Wednesday, January 25, 2017

How To Flashing ambrane ac770 plus

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Further to the following stage :
1. Duplicate the document to Sd Card
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How To Flashing ambrane ac770 plus

hey you guys, what's up. it's another command linehere and today i'm going to show you how toencrypt your phone. specifically the samsung galaxy s4. i'm doing this on kitkat and it should work on any phone as isaid. i have no idea why that's not showing up. off topic. so yeah, often what samsung says is once you encrypt your phone you can't decrypt it. or at least that's what it says when you read the encryption message. but that's not true actually. so what i'm going to be doing is

part 1 of the video is just going to be me encrypting my phone and part 2 is going to be me decrypting my phone. i can't be filming while i am encrypting or decrypting my phone because it's booted into whatever mode you call it. so i'm just gonna show you how to get toit and encrypt it. i will encrypt it, it will just be off camera. so first you are going to come to settings and if you're on the s4 or the s3 and you're running 4.2.2 or 4.3 or later if you're on the s3 and 4.2.2 or later if you're on the s4. you're going to come down

or go over to 'more' and then you are going to go to 'security'. and you are going to hit 'encrypt device'. you can do encrypt external sd card, but that's not what i'm going to be covering. so encrypt device. basically for this you are going to need to have your battery over 80% and be plugged into a power source. i'm plugged into my computer so i can record this, but i'm guessing you guys will be plugged into your wall. so once you do that you're going to go ahead and hit encrypt device and it's going to ask for your password.

so i'm going to come back because this is my old password and i'd rather not have you guys see that. so i'm going to do that and i'll be right back. now, i can continue the video. so right here it is asking you 'are you sure you want to encrypt your device? it's irreversible.' this is the thing i'm talking about. it's not irreversible. once you encrypt it it gives you the option to decrypt your device. so it's not a big deal, but it is a big deal if you interrupt it as it will cause you to lose data. i mean i've never done it, but i know for a fact it will.

it shouldn't take too long. i've done this with a nearly full phone. i'd say probably, i don't know, probably 80% or 90% full and it only took 30 minutes. so it won't take an hour. you can either select fast encryption or not. i would not toggle it, but if you choose to that's up to you. so, this is going to go ahead and encrypt my device and i'm going to probably be back when it's

done. hey you guys, so i'm back. the encryption finished and when you booted it up, it should have requested a password. you guys may have noticedthat. now, if you typed in the wrong password you may have seen that it's like 'well, if you do it nine more times we're gonna factory reset your device.' (not exactly what it said) so if you're worried about that, i wouldn't be because if you think about it if someone wanted to ruin your phone or it isn't really ruining it; but factory reset your phone,

they would just do it in recovery. so i wouldn't sweat it. so now let's say you're encrypted and you may have noticed something like slowness or you don't the fact that your phone could be factory reset if you mess up 10 times. or you just don't want to be encrypted any more. what you're going to do is you're going to go back to settings. let me go ahead here and clear my notifications. go back to security and now you're going to notice it says 'decrypt device'. so now if you hit that, it's talking about how it's going to decrypt your device. so now you're going to hit 'decrypt',

and you can type in your password again. and that's going to decrypt your device. now i'm not going to do it, because iencrypted my device on purpose and i figured why not make a video on it while i'm doing it. but if you do, that's how you do it. and i know it works because i've done it multipletimes. i had to do when i updated my phone. that's another thing, if you're going to update your phone don't do it while you encrypted. it's a very, very bad idea. so make sure you decrypt your device before you go ahead and update it. but yeah, that's basically the video on

encrypting and decrypting your phone. but yeah, i hope you have a nice day and thanks for watching.

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