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How To Flashing symphony w21
suryan fm greets chennai! brother! got the big fish! he's no ordinary man, he's..- shut up! did you go there for fishing? what was my order andwhat have you done? he's a tiger cub! just 10 more days only! okay, brother. rajinikanth too wasonce a bus conductor...
he worked hard to make his dreamcome real and become a super star... the power and fire is in heartto reach the goal... l'm now a taxi driver but wouldbecome a billionaire soon... l know my horoscope...it's a cinemascope... wait and see,the future world is mine... look at me, friends... l'm the hero of future... sweet like classical tamil...smiling flower like moon... nothing is easy in life likea magical charm...
lt's a competition andyou've to pursue all your life... jackpot will not is yours ona well laid out red carpet... go speed against the tideand make your way... never take the short cut to fame,mine is always the hard and honest way... l'll not go after success at any cost,l'll convert my sweat into rupee notes... how many times will you count it?lt's the same always! why can't you give it to me? okay! shut up and repay old due. l made a mistake,please forgive me, sir.
l can tell mileage of carby touching the steering, l can tell a man's characterby just looking at him. lf you try to cheat me, l'll pull out yournerves and use it as clutch wire. what happened? he fudged meter readingand stole money. he's finished! you know me, right?- l know, sir. manikyam mudaliar! get lost! why did you cheat him?
come sunny, come... boss, collection. this is your car rental andthis is my wage. with this the money l savedwith you is rs.600000. wow! everyone must learn from him. he's going at breakneck speedlike brake less car. lt's your mercy, boss. l like you, boy!but l've a word of caution. lt's not wrong to go at great speedbut never lose your control.
that's all! okay, boss.l'll go and find customer.- okay. careful with money.- okay. reduce coffee, you may become fairer. why are you supporting him, brother.his aim to upstage you. man will desire, that's not wrong. but will he stay cool?he works hard. lf every hard working man succeeds,lndia will have full of tatas and birlas! are they? no!
what do you understand from this? for success,just hard work is not enough. planets must be favourable,luck must favour you, goddess of wealth must bless you! by the time this happens,his forefathers would've to come down. till then, his hard work addsto my wealth. that's him again. cut it. that's all.
phone call seeking donations. roaming with girls saying mother is sick. why is he here? please don't embarrass me.- what embarrass? l gave money becauseyou said mother is sick. you promised to pay in an hour,it's 2 days already, where's my money? let's talk about that today evening.- talk evening? hey, start the car man! car is blocking the traffic,someone may hit it.
don't shower so much love,l'll take care of my car. even if entire world stand still,l'll go only after taking my money. what's that gift? ls it my money? would they fall for nothing? t nagar girl! t nagar girl?! your shirt is great!- thanks. ls this also my money? couple shopping!- great! couple shopping?
how dare you shop with my money! this is unjust! why are you looking at himas if he's salman khan? give it! l'm giving you time till evening.repay my loan. lf not, l'll sell it or use it. buddy, that's ladies dress.at least spare that. no problem, l'll use it as night dress. that is...my friend...
come quickly, people are comingto see you as bride. have you forgotten it?- l'm on the way. wearing such a dress andmoreover getting wet in rain. she's wearing such a dress! god! look at her and her dress! what's this condition?come inside. change to this dress. how is the boy? he's super!
very good boy.moreover from america. we've discussed everything. lf you see and say yes,marriage is fixed. one small doubt.- what? shall l wear sari below navel or above? wear it properly. what would the onlookers think? where's the bride? she's talking to the groom.
what's this? l'm nandu, bride's friend. we both are close friendssince childhood. l know her habits, secrets and boyfriends. don't worry, l know what her familywould've told you. she bows her head while leaving homeand lifts it up only after reaching home. that's all, isn't it? you tell me. someone would look handsome,we would see him, right?
mahesh babu would look handsomeon poster, we will admire him, right? won't you? you're different if you don't. l too see...l mean anushka and lleana. have it. ls it tasty? did they tell she made this? she doesn't know to cook at all!
my point it, all of us are youngsters. nobody is perfect,all have done mischief. my parents fear this proposal may fallif we my parents tell you the truth. but we believe if you know about usand marry, life would be happy. as much true as that we were mischief, swathi is very good girl,that is also true! lf she likes anyone,she gives her life for them. l liked you the first time youtalked to me on phone. you may reject this marriageif l tell truth about myself.
l know there's risk in it. lf we don't take risk forgetting what we like, for what else would we take risk then? we told you everything openly,if you don't like... because everyone must like...- lt's okay to me. l said okay to this marriage.l like swathi very much. what did you do?thank god, he was good boy. had it been anyone else,he would've ran away in shock. he accepted swathi as herself.so he's good boy.
they look like made for each other couple. don't know where's my man?l'm waiting here, man! why that rush? not rush, but tension,l must like the groom. he must tolerate my craziness.look after me like you do. don't know how the combinationours would be? ammukutty, everything will be fine.leave it on me. okay, l'm leaving it on you. good morning, madam.- good morning, brother.
you're getting married and your fatheris shining bright! look there! close it.- marriage? with whom? saravana bhavan in chennai?owner of that chain of hotels. no need to worry thatyou don't know to cook. make a phone call to any branchin any area, food will reach your dining table. do we marry only for food? he and his nasty tamil face!l said l don't like him. pour water!
pour! pour, you wastrel!- father! do you know the name of this car?'my own hard work' my hard earned possession. 36did you steal it, sir? lf you talk nonsense,l'll break your teeth. mind your work. father... son-in-law!
are you fine? my daughter is coming for you only. you both talk to each other,l'll finish my work and join you. what do you like most? marriage...l like marriage. l think you haven't tasted pongalin our hotel, had you tasted it,you'd forget about marriage. why haven't you forgotten about it then? joke? super!
why do you want to marry? l mean...first night...honeymoon... we'll have children,our hotel needs heirs, right? to carry on the business.- carry bag? did l say anything wrong? you are very beautiful. father...- l know what you'd say. but whatever l do, l always do with clarityand without any confusion. we'll get many proposalssuitable for our status,
but it is very difficult to get onethat satisfies our ego. l fixed this proposal aftercalculating pluses and minuses. you like it. you sure will! bless me, god! hey chota bheem! did l get it for you? okay, give me a piece.- open your mouth. come, let's go. brother, distribute sweets to all.- okay.
greetings, boss. what's up? your face is shininglike benz car today! what's the matter? not just matter but very special, boss. what's so special? l'm also becoming a owner like you, boss. l've booked a new car, boss. are you so happy for one car? today just one car,in 10 years he'll open a big garage.
10 years? l don't have thepatience of our boss. at the most in 3 years,l'll open a garage double this size. but that is for later,first give my money, boss. just you've to come to theshowroom and cut the ribbon. hey, dust in carburetor, clear it. boss, twice you've postponedto give my money. don't do it again, boss. tell me if you're busy, bossl'll have it opened by someone else. please return my money, that's enough.
velu, say something and send him,l don't have time. kittu, come... l'm not seeking donation for ganeshcelebrations to say something. l'm asking my money. have you gone mad?raising your voice on me. l still have respect on you,that's why only my voice is raising. lf not...- lf not what? lf not, what?- no! no, boss...no fights please.
give me my money, l'll go. what money? when did you save money with me? he's talking as if he saved money with me. boss! sorry, boss...sorry... sorry, boss! l didn't do it wantonly. lt's my hard earned money, boss.
please return it, boss. enough of it! worker must stay in a corner like old tyre,mustn't jump like new tyre. did you see? you lost your control. you need this brake. you didn't touch me. you touched my ego! boss!- throw him out! throw him out!- get out!
throw him out.- go out.- boss! boss, that's my hard earned money! boss...boss... mother, after you're gone, nothing inmy life happened as l wished. what should l call a man who can'tunderstand his daughter's feelings? he's a big fraud! bloody bastard stole my money. l'm committing a mistake, mother. lf l don't fight today for what l want,
no use of crying tomorrow forwhat l've lost today! l'll fight...l'll not spare him. you stripped me on road for rs.6000he stole your rs.6 lakhs. lf you don't do anything to him,l'll feel hurt. how would l do it? my hard work! 2 years of sheer hard work. come what so ever it may,l want my money! whatever happens,it happens for good, mother.
l'll tell him l don't want this marriage. this is final. ls it?- yes, sir. oh no! decorations with my money! bloody sambar boss! why are you still in this dress?arvindswamy's family is here for an hour now. so what, father?l don't like this marriage. why are you talking about it now?we had already discussed about this, right? leave it.- when? when did we discuss, father?
you took the decision andtold me to marry him, you didn't even bother toask my opinion, father. shut up, l told you, right? get ready quickly. hey boss! what are you doing here?why did you come to my house? what am l doing here?you hit me below my waist. yes, if you drink a full bottle,you feel like that only. go home and have curd rice,it'll give relief.
don't use your tamil intelligence on me. you stole my money to offer biryanito your relatives. should l offer sambar andcurd rice cheaply? return my money.- l'll not pay a penny. there's a function in my home,that's why l'm quiet, if not l'll cut you up. what?- what are you looking at? go! l told you l don't like him, father. l'll not go from here till you returnmy money or let you go from here. listen, you come.you go!
l'll not move from here,this is my final decision, father. velu, come upstairs. velu, come up! he too must get it.- what man? lt's waste to ask you,l'll take my money even if l've to kill you. lt's unjust man!lt's my hard earned money! l worked day and night. l'll not let this function go ontill l get my money. catch him, don't leave him.
return my money! leave me. tell the groom, l'm coming. don't dare come near me. lf you come, l'll hack her.- please don't harm my child. l beg you. you said you'll conduct hermarriage, right? come on do it. do it now! pay my money and take your daughter.
conduct the marriage without your daughter. father! don't come near m! lf you come near, l'll hack her. catch him...save my daughter!- don't come! catch him...come on, boys... get in! who is he? he's....- why are you just watching it?
he's...- call police. come on, boys. go...go quickly. who are you calling? lf truth gets out, marriage andyour honour will go to the dogs. then, you've to roam on streets naked... don't become pain in my ears, go away! go...gone! that's my darling! go...go..fast!
troubling me! what are you doing?- shut up! sit silently. l'll kill you! jump, brother! you'll becomean hero to sister-in-law. jump...jump...- jump? what are you saying? jump, brother....jump! nandu, come out. stop...stop...
bloody, somebody save me! hey, he's going this side! who are you?- joru gangamma, your distant relative. you kidnapped me andasking me who am l? kidnap? did l kidnap you?- still in hangover. oh my god! lt happened unwittingly.sorry! lf you touch me, l'll kill you.- no, l'm not that type. last night had extra drinksgetting angry on your father.
forget that, l'll drop you in your home. take me to my home. mother promise! l'll not harm you,l'll just free you. no need to drop me in my home,l'll go home myself. how can you go alone? they would've already branded meas kidnapper for yesterday's incident. unless you tell him l didn't do anything,he won't trust my character is good. moreover your father has my money.- lsn't it? lf l don't tell...- lf you don't tell l'll be arrested...
they'll arrest me. what if l tell him you touched mehere and there? when did l touch you?you devil, my life would get ruined. do you think you'll get backyour money if we go home? l know very well about my father. you kidnapped me andpeople watched it happen. my father will squeeze anotherrs.6 lakhs from you. oh my god!- so, just do as l say! anyway you've taken this risk,if you want your money back,
demand rs.15 lakhs from my fatherfor the safe return of his daughter. let's take the money and part ways. l must rs.6 lakhs only,why rs.15 lakhs? 6 lakhs is yours and rest is mine. what a plan! l thought of helping you becauseof your good character. either take my help or go to jail. don't talk about my character,what do you know about me? you're a fool who trusted my fatherand saved money with him.
what else should l know?think about my idea. at least you'll get back your money. what a family yours is! your father stole my money.you want to steal his money. like father like daughter! look boy! lf you call me boy, brat or anything,l'll go mad. what have you decided then? no choice! l want my money.
l'll do as you say! god...god... boss, it's me.- who is it? boss, l kidnapped your daughter.- ls it your kittu? you'll recognise immediately now. boss, you were wrong,don't talk about my character. were you any less to me?you stole my money... why did you cut the call?am l not talking to him? are you seeking loan from him?
you kidnapped me andmy father pay the ransom. you must demand. your body must have weight andyour voice must have base. lt must come from here. look at me!- what? hey manikyam, if you want to seeyour daughter in one piece, come tomorrow at 8 am tobangalore border with rs.15 lakhs cash. if not l'll cut her limbs andfeed it to dogs. lf you go to police, bloody...
l'll ensure you don't gether body also, l'll burn it. oh god! try it. go out, l'll talk to him.she's a pain. l'll call him myself. am l afraid of him? hail lord anjaneya! hey manikyam! listen to me carefully! tomorrow morning you're coming aloneto bangalore border with rs.15 lakhs.
lf you say no and go to police... l'll cut your daughter into pieces! hello pavan kalyan!you went little overboard. lf you ease little, you'll do better.come. am l like your family... hey idiot! bloody, your entry time... stop there, boy! don't move!- stop!
lf you use whistle again in life,l'll puncture your life. scolding a little boy. sorry, dear. hey, say sorry to him. to him? l won't.- will you or will you not? okay, sorry. with love.- with love? would anyone say like that? we'll go from hereonly if you say sorry with love.
with love....with love... with love...sorry...sorry... come now. take it, bye. would anyone fight with kids?you're cribbing to say sorry to him. lf you're a man, you must have few feelings. always my money, my anger, my character,always me, myself and l! never be so selfish.- are you done? shut up.
kaliappa, where will he go? wherever he may go, he has to come here,we'll take care of him then. buddy, keep the photo there,every passerby will give us information. well said, buddy. come, get in quickly.get in quickly. buddy, he's escaping!- come, let's go. come fast..stop...stop... you can never catch me in your life. at times l don't find myself.
sit here. are they after you? why? what happened?- l fell in love. what's the problem if you fall in love? problem? l raised wild fires with my love. why are you creating a scene at night? why did you come here? please go away. why did you reject my love?ls it for this? l told you to go away.go away!
l must know the answer.l'll sacrifice my life for you. that's my last peg.- go away, you rogue. this is my last puff. bloody drunkard! may you go to hell!may you get ruined! will you burn down my house? you rogue! why are you cursing me? lnstead of cursing me,why don't you douse the fire? did you burn down the houseto express your love that's the fire of love.
why are you giggling? tell your woman, it is hurting my heart. can't you be quiet? be quiet. entire place is searchingyou madly, you fool. why did you call me shamelessly? you reduced my house to ashes. did l do it wantonly?lt happened by mistake. lf not this another,l'll build a taj mahal for you. you don't have inch of land,will you build taj mahal?
why an inch of land? lf you say yes, l'll build taj mahal for youin my heart, surekha. nobody can occupy it too. cut the call, you drunkard! what's this brother? even if l promise taj mahal,why isn't she satisfied? what do these women need? stop that giggle. why is your face so serious?
you'll get your money by morning,why don't you give a smile? go! hey, turn that side. what great thing you did!you covered it well! when you love someone,you must slap like this. be ware! what happened to the fire in sun? lt has become the smile of moon... like selling flowers and likea wonder of thousand springs at a time...
ln the palanquin of air andin the new serene country side... my excitement is overflowingwhistling funnily... come on buddy, new vistas areinviting to go for it... come on buddy, let's danceto the song of youth... l'm a chick with lovely cheeks...l've a thorn as my companion... unwittingly l fell away from a garden... trees, hills have become my army... lt's guarding me... paths are taking short cutsto reach me...
how far l may go,like the sky chasing me... lt's looking at me wherever l may hide... can you count the dreamsyour eyes have dreamt? don't know how many stepsyour feet have walked? time will never show you thenew step you're going to take... don't know how many smilesflashed on lips... don't know how many tearsrolled down the cheeks... the world has no scales to weighthe sorrows and remove it... though there are many surprize turns,the journey carries on swiftly...
can water in mirage quench your thirst? excuse me...excuse me... what's that tattoo? will you see anywhere you want to? ls it? didn't you see my waist? now you show me.- when did she see me? l didn't see, just covered to stopanother man from seeing it. whatever it may be, you saw, right?show me now. can't avoid?
na', what's that? not the full word. 'na' means...- don't bother about that. namitha fans association! what yuck? she's beautiful, isn't she? big eyes...very big... why are you talking so cheaply? 'na' means your character. my money, my anger,my sorrows, my poverty...etc., have you written it on chestwithout any concession?
tell me yourself or elsemy imagination will run wild. her name is navya. love?- something like love. did your family reject it?- l rejected my family. did you reject your family? l wanted few things in family. l thought my family would support. but it didn't happen. lnstead of fighting nowfor what we want,
what's the use of regrettingin future about losing it? anyway you can't understandmy difficulties. eat! what happened to navya? she's not in my life anymore.- then? l sincerely loved her.but she used and dumped me. oh god! use and throw you out! lsn't she super?- what? technically if a boy uses a girland ditches her,
they call it as cheating, if a girl uses boy and ditches him,it's a pleasure trip! how could you miss it? for telling my problems with you,l must beat myself with slippers. eat! boy, a girl used you!at least for this you can laugh! just laugh once! son-in-law, what happened?- l'm arvindswamy here. did you find my daughter? you may have your own problems,you may lose honour if you go to police,
you may fear your daughter's lifecould be in danger, but l'll catch him beforeyou pay him the ransom. l'll search every area on the way,if l find him, l'll make mincemeat of himand bring to you. challenge? lf necessary, l'll remain as eternal lover. l'm coming, challenge! come...come... l'll start the lorry, you escape, okay?
hey boy!- lf you call me boy... what's your name? a soft name like kittu for a kidnapper? not suiting you,something like jagapathy... my name is nandhishwari. your father has named you perfectly. turn that side. are you the guys here to fight for that girl? yes, it's we.
where's the girl?- target is right before you. come, let's fight it out. where?- lt's me, you idiot! lsn't it a drama played by youand that guy? hands off me! are we running any companyto play dramas? mine is pure love! love? looks like he's after wrong guy.let me stay away.
listen to me, don't leave me aloneunder any circumstance. lf you leave me, l'll tell you're nota kidnapper and tried to molest me. you'll be branded as rapist.- do you've any sense? do you how much it pains to heara beautiful girl say l'm rapist and molester? you've very good talent.- come out. anyone can compliment with a smile butyou can compliment with a cry also. you said in that flow that l'm verybeautiful, you know that? you'll take what you want butdon't care about my feelings, right? come!
come quickly...fast... you go that side...you come here...catch him. catch him, boys! what are you watching? catch him! l'll kill you if you don't get caught. brother, women are here! they're running away, catch them! got him! don't leave him, boys! where will you go now?
be careful! will you kill if l love? who the hell are you man? take on anyone in this world but nevercross swords with 'drunken' babu! l'm a great fighter in my place!how dare you hit me! not just you... l can't see anything, where are you guys? you've come to fight with me,why are you playing hide and seek game? who the hell you are to use me?
look siddappa!- who is he? don't stop my flow, l'll forget my dialogue. l'll start from the beginning. look siddappa! l'm like lion! lion doesn't drink but l do.that's the only difference. ln all other aspects same to same. boys, leave him and finish this man first. send as many as you can 10, 20 50 or 100! this will get repeated!
come fast! why sister-in-law is running away with him? your sister-in-law is very good girl. my face is covered with flour,so she couldn't recognise me. you're right, brother. that drunkard is responsible for all this. last peg's kick is different! how dare you kidnap our girl! come fast...get in quickly.
ls he kidnapping the girl? father, don't go to policeor send men after me. he's a sadist, father. l'm scared to see his face also, father. father, please come tomorrowwith money. and take me home safely, father.- hello, my dear... father...father... happy? he won't send men after us now,you'll get your money directly.
sit in the lorry. what? don't get tensed, nobody will follow us. l've told my father, right? you're listening radio program'mischief with doctor'. to attain salvation in lifewithout any tension, doctor has just three words for you. the power given to us by the nature,if we use it well, you can get rid of all your tensionsand attain peace in life.
so says the doctor.ln loneliness... following dr.kamesh is difficultbut l've another way, may l? to forget tension, forget yourself...- forgetting self? break into a jig! raise the volume of music. close your eyes and move bodyaccording to the music. that's enough. do you know to drive? nandu, get up!
where are we now? we're near, l dozed off feeling sleepy. did you sleep, my dear?we've come on a picnic, right? get up! gave the wheel to you anddon't know where are we now! where are we now?- why are you shouting at me? sir....sir... which place is this?- lt's kerala! kerala?
where in kerala?- remote village... didn't get it? where are we kittu? hey, you brought me to someremote village in kerala. your mother... you ruined my life. stop! please kittu, listen to me. everything is ruined, they'd havereached there with money. can't you do one thing properly?
always gives me tension.l lost my money, my honour! now they'll call me a kidnapper too. you... what have you done? oh my god! what am l seeing? he ruined a year's hard work. what has he done?- we'll not spare him. we must punish him for the sin. why so many people arecoming towards me?
sir, l surrender myself.l surrender myself. please listen to me.she brought me to kerala. l don't know anything, sir.she brought me to kerala. lf you want to scold, scold me in telugu. can't understand a word! why are you holding me again? shall l tell them?- do you know to speak in malayalam? you should've told them before.speak to them so that they can understand. not with them but to you!- what?
look at those yellow threads,it's tied there to fulfill their wishes. you snapped it all. forget about their wishes coming true,they fear they get cursed. moreover today is 'onam' festival. they feel what you did today will bringthem misfortune all through the year. would they hang me for that? greetings sir! what was his crime?on whose order did he do that? why is he pointing at me?
he has ruined a year's hard work. we must punish him, don't spare him. sir, you must decide.- don't spare him! stop! you don't worry, brother.l'll deal with them. already l'm neck deep in problemsand you're adding to my woes. l didn't come, truck broughtme here, what can l do? criminal! call police! why is he talking about police?
call police! don't play with my life withoutknowing my situation. lf police come now...-lf they're police, l'm a drinker. don't you think l've the capacityto manage them? l'll get damaged here. did l react too much? l'm under fire now. lt's very difficult to compromisefor everything, brother. life must be in our hands...
for the present my life is under her feet. you did everything, you sill girl. look, how l got caught!- what did l do? you did it, right? did l do it? poor boy! leave him. call police. you committed the sin,you must do the repentance also. you ruined our divine vow.
you must get cleansed and do it again. lt seems problem is solved if you say yes. but before that... before that?- cleanse you! cleanse?how? enough...enough.... who is he?- who? husband? lover?
then, who is he? don't know when and how life givesyou a surprize. lf they ask who he is,what am l to tell... he's my life's favourite surprize he's like hot coffee to mewhen l'm shivering in cold. coffee?- yes. go... they'd have killed me. would they kill humans like this also?
after stripping. lce? why ice? they dipped me in ice. l can't bear it, finish the prayers quicklyand go away from here. please give me that.- what? this?- no, that one. this one? what would l do with it? give me that one.
clothes are there. what happened?- dhoti! no...no... do you've sense?won't l tie the dhoti myself? should you've to tie it? just to help you...- girls must be little shy. that sambar guy is perfect match to you. hey you... please give it, nandu.
1000... next! as mesmerizing season dawns,myriads of colours fill the nature... smiles are blooming like flowers... my heart is enchanted anddancing in ecstasy... lt started as drop to form a stream andcharmed the heart like first rain... youth is swinging in colourfulmerry-go-round of dreams... on this holy onam day the world of starsis appearing in my eyes... on this holy onam day my pathsare filled with honey of happiness...
on this holy onam day my life's futureis taking a new course... a rain of festivities ischarming my heart... a duet of youth and energy... the festivities are taking over me... strange thoughts are takingover my heart... something is moving my stoic heart... gloominess has begun in me... l can hear the sound of my eyes batting... jasmine has started whispering to me...
my cheeks are turning pinkwith shyness... why am l getting these mischievousthoughts now which l never had earlier? has it hurt my heart with pleasure? don't know what it is saying to me? fight? me?no way. l said no. why are you pushing me? no! let's see!
just exhibition fight,nothing will happen to him. lt's local tradition. l said no! this is ordinary kalari, come on. how to play, tell him? lt's just a game,he wants him to fight for fun. what's their problem? lt seems the winner of thisfight must kiss her. lf you talk nonsense getting drunk,l'll kill you.
lt seems the winner will kiss nandu. what?- that's the game. kittu, he's lying...- shut up. hold him! sister, brother-in-law has becomevery serious. how? they want him to say sorry for hittinghim seriously in a mock fight. lf not they'll not allow to go from here. lt means they are... kittu, since you won the fight,it seems you must kiss me in public.
lf you don't kiss me,they'll not let us go from here. sister, you're no ordinary girl! will you fight for me? they want you to kiss me, kittu. don't talk nonsense. what's these mad customs?ls kissing a girl a punishment? why not kiss me then? are you also mad like them? l'll not do that mistake.
you're very good boy, kittu. you won't do anything wrong. but what will you do with so muchgoodness in this big bad world? just a kiss, why not kiss me? just a kiss, right? may l? when a girl gives you the chance, without wasting time, you must take itwith both hands says dr.kamesh. come...come...fast...fast... come quickly.
thank her, she helped us, right? thanks for your culture, bye.thanks, you come. with love. her crazy... you want me to tell with love, right? thanks...thanks...okay? at last he laughed! they're waiting for you, if we call them,they'll be with us in 20 minutes. we'll be here.
we'll park the jeep 100 metresaway from there. tell them to keep money in it. tell them to go away....- l'll tell, mother. then, let's go to the car.- shall l tell, mother? are you listening, nandu?- please tell again. we must go from this side,pick up the money bag and escape. don't you want to know why l need money? please listen to me,l'm talking about serious matter. taking money from...
don't you want to knowwhy l ran away from home? you'd have started fight,didn't you like marriage or the groom? not that l hate marriage,infact l don't like anything, kittu. l'll ask you one thing, do you like me? l mean if you ask me directly...how can l answer... tell me whether you like me or not. not like acknowledging thatl'm beautiful in a flow. tell me now! am l beautiful or not?
lf not as beautiful as navya,just a shade less than her? you like me? little! then, l'll come with you. l like you so much. let's stay together. l'll not use and throw you like navya. why are you having second thoughtswhen she loves you so much? lf l do like that they'll thinkl'm a real kidnapper.
do you love her? no, it's better to hand over the girlto her family. lf not l'll always remain a kidnapper. hey, stop... what happened?- they're waiting for us. my daughter has come safely,l'm very happy. not just your daughter,money too has come safely. how? he's not taking the real notes,l've filled the bag with fake notes.
turn...turn... why are you tying my hands? they must believe l kidnapped you, right? good, you've developed a lot. ls money there?- yes. this is right for both of us. l'm also coming with you, right? are you leaving me alone here? l'm a girl!
a girl used and ditched you, right?she wasn't wrong in doing that. you deserve it.you're a cheat. lt's wrong to cheat me. why did he stop? has he come know about fake notes? he may harm her, please go away. we should've given him his money. you cheated him andhe has taken away my daughter. come on, krishnaiah!
just 2 minutes! l'll be there! business deals must go on silently,l don't like violence. you complain to him,he'll complain to jaggu. ls it school? are you all fine? business! l can't talk intelligently like you. l'll take it by force. go...wait inside.
govindu, give him offering.- okay, brother. kasi, if you catch it is yours,if not mine. catch it! great! that is also mine.- yes, brother. l'm not joker! where's the girl? there! nandu, it's me! don't come near me.
you left me alone for money, right?why did you come here? l don't want your help. nandu, please listen to me...- you're a cheat! how do you know they brought me here? tell me! what's your plan? did you sell me to them?- what's that nonsense? don't you've any control on your tongue? this is my home. they're my family!
family? lt looks like a villain's den. lf it's your family,why did they kidnap me? my people are like that. my family business is...kidnapping! what?kidnapping? yes, kidnapping. they say every work is for livelihood. my great grandfather chose thisdirty kidnapping business.
though generations changed, the sentiment of family businesshasn't eased a little also. forefathers, see! we've a new heir! my father was very happyto have another heir. but was disappointed to know l'm notgabbar singh but romantic 'poola rangadu' but my elder brother committedhimself to the family business. even in school fancy dress competition, one was seetharamaraju andanother boy was bose. but my father got meveerappan's get up.
everyone knows how l won the competition. from school to degree, l remained alone. my first touch of love was by navya. when everybody was turningaway from me, she made me turn towards her. with your mischievous lookyou coolly stole my heart.... with your mischievous smile,you spread a magic over me... who is that?do you steal slippers too? he loves me so much.
let him do anything,our job is getting done, right? sure. remember navya,day after tomorrow is my marriage. lf anyone can kidnap me from here,only his family can do it. once marriage is over, l'll be helpless. don't say like that, pavan.l'll die. l love you.- okay, ensure it happens. we can marry happily. where is he now?
lt's over, be calm...over...just two words only. two more words?l can't take it anymore. no, sister...please no... you too love me, right? l want to talk to your people immediately. do you want me to tell my people about us? something like that. l'll talk to them.no problem, right? your people won't refuseif l ask anything, right?
l mean...my people...l.. you tell them yourself. they'll not say no. pavan and l love each other. theirs is a factionist's family. they've fixed his marriage day after tomorrow. only you can kidnap pavan from there. l can't pay for it. but l'm here with the faith thatif kittu tells you won't say no.
you must help me. what's this social service? there shouldn't be sentiments in settlements. tell him!tell him money is very important. how can you attach everythingwith money, father? she's a poor girl. you must agree at least for my sake. father, one minute. father, he never showed interestin our business from childhood.
first time he has brought a customer. accept it, father.he'll come to our way. okay. my family kidnapped pavan. navya married him. l became a jackass between them. l never thought she's use my backgroundand make me a jackass. time moved, my father died. my brother wanted to carry on the business.
l'm there for you, right? brother, let's give up this profession. let it end with father. don't talk like a kid.go away. please listen to me once, brother.this is not right. this is our family business,it's been our source of income for generations. lf we give up our family profession. our ancestors will feel hurt. we're nor donating kidneysto make them feel bad.
we're professional kidnappers. l don't know if they feel sad or notbut people are scared of us. nobody comes here happily,they come here when in trouble. we don't need such a life, brother. at least we must...- stop it. our great grandfather taught grandfather,grandpa taught father, our father taught me. l'll teach you. weren't they happy?we'll also be happy.
don't think to much,get into the profession quickly. this is decided. can you understand anything l say? l'm telling you to change andyou want me to get into this. l feel suffocated here, brother. lf you can't change,l won't stay here, brother. l'm walking out of this home. walk out? what will you do going out?
will you beg? l'm not so cheap, brother. l'll prove that l can earn withoutdepending on anyone. with honest! l'll prove we're doing the wrong thing andhave it stopped with you, brother. this is also decided. only you've to rap your thigh,do that and go. stop!- please don't go. you stop.
where will he go? he'll come back in two day with hunger. kid! no...- you go inside. ls my story comedy to you? you left home becauseyou don't like this profession. but you too have kidnapped me, right? don't call me a kidnapper. l got involved in the game playedby your father and daughter.
whatever it may be,you kidnapped me, right? you too can join your brother's gang here.l'll recommend you. you're 10 out of 10 in kidnaps. don't say that for joke also,my brother will force me join this trade. your brother loves that girl, brother. he was running away with her,l used my brain and kidnapped her. did you see how he came backhere searching his love? what happened to him? lnstead of doing this business happily,what's this weakness of women to him?
earlier he brought a girl andasked for a free deal. we did. now, he's running on streetswith girl saying love. when will he do the business? l'm angry, tell him to come.get him. before my brother comes to know aboutthis kidnap we must escape from here. hide! come. brother is calling you.
oh no! ls this what you did after leaving home? you challenged me and left home. l didn't do it wantonly,l was forced to do it. forced? you did it anyway, why do you hesitateto accept you did wantonly? l said l had no choice. what are you saying withyour lover next to you? what did you do these 2 years?
loving a girl, fight with her father,elopement and chases. l told him. not his lover...- yes, we love each other. ls it wrong? please....l beg you... these elders are...- why are you blabbering? lt's not wrong to fall in love. you said something butwhat have you done? 1 you're right.l'll be on that job.
come, nandu. lf you move, l'll break your legs. l've fixed sister's marriage on wednesday. she's refusing to marry without you. we don't know your whereabouts.shall l leave her to be a spinster? you may not like conducting sister'smarriage with my money. whether you like it or not,you both are staying here till her marriage. l'll think about your marriage after that. look dear, you don't need to worry.
you love him, right? neck deep! call your father on phone,l'll talk to him. what? don't worry.how long will you be on run? call him on phone, l'll talk to him. lt's our love, we'll deal it ourselves. would l keep quiet if someonechases my brother? you call him, l'll talk to him.l'll talk to him before you. may l know who is calling?
l'm kittu's brother jaggu.came to know what he did. what he did he was right!close the matter here. how can l close it?l raised my daughter among flowers. send back my daughter. we raised him also amongcow dung cakes. don't stretch the matter too long. l'm ready to give rs.15 lakhsto your brother. mind your own words. putting a priceof rs.15 lakh for my brother. he's a diamond, you can't value his worth.
l said about my daughter's rate. what a nasty father you are!you crook! how dare you put a price onsuch a good girl! l think there's some confusion,decide the price yourself. shut up! how dare you put a priceon my brother's love! how am l connected withyour brother's love? lf you don't have, then forget itbut l do have. l'll do anything for him. l was quiet till now because itmay hurt my daughter.
l'll not keep quiet,l'll go to police. who do you think l'm? will you go to police in my area? please tell your father,l'll send the wedding card. father, l'm safe. don't worry and get tensed.l'll call you later. how are you brother? this is pothuraju's den. come in, you'll understand as you see.
uncle, bihari candidate. where's the boss? one step...one step...just one step! why is he cribbing about one step? look up! ls it diwali today?- no, our enemy jaggu is celebrating! my boss is making sincere effort toupstage him at least by one step. but never happened till now. we brought you to help him do that.
l'm here, right? let's do it. he looks like cousin brother of goddessof wealth, what do you say, father? call the client. let me see how can wealthnot come for its cousin. cousin looks very weak. forget about wealth,not even satan will come for him. always pull me back, l'll show youhow to hit jackpot with him. who is he talking to?- with his father. father?- yes.
nobody is there. lt seems he can see his fatherwhenever he's tensed. ls it? ls he mad? why are you calling boss as mad? he's suffering from a strange disease. brother, his son is on line. don't search for your father. l've kidnapped him. did you kidnap my father?
lf you want your father,send rs.5 lakhs by evening. you've given me good news,my father is a torture. since you've taken the riskof kidnapping him. keep him for few days. my father isn't fussy about food.very kind hearted man. just 4 square meal is enough for him. are you telling menu to me?don't you want your father alive? keep my father till l arrange funds. no need by evening,at least arrange by tomorrow morning.
lmpossible, l'll arrange wheneverit is possible for me. can you please tell mewhen you can arrange it? allow me to think, keep in touch. who kidnapped this man? pothuraju, it seems jaggu haskidnapped a girl. lt seems very wealthy party. we too get, dealing with poverty! ls he your boss?- still didn't get it? who is he?he looks like colourful monkey.
do you know who am l? just now l got it, you and your gang.l've understood everything. tell him about me now. he's lal from bihar. he's bihar trained kidnapper...- enough! l said bihar, you'd haveunderstood everything. lf you want to upstage him,no use in kidnapping others. lf we kidnap the girl he haskidnapped from him. metre and matter will be in our favour.
you're sharp. tell me the plan. listen carefully. jaggu is here and his men are here. women stay here.buffaloes are here. the girl is in this room. we can enter directly and kidnapthe girl going around jaggu's room. what if the girl isn't in that room? father is right.
what did your father say? didn't you catch it?- l didn't see the ball. what if the girl isn't in the room? you too are sharp. experience, sharper than you. how many we've lost to him!l've a plan, listen to me. let this short man work with jagguinstead of with us here. he'll send us information from there. when he finds the girl alone,let's kidnap her.
that's the plan! what did your father say this time? didn't catch it?- didn't see the ball again. hey bihar! l'll tell the plan now. how did l fix krishna's love matter? praise me! you fixed everything with justone phone call, brother. why didn't he come to me earlier?why that ego? must fix him here beforesister's marriage is over.
he liked me so much inhis childhood days. he used to come to me for anything. but now he gets irritatedif l go near him. lt is hurting me. calm down, just a kid, brother. just bash him and he'll stay in home. lf my brother gets crazy,l'll bash him and he calms down. would he stay here if l bash him? poor kid! he may cry!
brother, he wants to join our gang. look, outsiders want to join our profession. but my brother saysthis is filth and won't join. don't know why close people are goingfar away and strangers are getting closer. check if he's useful to us or not.- okay, brother. bless me, brother. go!- bye brother. people are embarrassing me. give me some water.
enough?- enough. madam, sir is refusing to eat.he gets angry for everything. he left home earlier gettingangry on his brother. what would he get if he's angryon food now? neither elder brother is rightand younger brother is wrong. l'm getting affected between them. one likes hot vadas andanother likes sweets. l like both of them to be happy. managing them is very difficult.
you both are lovers, right?he'll listen to you. please tell him to eat.- l'll do it now. give it to me. just do as brother jaggu says, got it? very strong body! where's the girl kittu brought with him? that's the girl, she's very good girl. just a phone call.- okay, finish it off quickly. l saw the target.she's taking food to kittu.
ls the chicken running aroundoutside the coop? l think they're making customersto serve them. ls she alone? shall l come now? don't rush, l'm here, right?l'll find an opportune time for you. till then keep talking to your father. say l inquired uncle, bye. where's my father? brother will concentrate on meafter the marriage. lf he comes to know about kidnap matter,l've to settle down as kidnapper.
that's worse.lsn't it easy to escape? why are you getting tensed?l trust only you, how can you be afraid? lf one gets tensed, dance with ecstasy! dance...dance... looks like he's settling down here. come on dance! no brother, please no...ls it necessary to rap the thigh? did l hit it?where? what happened?- he hurt his...
ls it necessary to tell her now?- she must know, right? l got hit on stomach. stomach? take care of him. get it, boy! already empty stomach, got hit there? my stomach, my wish,what bothers you? why did you come with plate?go away. you'll not listen to them butlisten to your lover, right? who is your lover?l'll kill you, get out.
brother-in-law, your brother isa real kidnapper... you're smart!- l'm nandu! that's not for her,l'm eating because l'm hungry. ls it? are you hungry? give me.nothing short in this. open your mouth. you too! why are you watching? come! l'm surrounded by flowers of smiles...
when l tried to find who is responsible,it lead me to you... you've drenched me withunheard moonbeam of love... you made my youth to breakinto a symphony... to make me enjoy the best of life,come to me, krishnaiah... l'm your love...ls my heart and soul yours? my heart will not open upor come out... how am l to get out of this confusion? my youth will not calm likelightning of love... how am l to reach you?
never had such feelings in my heart... have you fallen for theromantic temptations? slow...slowly... have you reached?- we're behind the house. listen to me carefully. l've set a haystack near wall,jump the wall from there. don't shout, it's me. we must escape from here tonight. l'll remove my hand, don't shout.
you shut my mouth with one hand. what's the other hand doing? no, l didn't do it wantonly...it happened in flow... why do you react so muchfor everything? you touched me, right?l'm asking how did you feel? my bad luck l'm stuck with you. where are we going from here?- escape from here. why?- want to settle down here forever. all are in the mood of fun,nobody will care about other.
tell me. why did you make us enterfrom cattle shed nastily? should l open the main doorand welcome you grandly? don't even know the basics of kidnaps. okay, tell me, where should l come now? already this buffalo is coming on me. do one thing, you fall on it. what else then?kittu is also falling on her. he's getting close to the target.
not only making the clients serve them,are they romancing them too? shall l come? you hasty fellow! listen to me. go straight and you'll find a well,hide beside. l'll inform when target is alone.okay? stay here, l'll check around. lf you...you remember, right? kittu is still hanging with her. go left, there's a ladder,climb to the terrace.
l'll divert kittu andyou can kidnap the target. note the point, target is in white dress. no need of ladder for that,target is right before me. jaggu is pinching her cheeks. ls everyone fondling her? today he's finished.that's jaggu's wife. lf you touch her, he'll rip out your skin. don't use your mad brain,just do as l say. where are they?
there... what is he doing here? why are you making sounds?l'm here only. get down! what are you doing here?- wind...wind... who are you talking to? with my father.- father? when my bp raises, l see my father. father, he's babji, he's everything here,say hi to him.
are you mad?- lt's a strange disease. what if he really has that disease? torture, brother. let it be any disease,brother is calling you. what's it, brother?- what's that ladder? what's that sound? who is that? come on, boys! looks like jaggu bhai is coming.
brother, carefully..go...go... just now l saw your brotherand that girl here. they would've gone that side, brother. boys, find my brother. come fast! come. brother has seen the ladder.do you know what would happen now? what did l do? l said no already. l beg you...l'll fall at your feet.don't ruin my life... l said no, brother-in-law butyour brother can't wait.
lf l say no he'll get angry, sister. you know, right?- l know, everyone here is like that. you come. what have l done? ls she telling the truth? playing any drama? tell me clearly. l remember bringing her but then...- what's that dirty thing? control your moods.
though l'm angry on you,you're my brother. control your feelings andit'll blast after marriage! listen to me. save it. he's a real man one who cancontrol his feelings. lf you ask for kisses every timeyou get mood, you weaken yourself before women. got it? shall l tell something if you don't mind?- tell me.
a topic like this between uslooks horrible. you're also doing horrible things. am l any less to you? splendour of seetha's marriage... splendour of rama's marriage... go away! what are you women discussing? brother, tell me which is better of the two? both are not good, select yourself.
lf she can select, why would she ask you? how could you love him? kittu is very good boy, sister.anyone would like him. what did you like in him? his smile, sister.- smile? like sankranthi that comes yearly once,he too smiles yearly once. we must catch it.lf not you'll miss it. l caught it and fell for him. what did you like in her?
ask me, l'll tell you, sister. kittu loves me more than his life. look here! l'm in his heart and on him too.my name is nandu! lsn't it, kittu?- just a minute, sister-in-law. looks like you're getting down well here.no need to be so close. tell them we're going out,let's escape from there. go...go... sister, we'll go out.- where?
he said some personal work. you know him, if l refuse he'll get angry. okay, come back quickly.be careful. what are you looking at?mind your work. why did you tell like that?- what did l tell? don't malign me before my family. you said something...brother-in-law is here. where are you going? she wanted to see around andgirls need something, right?
ponds, hills...haystacks... haystack, right! haystack...they're eager for it. brother! go with them.- brother. ensure they don't lose the way.- okay.- come. what's that haystack?to show her or do it? control your feelings. you'll weaken before women.
you're a real man! nothing like that.- really not there? go and play! babji, look after the kid. don't you want to be with your familyfor your sisters marriage. always trying to escape from problem. that's your biggest problem.- you're my biggest problem. that's my sister's marriage,don't l want to be here? l suspect myself every time l see you.
l appear like a kidnapper to myself. what's the difference between meand my brother? moreover your affection andbonding with my family. you've entered my life like bad time. you don't want to send me away,you're saying this in anger. ls it so difficult to escape from babji? why didn't you escape the dayhe kidnapped you? he's with my brother for 20 years,escaping from him is not easy. he'll always be ahead of us.
my brother won't send him for nothing. don't show your smartness. shall l try? madam shikandi, please. lf you manage to escape,please don't come back. go home from there.at least l'll live peacefully. really? you may go, please. got you!
just testing you, that's all. did l pass?- with top honours. let's go home. lsn't the girl sensational?- rocking! what are you looking at?go away! stay there boys! stay there and watch me.lf you move, l'll kill you. what's your problem? you neither see nor let them see.why you are jealous, tell me?
babji, chase them out. babji, they mustn't go from there.lnfact you too watch. oh no! don't bring me into this, madam. have you gone mad?she'll say anything, chase them away. chase them away. that's pothuraju's knock-out punch, father! l was waiting all these years for this day. bore! he would've got the shock of his life.you made it my son.
you really made it, son. stop....stop... did you see the talent of bihar? why did you kick me?- how dare you sit on my father? where's your father, boss? he's sitting here, sit in the back seat. this mental is taking my life.- turn that side. boss, kittu is following us, go fast. he's here!
go fast....fast... l'll get a flute, will you play? go!- what else can l do? please, bash him. go boys! pothuraju, the girl is next to you,kidnap her. what? will you kidnap a girl? no son, he'll thrash you. run away!
listen to me, son.he'll thrash you, don't take her. father doesn't want me to tale her. discussing with father now,escape with her. why did you hit me? we both are kidnappers, right?lt's not good to fight for customers. kidnappers? customer? take her. lf you tell, it'll be in your account,if l kidnap, then it'll come into my account. do you know that?
l've only 2 wishes in life. either l must upstage you by one stepor make you come down a step. l couldn't upstage you butl did make you come down a step. didn't get me? your sister's marriage would'vegot cancelled, go! my son saw your sister ina marriage and liked her. without thinking much we agreedto this marriage for his sake. today morning we got a call fromsomeone who told bad about your family. who is he? l'll kill him.
he too said the same thing. lt seems you threaten everyonehere with death. he said you do illegal thingsin the name of business. we fear the safety of my son. l know it is painful to you if l saylike this just before marriage. but l can't avoid it. one minute, uncle. my name is nandu. please don't mind for interferingwhile elders are discussing.
you are...? l'm this family's future daughter-in-law. uncle, you like keerthi very much, right?- we do. she's like an angel. but for marriage just liking the girl won't do. family too must be good. that's my fear. after the marriage,keerthi will be in your house. but if l marry, l'll come to this house. l'm waiting happily for the day to comehere as their daughter-in-law,
this family is a good family, right? after my mother died,l missed her a lot. l always had a feeling of something lost. but after coming here,l felt like l was with my mother again. l had that feeling here,don't you think this family is good family? keerthi wants your son,your son wants keerthi. you want their happiness, right? that's all, dear. forgive me for what l said andmake arrangements for the marriage.
bye, dear. wait a minute. l knew my brother wouldbecome a problem. today my sister's marriage almostgot cancelled. did you see how he looked at meto say l was the reason for it? calm down. he knows how much l love my sister. l wanted to conduct this marriageeven if l've to tell 100 lies. ls it my mistake?
lnstead of finding faults,it's better to find good in them. they like keerthi,so the groom is happy. any girl would wish to enter a good family. so, keerthi is also happy. you too wish that, right? l too wish the same. had nandu not talked to him,we would've face trouble. we managed to get out from it, right? why does he still consider me as villain?
why fight now with marriage in days? leave him, please give a smile. please give a smile. oh thanks? let's dance to the beat of heart... let's dance in the rain of flowers... let smiles fly like kites,won't happiness become your companion? to add grandeur andmake this marriage come alive... my heart seeks more...
lsn't it celebration of loveif silence become words? won't spring make appearanceif heart speaks to heart? marriage band and hymns areto remove fears in us... festoons, turmeric and vermillionare to think about good times... lf hands unite, won't the distancebetween hearts get reduced? lf we dance together,won't the moon come down? chase out the darkness of anger andjealous with the lights of love and affection... let's weave together likea garland of flowers... what's it, brother?
feeling sad for sister leaving home. sister is gone, brother too would leave. l would've dragged him, thrashedand tied him here as you said. he's my brother. l could manage to stop himtill marriage. they won't stop for me, right? what's this, brother? nandu is no ordinary girl. she can tie down here forever.
will he stay? he will. yes, l kidnapped nandu. as you think there's nothing between us. look boss, when you refused to givemy hard earned money, l did that unable to find any other way, l'm sorry for troubling you, boss. though l was angry on you,l didn't let anyone hurt your daughter. take her with you, boss.
job is over, come. you were right!you didn't do anything wrong. l got cheated for the second time. l'll tell my father that you're a good man. there won't be any blemishon your character. l don' care if you don't love me,but you shouldn't have sold me like this! kittu, you are doing the wrong thing. l don't believe you don't love nandu. please bring her back.go!
l love nandu more thanall of you, sister-in-law. that's why l let her go. l myself don't like this place,how can l bring her here, sister-in-law? nandu is very innocent. you fed her andshe saw her mother in you. lf we got hurt,she felt the pain, sister-in-law. she thought this demon's placeas heavenly brindavan. before her imaginations burst with reality,its better she leaves this place. he can't understand this, sister-in-law.
l wish he understands. no problem, whatever l wishedfrom my childhood, l never got it. l'm used to it. now also, its usual, sister-in-law. this family is right for her,certainly not. why do you always leave home likean angry wife going to her parents? last time l let you go thinkingyou'd come back in 2 days. now l know you won't come back,how can l let you go? l'll thrash you and tie you here.
l'm hurt! will you go away? you're my younger brother. lf you're sad, my heart won't accept it. lt'll not. you said you gave up your lovebecause of me, right? l'm telling you now, for your love, l'll quit this business.
leave it. ancestors would feel bad. they're somewhere else,but you must be with me. you don't like it, right? l'll quit. l'm no more a don. l'm your elder brother,l want my brother. trust me. l'll quit for you. but you don't do the wrong thing.
nandu is very good girl. please don't give her up. call her immediately without any delay. nandu won't trust me, brother. she'll not like to see my face also. tomorrow is her marriage,no use in waiting here. not like that....must do something. stop the marriage!take a decision taking your own sweet time. what should l do now?
babji, start the vehicle.let's kidnap the girl. again? habitual mistake. l promise on you,l'm quitting kidnap business. let's do it in your style, come. my brother is with me. while leaving home for marriage,a black cat crossed the path. would it create any problemin marriage? l'm darker than the cat.
the cat may face problem not my marriage. how is my dress? greetings, sir. why are you back, kittu?how dare! l'll hack you. already l'm furious, move aside. who cares if you're in bad mood?l'll hack you. you carry on with your style. will you hack him?you've great power. babji, get that knife.- okay, brother...wait.
hold it carefully, hack me.hack me. hack me... kill me...kill me... lf you drop the knife, l'll kill you. l shouldn't see you in this area. he looks like a good comedian. l'm not disappointed,you're indeed beautiful like me. he's a waste fellow, a sadist, a cheat. he has no feelings.
what if you tell your feelings to such a man? he said something else also. what did he say? he said something...- yes? what did he say, brother?- he said something.... okay, you forget him andmarry this sambar man. okay, marry him. please don't ruin my life..what are you saying... turned the other side?
you told him not to show his face, right? kittu, this is not working, turn this side. why did you come back? everyone there is missing you,my sister-in-law, my brother... and me too! to take you with me.why discuss now? come, let's go to our home. our home? won't it be kidnap if you take me now?
how can it be kidnap?we're lovers now, right? what? lovers?when did you tell you love me? didn't he tell this too? you're here to support me,please children... lt was my mistake,l shouldn't have let you go. but l've come back for you, right? what if you leave me again?l got cheated twice. what you lost isn't mebut the trust l had on you! nandhishwari
l want you forever,l don't know how to express it. lt's you in my heart and my soul. you're my life's biggest surprize, nandu. you're like chilled beer in hot sun. you're a chatter box andbe silent for a moment in 12 years. l fell for you then. l feel like you're scolding menot praising me. don't let me talk... just now l said you're beautifulwhen you're silent.
why not try it? the moment l saw you,my life turned upside down. but l like this life. my brother too has changedseeing your love for me. when he can change,l gave up my anger to be with you. will you marry that sambar? l'll kill you. l like... why are you crying for everything?
turn back! close your eyes. when a girl asks the boyhow much he loves him, dr.kamesh suggested to kisspassionately like this. l'm telling you now,l'm mad about you, nandu. don't know how your fathertook care of you. but l'll look after you like your mother. how much time he's taking?why hasn't he come out yet? he boasts about his style. he can't do it, execute our plan.do it.
sir, groom is missing. ls brother-in-law here? what's this strange? generally brides elope butgroom has eloped here. entire tamil nadu knowskittu kidnapped her. but if people come to know groom hasrun away, nandu will never get marries. why do you interfere in everything? lf groom is missing,you must tell me first. what would happen to my daughter' life?
why did you come here? you kidnapped the groom, right? l don't like violence,we gave up kidnaps. we're reformed. we came to seek your forgivenessfor kidnapping your daughter. he's lying, sir. trust me, sir. we were professional kidnappers,your daughter changed us into diamonds. though nandu loves kittu, she agreedto this marriage for your sake.
as repentance for the sin,we're returning your money also. sir, he's trying to trap you. he returned my money with big heart. sun tv is running scroll ofgroom's elopement. ls it? lt seems there's breaking newson sun tv about groom's elopement. no man worth his salt wouldmarry your daughter. did the groom elope? yes, sir.
l think you are in family problems, let's go. wait, sir. my daughter's problem,you must solve it. me? what can l do? you must tell your brotherto marry my daughter. lmpossible.- why? they like each other, right? but we've traditions, family customs. forgetting all that should l askmy brother to marry a ditched bride? forget about groom and this marriage,l'm a elderly man, l'll fall at your feet.
no problem.- thank you. you're talking funnily. what about the groom?are you behind this? not behind or front also. l swear on this tamil.- l may die. then, okay. father-in-law!- son-in-law! l want to go out with your daughter,give me the keys. you come, dear.
l'm pothuraju here, brother. l've fulfilled my long pending ambitionwith this sambar guy. you gave your profession to me,l've become don and you've become god. l was born in different house, in my next l'll take birth as your sonand repay my gratitude. rock it! l'm with you here butwish to be born as his son. all your ideas were failures. jaggu bhai gave one ideaand l've succeeded.
then, l'll go away.- go. l'll never appear again.- don't show up. ls he gone?
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