Thursday, March 9, 2017

How To Flashing maximus max908i

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How To Flashing maximus max908i

• from why yawns are contagious to how peoplefirst talked to each other without language, we answer these and other life mysteries• hello there, my name is shima, i'll be reading out the questions and answers• i'm danger dolan and i'm here to blow your mind with truth10 – jozen_frozen_frost asks, why do we have two legs, two eyes, and two ears? ,• actually for the longest time the human race was hopping around on one foot with oneeye, one arm and one ear – but it was really hard to do just about anything, so one daysome guy stood up and said “you know what? know what? this sucks” and so we all sproutedmore limbs overnight, this day would come to be known as good friday, because… itturned out good

• having two eyes allows for depth perception,the ability to judge the distance to objects. having two ears lets us better figure outthe direction of a sound, like a train's whistle or a twig snapping. having two legs and beingable to run upright is an energy-saving trait passed on from our evolutionary ancestors.9 – scriptless pony of patreon asks, why are yawns contagious? ,• it has to do with sexual attraction – you know when that dreamy guy rocks up to classand for some awesome reason sits next to you? be careful you don’t give away how you feel,because a yawn is your mouths way of saying “awwwwwww yeh”• some scientists think that “catching” someone's yawn is actually a sign of empathyand social bonding, a way to connect with

others. it's believed that contagious yawningcan actually diffuse stress and spread a feeling of calm throughout a group.• bet you didn’t know that if you yawn when you’re flying it’ll make your earspop • r..really *yawn*• *gasp* she likes me! 8 – what colour is a mirror? ,• mirrors are actually windows on the opposite side of the world where an evil version ofyou lives— *crash* • r.dolan: finally! about time we got outof that bloody mirror. • r. shima: oh! let me tell you about mirrors.(singsong) they're always the colour that they reflect, meaning if you see yourself,they're you coloured! hehe... me colour is

best colour... hehehehe...• *cough* actually a mirror is completely white, but it more prominently reflects anythingthat is comprised of white light and it reflects any colour bounced onto it, which is why it’sblack when there’s no light as darkness is technically a colour7 – levelupone asks, how long would it take to walk around the entire earth on foot? ,• not long at all! you just have to take really, really big steps. in fact, i bet icould get to russia in five minutes. always wanted to visit. time me!• there have actually been a few people who have walked around the entire planet onfoot, and it took them an average of 11 years, but you could potentially do it in less timeif you kept breaks to a minimum

• ðÿñ€ð¸ð²ðµñ‚! (pr'iv'et – prreev-et;informal “hi”) ð³ð´ðµ ñ‚ñƒð°ð»ðµñ‚? (gdye toh-ah-lyet; “where is the bathroom?”)6 – kirillauzums asks, how has life shaped earth—and how has earth shaped life? ,• earth shaped life with thousands of hands out of mud, guck, and toe fungus. it tooka long time and earth messed up a few times, but got it right eventually.• animals made way for a sprawling ecosystem to replace the stagnation of a world withoutlife, and humankind has given rise to agricultural, industrial and technological booms which haveindeed taken a toll on the earth but lead to achievements and potential advancementsnever before witnessed • it lives! … curse your inevitable betrayal!• we see here another such crowning achievement

• *cough*5 - kekrin network™ | daily nightcore uploads asks, what would happen if there were no bugson earth? , • no bugs?! how could you think such a horriblething? if there were no bugs, what would be in the juicy centre of my scorpion lolly?think of the children! (pants and calms down) i suppose spiders will work.• it would start a chain reaction whereby animals that eat insects would starve, andtherefore the animals that eat those animals would run out of food and die – flowerswould also cease from lack of pollination or plant roots would choke without insectstunnelling air pockets into the dirt 4 – panda man asks, how many people diein a day? ,

• no ones actually dies. they just go tosleep and when they wake up, they stumble around since they've been asleep so long.then some jerk comes through with a bat saying something about “zahm-bees.”• over 150,000 people die every day, which is over 100 people per minute, but thankfullywe make up for that with 250 new babies born every minute3 – phantomato asks, how did people first talk to each other without language? ,• like this! (makes blubbering sounds and other weird noises) i just said, “pass methe stinky cheese that looks like your brother.” • speech and language has only been aroundfor an estimated 60-10,000 years with the earliest language experiment conducted inegypt by pharaoh psammetichus i who allegedly

gave a shepherd two newborn children to raisewithout language 2 – elder rentru asks, why are there tonsof religions and not just one? , • (quick, quiet whisper) the voices in myhead tell me to follow them, do what they say, and spread dissent wherever i go. (pause)is that the same? • religions, if you choose to believe inthem, are all paths towards god with sacred texts and messages to guide the way, thougha lot of religions believe they are the one true path, everyone, in their own unique way,are searching for the same thing 1 – d34d p001 asks, would the world be betterwithout humans? • hyu-mans? huge mans? i see no huge mans.i see a dol-man. things must better! so, yes!

• you could point out many ways we drainthe planet of resources and harm it, but the strange thing is nature is adaptable and willsurvive anything, the world will continue in one form or another, the real questionis would the world be better without stupid humans so that the rest of us can enjoy ourtime on earth for the 5 minutes that we’re here• you know what? this place sucks. • don't even have smell-o-vision. the savages!hehehehe... whee! • i think i'm going to be sick...• this never happened. • … agreed.

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