Thursday, April 6, 2017

How To Flashing wellphone g6g

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How To Flashing wellphone g6g

hey boy da ? 'merica ! hi everyone, welcome to the lair today we'll talk about a replica which should be available in march 2016 in french shops the price should be around 499€ the brand new rk-104 evo from g&g and first of all i'd like to thank the whole team at sport attitude they lent me the gun so i could show it to you

*something about french shops* so, what do you get for almost 500€ ? a cleaning rod and that's it ! i'm kidding there's a small bb sachet so you can play right away with your beloved gun ! provided you already have a battery because there's no battery here, it's not a combo pack

this tool will allow you to adjust the front sight let's put it out of the sachet a hi-cap magazine, 600 rounds max this is a 7.62-type magazine, this is an rk-104 so ak-104 the curve is correct they have chosen to provide a polymer magazine, more modern look and of course there's a very thorough users manual this one is exclusively in french, but it'll depend on your country the parts list here

and how to operate the gun this manual could change when the gun is issued, here this is the generic manual, for all rk guns among them, the one i presented with balbuzard90 in 2014 it was the rkm, with handguard-embedded battery so as i've said before don't pay attention to the manual i had in my box everything is well protected by a box a nice g&g box, top-tech style, this rk-104 is a high-end replica hence the price so what can we see? well, you, nothing...

options : blowback, non-blowback, black, tan, other,special combo,combo kit,no combo this one is a non-blowback, tan, no combo model about blowback, i think we'll have less and less blowback from g&g, because they've seen that sometimes it causes malfunctions and they are clever enough to know when they must adapt of course in the box there is the replica ! here it is, the rk-104 they'd already issued rk-104s before but they had the regular ak folding stock this one is an "americanized" version, so to speak

with a buffer tube and a crane stock, of course you can change it if you don't like it the butt plate is made out of tan rubber there's also an ergonomic pistol grip quite big but very comfortable i like it something very nice here, there is a sling ring even if it is more convenient for right-handed players, lefties can also use it you can see a lateral rail here

to mount any "russian" optic, but also picatinny rails a black fire selector, it contrasts with the tan body 3 positions they are not very realistic because the full-auto pisition is too high but at least, it works fine, that's what players want aparently, real ak-104s have a rear sight marked from 0 to 500 metres here they've chosen to put a 0-800m sight players won't care because we usually have a 50-60 m range with airsoft guns, but re-enactors will mind now something that will please the guys like khan seb, who likes playing with his big cocking handle

g&g put a heavy bolt carrier inside the rk-104 so when you realease it, it really makes a good sound and of course you can set the hop-up right here with this small lever it is serated, that's good we continue toward the front of the gun with its modern polymer handguard equiped with rails so you can attach accessories you can mount optics here but i find it quite ridiculous personnal thought... and here is the typical front set of an ak-104

with the "trumpet-like" flash hider here the front sight that you can adjust in height not many markings on this gun here the selector positions and on the other side, the date and the factory logo i'll remove the top cover also tan because we, french airsoft players, also use english words for colours now we can see the big bolt carrier

can i remove it ? let's release the spring guide great! this is a nice bolt carrier, with its gas rod and everything now we can have a look at the top of the v3 gearbox notice the hop-up unit, it's made out of metal but of course we won't be able to plug the battery under the top cover i love aks even the stripping process is classy this is a pre-production gun so things can still change

there's a rubber part in the magazine well it holds the mag perfectly not everyone will like the look of the rk-104 it is a good gun for "contractors" can we use aftermarket magazines ? here is one from cyma, it is marui-compatible it won't fit the front of the magazine is too thick you may have to file your mags if you want them to fit

you might have to use exclusively g&g magazines i hope they'll issue mid-cap magazines previously i talked about the stock, let's see more details there are 6 positions you can see the numbers here, that's convenient let's remove it i'll remove the butt pad you shouldn't lose it in game, it is really tight here you can insert the battery

there's a protection here so you won't pinch the wires what a surprise ! there's a mosfet in the tube ! it means that there is an etu, in the gearbox there's an easy way to find out by operating the trigger try to listen there's a click, so there's an etu that's good, if g&g starts to put etus in each type of guns ! etu stands for electronic trigger unit, a micro switch, replacing the classic electrical switch

so no more electric arcs instead there's a small electronic module and a mosfet so you should be able to set a 3-round burst let's try this there's a tiny led, it flashes once selector on semi me like :p it is more reactive than the srs i've tested full auto now

fyi, it is an energy airsoft 11.1v lipo battery, 1300mah maybe i should have chosen a 7.4 battery, but there's a mosfet... me really like :p i'll try it with a 7.4 v lipo battery not bad at all i'll switch back to semi, pull the trigger and wait 10 seconds back to full auto it worked, there's a 3-round burst to cancel the burst, unplug the battery or go back to semi

pull the trigger and wait 10 seconds again full auto it is ! that's nice, it has the same features than on the srs-l-xl, predator etc. i hope they'll issue the whole ak range trigger response is really short puuuuuulll, contact ! the replica is quite heavy, partly because of the gearbox there's some steel parts, but most of it is zamac this is a high-end gun from g&g

the inner barrel is made out of brass, not aluminium we'll discover the motor and the internals in the written review on the blog once again i'd like to thank the whole sport-attitude crew watch your favourite shops, they should receive this in march 2016 i wish you great games on the field play seriously without being too serious about yourself see you soon in the lair xoxo

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