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How To Flashing ambrane aq 880
*wa-pish!* top of the morning to you laddies! my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to astrocreep! no, it's not a creepy dude perving on people in space. not- nothing like that at all! it's a game kind of like uh, the visitor, where i played that when you get in- you're an alien, you have to get around a certain place, you have to infect a load of people, i think you take on the abilities of the thing that you inhabit? i don't know. but it looked really cool. i like these little flash games because, i don't know, they're super gory and they're really fun to watch. *laughs* (in strange voice) "two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the universe,
"or we are noth." not! "both equally terrifying." i agree. if we're not alone in the universe, which the likelihood of that actually happening is very very slim. because- i'm not talkin' about fuckin' brainiac life somewhere else. i'm not talking about sentient beings who're able to make spaceships and go around. but even micro-organisms on other planets are considered life on other planets, so, that'd be really interesting if we could find something like that. but also if we are literally the only life in the entire universe,
also terrifying. "objective: use the mouse to click around the area and guide the alien through the rooms. "your goal is to evolve to a stage that allows you to create a nest and infest the entire space station." i like it! yeah, ridley scott would be so proud of me. (next alien movie confirmed!) "you will need to kill humans on board to evolve. different evolutionary forms unlock different options. "click this message to close." i did that thing! okay, are we inside a body already?
yeaah! yes! we already infested one of their space station men. *sickening pop* ewwww! *very weird alien squeaking noise* terrifying! absolutely terrifying! when i hear an alien and it goes *imitates squeaking sound* it haunts my dreams. okay, maybe my guy grows in the light. um, okay, the vent. can't do anything to the vent.
rrrrrrighty... what do i do?! aha! *hisses through teeth* ok! turn off the light and then we jump on it because i'm turning him into a little sizzle worm. hello! you look like me! *laughs* if your hair was green you'd be like an exact analogy of me! you don't see anything! you don't hear anything!
hush hush now, george! for your time has come soon! how am i even unlocking them? they sound like coins hittin' the ground. he definitely heard that! george you're a stoop! (poor george) ugh! i'm all gross and wiggle-wormy! i don't like it! ooooooo! it's mario world decision time
*squeaky-squeeeak* *squeeeeak* i dunno what this does... ok, let's go through door number 4? that didn't work whaat the fock? where the hell am i goin'? i come out there, so if i go back through there? this makes no sense!
(neither do the sound effects.) ok, maybe you have to turn this. now let's see where they go... yeah! i did it! that was confusing as all hell! how the hell did that make any sense? question (unintelligible) answer is it didn't. *laughs* yyyeeeesss! but i feel bad for the dude!
you're never supposed to kill a dude when he's on the toilet! man, woman, child, or badger, you're never supposed to kill anybody when they're takin' a shit. that's when you're at your most vulnerable! you go in, you take off your little..your little pantelones and you sit down and you're like it's like, it's when you're at most at peace. when stuff is exiting your body and you feel all great about yourself and you're one with nature.
you're sending stuff back to nature to decompose and then-... turn off the light. ok... oh no! oh no! poor dude! i'm straight up dead! please don't tell me i have to start from the start. don't... oh thank god, i thought it was gonna put me back in the space man again. geezus
so that's all it takes to kill me: *aggressive grwaugh-ing* frankenstein's monster- did i click him or the toilet that time? *regret* *alien screeches* *loud alien screeching* *screeches again* see? i could be an alien monster as well if i want. um, right, so. unlock the door, open it, then jump in.
yaaeess! we did it! now we're in the water. you see that? he's gonna get up and look into it and he be like... ...when did i shyte a green worm? and then it's like, "you didn't, bro!" *the character screams* ewww! ooh! i am the poop monster now! the poop alien! i am literally a piece of shit right now!
"notice: you have evolved. you can now spit venomous barbs." how's that make any fuckin' sense? oh i'm like a head-crab. *boop!* out we go! right, we have to go back in and kill..fuckin'... dooter back there. close the door. ookay! there we go! *giggles* *sips more tea* fair enough! i-i went inside--
i'm a suppository alien right now. i went up in his butthole and came out his mouth. it's like an episode of south park. can i kill this dude now? *nasal voice* hello, clairese! would you like to taste my venomous barbs? guess he would! "id: f. thompson" that was close enough... "position: medical exam, phd. clearance level: c" this dude has a phd. that is very good. *squelching noise*
is it just gonna keep goin'? oh! i'm just gonna leave you here, with the sound of this. he's just eating a chicken sandwich, that's all! "click to confirm evolutionary phase. choose whichever evolutionary phase you would like to pursue." ooooooooooooooo do i become big, bulb-head, or- ah the tentacle-monster, of course! *intense munster growlin'* balalalalah
i look like kang and kodos from, ah, the simpsons. that's cool! i like that i have choices! that's really neat! means i can come back and try out the other ones. *nasal voice* hello, reception-lady! *normal* you look like you've given up on life already. jesus... do i use you on-? ha-ho! unlock the door. unlock the-- i can't unlock the door, okay. don't mind me! i have uh, a meeting with general zod.
k, can't go in there. *belches* *gross face* nevermind...i guess someone has been hitting the sauce this weekend a bit hard cheesus! have you ever been so drunk that you belched and melted metal? i..have. that don't fuckin' help me at all! hush my mouth! don't be shy! *acid belch* *screaming as man's face is melted away*
holy fuck! it's-- oh, dude, i'm sorry, but how are you still making that sound? d. williams, flawless! absolutely flaaawless camouflage. can. you. tell. it's. me? not-ah, of course not! dum-dee-dum-dee-dum! it's like a "wallace and gromit" type of shit. *laughs more* *sips* i've always wanted legs!...but not like this!
*laughing* what the fuck? nobody's gonna suspect a thing! doctor williams, he had looked pretty bad already! oh, he's not dr. williams, he's just d. williams. where're we goin'? did i--did i finish it? is that it? all it--my goal for this entire game was just that i wanted legs all this time. now i'm bee-u-ti-ful! ah, ok, thank god, jesus.
*spongebob narrator voice* 6 hours later oooh, did i make--oh, i did make my nest! oh, it's gross! "infestation complete" ew, look at 'em all! they're so gross! go away! like little maggots! ah, jesus, can i, can i go again? ah ok. i wanna do this again! that was fun! and i didn't kill everybody! *strange voice* "two possibilities exist.." i read that already. c'mon!! alright, speed run this time! wait til ya see!
yes. turn off the light. ah, come out. burst your way out! yes! *screeching from the game* *jack screeches back* i hear you little dooter. atta boy! atta boy! yeess! you don't see anything!
franklin thompson! don't even worry 'bout it bruuh. i didn't go this way the first time. there's loads of things i can do! *disappointed* nevermind... there's fuckin' nothin' i can do. nothin' is worthwhile! everything is a lie now i can't remember how i did these pipes...
i did--i went in you, i think nope, i went in you. and i went in you nailed it! perfect! i'm the best! at alien...cryptology aahh... here we go! *screaming* rrrrright inside the butthole!
dude! don't you know proper pooping etiquette? if i'm sitting on the toilet and i'm like...shit there's no toilet roll, or shit the light's on, or shit the door's open, when you get up, you clench. you clench, and then nothing can get inside your little b-hole, 'cuz the b-hole is precious! don't let anyone get inside your b! okay, there's nothing else i can do in there. i think i've exhausted all options after this. um...
so the only thing left to do is become the big, bulb-headed, weirdo, freak... ha-ha! poison-barb in your dick-hole! yes! now i look like a basic alien. a basic bitch! with theeugh...theee.. gray eyes? dum-dee-dum! i'm cute! i'm adorable!
can i do anything at reception? can i really not open this? whaat. the. fuck? oooooooh! 'cuz i'm all "glory to hypno-toad" right now! oooh jeezus yeees! *muffled* thaaat is grooss! *nasal voice* don't. mind. me. i. have. just been. eating. human. food.
i. like. to. do. human. things. like. go. out. side. and. watch. the. buurds. *laughs* like, totally trying to blend in but'cha can't at all and everyone's like... janice....did you do something with your hair? no. human. what do. you mean? my. hair. has. always. looked. like. a. glorfnor. is it new glasses? *nasal* no. my. glorfnor. is the. center. of all. anti-matter. blend right in, baby! let's go an' talk to steve! or whatever the fuck his name was. deee...somethin'. d. williams!
hooowww...did you...? oh can i control you? oooh my god, i turned him into fucking d. williams curry. *laser powers down* *imitates laser powering down* eeauuuwoo! that's the... sound that's coming out when you control people is "all glory to hypno-toad", from futurama. that's awesome! is that all the differences there were? *nasal voice* i. am. going now. down. the. hallway. like humans. do.
i. can really. feel it. in my. glorkaflaxagorfaughaug. how. do you. pronounce that. like a human? *laughs* okay! i-i think that's the same thing. are they gonna still be the same worm-babies though? those are all my little babies... i have finally given birth to life! my little worm babies can go, and spread their destructive joy to the world! 'cuz i mean, if they get joy in killing other people, then who are you to judge? actually, that's pretty horrible, yeah. if you get joy outta killing other things... might be a psychopath.
*deep creepy voice* a high-functioning psychopath *normal jack* is it the same? yeah, it's the same. go my little wormy dudes! why did i need 6 hours to do that? and why did i need to go into a fuckin'... ..cabinet to do it? couldn't i have just done it back in the other room? i don't know, man. okay! that was astrocreep byyy... "suits n' nukes"
this was really fun! it is...very much the same as "the visitor" games. there's a little less to it than "the visitor" games kinda disappointing, it was over pretty fast. we got to go through it twice in one video which is pretty neato! um..i would like to see more options or just a bigger level or hopefully...maybe there's an astrocreep 2 i have no idea. i have no idea when this was made, it might be actually a brand-new thing, but i hope they make a new one! like an astrocreep 2, or if there is an astrocreep 2, i'm gonna play the shit outta that. 'cuz that was really fun! i liked the design of the alien and i like the choice of being able to evolve
into one or the other. so, i'd like to see a longer version of it. where you get to evolve a bunch of times, and you get to choose like, 4 times what you wanna evolve into and to have different outcomes, because i liked... the fact that one of them melted the vent and then went into that and... killed a dude from the back, and then the other one didn't need to go in the back it was just like, "i'm mind-controlling you" pretty neat. anyway! thank you guys so much for watching this episode, if you liked it, punch the like button in the face, like a boss.
and high-fives all around *wa-pish!* *wa-pish!* thank you guys! and i will see all you dudes... *high* in the next video! *nasal voice* i. command you. to. watch. this video. oh, you've already watched it? negatory. negatory.
aahhhh, time paradox! *head explodes* *normal jack* i'm dead now, you killed me! are you happy?
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