Wednesday, January 25, 2017

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How To Flashing arise ar40

shane smith: so is thatwhy your nickname was general butt naked? shane smith: a lot of peoplewould drink or do drugs before fighting? shane smith: yeah. shane smith: so youkilled the child? joshua blahyi: yes. shane smith: and thenyou drank the blood? joshua blahyi: yeah.

male speaker :[speaking foreign language] crowd:[speaking foreign language] male speaker 1 : so whatkind of war is this? guerrilla? male speaker 2 :world war iii. shane smith: we here at vicehave been fascinated by liberia for a long time. it's america's firstand only foray into quasi-colonialism in africa.

it started as a back-to-africamovement for freed slaves and, in fact, their constitutionwas written in washington. and monrovia, the capital cityof liberia, is actually named after president monroe. it became a statein the 1840s. so the freed slaves go back toafrica and promptly enslave the native africans based on theplantation method they had learned in the us, which lastsfor about 140 years, until samuel k. doe, the first nativeafrican-born liberian,

was elected. but this doesn'tlast very long. why? because an american-educated-- and some would sayamerican-backed-- rebel leader named charlestaylor and his buddy, prince johnson, came from americaand overthrew him. male speaker:[speaking foreign language] male reporter : despite reportsthat the government

wants talks with the rebels,the violence goes on. female reporter : rebel forcesstormed into the center of the capital today. they are now less than a milefrom the executive mansion where president samuel doe hasbarricaded himself with about 500 soldiers. shane smith: in fact, princejohnson had got to doe before his buddy charles, ended uptorturing him, cutting him up, and is rumored to haveeaten him while

filming the whole thing. [shouting] shane smith: so charles taylorfinally gets elected with a campaign slogan that reads, "hekilled my ma, he killed my pa, but i'll still votefor him." and it works, he gets elected. but he's so corrupt that soonafter, there's a bunch of warlords fighting for controlover liberia, the country devolves into civil war, andthings go from bad to

severely fucked up. shane smith : but this is likea civil war on steroids. it's a post-apocalypticarmageddon with child soldiers smoking heroin, cross-dressingcannibals, systematic rape-- it's total hell on earth. [gunfire] male speaker 1: welove the music. there's the music. male speaker 2 : they callit the sound of death.

male speaker 1: yeah, but it'sthe sound of music to us. shane smith: liberia's been inthe news a lot lately because charles taylor is on trial atthe hague for war crimes. but we wanted to know whathappened to all the other warlords, so we contacted acanadian journalist who lives in liberia named myles estey,who's kind of a kurtz-like character-- tall, skinny, skeleton guy who'shad malaria more times than he's had hot dinners.

and he said he could getus access to all these ex-warlords. so we said, great. we got on a plane, andwe flew to liberia. [music - the almighty defenders,"all my loving"] shane smith : when you firstget to monrovia, the first thing you think is,it's really hot. it's really hot, it'sreally poor, and it's totally chaotic.

in fact, when we went to pickup myles, he had just gotten out the hospital with malaria. he gets in the car, and he says,are you ready to go? we're going to baboon town inthe red light district to meet our first general, generalbin laden. so as we drove to baboon town,we asked myles what's up with the name, "general bin laden?"and he said, well, a lot of the generals took differentnames because they didn't want to be identified after thevarious wars, and these

pseudonyms were meant to striketerror into the hearts of their enemies. so there's a general rambo,because he's scary, there was a general mosquito, becausemosquitoes are terrifying because they bring malaria. the general that fought generalmosquito was named general mosquito spray. and of course, there'sgeneral bin laden. in fact, there's twogeneral bin ladens.

our general bin laden, we foundout en route, had just been put in jail. now, he didn't know why, buthe suspected because the authorities found out thatwe were coming with cameras to shoot him. myles estey: and they saythey're not gonna let him out, but we can interview him in thejail and we can interview the commanders. shane smith : let's do that.

let's go then. myles estey: yeah. shane smith : so the minute wearrive in baboon town, our car is surrounded by a bunchof sketchy dudes. so when myles came back and saidwe could interview bin laden in the police station, iwas like, yeah, let's get out of here and get in therereally quick. so we get into the policestation, and it's chaos. some guards are saying you cango see him, other guards are

saying you can't go see him,and we just have to sit there and wait. shane smith: i like beingin the police station. it's nice. [monkey screeching] shane smith: monkey. little monkey. he's got herpes, i think,or something. hi.

what's wrong with the monkey? why is the monkey here? shane smith: why isthe monkey here? [monkey screeches] shane smith: we're in a policestation in the middle of the red light district to meetgeneral bin laden, and i'm wondering why themonkey's here. [shane smith sighs] shane smith : then eventually,after sitting there for a

while, we realized, oh, we'vegot to grease some palms. so we gave them some money andbang-- we were back into the jail and we could talkto bin laden. hey, bin laden? general bin laden : yeah? shane smith : how are you? myles estey : this ismy friend, shane. shane smith : shane. general bin laden: [inaudible].

yeah. shane smith: nice to meet you. we're gonna try to get youout of here now, and then we can go back. shane smith: all right. we're gonna do it right now. general bin laden: now. shane smith: ok. myles estey: yeah, iknow what he did.

we're talking about to get himout, what do we have to do? myles estey: to who? male speaker : ok, we'll stop. we'll stop. shane smith : video's off. officer : --withoutthe permission. male speaker : it's off. shane smith : the video's off. he's carrying-- he's justholding it right now.

myles estey : look,we're good people. we're good-- nobody's recording anything. myles estey : sure, i cangive him cash and-- can we pay him andpay you a fine? and then take him? officer : fine. myles estey : ok, great. officer : that's good.

myles estey : ok. shane smith : ok, let's go,let's go, let's go. let's go, let's go, let's go. ok, let's go, let's go. male speaker: hey, yeah-- you! shane smith: we wentin there-- we're being followed bythe police right now. shane smith: yeah, we mighthave to change tapes or do something, because--

what we do is we shoot cars-- male speaker : yeah, that's-- shane smith: --and ifthey come, we can give them the tape. there's nothing on the tape. we do, right now. general bin laden: we'llgo to my warehouse. general bin laden: don'tworry about that. shane smith: our trip is gettingprogressively heavier.

shane smith: yeah,that'll be good. general bin laden: we're goingon top of the building. i'm kind of a little bit worriedthat the police are gonna come get us right now. i gave them a fake nameand fake number. shane smith: ok, niceto meet you. shane smith: thank you. thank you. so after we got bin laden outof jail, he was very excited

to get us up to his rooftopand tell us his story. and according to him, theex-generals, who are now the community leaders, are the onlyones doing anything to help the people. shane smith: so maybe you couldexplain a little bit about-- so first of all, youbecame known as bin laden during the war? general bin laden:during the war. shane smith: and then after thewar, now you're sort of

trying to help people bycarpentry and by karate. general bin laden: karate. shane smith: do you getany money here? shane smith: no, but the un orthe government doesn't give you any money? shane smith : nothing? shane smith: and is this area--this is red light here? general bin laden:it's a red light. this is red light.

shane smith: and is it-- is there a lot of crimein red light? male speaker : oh yeah. general bin laden: yeah, it's-- this is red light. shane smith : red light. shane smith : so myles comesover, stops the interview, and says, we have to get thefuck out of here now. bin laden looks down andhe goes, yeah, yeah,

those aren't my guys. you guys should really go. shane smith : so bin ladengave us an escort, and a couple of his guys got usthrough the crowd to the car, and we got the fuck out. shane smith : so let's go. let's go, let's go, let'sgo, let's go. holy fucking shit. that was out of hand.

we gotta get out of here. there was some heavy dutylibs there, boy. so after meeting and beingfreaked out by general bin laden, we wanted to see whatthe un and government were doing to rebuild liberia. we met a local journalist namednagbe, and we asked him, and he said, you want to thegovernment and un are doing? i'll take you to west point. west point is the worst slum inliberia, which makes it one

of the worst slums in westafrica, which makes it one of the worst slums in the world. now, when you first get there,the first thing you want to do is get the hell out. it's open sewers everywhere-- shit, piss, garbage, everythingmixed in-- and the stench isoverpowering. shane smith : oh, dude. it really stinks here.

shane smith : but, i mean, oneof the first basic rules is don't shit where you eat. immanuel nagbe: that'sit, but-- shane smith: that'sa number one rule. shane smith: but the governmenthas to do something about that. shane smith: mm-hmm. so even in one of the worstslums of western africa, you see the cultural impact thatamerica has there.

all the kids are wearing biggieor tupac t-shirts. in fact, one kid came up to usand said, hey, i'm a rapper. can i rap for you? and we said yes. and it wasn't about bling, andit wasn't about cristal. shane smith: and is there alot of malaria in here? shane smith : needless to say,in west point, health conditions are foul. disease is everywhere--

malaria, infections, andaids are rampant. shane smith : coverup for heroin. shane smith : wow. immanuel nagbe: soa big business. shane smith: we heard storiesthat during the war, the rebels would go out in boatswith diamonds and trade the diamonds for weapons andcocaine, and there was a lot of colombians and mexicans. shane smith: we find itinteresting because cocaine

and heroin are very expensivedrugs, and so we were surprised to find heroin here. usually in poorer countries,there's speed or meth or things you can make. shane smith: why is that? [baby crying] male speaker : you gotto smoke this up. shane smith: liberiandollars or-- immanuel nagbe: liberiandollars.

shane smith: so howmuch is that? shane smith : so because of thepoverty, a lot of women have to become prostitutes? immanuel nagbe: yes. shane smith: sex worker. immanuel nagbe: wecan go this way. shane smith: no, you canjust show it to us. shane smith : the legacy ofcivil war in liberia is staggering.

it's the fourth-poorestcountry in the world. 50% of the country isilliterate, 70% of the female population has been raped,80% of the population is unemployed, and a largepercentage of the population has eaten human flesh. male speaker: it tasteslike real meat. if you taste it, you'd liketo eat it every day. you want to see some piece? shane smith : now one of thewarlords responsible for these

atrocities, who fought in allthree civil wars, is a guy named general rambo, who wepicked up at a market. he said, i'll talk to you ifyou take me to the old headquarters of the rebelfactions outside of town. shane smith : when did thehotel stop working? shane smith : becauseof the war. general rambo : whenthe war came. shane smith : yeah. general rambo: yes,it happened.

shane smith: so you were oneof the ones that came in to take out taylor? general rambo: yes. shane smith : and then, at onepoint, the american government came to try to get youto go to iraq? shane smith: american. and so when there was iraq,it was like, ok, let's go. we can help. so what happened?

shane smith : the governmentwouldn't let you go? shane smith: do you think it'sa problem that you have all these ex-combatants who grewup fighting-- you fought in three wars-- they have no money, theyhave no job, and isn't that a problem? general rambo: it'sa big problem. shane smith: so they're stillthere with the guns? general rambo: yeah, they'restill there with the guns.

the war is hot. shane smith : so if the rebelforces wanted, they could take over tomorrow? shane smith: twoor three hours? general rambo: sure. shane smith: wow. shane smith : and doyou think there's a possibility of that happening? shane smith : so what rambo issaying is, there's still

plenty of guns in liberia, andhim, or someone like him, can take over monrovia in two hoursif the un leaves, and the un is scheduled toleave next year. and as we said our goodbyes torambo, we told him we were going back to west point. shane smith : yeah? shane smith: cannibalism,chaos, killing, rape, everything. general rambo : everything.

shane smith : a few years ago,we did an article in vice magazine called "general buttnaked versus the tupac army," about a particularly fierceliberian warlord called butt naked who fought naked, hischild soldiers fought naked, and they were cannibals. so we asked rambo if he knew himby chance, and he said, in fact, we're from the sametribe, i know him well. he promised to set up aninterview while we did our follow-up in the brothelsof west point.

[car honking] shane smith: drivinginto west point at night is pretty freaky. there's no electricity grid inmonrovia, so it's pitch black. shane smith: hitit on the wall. hit it on the wall. so this is the craziest,fucking scariest drive ever down here. we got a little bit lost in theport, and you couldn't see

anything, there'sno electricity. and then you just see peoplewandering around, fucking shit, piss-- fucking yelling at us, we wantmoney, we want money. now there's no lights in here. we're gonna go in here,this is the brothel. we're gonna see what'sgoing on. hello. how are you?

a lot of dudes are comingin now, it's crazy. i don't know wherewe're going. male speaker : straight. shane smith: straight. wow. that room looks-- male speaker : now we'rein chalet number five. shane smith: i don't know whathappens in here, but i don't want to know.

what the fuck goeson in here, dude? wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. well, we were here alittle bit earlier. there was used condoms andbloodstained sheets, and now they've sort of done it up. so we're gonna interview someof the girls, see what they have to say. we have a code for whensomething's freaky. we go, "it's gnar gnar."gnar gnar.

shane smith : one of the thingswe had heard since we arrived in liberia was about thealleged sexual misconduct by the un staff, so we askedthe girls at the brothel about it. immanuel nagbe: ok, paradise. female speaker: i wantedto get me a job. immanuel nagbe: yeah. female speaker: for myself. immanuel nagbe: what sortof work do you do

in west point now? immanuel nagbe: ok. immanuel nagbe: all right. female speaker: now. we were talking--listen to me. immanuel nagbe: listento me and sit down. now listen. immanuel nagbe: listen. shane smith : as soon as thegirl started screaming, a

bunch of heads poppedinto the room. and then when she startedscreaming about money, everyone's going, money, money, money, where's the money? and at that point, nagbe saidto us, you'd better get the hell out of here. so we sort of took off throughthe tangled alleyways and just tried to get back to the car. shane smith: we're getting thefuck out here right now.

and when we got to the car,our driver-- who was also supposed to be our security--was so freaked out that he peeled out and nearly hit agroup of people that had surrounded the car. shane smith : and if you hit agroup of people down deep in west point, that was it. it was a death sentence. they would have tore us apart. shane smith : and to make thingseven freakier, as we're

pulling out of west point, rambotexts myles and says, not only does butt naked want todo the interview, but that he's waiting at ourhotel for us. yeah, now we're going back tosanity, to hang out with an ex-cannibal and multi-murderer,who's now staying at our hotel anddecided not to leave. because they were there-- theywant us to hang out. meanwhile, he knows i have tonsof money, and he's on the run because peoplewant to kill him.

should i just leave mydoor open, general? do you want to come in? shane smith : now we are verynervous to meet general butt naked, and he's very nervous tomeet us, because he's had several assassination attemptsagainst him. he wants to meet us and vet usbefore he'll ok an interview. when we told him about ourescape from west point that night, he laughed, andhe seemed to ease up. after that, he asked fora phone, he called

rambo, and it was on. joshua blahyi:[speaking foreign language] general rambo : yeah? joshua blahyi: yeah,some white guys. they are good guys. the guy's a good guy, man. tell the boss lady hi, yeah? shane smith : we asked thegeneral, now known as joshua blahyi, why people were tryingto kill him, and he told us

that it was because he had beenrecently pardoned for his war crimes. and when we asked how he gotpardoned, he told us it was his conversion to christ andhis becoming a man of god. shane smith : so we talkedwith joshua late into the night, until he told us to getto bed because the next day he was going to showus his liberia. [singing in foreign language] shane smith: in the morning,joshua blahyi took us out, and

the first stop was the areawithin monrovia that he used to control during the war. shane smith : and whowould be attacking? shane smith: alive? shane smith: and whatdoes that do? shane smith : the next stop wasthe place where there had been an assassination attempton joshua's life just the day before. shane smith : and he just--he hit you and then ran?

shane smith : you jumpedover the car? joshua blahyi: yeah, jumpedover the car. shane smith : and whodo you think it was? shane smith : hurt a lotof people in the war? joshua blahyi: in the war. shane smith : next, joshuawanted to show us his mission in the country, where he was rehabilitating ex-child soldiers. shane smith : and are there area lot of people who fought

during the war that can'tget rid of the violence? joshua blahyi: it's very hard. shane smith: very hard. joshua blahyi: it takes timeto get rid of the violence. how did you get ridof the violence? shane smith : ok. joshua blahyi: come,you can look at-- come, come and see. shane smith: nobodybrought bug juice.

[laughing] shane smith: no, no, no, no. it's ok. well, i don't mindgetting wet. shane smith : about a millionpeople in africa die every year from malaria, and malariathrives in swamps exactly like this. shane smith: it's very sploochlyon my moochly. thanks.

good. male speaker: hello. shane smith: this is whatall fear stems from. so these were some of theboys that you fought with before, or no? so is that why your nicknamewas general butt naked? shane smith: so youkilled the child-- shane smith: --and thenyou drank the blood? shane smith : now why wouldyou fight naked?

[men singing] shane smith: this is his missionthat they're building. they're singing now. male speakers :[speaking foreign language] joshua blahyi : welcometo our home. shane smith : thank you. shane smith: so you foughtfor charles taylor and-- shane smith: johnson. so you were enemies before?

joshua blahyi : yeah,we're enemies. shane smith : whereare we right now? shane smith: cemetery. shane smith: so this is thecemetery where, after the war, there was nowhere to live, sothe people would come in, empty out the graves, andlive in the graves. maybe up to about 4,000 peoplelived in the graves. shane smith: it's avery heavy vibe. empty graves everywhere.

[music playing] shane smith: we were just atlunch, we were talking about-- we ordered some ribs, and yousaid, "no, i don't like to eat--" joshua blahyi: flesh. shane smith: "--flesh." and isaid, "why don't you like to eat flesh?" and you told me thestory about coming back from nigeria. could you tell us that story?

shane smith: you wereeating human flesh? shane smith : whatwould you eat? joshua blahyi : yeah. ok. shane smith: we're talkingabout eating human flesh in a graveyard. it's a bit weird. so we can go. [joshua blahyi singing]

preacher : in jesus'father name! congregation : amen! [applause] preacher : let it be donein jesus' name. congregation : amen. preacher : in jesus'mighty name. preacher: god bless you. put your hands togetherfor jesus. preacher: hallelujah.

hallelujah. god bless you. amen. [music playing, singing] shane smith : liberia, on theone hand, has more crime and poverty and rapeand cannibalism than you've ever seen. but on the other, it's also gota church on every street corner, every car has areligious slogan, they have

huge revivals with tens ofthousands of worshipers. it's some sort of weirdheaven-and-hell scenario. [cheering] female speaker :[speaking foreign language] shane smith : while hanging outwith joshua, i started to get a bit of stockholm syndrome,because he's charming, the churchesare nice, there's not as much danger. and i started to like him.

shane smith : but as he waspreaching, i thought to myself, this guy has killed tensof thousands of people. in fact, he's probably killedthe relatives of the people in the church worshippingand adoring him now. and i'm thinking to myself,what the fuck is going on? female speaker : hallelujah! female speakers : amen! shane smith: i just want to saythank you for having me in your church.

praise god. and i'd like to say thank youto joshua blahyi for all the good work he's doing. hopefully, we can help, andhopefully, we can show what we're doing here in liberia,what you're doing in liberia, and we can help make it betterand bring more awareness to what's happened here. joshua blahyi: amen. shane smith : i have to admitthat when joshua handed me the

mic, i had no idea whati was saying. at that point in the trip, ifelt like i was on acid. joshua blahyi: [singing] i worship you becauseof who you are. shane smith : and as i sat andlistened to joshua preach, i thought about the fact that theun is leaving in less than a year, and rambo had toldus that the generals are ready to fight. they have the soldiers, theyhave the guns, and they're

living in abject poverty. and i wondered if that happened,would joshua stay with god, or would he return tobeing general butt naked? joshua blahyi: somebodyshout "glory!" congregation : glory! joshua blahyi: let us pray.

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