Monday, April 17, 2017

How To Flashing zopo zp950

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Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:

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How To Flashing zopo zp950

today i’m going to show you how to replacethe back camera glass on your samsung note 5. this is the same process for the galaxys6, the 6 edge and 6 edge plus. basically any phone with a glass back from samsung.first thing, turn your phone off. you can see our cracked camera lens there. i’m goingto use lenses from bonafide hardware. they are glass lenses. i bought two just to makesure. they also have the adhesive already installed on the back. double checking tomake sure the lens is glass taking my cutters and snipping into the glass. you can see theglass shards fall away from the lens. there are a lot of counterfeit sellers out theremaking plastic lenses. lenses that you can fold in half with your hands. significantlyless quality than the glass lenses; much less

clear. so make sure that you do have a glasslens. now before we remove the broken glass, let me show you what optical image stabilizationlooks like. the most important part of this whole process is making sure that you don’tget any glass shards or dust down inside of the phone itself. there are three places thatyou want to avoid getting glass: around the edges, on the lens itself, and in these littlecracks. any glass shards will stop the image from stabilizing and the lens from focusing.the glass lens itself will make your images blurry, but if there are glass shards downinside of the camera mechanism itself, your camera will stop functioning cuz there arelittle bits down inside of there. to remove the lens it’s pretty self explanatory. we’rejust going to take my razor blade and tweezers

and remove the glass. you want to do thiswith as big of shards as possible. i did manage to get a lot of dust and shards down insideof there. you want to avoid this if at all possible. the more dust you get down insideof there, the more you risk your lens not focusing when you’re done. also make surethat every single glass shard and glue is off the little metal frame as well. i’mgoing to pull out my new lens, remove the plastic protection off the back and the front.sometimes they ship without the plastic protection. not a big deal. just make sure your lens isclean on sides, the front and the back. i’m going to remove the protection for the adhesive.and you can see here that the lens is just a little bit dirty. i’m going to take acloth and just kind of rub off the dirt. make

sure you don’t use tissues or paper towelsfor this because those do have fibers in there that will scratch the glass. now that thelens is clean i can twist it around and plop it down into place in the metal housing makingsure that there is no glue or glass shards in the housing itself, cuz if there is, thatlittle raised point will crack the glass when you press it down into place. so make surethat’s completely smooth inside of the housing before you push the glass down. and be gentlewith it because, you know, it is glass. and there we go. it’s installed. it’s a prettysimple process. you can see here that it focuses pretty well on my business card, as well asnear and far distances. if you have any questions, leave them down in the comments. and don’tforget to “like” if this video helped

you. and subscribe, it does help me out alot. thanks for watching! hope to see you around.

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