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How To Flashing ambrane a7
hi, i'm tony northrup and for chapters 3 and 6 of my book i want to tell you about using a remote flash. by taking yourexternal flash off camera you can get studio lighting effects on the cheap. so you'll need a little bit of extraequipment, the cheapest way to get into it is to use what they call an off-camera shoe cord. these shoe cords aren't expensive at all,but they have a limited reach and if you get a longer cord there's a good chancesomebody is going to trip over it. for that reason this type of cord isprimarily used by wedding photographers who happen to use a bracket to allowthem to move the flash from horizontal
to vertical positions. a better solutionis to get a wireless shutter trigger. these triggers from cowboystudio willonly cost you about thirty dollars. you connect one to the flash and one to yourcamera and any time you push the shutter the flashwill fire. these cheap versions are a little bit limited though. first, they're not completely reliable,they'll flake out sometimes and they might even break on you. so they're not goodfor professional use but that might be okay for amateur use. second, theydon't communicate all the, what they call the ettl information, from the flash tothe camera.
so your camera might not be able to autoexpose your flash correctly. that means you'll need to manually adjust the flashup and down. if you're comfortable doing that it's actually a great way to learnand it's something i prefer anyway. if you have a little bit more in yourbudget you can upgrade to a pocketwizard system. pocketwizard is the system that i useand the system will cost you about 450 maybe 500 bucks for both the transmitterand the receiver. however, they're completely reliable andthey work just great. so, to demonstrate how you can use off camera flash, i'm going to start bytaking a picture of chelsea there
without any flash. note that i'm using aremote shutter trigger which allows me to trigger my camera without actuallystanding next to it. this will allow me to move around withthe flash. this system only costs about thirty dollars, you can get an off-brandfor that and i've had great luck with it. so i'll fire that first picture. that'swithout any flash at all, not a bad effect. now we'll try it with anon-camera flash. the on-camera flash look isn't bad but it's really common and it's very flat. it adds a catch light to the eyes but italso hides a lot of the detail in the face and doesn't bring out, say, thecheekbones in a portrait.
you can make that much better by takingyour flash off camera. the first thing i'll do is i'll take apicture with chelsea and i'll hold the flash just a little bit higher than itwould normally be so you can see the difference. i think that's already a much morepleasing effect. but as long as you've got the flash off camera you can walkanywhere with it and check out the difference between side lighting, backlighting, or any other type of lighting that you want. i'll walk around now andtake a few different pictures so you can see the variety of different effectsthat are available. you can see the wide variety of effects just bymoving the light to different places
around the model. i want to show you one more trick. we'll move to a wider angle shot of chelsea and i'll show you that you canremove yourself from the photo. so this allows you to stand closer to the modelmaking the light brighter and a little bit softer by adding those two layers inphotoshop later we'll be able to remove you or your light stand from the picture. so, first a shot without me in the picture.now i will move into the frame so i can light chelsea directly with the flash. by using multiple exposures we can add those two pictures as layers intophotoshop. then, using the eraser tool i
can simply erase myself from the picture. it's an old photographers trick, it actually happened in the film days using multipleexposures. this was for chapters three and six inmy book stunning digital photography. if you liked it please click subscribeabove so you can see new videos that i make and click like down below. check out my facebook page tony northrup photography and remember when you want to take portraits don't just take it, make it.
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