Thursday, February 16, 2017

How To Flashing intex aqua glory

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Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:

do not forget there are some additional tips from me:

Further to the following stage :
1. Duplicate the document to Sd Card
2.boot into recuperation mode, in the document as of now exists as .pdf open a full instructional exercise and take after the guidelines. anybody utilizing blazing programming.
3. When've taken after the greater part of the conditions please check the telephone has been typical what is most certainly not.
4.Characteristic components EMMC highlight of blazing not harmed in the street, still can wipe information reserve. yet, introduce the upgrade shape sd card can not or won't runing.
5.booting first after introduce rom considerable lot of time of around 15 minutes. Try not to rush to evacuate the battery. hold up until the framework completes the process of booting.
critical: before doing anything on the telephone to do the information reinforcement already. can pass CMW, recuperation, twrp please find on the off chance that you lack.

How To Flashing intex aqua glory

né™ sizdir, mé™n bu gã¼n buradayamsizé™ gã¶sté™rin, necé™ gã¶mrã¼k daä°mä° yaddaåž quräžusunu quraåÿdä±rmaq sizin divar yolu civé™niz ndi mé™ncoursealready té™tbiq edilé™n telefona malikdir vé™ mé™n gã¶mrã¼k bé™rpa olunma quraåÿdä±rmä±åÿam vé™ bu dé™qiqé™ biz é™lavé™yé™ gedirik etmé™k ã¼ã§ã¼n o gã¶mrã¼k bé™rpa olunmaya ki, mé™niré™li getdi ã¶dé™niåÿ keã§irilé™n hé™cm (cild) bura (burada) vé™ gã¼c (hakimiyyé™t)dã¼ymé™ eyni zamanda romu gosterecem indi sizlere é™razi

ã¼zr isté™yiré™m video keyfiyyé™ti haqqä±nda, ancaq salam mé™nelé™ bu filmé™ baåÿqa telefondan istifadé™ edir bu é™la elé™ olmaq ã¼ã§ã¼n hazä±rlaåÿmä±r indi mé™nim gã¶mrã¼k bé™rpa olunmam saata é™saslanan iåÿlé™yé™n ana 5 beåÿ nã¶qté™ (bé™nd) indi bizim hé™qiqé™té™n etdiyimiz birinci åÿey is make a backup of our original rom which i have already done but you godown to back up and restore in here recovery and

you select your backup panic creates a backup for the rom thenthe next thing you're gonna do after we back up our first trip are wrong is wipe the data so there you go we're gonna go ahead and wipe factorydata should take a minute here area now after we wipe the data we'regonna go ahead and wipe the cache alright after cash is wiped we're goingto install zip from sd card choose zip fromsd card

so basically this is the route view st mean you cannot look in folders and we'regoing to select are from and install as is gonna take a few minutes close to10 minutes possibly area had it looks like it's installingvery fast her and it looks like

the package i just installed actuallywipe the cache and to previous data anyways so i guess i didn't have to do that step harm the next thing i want to do since this custom mom has a patch his co down and install the patch for the wrong which didn't take long at all and whilei'm at it i'm gonna go ahead and install custom boot

animation and there we go everything's installedso we're gonna go ahead and go back and reboot system now i know it's taken a while for thisthis to boot up but it's pretty much like a a cold booton a computer year just install the os x booting up for thefirst time so it does take a little bit longer than usual if you do this your phone its it'simportant to remember do not take the battery out

and put a backhander in the first boothjust let it try to boot up and there we go custom rom is installedi'm gonna go ahead and sign in to my google account grow quick there girl as you can see the status bar is changeda little bit from the the wall way launcher and it looks like here app drawer icon down here at the bottomis similar to that as ice cream sandwich

you can see the app icons have changedwith the new rom it also does not scroll horizontally itscrolls vertically now say and it looks like i have retained superuser and it looks like titaniumbackup is also organize you can see the icon for the sedinslooks like the eicher ice cream sandwich icon whole lot of thebloatware has been removed it there's my cricket account hasn't my backuphasn't but i can always remove that titanium backup of coursescaled-back

to see the status bar has been done so a lot darker looks like the of artisan black in the status bar sco into settings here settings have changed a little bitcourse it looks like the ice cream sandwich with the neon bluelooking a scroll bar on the side air and boxers everything you select is in that bluecolor

and scared to leave now for it is still i gingerbread dough 2.3 points 6 which looks like to read and to lookkinda sorta like ice cream sandwich there and basically that is it there's any questions call and leave acomment and i will go ahead and get back to you i will post the links to this rom and to the custom recovery if you have anyproblems installing the custom recovery

com you can post on the form that i sendyou to you or you can post here a good luck to you guys

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