Thursday, January 26, 2017

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How To Flashing bedove x8e

the i'm here at cross connection this holidayseason that we're asking the question why christmas and in response that we'regoing through a number of passages in scripture to consider what's the point this holiday a lot ofpeople have heard the saying jesus is the reason for the season lotof people recognize that we're celebrating christmas work remembering and memorializing the firstthe price but what was the point is

coming what was the reason that he came why is this holiday even needed why is it that he would need to come sothat's what we're answers we look at the scriptures this week and over the nextseveral weeks here at cross connection hope you tune inwith us as we open our bibles they were in the book of genesis if youhave a bible open the genesis chapter one that's where we study got less but why why do we celebrate christmas

what is the point love this holiday is it unity your presence or shoppingand you have that little card debt well we've been handing out the whitechristmas card and there's all kinds a different reasons that people have forwhy they celebrated its fun there's a tradition that some people that we'reinterviewing the other day said well because we're americans ii with severalpeople that said well we're americans that's what we do and you know it for a lot of peoplethat's that's exactly what it is that's what we do is just a cultural thing thatwe do there are a lot of different

reasons as to why people celebrate this holiday we went out on black friday myself in dave taught our our video guy and hiswife and we went to one other stores were people were doing all theirshopping and just started to ask people questions in you know before we are now i told mywife we're going to do and i said when the questions you can ask is yourfavorite christmas song and we'll ask them if they'll sing and she said noone's gonna sing it we only had one

person not saying the song everybody that we asked theyalways would come up with something that starts saying it people walking by goinglike putting the world these people do it and you know it was really funny cuza lot of people they would see us with the camera the microphone asking peopleif they talk with us they pretend what talk on their cellphones that work for point anything to do with you right it was kinda fun but a in ourculture it it most definitely is the biggestholiday that people celebrate every

single year in this place in our culture undoubtedly but why christmas what's the point why celebrate even though it has becomeso cliche that even non churchgoers non-christians know thesay's saying jesus is the reason for the what you know it used to be that if you'redriving east on highway 78 right over buy nor shallthere is a business over there used to put that up every year at around thatsees a sign that said jesus is the

reason for the season a lot of peoplewho don't go to church have never gone to church are notinterested in the things i've got they know that say it but you know when you startto ask them what exactly does that mean what is thepoint of christmas people be walking by and we asked them are you doing anychristmas shopping today we know that most everybody that was outon black friday that's what they're doing so they say yeah we're doing christmas shopping so so youcelebrate christmas

yes why you may just gonna well be cuts what what's the pointer what's thereason for celebrating this holiday and even if people know jesus isthe reason for the season they may not fully understand what thatmeans in reality that's just not the caseanymore in our nation there are a lot of other reasons that people celebrate thistime a year that have nothing to do with the bible have nothing to do with christ havenothing to do with

what we'd call the advent a lot ofpeople don't even know what advent is there by an advent calendar justbecause they get a little tiny pieces cheap chocolate in it every single day but other thanthat there's no real rhyme or reason to the season why do we do it our culturehas lots of different reasons and there aresome politically correct pop culture influencers in our day thatare saying that we should no longer say to people merry christmas because it's tooexclusive and so instead we should say

happy holidays and we've seen kind offight back against that over the last several years because summer the different retailestablishments took down any reference to christmas you know and some municipalities peoplehave successfully petitioned their city there there government toremove any sort of public reference to christmas get rid ofnativity scenes even get rid of christmas trees trying just make it a winter holiday

you know there are a number oforganizations now that don't even call it christmas break when people aregetting time off a schooler time off from work instead it's now the winter holiday andso we want to try and whitewash christmas make it truly awhite well we can't call a christmas let'sjust call a white winter see you know time a year season we don't really wanna call it christmascuz that might just offend someone well why christmas that's whatwe want to answer here over the next

several weeks is we're going through theseries here at the church and if we wanna begin to answer thatquestion and i'd believe that we need to begin at thebeginning so would you open your bibles to the book and genesis genesis chapterone it's the first book in your bible if you don't have a bible you can raiseyour hand and whenever rushers will bring you in genesis chapter one iswhere we're gonna be first book first chapter and first verse genesis 1:1 you probably don't even need open yourbible for this

in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth in the beginning god created the heavensand the earth there so much that we learn here in this verse just these first fewwords first we learn that there is a beginningto everything even modern science tells us that thatis true although they may have differentconclusions as to what that beginning is they agree that there was a beginning toeverything

that is the bible confirms that thebible has said that for 1000 the years in science has only come to realize that in thelast fifty to a hundred years that their is definitely a beginning to everything but in thebeginning god god is before the beginning he is beforeall things the scriptures show and we read that he is creative in thebeginning god created the heavens and the earth and everythingthat is contained everything seen in nc now want to skip everything elsein chapter one and just look at verse 31

genesis 1 31 and then got saw everything that he hadmade and indeed it was very what indeed it was very good in the beginning godcreated the heavens and the earth and god looks upon he beheld everythingthat he had created and indeed it was very good would you pray with me father we ask aswe now look at your word the uid third speak to our hearts through youwere done by your spirit give us insight

give us understanding that we would know what really is thepoint what motivates our celebration during this time a year the word to be able to see through allthe things that can be distractions and to be able to recognize the point got speak to us we pray we askthis in jesus name in all god's people agreed saying a mare these are the words that godshows to begin his revelation to mankind in the beginning god created

the heavens and the earth and he lookedupon everything that he had made and indeed it was very very good god is an artistic creator god loves a statics he loves things that look good you knowwe as we find here in these openingchapters the book at genesis are created in his image in so we alsoare a static beings we love the way things look wetry to make things look good and inviting we like that because godlikes that you know none

up his other creatures that he createdour aesthetic beans they got don't go around painting their living spaces in theirenvironment they don't go around remodeling any of their environment now we're the ones we build zoos and stuffto do that for them but really they don't much care but we created in god's image we do whybecause he is an artistic creator he loves the way things look he createsbeautiful things i mean

if you ever have time to travel aroundthe world and see something amazing and beautiful wonders the god has created and we're gonna recognize here in theseopening chapters the book of genesis that this is even not as good as it once was and yet it still beautiful still awesomestill wonderful so he created things to be good inpleasanton fact that's exactly what the scriptures tell us here in genesischapter 1 got seven times says it is good

on each day of creation he looks uponwhat he had made in said it is good on the third day of creation twice he says it is good and then there at the very end a genesischapter 1 verse 31 we read it is very good that means it'spleasant it's right x excellent it's abundantly good and god made it to be that way the scriptures reveal here in thispassage that god is a gift giving god which will be considering over the next

three weeks as we approach christmashe's a gift giving got and that is seen and how hemakes things and why he makes things and he he gives these things to man here in this passage he made good andpleasant trees to grow in a garden that he created that he made all those things were not only good tolook upon genesis chapter one says all the trees the maid work werepleasant to the eyes but they are also good for food and so he made them to look good he madethem to taste good

appealing to the senses that he createdin us his creation and so he made them pleasant to the eyesgood for food and then he gave those to man whom hehad formed look at genesis chapter 2 genesis chapter to it for sixteen god creates a garden he gives thisgarden two-man as a gift because he's a giftgiving god genesis chapter two verse 16 says the lord god commanded man saying

i've every tree up the garden you mayfreely eat that says here that they're a giftfor you i made them for you their pleasant to the eyes the good forfood and i give it to you all these trees inthe garden you may freely eat but then you already know because many if you'veread this passage description before for seventeen goes on to say but the tree of the knowledge of goodand evil you shall not used for the day that you read that you shall surely what die

got as a gift giving got he createdeverything seen and unseen he creates this marvelous garden in the midst of hiscreation he gives it to man whom he had formed out of the dust to the ground he says i've given you this guard andi've given you all these trees that are pleasant to the eyes and good for food for you to freely eat: but there's oneof them that you're not see eat up because in the day the uaw shallsurely die there was something about this tree the tree of knowledge of goodand evil

that made it off limits to adam at thispoint i'm and got because he's a good guy becausehe's a gift giving god he says don't have that because that will devastate you day the uaw surelydie something will happen if you partakealways very good for man in god's garden but then inchapter two verse 18 we have the first negative up thiswhole passage look at genesis chapter two verse eighteen and the lord god said it is not good

gender line those words not good in thebible it is not good that man should be alone and all the guys say a man is not good that men should beallowed here the gift giving god he creates he creates everything seen and unseen init is good it is good it is good it is very good and then he takes and makes a garden andthen he gives that guard into man whom he had formed a duster the graph

he says it's for you i give it to you asa gift pleasant to look upon good to eat it'syours and then got be holds this creationbecause he knows all things he knows that there is something that's not goodnow these words it was not good it's it'snot that it was evil it's just incomplete gabi holds when he is made and he saysthere's an incompleteness and the incompleteness was that therewas no helper found look at the end a verse

18 there was no help for found it wascompare bill to man so god said i will make for him another gift i'm gonna make him a helper compare billto him this helped make this help for the godshows to form here in this passage that the gift giving god chooses to give toman it is given to him to be come parable oreven compatible to him to complete him and all the women in thechurch say amen

lorgat said it's not good man should bealone i'll make a man helper compare bill to notice this look at firstnineteen this is awesome the way that god reveals to adam that there is an incompleteness at this point i'm adamdoesn't recognize it got going to show to adam that there's something missing so thatadams sees as god sees got knew that there is something thatthere is missing that there wasn't incompleteness but adam doesn't quite

recognize that yes god leading him tothis deduction to this understanding first nineteen at the ground the lord god formed everybeast at the field in every bird of the air now he brings them to adam the giftgiving god brings all these animals to adam to see what adam would call them andwhatever adam called them each living creature that was its name so god brings all these animals that hehad already created any passes them by

adam he's he's showing him he's leading them tothe place for animal recognize there's something missing it's a got passes by him this animal onhe kinda looks at the ghost yeah that's a hippopotamus okay s will recall it passes another oneeagle well yeah jurassic yep that's it draft another one platypus just keep keep going haha %uh hahawhatever was and that's what we're told here in thisclass is god gives to dismantle

opportunity to give names to each of these animals butthere's something that he's seeing as they pass by lion and lioness is seeing cow and bullhe's seen part and counterpart but notice we read first 20 and so adam gave names to allthe cattle the birds the year and every beast to the field but for adam there was not found a helperwhat

compare ble compatible to him at the university teen got said i willmake him a helper compatible compatible to him but now he passes by every animal every have god's everyone togod's creatures in adam did not find one that was comparebill are compatible to him and so god knew that there was an incompletethis but now adam recognizes that there is also an incomplete missus all theanimals the field all the birds the air they all passed byhim and he's able to see

this one as a part and a counterpartpart in counterpart but there is no one compatible to me the only thing that could comeclose would have had a whole buncha here if adam have chosen zone he would'vechosen ape now one min good was like a lucy are you doing right so god's answer verse 21 lord god caused a deep sleep to fall onadam any slapped he took one is rips be closed up theflesh in its place then the rear which the lord god hadtaken from man he made

into woman and noticed this he rock her to man the gift-giving got after all the wonderful gifts that hehas made this crater this great guard in all these trees thatare pleasant to the eyes and good for food that he gave him and now he bringsthe most magnificent gift right number with the proverbs say proverbschapter 18 verse 22 you finds a wife finds a good thing itobtains favor from the lord he receives a great gift from the lordand so god brings this individual made from man taken

out as man from one god made to for the purpose of joining them onceagain as one it brings her two men i remember got it made all the creatures passedbefore adam in every single one that he said well that's giraffe thats what its name would be sogod brings this one to him because wall home air and so the o'connor woman ok it isprobably not quite the way it works in english it doesn't in hebrewwhich this was hebrew

and so then the gift giving god createsand brings this woman to man as a gift a precious giftgiven to him any places them in this wonderful gardenfull bountiful blessing god's goodness is graciousness areclearly seen here in this passage god is revealedfrom the opening verses in the bible to be 8 gift-giving got but then in chapter three something newis introduced a question a question concerning thegoodness of god

the genesis chapter 3 if you would read it first one now the serpent serpent was more coming that any peace to the field which thelord god had made any he said to the woman has got indeed said you shall not you have every tree at thegarden this one this being this serpent here atthis point now comes in introduces a question about the goodness in the provisionalthe gift-giving got

you see to this point man and woman adam and eve they had a recognition thatgod provided everything that they had need a he hadprovided a home the garden he had provided foodfrom those trees in the garden he had provided take part andcounterpart for them helper compared with one another they knew that he was the one whosupplied their every need to this point and now the serpent comes in introducesa question is god really giving you everything thatyou need

is he really making good on that promisea provision has got indeed said you shall not eat every tree in the gardenin the woman said to the serpent we may eat at the free to the trees inthe garden that's exactly what god had told adam they're back in chapter 2 versus 16 and17 of all the trees in the garden you mayfreely it's for you and she says right there we may eat atthe fruit of the trees in the garden but for seventeen said there's one tree in the midst gardenyou're not too eat enough

now it's my opinion and that speculationit's not clearly stated in the scriptures but it is my belief that that tree the tree of the knowledgeof good and evil god would ultimately lead them to a point wherethey would be ready to partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evilbut at this point i'm it was off limits wasn't the right time so the woman responded we made a friedthrough the trees in the garden but burst three of the fruit of the treewhich is in the midst of the garden dogs said you shall not eat itabsolutely right but

we don't know why i may be in her zealin her passion maybe it was the z love her husband adamnow she has in addition to what god had said back there inchapter 2 for 17 you shell not be dove it nor shall you touch it lest you die now course god did not say that howeveryou know why else would you touch it unlessyou're going to eat it any word seems logical we shall not eatit so you might as well not touch it eitherbecause if your gonna touch it your

you're probably touching it for thepurposes eating itself her addition just seemsplausible it seems logical it wasn't exactly what god said but itseemed to fit so you shall not eat in or show youtouch it lest you dine in the serpent seeing apparently an opening he says you shall not surely die but then noticedthis introducing more question into the heartlove eve for god knows that in the day that youneed to make your i is will be open and you will be worth

you to be like him my car god knows that when you take love thatin you partake up that then your eyes will be openwhich is slightly true and you're gonna be like god in thisknowing good and evil what is the enemy basically introducing to this woman here at this point i'mthis spot this question that god with his command is holding me back

i suggest you did a lot of false intotemptation and sin have come as a result of that question got is holding me back he's keeping meback from something from something good for god knows that and a vieweither your eyes to be open you be like god knowing good and evil so noticed this for six when the woman saw that the tree was good for food that it was pleasant to the eye s notthe interesting thing is the scriptures tell us the every tree in the gardenthat god had made

was pleasant to the eyes and good forfood even the tree of the knowledge of they or all pleasant to the eyes andgood for food so there's not a single tree in thegarden that is not pleasant to the eyes and good for food and sushi be holds it like all the othertrees it seems to be no different than all the other trees it's good to the ice it's pleasant forfood is it's perfect is just right but there's something more that now thistree seems to have that the other trees don't have that now the serpent hasintroduced look at this

and that the tree was desirable to makeone why there's an interesting equation going onhere the apostle john in the new testament inhis first letter he tells us all that is in the world is the lusterthe flash the luster the eyes and the pride oflife all that is in the world is the last tothe flesh the lust in the eyes and the pride of life knows you study through the scripturesyou find that that equation

is repeated time and time again in thescriptures the luster the flash the luster the eyesand the pride of life we see it for the first time here when the woman saw first six thatthe tree was good for food the last the flash that it was pleasant to the eyes theluster the eyes that it was desirable to make one wise the pride of life thisequation up temptation now draws her in and leadsher to this conclusion in verse 6 when she saw it she took

up its fruit and she eight and she also gave as a gift to her husband and he ate also becausehe is smart has been he ate whatever she put before him it's so now they've done my god said notto do you shall not eat of the tree in themidst the garden the tree of the knowledge you gon able for the day thatyou read it you shall surely die so she took a bit because she saw that was good forfood

pleasant to the eyes and desirable makeone wise and the a she took what was not hers andshe gave it also to her husband and he a for seven then the eisa both them where what now what did the serpent's say he is setin verse 5 god knows that in the day you need toget your eyes will be open and so he's speaking somewhat truth

their eyes rope but what were their eyesopen to behold they were opened and they knew they had a new knowledge just as the enemy had said your eyeswill be open and you will know something that you don't yet know seethe very last versa chapter 2 says and day adam and eve were both naked the man and hiswife and they were not a shame they had nosense no understanding no knowledge a shame but now all the sudden we seehere and verse 7 their eyes were opened in chapter threethey knew that they were naked

that which they did not know that whichthey did not have shame about inverse 25 now they know and they have shame and they sewed fig leaves and they madethemselves coverings now they're trying because their shame to cover up theirnakedness their eyes were open in a newsomething's wrong and then they heard the sound of thelord god walking in the garden in the cool of the day and adam and his wifedid what day hid themselves from the presence ofthe lord god among the trees the car all of a sudden innocence was lost

shame and fear interred in their eyeswere open their knowledge that they did not havepreviously and their insight only lead to shame in fear shame so muchso that they try to cover their shame fear that they try to hide from ga sought to hide their nakedness theysought to hide from god verse 9 genesis three then the lord god calledadam and said to him where are you adam where are you so he said i heard your voice in thegarden and i was

afraid because i was make ashamed so i hid myself and god said who told you that you werenaked have you eaten from the tree which icommanded that you should not eat and then like so many of us adam did exactly whatyou and i probably would have done the man said yet a woman better the gave me it's a it's a funny thinggot you know you i was just sitting here minding my ownbusiness and she brought me this plate a

food is that here he tyson okay i canargue with you about that the woman that you gave me you see ifyou actually look at it behind what he's saying it'svery clear that he's accusing gotta being the one that did this god at fault he says got it'sthe woman that you gave me the implication is had you not have given her to me wewouldn't be in this mess the woman that you gave me the womanthat you gave to me she gave to me and i did eat

so god it's your fault gone burst 13turn to even the lord god said to the woman whatis this that you have done the woman said the serpent he deceivedme and i ate she blames the serpent but her blame laying upon a certain iscompletely legitimate the serpent did deceive even she did you eat as a resultbut that deception and then following this year in verse 13the remainder chapter 3 after this fall is now it curse that falls upon theserpent and then upon the woman and then upon the man and then upon allof creation

here in genesis chapter 3 the mostdevastating blow to god's creation that ever could come that's cnn now enters ensign histransgression against law god's commandment he had commanded donot eat of the tree the knowledge a good and evil now he commanded that they not eat a bitnot because he's dumb got training withhold good for them but he's tryingto keep them back from that which is back you see when they ate a bit it was notnecessarily his punishment that their

eyes were open to be held their neckwith nakedness it's just the result of that tree andthat fruit now course in our culture say it's an apple the bible to say that we don't know that at all some fruit waspleasant to the eyes look good for food in the serpent saidwow its can open your eyes is desirable tomake you and so this curse falls upon the serpentupon the woman upon adam man upon the garden upon allcreation why do we need christmas the firstanswer to that question is because the

world is broken the world is broken you know the great 20th centuryphilosopher bob dylan he knew this rhoda hit song everything is broken may relaxhoney understood everything's broken there's arecognition even those people who are not clearly directly following god on adaily basis there's none dir standing

something's not right but this creation that pic the good giftgiving god created very good genesis wonders 31 nowit's broken it's broken white christmas because the world isbroke you see without this is a basis withoutthis is a foundation there's a lack of clarity a lack ofunderstanding as to why christmas was necessary sure people cansay jesus is the reason for the season but what's the point is advent what'sthe point is coming

but why did he even come if you don'tunderstand this you cannot understand the answer to the question why christmas because the world is broken cookies bells presence lights candles ornaments decorationstrees reads carols eggnog snowmen gingerbread chestnuts you go down thelist of all these things in reality none of these things is badin another cell now i know and it's probably a goodquestion the answer here at the outset

the series i know there are some people within thechurch and when i talk about the church and not necessarily talk about districti'm talking about the church globally there are some people in thelarger body of christ to say christians should not celebratechristmas the sick come on we know that it'shighly unlikely i agree it's highly unlikely that jesus was born on december 25th howmany viewers okay we we got to highly unlikely

yes we know that originally this holiday that is now been used to celebrate the coming of jesus originally it was a pagan holy day it was celebrating the winter solstice and yes i know there are some treesassociates a pagan holiday we cannot celebrate christmas cuz they're celebrating the sauce test i'veonly met a couple people in my life who are genuinely celebrating thesolstice and they always wear

hemp clothing and smell really funny i don't know anyone normal who'scelebrating the winter solstice so there are some christians say wegotta take the approach to the puritans and no christmas rejected because itsungodly as a pagan holiday so they've rejected we just can't doanything with it now are openly confessed myself leadership at this church we don't takethat approach there's different ways that we canapproach the cultural things that are

happening in our world we can reject it seitz ungodly one nothing to do it withit we can receive it and say you know it's okay we receive it or wecan redeem it and say you know it may have gone bad in thisarea in that area but we see an opportunity we recognize a redemptive opportunity inchris white christmas because the world isbroken yes all these things cookies and bellsand candles and ornaments and decorations in reason eggnog and allthis sort of stuff that's associated

more with winter than anything in the bible there'snothing in the bible the talks about reindeer especially ones with red noses they canfly nothing you not gonna find a verse about that one nothing in the bible that you're gonnafind anything about elves or anything about santa claus came much later nothing in thescriptures about those things enough themselves though those thingsare not necessarily

bad in fact many of those things can beenjoyable things wonderful things i don't know about youbut i love this time a year it to me it's the most wonderful time ofthe year no i'm not gonna sing the song so wonderful time i you i love you singand later mom the problem is that these things can and i would say do often become a distraction from what the realpoint yes you know the marketing in to tease of our nationknow that these things are very good

routes who high profits and so they have emphasizedthat these things in there shopping centersnear retail establishments because altman the they're looking to make moneyand they make a lot of money often this season one of the reasons the black friday iscalled black friday although it wasn't the original reason but one other reason is that many retailestablishments operate in the red until that day may make

all their profits as they come into thisholiday season which normally happens for less than a month an amazing thing and so those thingsthat are happening and let me tell you david i when we're out at the shop intoyour day we saw a lot of people who had no christmas cheer whatsoever they were not happy in one lady shewanted to tell me how unhappy she was and she wanted me to let the managementto the store know how unhappy she was nice that'll work here i'm just a guy with a microphone

but she thought i have an opportunitytell you mad i am much the same amps black friday i don't know if you reallywant to shop for things on this day is going crazy those things can be a distraction andmany people are seduced by those distractions but it's an opportunity church there's a redemptive opportunity whybecause the overwhelming majority of the people in our culture are celebrating

this holiday that even though they'repolitically correct influences in our world are trying to remove the ideacrist mass christ mass from the holiday there are a majority of people in ournation that are celebrating this although they may not have any idea anyclue whatsoever as to what it actually is about or why christ came and the first answer the question isbecause the world is broke lot of people have an innate an innateunderstanding

that there's something not right butthey don't know why and they don't know the cure we know why and we know the answer so maybe that wetake advantage up this period a time not just this yearbut every year and we use it for what it really ought to be four revealing who jesus is and white jesus k and as we're gonna see next week we'regonna start where we left off here in genesis chapter 3 because here ingenesis chapter 3 the

gift-giving got reveals a gift its packaged and ready to be given inthis passage asr go next would stand with me as theclosing prayer father is as we stand here today but i recognize i hope that my brothers sisters here do as well thatthis world is broken third i recognize that it's easy for me to be distracted from the real point in the reason forthis season it's easy for me to lose sight

up the y about why you came lord i pray that you would stir my heartgive me an opportunity this week in this month to be able to share that realitywith people that come in contact with friends neighbors family members whodon't know you lord we thank you that although theworld is broken you have an answer for the brokenness or help us to recognize it helps to seeit third stir our hearts to resound with joy during this season even the midst ofall this stress that can happen even in the midst of all the craziness that goeson that we would be filled with joy your

joy and that it would be contagious in jesusname a min today

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