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do not forget there are some additional tips from me:
How To Flashing zen sonic 1
oh, hey look, it's sonic! yo tails, long time no see! hey sonic, check this out! guess what sonic heroes? i've developed the ultimate weapon think you can stop me? (laughs) so what are we gonna do sonic? hah, think i'd miss this?
it's time to crack that eggman wide open! ahh launch face dome been a long time huh? (screams) this time sonic will not get past! me? why am i here?
that didn't happen 15 years ago okay, doing good, doing good lets just go ahead and you know, get some more air i've already got plenty but you know, lets be safe lets just be cautious about this get some more air and then this zone is mine kay, any second now no rush feelin' good
what?! okay, stop screwing around come on come on! oh come on! oh dear come on, i can drive that thing better than you can! shut up! this is a lot harder than it looks
owie hey there knuckles, whats up? what the heck?! what'd you put on my back? ugh i hate you so much right now you think he'll remember that he can glide? guess not whewph
how can a man that fat move f%#$ng fast? okay, he's behind me now i've just got to turn around and hey wait a second why can i only travel in one direction?! yay!
you saved me! why are you looking at me like that? what the attention! doctor robotnik's ship is approaching the station everybody get ready for his arrival uh sir was your mission successful in stealing the master emerald? hmmmm
you mean the hedgehog got in the way again?! no! i let him win this time it's all part of my master plan i see i'm not sure how long our backup power is going to last we'll get the master emerald, in time sir it's ready
excellent now it's time to try out my latest creation what is it? it's my new way of getting around the station more effectively let me show you how it works first you step here then you hey sonic how are you liking the new wrist communicators rotor and i made?
not a half bad job if i say so myself with all the security features rotor and i packed in there we even added this one feature that can uh uh what're, what're you hey sega why don't i have any fur like them? cmon, i'm a hedgehog too aint i? can you do something?
but not like this, damn! you got, a wolf pelt! have you seen a blue hedgehog around here? nope k thanks! this new look is awesome thanks sega oh no and now here's another pointless information moment
starring your host omochao hi! i'm omochao did you know you can go faster by increasing your speed? you can also decrease it by moving slower isn't that interesting? okay, who's idea was it to make this short? i mean come on! this is stupid
killer whales are carnivores killer whale?! where?! tails is best known for stealing cookies from amy's house what? oh would you look at the time! gotta go! give me back my cookies! get back here!
money is a great source of income it's green! this has been another pointless information moment with omochao thank you and goodnight no no no nnno hey! prepare to meet your doom hedgehog
hey guys sonic sonic's coming! oh my god! he's dead! sonic, is dead he's dead thanks greg thanks
now robotniks is gonna kill us but i thought our job was to lets get out of here before the big man shows up who's number one now, huh? who's number one now! who's idea was it to boat race in hot lava?! when a new enemy arises only one can stop them it's sonic, the hedgehog!
all right, lets go! something in your eyes was so inviting something in your smile was so exciting something in my heart told me i must have you tails, damn you! stop kissing that pot and find a real girlfriend sonic?!
can you believe it? what are the chances! i gotta tell someone about this tails! sonic just got killed! by an extra life box! thats hilarious! what, you jerk! this time sonic will be oh, what could that be?
hello? sonic just got killed by a life monitor can you believe it! hey cream yeah, we heard (music) oh, its you amy i need your help! so you need my help do you? after all our cancelled dates due to storybook adventures
telling vector what we were doing that night and after the gay pranks with tails you need my help? yeah you know what, i've had enough of all this crap over the years! you're never going to change! what the hell? hey man, you know sonic is headed the other way right? will you shut up!
right, that's it i'm taking the master emerald somewhere eggman will never find it this frog is the one we want no, here's the real one my frog is the right one note to self replace that elevator all right, lets see here e105, what were you supposed to find?
a frog and what do you have? a bowl of honey snack cereal it has a picture of a frog on it would you like some? nah i'm good would you like some smacks? affirmative lightspeed dash shows
i wanted a frog, not a good fashion design! throw them in the sewers i doubt that will give us any repercussions i planted a bomb on sonic you just have to press this button to kill him tell me, is this a frog with a tail? then what use is it?! i'm surrounded by idiots none of you even got a frog
uhh, there it is! right there! i'm proud of you big but i don't need you all anymore so prepare to be vaporized i love being evil why did i make this?! very funny ha ha ha
i don't know how to thank you for all the laughs at our expense! so now, we're going to have a little fun of our own heheheh oh wait wait wait! we can't end this without a super finale ending! so here you go! there's so many of em! it's sega, what did you expect?
okay, bring it on! did anyone bring a weapon? yeah i have a pencil okay, who's idea was this?
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