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How To Flashing fly iq280
pilots use lights to communicate with supersonicufo � and it flashes back! what started out as a routine flight quicklyturned into an incident involving a form of communication between pilots and a supersonicufo. supersonic ufo flashes back at pilots whowanted to communicate the bizarre sighting took place on the unitedstate�s atlantic coast and involved the two pilots of a commercial airliner. on december 26th, while flying above the coastlinenear atlantic city, nj, the pilots noticed a strange light at their 1 o�clock position. the light showed strong signs that it wasactually a moving, physical object with mass
and speed and not a celestial object suchas the planet venus. this assumption is supported by the fact thatthe sighting was reported by experienced pilots with thousands of hours of flight betweenthem. the pilots� descriptions give out importantdetails, such as the speed and altitude of the ufo and its unconventional behavior. under the cover of anonymity, the two pilotsreported their sighting to the national ufo reporting center (nuforc) and the detailsthey provided seem to suggest some kind of intelligence was aboard the unidentified craft. the speed of the commercial airliner was approximately600 mph, so in order for the ufo to appear
to be moving as fast as it did, it must havebroken the sound barrier. this does not make the sighting stand outin particular, as it is very probable that all ufos have the capability to reach speedsof thousands of miles per hour. what differentiates this encounter from otherslike it is the fact that the ufo reacted to the pilots� attempts to communicate withit. intrigued by the flashing light pattern onthe ufo, the copilot flashed the airplane lights in a sequence. you can imagine his astonishment when he sawthat the craft flashed back at them. �the other pilot stated he could see anorange/red flash in between the white flashes,�
the captain told investigators. �we did flash our lights at it a few times,and the other pilot believes it flashed back in sequence; i felt the return flashes wereprobably coincidental, but possible. the flashing didn�t really appear to haveany pattern. the whole incident lasted a minimum of 10minutes� cases such as this one stand out from therest, because of the witnesses� credibility boosts the veracity of their claims. also, commercial pilots are well-acquaintedwith the movement of planets and stars, as well as those of flying craft.
using their own instruments, they can assessthe speed and altitude of other flying objects, be them other planes or even ufos. although a definitive conclusion is hard toreach, the pilots� admissions paint a clear picture: on a clear night with good visibility,they spotted an unidentified object performing maneuvers that no known aircraft can perform. it accelerated beyond supersonic speeds andits cornering seemed to defy the laws of physics. it changed its heading and altitude multipletimes over the course of ten minutes and most important of all, it signaled back using lightwhen the airplane pilots flashed their lights. we can only speculate about the ufo�s trueform, origin and intentions, but it is obvious
it was a machine built with advanced technologyand piloted by someone or something possessing intelligence. whether it was aliens or humans is unclear. unfortunately, we have no video of this incidentbut take a look at the video below for a similar incident involving airplane pilots and a supersonicufo. see video from the link in the article below in our description
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