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How To Flashing wellphone g7a
i am the square dance team captain! a year ago, i began to encourage all the women in my village to start dancing. to use the evening hours each day, and get everyone to come and do square dancing. we don’t discriminate between old or young. you just have to love it and be willing to join in, and it will be fine. i go onto youku and tudou video sharing sites myself, and after downloading the video they break down the moves i study a move at a time.
after learning the moves, i’m now training the people on our front row. now they all know, they can be teachers too. also, we have all added each other on [the social network] qq. we are all qq friends after sharing the videos through my qzone page they’ll share them too, and then learn the moves. this way they learn quickly. i also made a 'qq group' for our square dance team every evening, after dance practice, when they get back home, everyone will go on the group
greet each other, ask if there's any good videos. i'll say to them: "how about we study this dance?" "let's study together" and when they learn it, they’ll remember all the moves. for example, we’ll study a dance tonight when we go home in the evening in the qq group everyone will comment on the dance and also we’ll chat about any parenting problems
or anything interesting in life. we talk about this kind of stuff. i think the next step is for a few of us, those who dance quite well to film our own video and break down the dance moves and get other people to learn from us. subtitles: [insert name]
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