insulting him. hurry, hurry, hurry, pickit up and throw it back. throw it over here. - [coyote] here hecomes, here he comes. he now sees that themeat is not there. it's right here. - [steve] ok, pull on it. ok, let him haveit, let him have it. let him have it, that's enough.

that's very nice. - [coyote] didn'tstruggle too much. - [steve] well, he didn'tjump from the meat to you so this is a good signthat he's accepting you in a sense of he's letting youinto his private world now. - [steve] that is incredible. that's like... i just can't believewhat i just saw. - damn, here it is.

ok, i'm watching him. here you go. - [steve] watch your hand. go ahead, go ahead. be careful. - [coyote] i'm gonna lethim drag, that one was his. - [steve] i'm gonnagive you my shirt. - [coyote] ok, put that on? you think he'll feel alittle more comfortable?

- [steve] put that on. put that on. you're taking over my. you see that's allthe holes in there. - [coyote] i'mgonna drag the meat back again just real slowly. see if we can do that again. - [steve] do it quickly. - [coyote] let's justlet it be natural.

trust me, just let me letthe wolverine come up to me. - [steve] don't. - [coyote] here, look, look. (suspenseful music) look how strong. he actually pulled me forward. he definitely got it from me. that's ok, i'm gonna let him. - i'm gonna let him eat.

- [steve] that's enough,that's enough, that's enough. really, serious. - [coyote] come on, close,close, close, close. look at that, and fromright at this position, you can see just howpowerful those jaws are. he is just razoringthrough that meat. - [steve] all right, we're done. - [coyote] we're notdone, he's ok, he's ok. - [steve] no, no,no, no, no, no, no.

we got meat and you. i need you to go this way. - go this way, ok, i'llget behind the meat. - [steve] ok, open that door. - well, when steve saysthat's enough, that's enough. at this point, the wolverine'sgetting a little too rowdy and steve said out of the cage. but that has to bethe coolest thing that i've ever done whilehosting an animal show.

my heart is racing and itwas absolutely unbelievable. - so what you did there, the relationship that i'vehad with this wolverine its entire life and for 36years working with wolverines, what you did, unprecedented. no one's ever done that. i haven't even done somethinglike what you just did. and it touched you withits teeth, it nose. you had made contact,also, he allowed you.

what we did today is wepushed all the knowledge i had and you pressed down all thatthat wolverine will give me, the benefit of the doubt,benefit of the doubt of being a nice animal,being with proper etiquette protocolfor a human being and you brought it tothat far from reality. - that far from reality. - that's pretty close. that's pushing the envelope.

steve, i cannot thank you enough for that experience, my friend. there are no words thatcan come out of my mouth right now that can trulyexplain what it was like to be in that enclosurewith the wolverine. i can see therelief on your face. all that stress. i know how hard it was foryou to let me get in there. all my fingers are still intact.

i made contactwith the wolverine. today, you helped merealize a dream that i've had since iwas eight years old. i don't know how i could ever thank you enoughfor what today was. all those kids out there thatjust watched this episode that experienced and gotto see a wolverine for the first time, youhelped me do that. thank you, thank you so much.

- i'm gonna hug you. - [coyote] this hasbeen so much fun. - i want my shirt back though. - yes, no, you need this. i can see what itwas like for you to be having thatwolverine jump all over. - maybe i'll send it to you when it has a few more holes in it. - yeah, i love the big,huge paw mark that's

on the back here andall those claw marks. - oh my gosh, there reallyis a wolverine track there. - there is.- yikes. - that is awesome. i'm coyote peterson. be brave. stay wild. we'll see you onthe next adventure. - [coyote voiceover] therealization of a dream

is a powerful thing,and in some cases it may take yourentire life before you achieve a single one. for the crew and i to reachthe far northern state of alaska, it took manyyears of incredibly hard work and the persistenceto never give up on what many thoughtwas impossible. the days i spentworking alongside steve will always be helddear in my heart

as he truly is agift to this world. his love andappreciation for animals and his connection to the planet is unlike anythingi have ever known. i am proud to call him my mentor and i am blessed tohave him as my friend. i will never forgetthe moments i spent in the presence of the wolverine and i truly considerthis phantom of

the wilderness tobe my spirit animal. looking back on it all,i now have a new dream, to one day return to alaska. and i hope that when ido, the north welcomes me back with a smile anda sharp pair of claws. if you thought thisadventure was epic, make sure to go back and watch as we kayaked intothe alaskan wilderness to get up close witha sockeye salmon.

and don't forget, subscribeso you can join me and the crew on thisseason of breaking trail. - [coyote] got one, got one! woo, here we go. there we go, got one. it's strong, it's heavy. get the (mumbles). that's a pretty good one. (coyote howling)

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