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- welcome, guys. as the numbers shrink, the competitiongrows more intense, 'cause in the end, only oneartist will win $100,000, a feature in "inked" magazine, and the title of ink master. and also on the lineis a guest spot at chris' shop hand craftedin fort lauderdale, florida, or oliver's shop elm streettattoo in dallas, texas.
only one team is upfor elimination each week as the judges narrowtheir artists to the top five. based on the rotationestablished in the first flash challenge, team nuã±ez, you are upfor elimination. this week we're testing... legibility. - oh. - legibility is when you lookat something
and you can tell what it is. - for the flash challengeyou must work with a completelyunpredictable medium. ♪ electricity. - what the [bleep]? - using a live 12-volt battery and electrical wires, you must press a hot wire to canvas scorching the design into the canvas.
hold down the wire for too long, and you'll burnright through the canvas. press too lightly, and yourdesign will be unreadable. - i've never handled live wires before. i'm really, really scared. i don't knowif i'm going to hurt myself, if i'm going to burn myself. i'm just praying thati don't [bleep] up too badly. i'm going to cry right now.
- team peck, not only are yousafe from elimination this week, but you're alsocalling the shots. you get to assign the overallstyle for this flash challenge. take a minute to discusswhat you'd like to assign. - there's a lot of options. - something tricky too 'causeyou only get one pass on it. - i definitely want to picksomething hard for these guys, something that they're goingto mess up. cool with that?- cool. we got it.
- all right, guys.what have you chosen? - marine life underwater. - you guys are competingfor the skull picks. this is important. put your all into it, because this canget you the canvas you're looking foror put you with the nightmare that you've seenthis competition. so this is your chanceto be safe.
- the winnerof the flash challenge will have the power to assignall human canvases in the elimination tattoo. you have five hours to create a legible imageusing only electricity, and your time starts now. [rock music] - these artists are not used to working with this type of material to create art.
burning into the canvas is going to be really slow and tedious, and if they don't focus... - [bleep].nothing's happening. - they're going to havea really rough time. - ah!it's hot. - mental fortitude in this competition is everything. you have to be centered. you have to be in your own mind space, and you have to be able to keepeverybody else out of it.
- let's do this [bleep]. [intense music] - this [bleep] burningthe [bleep] out of my hands. - oh!i'm gonna die. i'm going to [bleep]burn my [bleep]. - what's your plan?wait a minute. wait a minute. - i have no goddamn planexcept not [bleep] die. - ow! - yeah, she's going to get hot.- [blows]
- i got this. i'm going to put up another koi because i really don't know how to use this equipment right now, and i need to play it safe. ouch.whew. - you're doing it smallerthan most people, so better make that [bleep]really [bleep] legible. - i don't want to make it big,because i don't have time.
i can't wait to havethe skull pick. i need to winthis flash challenge. - all right, guys.three hours remaining. - i'm going to do a seahorse. they're recognizablelittle suckers. ow!mother[bleep]. every moment of my lifeis hell, so everybody knows. at least the payoff is big, once it gets really hotin your hand,
and you see that, like, inch-and-a-half line that youmade. worth it. - what are you doing, sirvone?- i got a little fish tank. just keep addingmy [bleep] fish. i don't know what kind of fishthat is, but i know it's a fish. last week i was fightingfor my life. - you made a mess.- i mean, it's crazy. - i want the skull pickright now. i've been at the bottom,
and if this is a chance for me to get out of it and put somebody elsedown there, then i'm playing the game right. - one hour remaining, guys. - [bleep] piss [bleep],[bleep] balls. [groans]hey, how are you? - about as good as yours,and hers, and his. - i have a [bleep] squiggle. - [gasps]- holy [bleep], kevin.
- are you kidding me right now? - have you done this before?- look at that [bleep], bro. - you rat bastard. - this [bleep] is scary as hell, but i got my technique downpretty damn quick. - you even have shading.[bleep] you. kevin's like, "hang on while iget the drop shadow on the fin. that's really goingto make it pop." - i feel like the silhouetteof a hammerhead shark,
you know what the hell it is. you know how the heads are, so ido my best to make that legible. - ah. oh, [bleep]. - oh, nikki's [bleep] on fire. - i'm [bleep] pissed, man. i want nothing to dowith this [bleep]. i look like an idiot. i never thought that i wouldfail so hard at something.
can i just quit now? 'cause i'm lightingthings on fire. i hate it. i'm done. - five, four, three, two, one. that is it.time is up. - no more sparkling.- i used every last second.
- everyone on team nuã±ezdid horribly. so happy that this is team nuã±ez's flash challenge and not team peck. - okay, it is now timeto critique your work. nikki. - that is a terrible,terrible drawing. - today was just humiliating. - it's a piss-poor excusefor a porpoise or a dolphin or whatever it is.
- this would take an hour. this took another [bleep] hour. - luckily this is not sendingsomebody home. don't break, and don't quit. - sirvone. - your drawing aestheticon these fish is very remedial. you just have some simple outlines. yes, it's legible. you hit certain thingsand missed others.
- kelly.- i recognize it as a seahorse. i can kind of see your style and sensibility in it. - it's a broken record.everybody had a rough time. i've seen you produce when it comes to a tattoo. this challenge really tookthe wind out of you. - tito. - the koi fish, as rudimentary as it is, is a legible feature. the other elements that you have in there
aren't quite as legible. - we've already seen one koifrom you in the past. hopefully you're out of kois 'cause i don't really careto see any more from you. - this is hysterical. every person on teamnuã±ez [bleep] this thing up, and i love it. - sketchy. - it's probably one ofthe hardest mediums
i've ever worked with,but i didn't overreact on it. i didn't get pissed off at it. - well, sketchy,the actual sketch is much better than most of the others. there's strong lines on the back. it is can see what it is. - all right,'s a legible image. you got the silhouettes in the background. the ones in the distance.
- the ability to shade it, youfound a way to get darker areas, lighter areas. were even able to puta little bit of foreground in with a tiny little guyat the bottom. - i think it also is kind ofa large statement to those who really try can do, and a lot of peoplewith negative attitudes about this whole challengecrying about the process instead of just working with paid off for you.
- thank you.- eric. - i had a big idea in my head, but once i started,it was pretty hard. - it's sketchy, but for thismedium i think that's how it is. the one thing i'll say about yours is you have the best layout scene of anybody. - yeah, those top two fishactually have the sense of being underwater. - thank you.
- all right, we're testing legibility. really tough outingfor everyone. chris, this is your team. does this worry yougoing forward? - they're tattooers,they're a really strong unit, and when it comes to adversity like we saw today,maybe not the strongest crew. - kevin, sketchy, and eric havepositive points in their canvas. - for sure.
- eric--the little work he got done--he was headed in the right direction for creating a scene. - kevin did a really great job in terms of using the whole canvas, getting different values. - not giving up on it.- not giving up. - everybody else is justbeat down, negativity, total meltdown. - i'd love to disagreewith oliver.
i'd love to be like, "no, man." but my team let me down, so today i got to bethe first guy to get past it, and to try to rally them,and get them back on pace. if not, we're infor a total [bleep] show here. - should we let 'em know?- yeah. - all right.let's do it. all right, guys. today you were judged onlegibility.
- this challengewas a beat down, but i think the biggest thing that hurt everybodywas the negativity. the few people that stayed calm and seemed to havethe most positive attitudes had the strongest pieces. - judges have decided the winner of today's flash challenge...
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