Thursday, March 23, 2017

How To Flashing spice mi 441

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How To Flashing spice mi 441

new sky kids! [dramatic theme music] ♪ hey supergirl, it's your birthday.we're gonna party like it's your birthday. her royal majesty,the birthday queen, has arrived! [crickets chirping] batman? spidey? [disappointing music] supergirl:i wonder where batman and spiderman went?

oh well, i guess i'll have no oneto share my birthday cake with... -you've got birthday cake? -spiderman! you were supposedto go on the cue. [blows party horn][triumphant music] -surprise! -happy birthday, supergirl!-aw, thanks, you guys. spiderman: now, how about that birthday cake?batman: nuh-uh. presents first. supergirl: aw, guys,you didn't have to get me presents... aw, it's an elsa doll!

spidey, did you get this for me? spiderman: elsa is the disney princess versionof me. i shoot webs, she shoots ice beams. supergirl: and you have a big crush on her. spiderman: ew! girls have cooties.! batman's. supergirl: whoa!batman: i got you a new transformer gun! i know the old one turnseverything into sloths. spiderman: you mean this one? [laser beam]

-this is awesome!-i’m glad you like it. supergirl: what does "live mode" do? spiderman: here, let me see. batman: spidey, wait! -it's the real elsa! [ice beam] -this, this isn't scandinavia! -calm down, elsa...-where am i? what is going on?why is it so hot in here? why is it so hot?

batman: just calm down... and take these gloves. there you go. much better. -are you a queen, too? -i guess you could say that. batman: no, supergirl is not a queen... today was her birthday,and you're one of her gifts. -i... don't understand. -you used to be a doll, but then spidermanshot you with my new transformer gun, and...

now you're alive. -is that spiderman? -did you actually freeze him? -oh, i'm so sorry, i really didn'tmean to, it was an accident! -he's like a... spider-sicle. -what are you waiting for?defrost the man! -it... doesn't work like that. -then i guess i'll do it myself. [suspenseful music]

batman: supergirl, what are you doing?supergirl: making hot tea for spidey! supergirl: can you get a teabag?batman: great idea. what flavor? supergirl: it doesn't matter!batman: ok, uh... we got... we got orange spice, premium black tea...oh, we have orange spice, also premium black tea... supergirl: batman!batman: ok! [mumbling] -guys! that's not how it works![sighs] ooooh, nespresso! -this should warm you right up. batman: we should have gone with orange spice.

supergirl: ugh!this is the worst birthday party ever. batman: come on, supergirl. we just gotto think of other ways to heat him up. supergirl: you thinking what i'm thinking? batman: yup! [triumphant music]both: hairdryers! supergirl: wait... you have a hairdryer? [hairdryers blowing] elsa: yeah, this isn't going to work.batman: what? supergirl: stop, stop, stop!

supergirl: this isn't working. [slurps] -we need more heat.-like fire? -like firrrrre... elsa: whoa, whoa, guys... freeze for a second. i mean cool it. chill. cool it. ok. the only thing that willdefrost spiderman... is love. ...why don't you try tellingspiderman some things you love about him? -but that's weird...

-there's nothing weirdabout loving your friends. -spiderman, something that i love aboutyou is that you're always willing to help others. like, the time that our volleyball net broke, and you made one out of your spider webs. you're a great friend, spiderman. [tender music] -spiderman... i love... that your name is spiderman... aaaaand you're kind of scared of spiders?

[buzzer] ...and you always haveour backs when we need you. batman's right. you're a great friend. spiderman: go on... both: spidey! spiderman: whew! what just happened? batman: let's just say you had a bad cold. spiderman: no kidding! spiderman: i think it's time for some cake.

supergirl: i actually didn't get any cake... elsa: will an ice cream cake do? [tinkling] [cheerful music] elsa: so, spiderman... do you think you canforgive me for freezing you? spiderman: i guess i... can let it go. [super squad singing]♪ let it go! let it go! ♪ can't hold it back anymore...

♪ let it go! let it go... -every time. click to subscribe. or watch more videos!

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