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with the flash back on tv, let's take a lookat 10 things you probably didn't know about the scarlet speedster's show. according to the show's casting director davidrapaport, before grant gustin was cast as barry allen on the flash, he auditioned toplay thea queen's boyfriend in the first season of arrow!and andy mientus who brings to life the villainous pied piper in the flash initially read forthe role of the scarlet speedster. oh, and by the way, robbie amell, who playsronnie raymond, one half of firestorm, originally auditioned for oliver queen on arrow, though,of course, that role went to stephen amell, robbie's cousin!
storyboard artist adrien van viersen madeover 400 boards for the flash pilot, compared to only half that number for the arrow pilot.according to van viersen, the flash is the biggest pilot he and director david nutterhave ever worked on together, and bear in mind they've made pilots for shows includingarrow, smallville, and terminator: the sarah connor chronicles.the flash is particularly complex as the stunt and visual effects teams have to combine the“speed force†effects with the live action, and the storyboards are especially usefulfor this. about one-sixth of the flash is computer animated,and in the pilot there were about 200 visual effects.
production designer tyler harron based thelook of the show's particle accelerator set on the large hadron collider, though the setis obviously a lot smaller at just 40 foot by 20 foot.also, the treadmill that barry allen runs on at s.t.a.r. labs was actually built fromscratch for the show and can go up to 16 miles an hour!in an interview at paleyfest, grant gustin said that, at some point in the future, thes.t.a.r. labs treadmill will become the cosmic treadmill which, in the dc comics, barry usedto travel through time. if you've ever wondered just what the metahumanslocked up under s.t.a.r. labs ate, a deleted scene from season one episode 21, grodd lives,revealed the answer!
according to caitlin snow, the weather wizardis a thai food fiend, peak-a-boo just loves enchiladas, and deathbolt is a vegan.and dr snow didn't say who they were but, judging by her food trolley, there were quitea few big belly burger fans down there too! speaking of big belly burger, the fictionalfast food chain, which appears in both the flash and arrow tv shows, first appeared indc comics back in june 1988 in issue 441 of the adventures of superman.the big belly burger of the comic books was founded in coast city, is a subsidiary oflex luthor's lexcorp, and was actually inspired by the real-life big boy restaurant chain. composer blake neely, who scores both theflash and arrow, included a special musical
easter egg in tricksters, episode 17 of thefirst season. in the episode, mark hamill, who appearedin the original live-action tv series of the flash in the early 1990s, returned as thevillainous james jesse aka the trickster. so, neely used composer shirley walker's trickstertheme which she wrote and conducted for the 1990s show.and hamill isn't the only actor from that early flash show to make a comeback.vito d'ambrosio, who played police officer anthony bellows in the original show returnedas the same character for seasons 1 and 2 of the new show, though this time he's mayorof central city. amanda pays also returned as scientist drtina mcgee.
and john wesley shipp, who plays barry allen'sfather, actually starred as the scarlet speedster in the original series. actor jesse l martin's character detectivejoe west doesn't actually exist in the comics. in the comics, iris's father is either thescientist ira west or the alcoholic william west.but despite the fact joe west was created especially for the tv series, he almost didn'teven make it to the second episode as the creators were considering killing him offin the pilot! and if you've ever wondered why joe is oftenseen wearing a black beanie, it was jesse l. martin's idea, partly to give joe a bitof a different look to nypd detective ed green,
who martin played on tv's law & order fornearly a decade. if you've seen the musical rent though, thebeanie may remind you of martin's character in that. grodd's cage very nearly didn't make it intothe show's pilot due to the cost of building it.later when grodd himself appeared on screen, unlike peter jackson's king kong or the recentplanet of the apes movies, the show did not use performance capture to bring its sizeablesimian star to life. instead, visual effects supervisor armen kevorkianand his crew at encore vfx built grodd from scratch on the computer, creating his skeleton,then adding muscles, and then skin and fur.
the show's exec producers first gave kevorkianthe heads-up, soon after finishing the pilot, that grodd was going to feature in seasonone. for inspiration on grodd's design, the visualeffects crew looked at the comic books for his size and attitude, and at videos of realgorillas too. kevorkian also roughly acted out grodd's movesand facial expressions for the animators, who sometimes also recorded themselves tocheck what did and didn't work. the presence on set of a stunt actor in alarge grodd suit and stilts provided further inspiration for the gorilla's actions andalso helped the crew frame each shot. just as the flash's speed has increased overthe course of the series, the rate at which
the show is shot has also sped up.for example, in the early days, they'd need 20 to 30 takes to film a straightforward shotof the flash running. but now, they often get what they need injust a couple of takes. when grant gustin first started putting onhis flash costume, it took him a whole 40 minutes to suit up, mainly because his maskhad to be glued to his face. however, after episode eight of season one,gustin got a new mask that looks the same but slides on with a zipper, which means itnow only takes him a speedy 10 to 15 minutes to slip into his superhero suit.the original costume, which is mostly made of leather with some added stretchy materialfor ease of movement, was designed by colleen
atwood.maya mani, who designed arrow's season 4 suit, is behind the changes to the flash's season2 costume, which harks back to the comic books with its emblem featuring a lightning bolton a white rather than red background. now, let me know in the comments below, whoare your favourite characters on the flash? and what other characters from the comicswould you like to see on the show? if you enjoyed this video, do please shareit, hit the thumbs-up button and subscribe for more things you didn't know, as well asmovie reviews and interviews. thanks for watching! yippee-ki-yay, tv lovers!
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