Friday, April 7, 2017

How To Flashing wiko rainbow 4g

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Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:

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Further to the following stage :
1. Duplicate the document to Sd Card
2.boot into recuperation mode, in the document as of now exists as .pdf open a full instructional exercise and take after the guidelines. anybody utilizing blazing programming.
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critical: before doing anything on the telephone to do the information reinforcement already. can pass CMW, recuperation, twrp please find on the off chance that you lack.

How To Flashing wiko rainbow 4g

hey whats up guys, i'm thiojoe and in this video im going to show you how you can double the amount of flash storage in your phone without having to buy anything special without breaking your phone or anything like that its actually surprisingly easy and as usual first i'm going to explain how this is going to work

and then i'll walk you through exactly and show you what you have to do. you see your smart phone uses flash memory for storage and flash memory is a solid state type of memory as opposed to a hard drive for example has moving parts so this makes flash memory much faster and more durable and it also has

some interesting properties that we can take advantage of now flash storage uses what are called cells and these are basically small units of storage and you can combine as many cells as you need to give you more or less storage so depending on how much storage your phone has it will have a proportional number of cells the important thing to know about flash memory though

is that each cell almost always has what are called layers now you may of heard of the term 'slc' for single layer cell or 'mlc' for multi layer cell but basically adding layers to a cell if flash memory allows you to store more data depending on how many layers you add so for example a 2 layer cell

would store twice as much data as a single layer cell and really the only advantage for single layer is that it is faster and cellphones typically have multi layer cell memory because it is much cheaper to produce but heres the thing most cellphone manufactures dont actually enable all the layers in the cells

they only enable one of the layers so the memory is a bit faster so instead of creating single layer chips right off the bat its actually cheaper for them to create multi layer chips and deactivate half of the layers so it acts like single layer chips this means that half the memory in your phone is left unused a consequence of cheaper manufacturing costs but if we were able to reactivate these unused cell layers we could multiply the amount of storage in the phone and there is a way we could do this

you see when the manufacturer created the flash memory chip they deactivated the cell layers by simply powering them down so to speak but we can actually power them back up using a focus electomagnetic field and this will actually give it just a tiny bit of jump start to permanently reactivate each layer so in doing that we can give the phone access to all the memory available in the chips so that's what i'm going to show you how to do

ok so now you know the basics of what is going on your going to need a few things your phone, of course some wire, any will do a few battieries some sort of metal pan? and your computer speakers. this is going to seem really strange but bare with me i'm going to explain it all now before i get into the tutorial

i want to do a quick scientific explanation of the process for those of you who are intrested and if you don't want to listen to that you can skip ahead, i understand but its actually pretty interesting so i recommend sticking around so let me explain how these cell layers get deactivated and i will show you how you can reactivate them now every flash memory cell is made up of a transistor and these are connected to something called a p-n junction you don't really need to know the specifics its just what's connecting the different transistors together and depending on the state of the junction its either on or off, one or zero

and thats how computers work in general. just a bunch of transistors, one or zero that make up a program but a particular flash memory cell is going to have several p-n junctions to store enough data but in every cell between the cell layers there is a special p-n junction that connects the differant layers of the cell and if we set that junction to zero or off that layer in the cell becomes inacessable and its like its not there at all now the state of a junction whether its on or off is determined by its energy level above a certain threshhold called the knee voltage. it switches on or off so if we were to temporarily get the knee voltage above the threshhold

it will permanently activate the extra layers connected to it so that's what were going to do we are going to add extra energy into the p-n junction using electromagnetic induction and physical vibrational energy to jump-start that p-n junction switch open and reactivate those layers now enough talk, i'm sure you guys are eager to get started so lets head over and i'll show you exactly what you need to do alright so now lets get started the first thing you need to do is to turn off your phone but before we do that let me show you what we are working with

if it focuses you can see we have 32gb of memory here and its only about 17gb used so were almost halfway through so hopefully we can double that to 64gb if this works so then you can go ahead, and turn off your phone. so the next thing we need to do is create an induction coil around the phone so what you want to do is take these 2 batteries and also get the wire and put the batteries close to the phone, probably behind it. and then we're just going to rap the wire, i'm just using an ethernet cable around the phone, and secure the batteries to the phone

as best you can so it may be kind of picky but we got them centered pretty good, and just wrap that around enough until it is really secure and they are not going to go anywhere *phone wrapping around wire* its working pretty good and then you can just either tuck the wire into itself so it dosn't go anywhere or you could use some tape or something like that

that looks pretty secure the batteries are right there and we have this, oh, the phone turned back on so you want to make sure to tun it back off again if you get the chance so when your ding it just make sure that they cable does not press down on the power button and turn it back on and also you probably want to have a case on here so the batteries do not scratch the back or maybe put like a tissue in between the batteries and the phone or something like that just use common sense

ok so when it is all wrapped up nice then you can go ahead and get your pan and this is going to allow us to amplify the e-m field to a high enough strength and again i would reccomand putting something in their so it does not scratch the phone of anything it is not going to effect the process and then it looks like that so right now believe it or not with this wire wrapped around it and the batteries there actually is an electromagnetic field being generated from the batteries around the coil and being applied to the phone

but it is not enough to actually kick start those extra layers into activation so we need to do a little bit more once you have all this next you want to go ahead and get your speaker for your computer and just put it right on top of the phone directly down on it and yes the speaker has to be hooked up to the computer for what were going to do next so what you want to do is go to your computer and just find any sound file dosn't matter what it is you just want tobe able to make sure that you can get it really loud for example i am going to play a 300 hertz sign wave right onto the phone

and as i mentioned in the scientific explanation that is going to add a little bit extra energy in addition of the e-m field and kick start those extra layers open so now you just want to play the sound file for about 15 seconds about as loud as you can *loud beep start* and just like i am now if you have to you can let it go for about 30 seconds but 15 should be enough *loud beep end*

so then of course you can take the speaker off and then just let the phone sit like that for maybe about 5 minutes just a little while and this is just to make sure all the cell layers have a chance to activate after you energize them and now we can go ahead and unravel this and see if it worked starting to turn back on again but that is okay at this point alright so there you have it we now have 64 gb of storage double what it was before

way more available space now if it is a little bit less it probably just means that not all the cells were activated but still worked as you can see here alright so thats it your cell phone storage should be double what it was before and if it didnt quite double, just a little bit less it could mean you just have to let it go a little bit longer or it could mean that some of the layers couldn't be activated and this should work on any type of cellphone iphone or android they all use the same type of memory

and it is actually possible that it will more than double the storage if there are more than two extra layers in the phone storage so i hope this worked for you guys, if it did let us know down in the comments section how well it worked did you get double or even more possibly? love to hear that also if you enjoyed this video be sure to give it a thumbs up so i know you liked it if you guys want to keep watching i've got some more videos on the right hand side you can just click those or look in the description for the same link if you're on a phone and if you want to subscribe i make new videos monday wednesday friday. so i think it should be worth it looking forward to hearing from you guys so thanks for watching and see you next time. have a good one.

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