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all in all azhaguraja tamilnadu has got so many satellite channels and large number of regional channels. there will be few territorialchannels within the region. one among the fewis our aaa channel. mr azhagu raja is the managingdirector of that channel. his birth name is raja. raja being good lookingfrom his childhood. his parents nicknamedhim as azhagu raja.
thinking him to be smart,he called himself as azhagu raja. raja's dad name is muthukrishnan.owner of meenakshi auto mobiles. a man of comfort living. are you playing with the spanner? she is raja's mom.. -meenakshi...-coming dear. -yes dear.-where is the coffee? just turned on the gasto prepare coffee. then you called me.i just quit and came.
very well... look the gas is on and leaking.oh my god! please forgive me. a wife apologising in this century,can you believe your eyes? she doesn't watch any television series. for both of them, the only wishis to see their son's wedding. even now they lied and brought him,to look for a bride. - your girl?- yeah bride!
can you see thegarland at the top? what... trying toset up my wedding? you signal as well. you don't have any other work?- hey..sit down. he wants to be your father-in-lawand he is adamant about it. you just have to look at herand say you like her or not. you just want to know whether ilike her or not. is that right? i don't like you,i don't like your wife either. spoiled sport!
and i don't like yourdaughter at all. - my dear son..- please stop dear. hey son...what is this? until i make my aaa channel theleading channel, i won't get married. before that if someoneutters about marriage.... raja... raja being such an ambitious guy without marriage, his partner name is kalyanam. owner of kali bakery.only hisname sounds like marriage...
but his life never encounteredsuch an occasion... the only way he can getmarried is if he would... ..perform some rituals assuggested by the astrologer. you can't tolerate if i sing. why haven't you come with a tiefor our channel's budget meeting? hope you remember the 50rupees fine for the tie? of course! remember that. morning 8- 10 is the power cutsir. so unable to press it. hence i have got it in thepocket to press it on the way.
wearing a formal wear and tie,do you really want to know whattheir business meeting is ? xerox news read by azhagu raja. hema lodged a complaint tothe police commissioner. welcome you all to thewedding matrimony. your speech is excellent.are you married? watching aaa channelis a visual treat and hearing this talentshow is musical treat. even though he looksdark like a crow,
his voice will be like a cuckoo.cuckoo start singing. bit louder..into high pitch.... officer, as usualhe is electrocuted by our mic.look for some wooden stuff. where did i keep the wooden log?- oh my banner! good morning and very glad to meetyou all in the show tea with raja the vip for today's show is..... every nook and corner of thestreet, performing circus stunts, entertaining the public,our artist mr divyanathan.
sorry to interrupt bro,my name is deadly divyanathan. what is that dancer divyanathan?have got a story behind it? sorry to interrupt again bro,it's not dancer divyanathan. it is deadly divyanathan. have you got the gutsto hurt yourself with the whiplashes,only i have got it. you want to try? very bold andintelligent speech, great going.. could you pleaseelaborate to our viewers, why did you choosethis as your profession?
bro, for whatever reason you havechosen this as your profession, for the same reason onlyi have chosen this. can't understand bro.- for food and living only. officer, have all the staffsjoined the budget meeting? everyone is standingoutside on a bonus strike. didn't you see themwhile coming inside. what do you mean officer? it's just two of us in the company,like a caravan hotdog shop. let's not discuss thisin our budget meeting.
officer, we have gotincome report for one page and expensereport for nine pages. have a good look at it,even the one page income reportis a blank page. just not to hurt your feelings,i have got that report in the file. officer, for thepast 5 years why our financial statementsare very poor? can i know thereason for the same? for your kind information,it's just been
5 years since we started our channel. all the other channels doget advertisement revenues. then why our channel is notgetting any advertisements? that's because our channelitself needs self advertisement. bro, settle the account. officer, bro needs some money fordrinking tea. please do give him. sorry for the interruption,he is asking money for the tea we drank. brother...we are in the middleof the budget meeting, can you please come after sometime.
i know you guys arehaving a chit chat, i will let the owner know about it.- hey bro,bro..... sorry md sir. we have justgot only one option. we have to shoot our advertisementsand telecast it in our channel. there is a small issue in it. locally no one will support us,because everyone knows about us. from whatever you haveexplained so far, locally we can't take ad shoot. how about shooting it outside?
yes it's possible to take the ad shoot. i mean, if someone has opened a new shop before he gets to knowsome information about us. if we can reach themthen it's possible. this intelligence is gonna takeyou to a different heights. holy god, lord ganesha... from day one it's beena profitable business, hope to continue with your blessings.- owner please close the shop. -what happened?-income tax officers on the way.
if you are caught,you will be bankrupted. stick your tongue, shutyour mouth and go inside. sir, it's business timeand all staffs are around. if you can place your demands,we can speak and sort it out. what is your expectation?- just a minute. officer, how about 5l?- five lakhs. five lakhs. will that be enough.- here you go sir. don't be nervous.- totally 5 lakhs hot cash? yes sir. please have it.
we will be caught redhanded in the department. department? which department? we are from aaa tvmarketing department. get up! md sir, he looks like aload shedding bullock. hey don't be sarcastic. try to finalise the advertisement. hey....get up first.what is the budget? tell him as 5 lakhs,then we can manage.- sir, 5 lakhs. how about 4 lakhs?- about 3 lakhs?
2 lakhs?- 1 lakh? sir, let's confirm it for 50,000 rupees. any penny less than thatwill be a shame to your shop. 5000 rupees, final.- what 5000 rupees? no discussion, one condition....thamana, samantha, anjali. all the three clubtogether, bring me a model. advertisement confirmed.- for 5000 rupees? thamana,samantha,anjali.all 3 club together a new model. you........
sir, just forget it,he is an office boy. i am the md and i takecare of all operations. i will bring a model.ad confirmed. even for a death funeral vehiclethey charge 10,000 rupees. how can you shootan ad for 5000 rupees? for the 5000 bucks you give,you think kareena kapoor and priyanka chopra will dance.. ..chokka thangam,chokka thangam jewellery. mesmerising, mesmerising jewellery.
officer, do it again.- why? chokka thangam, chokka thangam jewellery. we have got a modelwithout spending a penny. you are my kareena chopra. he is a prince with a midas touch. he is a player with a sachin touch. our raja, all in all raja,who doesn't mess up work, our raja, all in all raja,whose garden is full of roses. brother she is kareena,brother she is kareena chopra.
greet him!- hello sir she meant funny in english bombay girl that's whyshe speaks in english. chokka chokka chokkathangam jewel palace. you get all designs of gold,silver and diamond jewels here. bring your kith and kinto see this spectacle, your lucky charm to takethe next step in your life. a golden falls in thenkasi,your chokkathangam jewellery where the hell did he go in themorning, without opening the office.
have to cut his salary immediately. switched off. you... i think i had enough experiencebeing an employee in aaa channel. it's your wish to accept or declinemy resignation.i don't care what you do. but if you are gonna come to my bakery and force meto work with you, out of shame, i willhang myself to death. yours frustrated friend, kalyanam. how dare he does this?
who can eat if wemake such a crap? hey, are you not ashamed at all. if you still force me to workout of shame, i will hang to death. yours frustratingfriend, kalyanam.what's so frustrating? you know what.do you know what happened? do you know?- why are you weepinglike a woman? what's the reason for inviting meto your place during midnight? bro, bombay girl kareena chopra!she hasn't left my eyes. look at my eyes..
chokka thangam, chokka thangam jewellery, stunning beauty!beautiful curves and shapes. that girl kareena chopra. she has squeezed my heartlike an orange fruit. therefore...- therefore... you have to set up thatbombay girl for me, please. have to live with her for one day,at least one day, just one day. if not my soul won'trest in peace. promise. i will give you cash,gold,silver,diamond.
anything you ask for.take it from me. wealth can come in any form. he wants me to act like a pimp. even that's alright.but he wants me to speak to myself to get hooked up. have you ever heard such a story? you have pledged a spiritual bachelor,for a mere sum of 5000 rupees. after this, i decided to hangmyself in a ceiling fan. then...
after that..my house had only tablefan hence it's a failure mission. officer relax, don't get tensed. life will have bothpositives and negatives. we should try to live like aswan, separating the milk and water. swan will separate them and fly away. if chokkanathan comes to knowabout it, he will tear me apart. after this, i don't want to do anybusiness with you. please go away. mr kalyanam, don't utterany words in anger. five years before, do you rememberwhat you promised in your bakery?
do you remember? aaa tv, what is this? i just want to impress you and workas your assistant in aaa channel. that's why i did this, md sir. phone banega umapathi.polaka povathu yaaru. have got some new concepts like these. if you can keep me as your assistant, i will be assistingyou throughout my life. i swear.
i was looking for such a worker only. this presence of mind and humblenesswill take you to different heights. forgive me md sir. will you employeeme again in your organisation? did you say ourchannel as an organisation. md sir you have got call. md for the bakery... hello, brother,tell me bro. i am on the way. my friend johnson's wedding atambasamudram. let's go and attend. johnson? you don't have anyfriends named johnson.
you don't know md sir.we are childhood friends. let's just make a quick visit. what am i gonna do inyour friend's wedding? you aren't smart enough. he is the md for johnsonand johnson company. do you know whose is that babyin their company powder box? is that your friend? no, it's my photo when i was a baby. i will be chubby and bubbly.
to showcase his affection for me,he put that photo. if you can come with me now,we can finalise an ad deal. very good.this business intelligencewill take you to greater heights. at times you think very smart. officer, we straightawaywish your friend and finalise the babysoap advertisement. then we will make aaa thenumber one tv channel in india. losers, losers, losers, our md sir says we will bevictorious from today.
why do you keep saying losers, losers? not losers, it's prayers. oh it's prayers md sir,his pronunciation is wrong. keep this tongue in afurnace and mend it. you told your friend name is johnson,right? - yes. but here it is posted as albert. is it like that there?it is albert johnson. yes md sir. like subramanian and balasubramanian,kumaran and senthilkumaran. lord muruga has gotdifferent names.
likewise johnson,albert johnson, peter, john peter, ponting, ricky ponting.there are quite a few like this. that's ok. hello, brother. coming bro.on the way bro. grant me the wish to love you girl, let my soul follow yourhappiness and sorrow. an angel with a spreaded wings,glancing at me. just swept me off my feet,like a lightning and thunder.
my stack of dreams,just exploded in my eyes.. my latched up wishes,just opened up in my heart. i am lost because of you,tell me what to say and what to do. we came together, right? officer, we have to meet johnsonand finalise the advertisement. have to make our channelthe number one channel, you are not worried aboutanything and you are enjoying. i am enjoying?- oh!- how about you? instead of workingwith a hopeless idiot,
photograph the bride and bridegroom. have decided to work onthe hotdog business. this is the last timei am calling you, md sir. i resign my job.- one minute. if you are gonna befrustrated for small issues, throughout your life, you willbe idle in your bakery. there is a place to sit,come and sit immediately. looking good right? it's a big hall and canaccommodate 1500 people.
it's bit humid, if they had air conditioned the hall,it will be great. i didn't ask about the hall,i asked about her. your girl! from when?- have you noticed officer? certain girls look beautiful,but their voice sucks. certain other girls doesn't look great,but their voice would be amazing. only a very few girls look stunningas well as have sweet voice. my girl has got both right.i am a lucky man! hope if i get married to her,then throughout the night..
understood.looking at your facei can guess what you will do. will be listening to her music. chitradevi priya's- officer, ready ready ilaya nila music group,welcomes you all. you guys ready to drench in musical rain? why no one is applauding? can we start? what a beautiful voice and figure!i have lost my heart. any viral attack?
sorry, why are you messing it up?play it right. that's why, the problem was there. is this the voice you are gonnalisten throughout the night md sir. sorry, it's my mistake.sorry. hey you, ilaya nila stop it.look she is still performing. idiot! has albert johnson orpeter' dad has expired here. ask to sing hosanna songand you are howling. it's like honking in the ear
it looks like a funeral houserather than a wedding house. how dare you come onstage to sing in the name of chitradevipriya's musical group. as well you show themic and ask, are you guys ready to drenchin musical rain. you guys are all responsible for this. hereafter if i see any of youguys playing with a keyboard, i will break your hands and legs,get lost. why are you shoutingwithout any manners?
everyone is enjoying my songs.why are you disturbing them? what, am i disturbing them? you are the one who disturbseveryone with your song. a girl sings somerubbish on the stage and none of you mindto question her. speak out guys. md sir why are you emotionallyshouting like a political meeting. she sings worse thanyou, how can i tolerate? don't get too emotionalfor one side love. don't stop me officer.
hereafter if i see you singinganywhere, i will break your legs. still if you want to sing,please sing in your bathroom. even don't sing there,you won't get water. hey just leave me. leave me officer. i was so excited thinking,i have got a beautiful singer in my life. within a few minutes i saw her,i lived an entire life with her. but she sang worse than you.-hey enough. never expected shewill shatter my dreams.
she betrayed me.this sin will haunt her forever. if me being a theist is true,the god will punch her on the mouth. god isn't mike tyson topunch her on the mouth. ahhh! started his phrases. do you think yourself tobe a super singer judge. talking about musical notes and pitch. if you wanna quarrel regarding amissing leg piece in biriyani, yes, we can do it as it's a fair play. wanna fight fora missing side dish,
we can do as thereis a justice in it. leaving all these, you aretrying to fight with her. we have to justattend, wish, eat and leave. i have got a respect for myself,don't spoil it. you crib when you become old. get up officer, get up officer.hey get up! i am unable to digest the fact ,the girl whom i like the most, has sung my favouritesong in a rubbish way. you just came to eat withoutbothering my feelings.
are you not ashamed? there is nothing to be ashamed here,we are doing our job. our job? have you forgot our job? our job is to meet andfinalise the ad deal with johnson then make our channel the no 1 channelin india.that's why we came here. trash your channel in the bin.i don't know either albert johnsonor omelette johnson. everything is a lie.i just camehere to eat khader bhai's biriyani. in this area whereveri cook for occasions,
first invitation goesto my brother kalyanam. instantly he leaves his workand comes to eat biriyani. my tongue is a slave forbrother's biriyani. brother please don't..-i have to praise you brother. please don't praise me. did you get me all theway down here for this silly biriyani? he may look like a rhinowearing a black t-shirt, but his magical hands willprepare heavenly foods. such a wonderful taste...
have to tell about you brother,- don't praise me. you gave this as agift for my biryani. do you know what is this? a dog chain. shut up.why do you join with him?- -brother md.. it's a chain foryou and everyone else, but it's theumbilical cord for me and my brother,tell him brother. bro could you pleasepush in your belly bit,
push, push, push it further. if i push it further then,have my trousers pulled down. why should i see all these nonsense. hey you, the ownerwants to meet you. you are the owner ofthe marriage hall. oh, yes you can't escape, stay here.don't let him go mam. you didn't expect me to be theowner of this hall, right? ok, what's your name? mr azhagu raja.-mr azhagu raja..
are you scared being caught?- to hell! your voice is reallybad and annoying, i didn't even like a bit of your song. that's why i passed sarcastic comments. a few doesn't like chitra songs,a few doesn't like janaki songs, even there are a few who doesn'tlike shreya ghosal songs, that doesn't mean theyare not good singers. similar case fordevi priya as well,you are one among the fewwho doesn't like my song.
without any conscience,how can you compare.. ..your terrible voice withchitra, janaki and shreya. ok stop. shut up. look at this. our maestro did hissymphony in london, by singing his songs,you are a disgrace to him. you haven't left ar rahman, he bagged 2 oscars from hollywood. oh god...harris jeyaraj.he is a man of self dignity.
if he gets to know this,he will quit cinema. god, why should i live afterlooking at all these crap? god, please take me with you.take me out of this world our mother earth is lookingat these nonsense, one day she is gonna smile andtake us all beneath the ground. md sir, shut your mouth! so far i haven't seenanything in life, don't curse like a grandma. brother kalyanam.- what is all this bro?
how can you leave withouteating my biriyani? eat them on the way, bye.- bye.- bye bro. md sir, look at the waybhai says bye to us. he is just not a human being,but a god's gift to prepare biriyani. i am already frustrated.... it has got alcohol,glass,side dish aspickle and main course as biriyani. hope you understand now,because of such people only we stillget rain in this earth. very true officer.
who will do all this in this century.because of people like bhai only, we still get rain in this earth. hello, have you boughtchitra devi priya's ilayaraja hits volume 3. please stop it.don't play this advertisement. listen, please stop it.- md sir, please listen to me. first you have to join the meditationclass to control your anger. how dare you come drunk to our madamtheater and as well torn the screen. is this your madam's theater?
mr azhaguraja, i had my first stagesinging at the age of 8.you know that? you don't believe it right?look up there. look there. is that you? don't know how much yourdad donated to the school. no azhaguraja canstop me from singing. damodaran. no 1, let's not fileany police complaint against him. no 2, out of some curiosity he torethe screen, so let's leave him. bear the screen expenseson dad's account. ok mam.- anything else?
mam in ilayaraja hits volume 4.. - damodaran....- oh sorry mam. in chitradevi priya'silayaraja hits volume 4, a song needs to be added,if you can let us know which song,we can add it. mankuyiale, pongkuyilae. it's already in our list mam.- damodaran, have you got any choice? mam, sundari kannal oru seidhi. sundari kannal it'sfrom thalapathy right?
yes mam.- sundari kannal oru seidhi... let's not have this asit's not a great song. what!it's not a great song. madam, oh my god! security, security.. dumbbell, mental, retarded,idiot, stupid, nonsense,fool senseless goose. you are commentingabout ilayaraja song. how dare you are? you thought you can speakanything with nerveless tongue. hey listen to me.except you, no one
will like yoursong in this world. even your ears will shedtears hearing you sing. except you everyone likes my song,so the problem lies within you. hey.. all those who likeyour songs are your.. ..family members, relatives,servants and neighbours. come and try singing on the streets,they will hit you with the stone. even beggar wouldn'tput a penny for you. do you know why iam explaining this? because the moment isaw you, i liked you.
i don't want you to becriticized in front of others. just remember one thing. you are very beautifuland you speak well. even your voice is good butonly your singing sucks. that's the truth. please don't sing hereafter,i can't tolerate. even after this if you sing,it's your wish.. i am gonna ask you all avery important question? what's so important?- do i sing well?
why did you ask such a question?you sing very well. you are the one afterkp sundarambal and ms subhalakshmi. what everyone is looking at,tell her. - you sing brilliant,- you sing very well. only you are saying this butthere is a guy who says if i sing even a beggar wouldn'tdrop a penny from his pocket. is this true dad? who the heck raised an issueon my daughter's singing? whoever it may be find and get him.
md sir, you are a public figure.founder of aaa channel. why should you go and invitetrouble with that girl. they are all local people,dare to do anything. who knows they can come andhit us behind with a car. ohhhh... red colour scorpio,md sir, i can confirm it's them. md sir, i am gonna drive fast,please do hold me tight. will punch you, why areyou so scared officer? for telling the truth,will they hit us. i am not afraid for them, do stopthe vehicle, let me have a look.
what are you going to look at? are yougonna look at my hands chopped by them. officer if you believe in your mdazhagu raja, do stop the vehicle. i am sorry.i don't believe you. stop it! haven'tfought for sometime. comon guys! comon.comon guys! just missed a fight. go... why did you closethe door immediately? how will thecustomers come?
with my current problems,i wouldn't open doors evenif lakshmi rai comes. md sir, without knowing the issue,don't open the door. from the beats on the door,don't you know who is outside? the scorpio which chased us, is not your father-in-law,it is this idiot chokkanadhan. even i was bit surprised to havea chase immediately after love. md sir, let me holdyour legs and request.. let me hold yourlegs and request,
that black ambassadortortures me day and night everyday, to get hookedup with kareena chopra. sleepless nights. if he asks tell him i am notavailable and send him out. please help me md sir. brother! welcome brother.playing orchestra on the door. would love to play in my life, but.... can we sit and discuss?- come inside. tell me bro.- where is kalyanam? even at the death bed youwill ask for kareena.
what's the matter bro? we both will have thousands of issueswhich cannot be discussed with you. we have an uncle andbrother-in-law relationship. who is the uncle? brother, i can hear some noise. did you hear that noise as wellwe get this sound everyday in office at 12 o clock. office vaastu is not right. if you can confirm one moread for aaa
channel, we can changethe office immediately. ad....we can do it. madam has sent you a bouquet. don't disturb when the client is here. who is that madam?-devipriya madam sir. did madam sent this?-yes sir now where is the madam?-she is downstairs. downstairs!-yes sir. brother just take care of the office forfive minutes, will be right back.
kalyanam is inside only bro.-take your time. brother... i was searching forthe screw in the ring. when did a ring have a screw? you are lying to thejewellery shop owner. conveyed thanks with bouquet. you have cut chitrain your name as well. did someone say you'll bea celebrity if you change the name. have decided notto sing hereafter,
that's why chitra cut. did you talk to me?didn't hear it, can you repeat it? that's why chitra cut.only devi priya hereafter, ok. oh my god! could you hold it, holdit for a minute please. sweetheart.-mr azhaguraja. sorry, i can't believe this!chitra devi priya. devi priya, should askone question to you. can i know the reasonfor this name change? definitely.
wherever he is findthat guy and pelt him. dad, who said this is not important,what he said is important. could you swear andtell, do i sing well? i swear on me, you sing very well. who's that? after p suseelaand s janaki you are the one. what you guys are looking at,tell her. promise, after p suseela ands janaki you only madam. tell me now, do i sing well?- go dear, i can't swear on you. why? i sing well right,so what?place your hand dad.
listen to me, don't get meinto an embarassing situation. dad, tell me the truth,-no i won't tell anything. tell me dad,-no i won't. tell me dad,-you sing very bad,you sing horrible. we are humans as well, how longwe can act as if we like it. certain days in thename of rehearsal you will start singingin early mornings. ears used to hear a buzzing soundlike a resonating frequency. guys i have broken the ice,speak out now.
yes madam we can hearthe buzzing sound. do you know, how your momgot hurt in the head? i know, she banged the headin the kitchen by mistake. nothing like that.one day.. should i say everything,open your mouth and say. you know, i love ramarajan's songs. but yesterday when you sang thatmangkuyile pongkuyile song, unable to tolerate your song,i banged my head on the walls. i am a human being as well right?-yes dear.
leave all these stuff but... you will sing a song asharris jeyaraj hits, come and live in the moon. whenever i listen to it, ifeel like writing a letter. stating don't search for me, iam going in search of peace. chitra devi priya, please don't cry. daddy can't see youcrying chitra devi priya. no more chitra devi priya,- only devi priya. laugh, laugh at it.but i won't let down my thoughts.
i will make my mark in the art industry. that day is not far away. people around me lied tome boasting my singing. only you told the truthright on the face. i like this character of yours. anyway, thanks.-thanks. my sweetheart,my sweetheart, got a place in your heart,just because of you. got stuck in your eyes,just because of your heart.
my dear, my honey, my love,you swept me off my feet my dear, my honey, my love,you tricked me by your heart too many hitches,just to know your name. touch and feel!let my heart feel the touch, and mylove touch your feet. let it go!let my body feel the pain and let mylove feel the heat. stunned by your beauty and souldeserted looking north and south. stunned by your beauty and soul.
looked like a tideless ocean, then brink showed me the way,and i was born again. heard my heart beat as a rhythm,don't make me dance to it. heard my heart beat as a rhythm. shining like a rising sun,like an aroma of a budding flower, sending uninterrupted current waves. don't know what she hasgot to attract him. go inside. chokka thangam,chokka thangam jewellery, do come.
officer, what happened? why are you screaming? if it had continued..-continued. like a stray dog hunting fora victim on the street. in my dreams chokkanadhanwould have hunted me. that's my dream md sir. if i had known, i wouldhave come late. would have come late? all because of you.- yes all because of me, okay.
is this the new trend toaccept the mistakes angrily. you messed up my life fora sum of 5000 rupees. other day you just left me,the moment you looked at her. you know what chokkanadhanspoke to me that day? why he keeps cryinglike a woman. my soul is shoutingin dts effect. please understand that. want to keep kareenaas my second wife, gonna be with herthroughout my life. yes, decided.
for me this birth isonly for kareena. come. my life lies in your hand. similarly your lifeis in my hands. hope you understandmy conversation? do you understand? keep laughing, i'll tickle you,so you can laugh more. officer, officer. first thing tomorrow,you get me a new client, immediately we can chuckthis chokkanadhan out. what do you say?
i will come with a new client today.- just a minute. what favour you are gonnareturn to me for this idea? enough beating around the bush, tell me what favouryou expect me to do. men spends money in bar,women spends money in parlour. is chitra cut devi priya present here?- yeah, who's that? congratulations!what should i do? have to get bunch ofroses for first night, would you mind lending 1500 rupees?
hello don't be sarcastic.- just now spoke to you on phone, aaa channel md mr azhagurajapresented this bouquet for you. you wanna know theshirt brand name? what is this all about?how dare you did such a thing? you are educated right.don't you have sense at all. so bad you are.don't you have brain at all? if he asks you to give something,will you just deliver it withoutreading anything on it. i felt like proposing to you,
that's why wrote it andgave it to my driver. there is nothing wrongon your wish to propose. even there is no fault in sendingthe bouquet through your driver, but the spelling mistake youdid in writing, that's wrong. spelling mistake..... it's correct priya. what's correct?spell i love you. -spelling-tell me. what is u?you is you, u is not you.
look at the wayyou are blinking. i don't like people bound tospelling mistakes in english. get lost! while sending an smsor during a facebook chat they type good morning as gm, take care as tc weretrimmed by these girls. she doesn't even knowthe basic fundamentals in english. let me tell you this md sir,your girl is an old guide book. officer, old is gold.gold is my darling devi priya. on a full moon day, near a well,
my girl comes in a saree,with a jug of milk. our first night in a bamboo cot.if this can happen,how it will be? this will happen, along withthis one more thing will happen. during first night on a full moodwhen you give her a sweet to eat, she wouldn't mind asking youthe spelling for the sweet. of course you are weak inenglish, throughout your life, she will be questioningyou on english spelling. officer, you don't have anyrights to speak about my girl. have i ever commentedabout your pair chokku?
my pair chokku?-chokkanadhan. is that chokkanadhan my pair?all because of you.. today i will get a new clientand then will come and meet you. not started yet?-need to talk to you. of course!-in private. driver follow mewith a 10 feet gap. priya you studiedin english medium? yes, english medium. that doesn't mean iam weak in tamil.
i can write literaryquotes in tamil. oh really! can you tell one now. last night wrote one on love. listening to it, even partedlovers will get united. if they were in true love.- please say that. two hearts became one heart,two hearts became one heart. that one heart,broke into pieces. what a dumb quote. what did you say?- very well quoted.
i am bit upset.- why? already you are beautiful,what we will do.. ..if you go to beauty parloursand add beauty to it. i haven't done anything. only threading,facial,manicure,pedicure, hair colour,hair cut that's it. that's it! i can't believe this. ok raja. i am leaving.-priya just a minute, you haven't said anythingfor my proposal.
you are going too fast, youjust need a speed breaker. do we need the speed breaker? take a day off and think about it, i can wait till then. milk is boiling well, but yet toreach the boiling point. what can be done? mangalam finance and investments,owner sathyamoorthy. officer, being very responsible. are you gonna put some salaryamount in finance company. salary! i have just heard about it.have never seen that before md sir.
only once you gave us somecorn chips for a function, i just asked for some other chips,you said.. ..are you talking communism, i will chuck you out. md sir, don't get frustrated.he is our new client. new client?how? when? why? don't ask all those questions.have explained everything.. about us to mangalam finance moorthybrother.let's go and confirm the ad. sir, good morning. md sir, look how moorthysir is worshiping god.
he worships like anyone else. don't give too muchimage for your client. live with peace and harmony. sorry made youwait for sometime. sir...we are lucky tohave your appointment. we don't mind waiting forlong hours to meet you. i am not doing thisbusiness for minting money, i am doing it forsocial service. our family assets worthmillions of rupees,
have to be served for middle classpeople through a trust is the need. for that only i ambattling alone. burn your mouth with petrol.-hello. you are not alone anymore. till death me and my md sirwill be there with you. live with peace and harmony.-thank you sir. like me, you as well withsocial service mind, have decided to shootthis ad free of cost. by age you may be younger,but by heart you are elders.
md sir, initiallymoorthy sir will speak like this, but in theend he gives a lot. why only we both are conversing,why isn't your md speaking at all? is that soap box usedby your dream girl, looks very old. i am a pure bachelor withno womanly thoughts. this soap box wasrewarded as the first prize for runningcompetition in school. guy sitting there,shanthamoorthywon the second prize.
sir is that a 100 m or 200 m event?- the best part of this is..... sorry sir, md is on a hurry.will have an elaborate chat about this an other day. md sir,md sir,why are you leaving angry? at least he gave 5000 rupees, but this guy is notready to spend a penny. this won't work out.youhave to change as kareena chopra. we are doing ananother ad for chokkathangam. that's it,fixed.
md sir, please listen to me patiently. don't know when moorthysir will pass away... if we can do an ad for himat this time, he will.. ..write something for uson the will documents. moorthy sir will takecare of us at the end. how long can you make yourliving on kareena's salary? what should i do know?-ask me. look out for a knownvip in the city, put all the ad expenseson their pocket.
let's make an ad in one week,then try to capitalise... as much from moorthy sirand settle down in life. welcome!- welcome! welcome all! any amount youinvest greater than 1000 rupees, will gain double the money byone year.i guarantee that. mangalam chits and finance,lowerinvestment,higher returns i guarantee that. mangalam chits andfinance will lead your life to prosperity.i guarantee that. i guarantee for everysingle penny that
you invest in mangalamchits and finance. ok raja, as per your wish you havedirected an ad casting me, had a drive in yourbike, are you happy now? why did you ask such a thing? i don't know how toexpress my happiness. ok, it's gettinglate, let me leave. priya...the last punchdialogue in the ad, super, chance less.what a modulation and performance. it's in front of my eyes.
could you please saythat again for me? raja! how come in the road?don't play. i love it, just once, please, please.-i can't. ok mam, let me leave, thanks.- raja, raja i will do it okay. my happiness has got no bounds,don't know what i am doing. it was excellent. let people say and speakabout it rather than us. definitely people will like it.i guarantee that. i don't feel that.- when will you feel it?
can be anytime? right now, bit later or evenmay be at 12 midnight. when you feel it, just give me amissed call.i will come running. why a missed call, i willcall and speak to you. if i feel it. thanks sweetheart. having a drizzle in my heart,having a storm in my dreams. don't know where the drizzleand the storm will take me, will get along with my heart and soul.
will my lips utter your name,will my legs fly above the ground. is it real or dream,you have to tell me. i am just looking for you....come. i am just singing for you....come dad, why standing outlike a stranger, come inside. dad, what's all this? meenakshi, meenakshii am in love. 30 years in vain, gota son in my name. meenakshi, meenakshi.- dad, when did you start drinking?
what is that he has started?tell me. what is that? what is this dad? like small boys mixing itin the cool drinks bottle. not a small boy,it's little brother. hey meenakshi, you know right,everyone calls me little brother. that was 20 years back. earlier, now, later alwaysi am little brother. what is he saying and doing?what happened to him? nothing to worry mom, he willbe alright once he wakes up.
hey meenakshi, keep yourhandson my chest, promise me, i don't have any objection formy husband to get married again. should i be alivehearing these words? why am i not fainting? forgive me if i havedone some mistake. dad, you got a son for marriageand you talk aboutsecond marriage. you are not getting married, hencei am gonna get married again. what is this?
you wanna see yourstep mom's photo. where did i keep? mom just relax. who is this bombay girl,looking pathetic. you passed away, great go, go. next month will divorce your mom andwill happily live with your step mom. dad, if i had known earlierabout your silly decision, i would have told thetruth earlier itself. i am in love with a girl andi would like to marry her. please don't gofor a second marriage.
unable to digest that. it's just a drama to get toknow the truth from you. i know pretty well it's a drama. if it would have been true,i would have fainted. it's just because a drama,i just acted like fainting. my dear, who is that girl?- who is she? thought of telling you guys when it's 100% confirmed.almost 90% confirmed, she loves me as well, buthasn't told that yet.
she can say that right? even i am waiting for that.anytime i can get a call. can i go and tell?-dad. hey phone is ringing. it has come, received it. tell me priya, azhaguraja speaking. raja where are you?-home alone there is no one in the house.tell me priya, i am waiting. have to discuss an importantmatter with you, can we meet?
started priya, i am on the way. we will also come with you please. raja is in love mood, let's discusseverything when i come home. sorry madam! mosquito coil, tirupathi prasadam,biscuits what's all this priya? people propose with lit candles, but,you are proposing with lit coils. you look like kunti toowith your pullover on. i'm sure of one thing priya! your newapproach will take you places!
hey, what's this? since i'm the wicket keeper for mylocal team i caught it well what if i had missed? never do such a thing..okay? hat dear?are you upset with me? i'm not upset with you!i'm furious at you rascal! what??furious rascal?? what's happening man?who are these people? why have these peoplecrowded at my door?
sir, people have come to speak to youabout the mangalam chit funds ad. dad..mangalam chit funds..- sir, i was saying.. hey.. shut up..can't you see we are speaking. dad..- tell me dear.. i guess the mangalam chit fundsad has become a super hit.. sir. all have come to take autographs..and photographs with me.. madam, i was saying.. inspector uncle..i know everything.. dad.. please addressthem with the megaphone.
i'm feeling allergic to facea huge crowd for the first time. oh god!wait my dear! sir.. hey wait man? handover the mic.. uncle.. i'm very glad you'vecome to my house.. ..to appreciate my daughterfor her ad performance. even my daughter wishesto sign autographs and take pics with eachof you individually. however, since it isimpractical today, we shall all meet another dayat the marriage hall.
the date of the eventwill be announced later. just wave your hands dear. my darling. hey kandasamy, is your daughtera famous actress? she is waving at us coolly. hey mind your words.i'll strangle you. be careful. hey inspector, he iscalling me names.. .. insulting my daughter, you arejust watching silently? the mangalam chit funds guyhas absconded with people's money.
they've all invested onyour daughter's word. now they want their money back.answer them. hello. mic testing..1..2..3..please speak. we are not responsible for peopleinvesting in mangalam chit funds. hey kandasamy, your daughter asked us to invest in mangalamchit funds and.. she said she will take guarantee forthe money.that's why we have invested. now you are speaking so cheaply.- hey mind your words man. totally you got to return10 lakh rupees.
does kandasamy,b.a. s/o ramasamy has the wherewithal to return this money. hey..how dare you talk atmy father like this? who do you think i am? i'mramasamy's granddaughter. you all don't know how much unaccountedblack money my father holds. 10 lakhs is nothing butpeanuts to our family. dad.. just throw that peanut ofan amount on their face dad. long live chitradevi priya! forgive me. i'm no longerchitra devi priya.
i'm just devi priya. so.... long live devi priya!long live devi priya! hey. ensure you settle them all in10 minutes. there should be no crowd. bring her inside the house.- come in. come in. dad's calling.come in. just come. thank you all. this is all bad fate.- wasn't that impressive? didn't i provei'm ramasamy's grandchild? did you notice howi managed the situation well? is 10 lakhs peanuts to you?
my father ramasamy earned every pennyby doing daily labour in burma. i brought you up without makingyou realise the worth of money. that's why you are doing all this. do you know what is yourpunishment for this? you are reacting with shock asif you were a third person? first take yourhand of your mouth. i should have eaten well &slept in the comfort of an a/c. now i'm struggling without foodand living amidst mosquito menace. who is responsible for all this?you.. just you..
all these years,my father has never scolded or beaten me.do you know? but the slap this morning..it still hurts. if you want to doany good to me.. tell me priya..- please get lost from here.. i don't want to see youever in my life again. this won't repeat priya. won't you understand if said once. i don't like seeing you or talkingto you or being with you.
priya.. then whatabout our love? throw your love in the garbage.get out. don't tell anybody about this matter hey stop it! stop! stop!- md sir. do you know the news? do you know the news? our moorthy. themangalam finance guy. he has absconded overnightwith all the people's money. look! do you remember? he showed us a soap box which he gotfor winning a running race.remember?
if he had run so fastfor a soap box.. won't he run off if hegot lakhs of money? you should have been smartto know this before. i don't know whatkind of md you are. don't feel bad now. we shallescape to kancheepuram overnight. my cousin balu is there.he will get us toddy twice a day. we'll drink..we'll bathe.. we'll sleep.. balu will take care very well.. you said moorthy will take carewell, will take care well.
he took care of himself so well. now you introduce anew guy called balu. officer.. i'm relieving you fromwork with immediate effect. never come near the channel any more.you are dismissed. md sir.. md sir..what'll i do for my food? raja, i'm very happy youhad a love failure. you were refusing for amarriage all these days. now you have fallen in love,it failed, now you are.. ..regretting at this latehour in an open terrace.
that's true.. eveni'm very happy. you are the first parents to gethappy at a son's failure in love. we are not happyat your failure. i'm just happy thatmy son is in love. that's what eveni'm happy about. whoever she is orhowever big her family is, i'll ensureyou both get married. don't speak withoutany reason dad. we had a big fight.your idea won't work.
how dare you refusewhen i suggest? however big your fight,i'll sort it and ensure the marriage happens soon.this is a promise. why promise dad? first thing tomorrow,we will go to our deity.. ..temple, we'll pray andfinish the marriage soon. devipriya.. azhaguraja..hey..both your names match so well.. which town is the girl from?- just close by.. ambasamuthiram.. wow.. ambasamuthiram? i never beenthere even though its so close.
maybe i had to go only afteryour marriage. stay quiet. in ambasamuthiram?who are they there? they are very rich people dad.they have a theatre, marriage hall.. near ambasamuthiram bus stand. theyhave business beyond this too. and she is the only daughter. oh, they own theatre and marriagehall is it? what's the theatre called? devi theatre dad.. even themarriage hall has the same name.. initially it was namedafter her grandfather. it was changed to hername after she was born.
oh good.she is a lucky charm dad. what's her father's name?kandasamy, dad. kandasamy eh?- do you know him dad? what's her grandfather's name?- name..?? it's ramasamy. i was told everybody knowshim as burma ramasamy. oh god.. what happened?dad... what happened? dad.. careful..- dad.. what's wrong?? you might hit someone..stop. i'll drive... what's wrong dad?- what's gone wrong with him?
why is hedriving like this?- careful.. careful.. what happened to you?- mom, stay quiet. what's gone wrong suddenly? let's take him to the hospital.. wait, i'll call foran auto rickshaw. no need to go to the hospital.i'm alright. this has never happened.what's wrong dad? forget that girl. thismarriage will not happen. what happened dad?why you speak like this?
don't you understandit if said once. dad, you only assuredyou'll get her married to me whoever she orher family was right? why do you speak like this? youthink the accident was a bad omen? look.. i will acceptany other girl. but that ramasamy's granddaughtercan never come to our house.. as a daughter in law. i'll neverallow such a thing to happen. don't argue with me.come let's go. stop. please stop..please say what's troubling you..
dad what's this?- we are leaving our son stranded.. let it come through the income,let it go through the expense, stop.. just stop.. wishes md sir... i know you will shut the channeland come to the street. but so soon? thattoo to a highway? hold this. hold this. prophet muhammed said"every grain you eat has your name written on it"
i found my name was written onevery grain of khader's biriyani. i went and fell at khader's right foot. i cried. he immediately employed me. you...i get paid 3 times thesalary you were giving me. now its not too late. fallat khader's left foot. pray to him. he'll takeyou in as an apprentice. will you join as an apprentice or youwill remain stranded in this highway? at least you have been enlightened.get into the vehicle. imran khan, wasim akram,sharukh khan, give
way to him..let him get in the vehicle. sharukh khan. please give me a light. hey, imran khan, wasimakram, sharukh khan he is.. ..setting the vehicle on fire..run from there. run away from there. whoever she is? however rich she is? he said he'll get her marriedto me as if he is a don! now he left me stranded inthe middle of the road.
what does he think of himself?what does he think of himself? the line trying to reachkhader bhai is currently busy i'm yelling here in so much anguish. you are behaving silly bycalling khader irrelevantly. for your kind information,you just broke your phone. eh?.. my phone? how many times will youbreak my phone then? what did you say?i'm being silly is it? how can you burn khader's minitruck for your family's trouble?
rice may end up in excessin a christian wedding.. rice may end up inexcess in a hindu wedding.. but have you ever heard where biriyani ended up in excessin any muslim wedding? you have burnt the resources ofthe best biriyani maker in town. if priya is important to you,biriyani is important to me. is my priya and your biriyanione and the same? mind your language! your mother is waiting for you.come, let's go.
watch this. he is acting as thoughhe did nothing now.. now what's happened?what's happened? you wanted to marry a girl. i didn't like the girl.i refused! am i not allowed totake a decision as a father? if he does not like, will he refuse? i'm the one getting married right.i like her right. who is he to refuse?- hey...look. if i refuse somethingthere could be a thousand reasons.
i needn't share the reasons with you. forget the girl, that's it.just understand. he'll refuse but willnot share the reason for refusal it seems.ask him to get lost. i won't give you the reasons.what will you do? even i won't come home with you.what will you do? hey..just stop shouting dad. md sir.. words once spilled can never be taken back.please understand.
he is just speaking withoutknowledge in anger. i shall pacify him andi'll send him home. please leave.- just ask him to come home soon. isn't that brother kali?- do you know my father sir? are you kali's son?- yes sir.. you just know ramasamy'sgranddaughter now. i've known ramasamy since 30 years. there's none in ambasamuthiramwho wouldn't know burma ramasamy. for years kali was runninga canteen at his theater.
kali was ramasamy's trusted employee. one day, kali took me to ramasamyto get me a job at theater. in those days, i usedlook exactly like you. brother, the dialogue is awesome.which movie is this dialogue from? brother muthu, does my singingsound like dialogue delivery. no brother, since you are chewing betelleaves it sounded like a dialogue. else, you sing so well. brother muthu, you speak smartly.you'll earn a good living. oh my god. such a big house?
brother, this is not ramasamy's house. brother muthu, i've been workingwith him for 15 years. don't you think i know whichis ramasamy's house or not? brother, you have mistaken me. i wanted to imply this was notramasamy's house, but his palace. oh. you were implying that is it? you are a smart child. what are you doing brother? the seat is so soft and comfortable.these useless guys would sit on it and
the stand will weakendue to the weight. that's why i set it upas if there's crow shit. if brother kali saysit should be correct. of course. learn from me & grow. come. it is ambasamuthiram onlytill the gate. once you come inside thegate it is all burma. burma?- of course, is it called kurma then? all these are from burma earnings. ramasamy is a god without templeto the people of this village.
only sir christens every childthat is born in this village. he would be the one to christenyour child too in the future. forgive me brother. what is it? brother, only you should christen my child. none else. smart kid.you'll live smartly. come. god, i will be writing myexams with a new pen today. i should somehow clear myexams and pass the degree. meena dear.
first you splash ink on us.now you laugh at us too. wait, i'll complainto ramasamy about this. brother, leave it.we shall wash it off. it's okay,it was an accident. brother muthu.- yes? do you know who meena is?- who is she? she is ramasamy's daughter.it is better you have that fear. if meena speaks, she doesonly in fluent english. is she his only child?
he has a son too.his name is kandasamy. just the exact opposite to her. he is been enrolled at the st.xavier's hostel at.. palayamkottai since he was ofbig trouble here. come now. hello sir. what man kali?who is this smart kid? sir, this kid's name is muthu.the kid may look smart. but he is too naive. he wouldn'tspeak freely or unnecessarily. you have passed pucand why do you move
with this guy who failed 8th grade? forgive me sir. i neverfailed in 8th grade. then what? on the day of the exams, i neverwent to school. that's it. as if you would have excelledif you had gone to school. why do you insult me infront of a youngster? get to the point. i've rented my house to brothermuthu for 70 rupees a month. please offer him any job wherehe gets paid 70 rupees a month.
you want your rentals to cometo you every month. right? what brother?he is laughing. he thinks he cracked a jokeand he is laughing himself. what do i do now?- you too join in his laugh riot. dad.. dad...- what happened dear? first sack that driver immediately. he is taking off very often.how will go to my exams now? hey kali, i recruitedthat driver on your word. now he has betrayed me.now what will i do?
sir, to compensate his betrayal, i've just got youan alternate driver. - brother muthu..- sir.. hey kali, you always take good decisions. trusting your words, i'mrecruiting this kid as a driver. this kid is so cultured. meena madam. from morning, she's behaving differently. there's ink on yourshirt because of me.
take this. my brother's shirt. no thanks, meena madam. this is a new shirt.please accept. no i can't take this.please take it back. please take it back. mr. muthu, please give me the car keys. give me the keys.- give her kid. kali... take the keys. tell my father,i've sacked the new driver.
there's a saying that"a kid plays throws around her new toysand loses it out too." if you keep sackingdrivers like this, where do i keepfetching them from. please stay calm.- meena madam. kali.. give the keys.give me the keys.. thanks meena madam.- not meena madam. just meena. meena madam.. to you is just meena?? brother muthu,- yes brother.
do you know why i have come with you? you would have had some work en route. you would not have wantedwaste fuel in your scooter. you are playful kid. sir has sent me to check how doyou work, how do you behave? you shouldn't mistakemeena madam just because she is movingwith you socially. rich people will treat workerslike you socially only. know this muthu.
just because youwork in a gold mine, can you take gold home everyday?- not possible brother. stay careful & take care. brother kali..meena madam has fainted.. oh my god, did any professorthreaten her?? - no sir. would she have faintedseeing the exam paper? i don't know sir. muthu.. he is so fast at work... okay. i shall take meenato hospital now
and will speak to youat leisure later. i'll leave now..muthu.. brother muthu... brother kali. why do come so late? my daughter is lying ill here.where the hell did you go? doctor, hope there'sno threat to her life? tell us if there's any complication,we'll take her to madurai city. hey doc, don't stare as a crow whohas a stone stuck in its throat. if you can't doanything, tell us soon. we'll shift her to a bigger hospital.
if i start now only, i can reachwhen these people reach too. your daughter has not eaten from morning. she fainted out of hunger. i've bought her 2 idlis with chutney. now she is eating and well.go and see her. looks like you've startedidli business too?? nonsense.- get out.. meena madam, shall i bringchicken gravy for your idli. the combination tastes very good.- brother muthu.
i've heard of saying where oneexaggerates everything for a living. you should have justsplashed some water on her face and boughther some biscuits.. meena would havebecome alright. you have wasted ramasamy sir'sprecious time for such a meagre issue. brother kali... my fainting is a meagreissue to you is it?? did you show at least some care ofwhat he had showed me? you couldn't come running to see me..now you speak so much...
if you say anything about himever again.. you'll be in trouble.. be careful.. oh dad.. there's is blood dad.. oh, when i was saving meenawhere did you hurt yourself brother? where's that doctor?muthu.. moment i look at you,my heart beats like a rythm dance. moment i think about you, my heart blossoms likea budding trance. like a river penetrating the shores,you invade my mind in dreams.
god's definition of fate,like a dew drop on the flower depicted as harmonies in music, predicted as differentflavours in lips. mind gliding away,on a rainbow day, it's all new pleasures everyday. moment i look at you,my heart beats like a rhythm dance. moment i think about you,my heart blossoms like a budding trance. my heart can see your face everyday. my dreams can smell yourfragrance every night.
it's just not the moon we see,but it will be our honeymoon we feel. sensous touch bringspleasure in a vision, with a heart full of desired love. your touches spreads pleasure,and you are a boon without showers. swoon in and hesitation out,- it's all new pleasures everyday. your eyes wink take me to my brink, my heart lies in your garden of love. with your lips shining redyou are an angel engraved like a statue when rain showers like a symphony,i cover you in a harmony.
your touch has got no bounds, and your lips solves all the puzzle. you aren't a twilight,under the moonlight. muthu.. come.. brother muthu..- tell me.. take in writing..the next superstar of tamil nadu is sudhakar only everyyoungster will be wearing tees with super star sudhakar's pics very soon. then what about rajini & kamal??
those guys are like watermelon, they have demand onlyduring specific season. but our sudhakar is like banana. he will have demandduring all seasons. my super star was called toremake this movie in hindi. why didn't he do?doesn't he know hindi? you are a mischievous kid.. my super star knowsover 15 languages. he does not have dates to give.
i'm not making this up.it was in all over in news. sir, greetings..- what greetings man?? i've been askingyou for 3 days now.. have you decided on the film we willrelease for diwali in our theatre? box office master..my super star.. sudhakar's 'thai pongal'movie will be released.. if we release this diwali,we'll be booked till next diwali. we will have houseful shows. we need 50 folding chairsto issue 50 extra tickets.
what do you think son?- sir, what do i say?? brother muthu, come here.. just tell him if it's kali's decisionit's the best decision.. sir, for this diwali,i think we should release rajini's 'billa' in my humble opinion. very good muthu. i wasabout to suggest the same. sir, this is 1980, a modern world.. the only thing i like intoday's youngsters is, they suggest a wrong idea toowith so much confidence.
my experience is his age. i'm saying confidently, thatsudhakar is the next super star. so, this diwali, we willrelease 'thai pongal' only. okay, we will release the same. what's this dad? he is speaking with so mucharrogance in front of you. for over 15 years, kali is theonly decision maker as to what has to bereleased in our theater. even i can't decide.
kali's decision is always correct. pongal during diwali is it?it is the most stupid idea.. on the diwali day,you shouldn't sit like this. it is not a good omenfor business to grow. hey idiot, stupid, uselessfellow, brainless fellow.. you said 'thai pongal"will run for over 1 year.. there's no one standingto buy tickets.. the entire investment has been lost... hey kali, you have become old...
if i run this theatre furtherwith your suggestions, i'll lose everything,and willhave to go to burma again for work. brother..- sir.. muthu.. you are thefuture of this theatre.. you are the only decidingauthority henceforth to.. ..decide which movie shouldrelease in this theatre. no one else has. including me. now on, you are themanager for this theatre. sir.. kali is the senior..- i've decided.. don't refuse..
hey kali.. now you are obsolete.. go and knead flourfor the egg delicacy.. you had come here for thatonly 15 years before. at least do that usefully.give way man.. brother kali, i guesssir is speaking out of anger. i'll go and pacify him now.. brother muthu,it is respectable for a great guy to give way for future generations. you have made me a great guy..i am very happy muthu.
brother muthu, don't forgetyour elder brother man. how can say such a thing brother? my life is nothingbut your blessing. how can i ever forget you brother? brother muthu. what brother? do you know why i'mdrinking during the day today? 'thai pongal' movie has flopped.. that's why you are drinking in sadness. no.. no.. my brother muthuhas become a manager.
i'm drinking in happiness... i reached that height in 15 years,and you did it in 10 days.. i'm very proud of you..don't forget me brother.. brother.. don't speak like this.. there's an important news.. i don't know how to share with you.. i know kid.. you will vacate myhouse now and go to a better housewith mosaic flooring.
not that brother.. our ramasamy sir'sdaughter meena madam.. yes, meena madam.. yesterday, when we wentto the hill temple.. when you went to the hill temple?? muthu.. take this.. what's this meena?- it's a love letter. love letter? if someone sees?are you playing? dear muthu, meena writes toyou with a thousand kisses.
i can't beat around the bush.. i like you..i love you..i wish to marry you.. i've started liking youfrom the moment i saw you.. when i splashed ink onyou, you were so calm. i liked that patience in you. when i fainted in college,you ran carrying me around. i liked that care in you. above all this,.. you said you like rajini like i do..i liked that the most.
when is our marriage? eagerly awaiting for your answer,meenakshi muthukrishnan... oh my god.. this is not right..please forget me.. i can't betray ramasamy sir.. if i were not ramasamy's daughter,you would have liked me right? you would have accepted my love right? i know.. that i'm in your heart... i will call you tomorrow noon at 12... just tell me the answerthat you like me..
else, i shall eat the poisonand will leave this world.. meena? you look so naive, but you havesecured a fortune for yourself.. when are you going to treat yourbrother for the wedding? brother, please don't mock at me.. if i don't accept herlove by 12 noon tomorrow, she threatens to take poison brother.. i don't know what to do..i'm so confused brother.. are you also in lovewith meena is it?
i will never betray ramasamy sir.. are you in love with meena or not? brother, i will neverbring you a bad name.. don't keep swaying like a snake.. swear on your super star rajini.. swear on rajini brother..i like meena a lot.. if only she was notramasamy sir's daughter, i would have eloped with her longago and would have married her. my luck is not in my favour..
what if ramasamy sir agreesto this marriage and.. ..gets you both married in grandeur.. he bequeaths the theater to you.. ..if i had to get salaryfrom you as the owner..? if only such a thing happens.. i will feed you with sugarto celebrate the sweet news... it will happen kid.. for your goodheart, all those will happen soon.. all your blessing brother.. brother muthu,yes brother.
you should become theowner of this theater. that's the dream of this brother. oh my.. out of habit, i sat inyour seat kid.forgive me please.. it's okay brother, youmay sit for 10 minutes why should i sit in thischair for 10 minutes. this is your chair brother..please sit.. great deed of respect. manager muthukrishnan speaking.. this is ramasamy speaking..- sir, please tell me..
as you said, i've paid advance forrajini's movie "anbukkun naan adimai". are you happy?- happy...very happy sir.. sir, have you started sir? i've already started. i'llreach before tonight. you take care of the theater okay?- okay sir. who is it muthu? i had suggested to sirto release 'anbukku naan adimai'.he hadgone to madras for that. he said he'll reach by tonight..
ramasamy sir has become a slaveto your kindness & love. brother, if ramasamysir is a slave to my love, i'm a slave toyour kindness & love. muthu, the words you said, is sosoothing like eating an ice cream. who will have such a heartlike yours brother? okay muthu, let me getback to the canteen. okay brother, you go to your work. she said she'll callonly by 12 pm, but she has already called whenit is only 11:50 am.
hello... meena? is it ambasamuthiram ramasamy theatre? yes.. this is ramasamy theater. we are calling from trichy goverment hospital, speaking tomanager muthukrishnan? yes. this is the manager muthukrishnan. is a contessa numberedtcm-237 owned by your owner ramasamy? yes. hey muthu, did you get a electric shock?
brother.. ramsamy sir....- ramasamy sir?? ramasamy sir...- what's happened to ramasamy sir?? he is gone far from us...- what? ramasamy sir passed away is it? what are you saying?? i just received a call from trichy now. they say it is a car accident... my heart is aching..i'm feeling drowsy..brother muthu.. you should do everything like a son &a son in law to him.. inform the relatives..
inform the undertaker..please paste posters everywhere..- how can i do brother? please make me sit in the chair... my god its empty..please move, give way.. what's all this crowd all about??kandasamy what's all this? sir, are you not dead yet? you are looking hale and healthy.-what? we were told you werekilled in a car accident,when you werereturning from madras.
this muthu has spread such a newsthat your corpse is coming home. you were called burmaramasamy all these days. now people will call you dead ramasamy! sir, i did not do any mistake. what the hell have you done man??- sir, i got a call from trichy.. don't beat him please.. sir, don't throw him outof your home or town... hey get lost from this house... just since meena was my boss's daughter,
i forgot about my love andshowed my loyalty to my boss. but my boss, insultedme in front of everyone, for somebodyelse's mistake. now tell me, you stillwant to marry ramasamy's granddaughter after knowing all this? what?? stupid.. dad..- what?? it's mom..
meenakshi, i should have shared theinfo about that girl long ago. to have not told you is my mistake. i thought to share thismany times before. then, why to speak all these and.. why spoil the peace in our lifeby speaking all this? listen, meenakshi, i promise.. only that meena wanted to marry me, but i never had any opinion about her.. please listen & understand,don't get angry...
no.. i'm not angryabout that girl.. is it an age to get angryabout such things? any girl would like this face whichgets a dimple when you smile.. that's what the girl has liked as well..what's wrong in this? but, the ramasamy family has insultedyou so much for no mistake of yours... all these years, you've never told me aboutthis,and have been suffering about this that's what i'm angry about. if i get hold of anybodyin that ramasamy's family, i'll strangle them like a piece of cloth..
for the anger i'm in..raja.... did you call me mom? what's that girl's name son?- devi priya mom.. she is more beautiful than you.. dad, truly she is very beautiful. i don't know what you do.. that girl is my daughter-in-law.. that family should stand humbledin front of your father.. meenakshi..- they insulted father right?
this is the punishment.. i've never listened toyour advise before..but now.. i feel like i should adhereto this advise of yours.. just prepare everything..i'llcome with your daughter-in-law. bless me mother..- long live son.. she is talking out of anger,why are you listening?? let's never have any relation withthat family which has insulted me.. i can't refuse my mom's advise,because i'm a situation accused. situation accused..- why are you just giving stories?
i'll prepare in 5 minutes for thewelcome, where's my daughter-in-law. dad, i can't wait beyond a second now. if i don't start immediately,my mother will feel hurt.. you know that i'm mother'spet from young age.. sir, good morning sir..-good morning. officer, yesterday he acted withoutrespect when i came here.. today he is saluting as if he wasyour junior police officer.. people who can't be bought by money,can be bought by kader's biriyani.. once one eats khader's biriyani,one will become slave to you...
they will listen to whatever we say.. in that group, he is one, the second guy, is that guywho looks like a monkey's drawing. welcome sir, how are you?- i'm well sir.. knowing or unknowing, you'vehelped us all a lot.. we are all happy without ourmadam's orchestra anymore recently... but this has not lasted for long...- why? again she has taken a new avatarto prove herself in the art world.. please come and see thetorture yourself..
come sir please..- what's happening? md sir, just forget it.let's go! md sir, what happened md sir..md sir? md sir? azhaguraja? azhagu? raja? hey? god, the watch has stopped... my md sir has been killed so badly... i've seen people danceat someone's death. but this is the first time where onehas killed someone by dancing.. madam, is it wrong of my friend tohave been attracted to your beauty??
is it his mistake to have loved you?or is it a mistake to come to see you? you could have refusedif you didn't like him. rather, you gave a reaction likea ghost and you've killed him.. what are you blabberingmr. kalyanam? show me the same reaction and kill me... i will also accompany my friend in death.. aaa channel.. md alaguraja..has passed away.. i don't have money to print anobituary in the newspapers too. hello? what's this?will you stop crying?
what? i shouldn't cry is it? what is this?a rich man's death is it? to stand quietly with hands folded.a poor man's death girl... only if i cry aloud, hewill rest in peace.. even if you've never paid me any salary... you said you'll at leastgive me your old clothes.. now you have gone so soon withoutgiving me even an underwear... this rasagulla face.. haskilled you like this.. will you stop crying like a women??
let's first check what happened to him..lift him, let's go to the doctor.. don't try to divert the case... it's a pre planned murder..planned execution.. he was the victim...you are the murderer.. what murderer is it?then what dancer is it? coming to the point.. you used an innovative method to killmy friend.you know this, i know this.. but in the court of justice..only evidences speak. give me the reaction whichyou used as a weapon
to kill my friend,give me the pose now. i shall prove your guiltin this case, and will.. ..ensure you get release onlyafter you age very old.. what madam, why do you pose asif you are in your marriage.. give me the reaction you gave tokill my friend..my god..low battery.. thanks to lord yama (god of death).thanks to yama who returned our md.. md sir, we should go to yama'stemple, in kancheepuram.. we should make you siton the buffalo and take you for 7 rounds.what do you say?
md sir, why do see atthat horror movie again.. something bad will happen again.. what did you say?- officer? my md will slap you. i said i don't liketo see you, speak to you, be with youand to get lost.. now you make a cheap scene here.. i'm not making a scene here priya.. since i met you after longi fainted in that happiness..
did you call me madam? hey.. how did you come in?who let you in? get out now..sorry madam, i guess he sneaked in when i wentto the toilet. get out man..go. in 2 minutes, if you don'tthrow him out, i'll sack you.. don't punish him for my mistake... your job is at risk because of me.. leave the job brother.. by working for their family,i've lost all my hair..
brother... don't beworried for all this.. go and stop the madness immediately.. i am not in love with you.. okay? i have a lot to achievein the world of arts. don't disturb me please... what? you want to achievesomething again in arts?? raja.. are you mocking at me? i doubted since you weredancing like a stupid.. i'm not dancing like a stupid..
i have been looking for a good trainer,i have yet not found one.. so i'm practising on myown to not waste time.. within 30 days, i'll learnbharatanatyam from a good trainer.. i am going to participate in theprogram "who is the next shobana?" i am the next shobana.. don't mistake me for saying this.. in 30 days you can fast to death,but can't learn bharatanatyam in such short time. i've won accolades at the age of 8through my performance on stage.
even if the god desires, he can't stopme from becoming the next shobana. if in case, you don't become the nextshobana, will you accept my love.. if i become a shobana, you should neversee me again in your life. okay? i am okay too..- madam.. no trainer is ready to teachbharatanatyam in 30 days.. why don't you try something differentlike kuchipudi or kathakali.. stupid.. stupid, i thoughtyou just don't have hair on your head..don't have brains too? you should get me a trainer bytomorrow evening, else get lost...
it's difficult to get a parottamaster(cook) by tomorrow evening, you want bharatanatyammaster is it? leave !! she doesn't fall for any hurdles only a bogus dancer canteach her dance in 30 days where will i find one? bharatanatyam, kathakali,kuchipudi, disco. the parent for all thesearts is my this art.. if i say this, people call me a nut case.. we have got one. mr.azhaguraja,
what brother? are you okay with the terms & conditionsgiven by our officer? you can't do it? at last, you guys mademe a villain too.. don't get emotional,let me handle it.. brother wishes to live long..brother is also a good man.. what brother? was i right?will you listen to us? md sir.. agreement is done.. so, shall we take the oathbefore bad time starts..
look here.. you should speakonly whats on the paper.. if you say anything extra,i'll glue your mouth.. deadly-i, deadly divyanathan.. 30 days.. -within 30 days, ishall teach as much dance i can. till then.. -till then i won'tperform my art of beating myself.. my role.. -i won't dance on thestreets till my role ends.. received..-i will be loyal tothe money i received.. -i am a fraud.... i'll never tell anyonei am a fraud trainer..
whole heartedly.-i shall whole heartedly and happily perform my duties.i swear. till now you were deadly divyanathan.. after this you are, dancerdivyanathan.. okay.. give him his payments.. officer.. take a photographfor evidence.. md sir, one moment..why? what happened? it's glaring, let me cover this..what decoration is this? just 2 days, since there were no wavesyou thought the sea was a pond??
damodaran.. what?have you lost respect?? madam.. nothing so.. this the bharatanatyamtrainer you had asked for.. sir, this is our madam.. are you the trainer who hascome to teach me bharatanatyam? are you the student who wanted to gettrained from me for bharatanatyam? are you the person calleddancer divyanathan...? are you the personcalled devi priya? how are you confident that you canteach me bharatanatyam in 30 days?
it is the same confidence with whichyou have come to learn dance in 30 days.. with the same confidence, i havecome to teach you dance in 30 days.. i have been waiting for atalented trainer like you.. i have been waiting too for atalented student like you.. wow.. when i seemadam's humility.. and when i see trainer's kindness..i'm sure of one thing.. there is going to be a revolutionin the world of dance.. master!!master!!! one zen saying goes...
"when the legs are ready to dance,you'll get a stage for it" you were ready to dance.. you have got a stage in 'who's nextshobana?' go my girl.win the stage. md sir, you are not 'padayappa rajini'and there is no swing above us.. do you know why i called you? to see 2 handsome men,is it madam? i thought you called us to see youfor one last time in a saree.. only thoughts spoil one's life..i will never get a trainer.. even if i get one, you said, i cannever learn dance in 30 days.right?
now, i've got a great trainer..i learnt dance in 30 days.. tomorrow, i'm going to participatein 'who's next shobana?' i am the next shobana. now where are you goingto go and show your face? are our faces gold toshow it to all madam? you know right? so why youare dancing in arrogance? we are not the one's dancing priya.it's you. yes madam. you are next big dancer after'karakattakaran kanaka'. if you don't mind, can i meetthat great trainer priya?
sure.. i had called youboth here just for that.. there are 2 bad vibrations here..it is stopping me from coming here.. i have an urgent danceprogramme in bye pass road.. i will leave now.. master.. these 2 are bad boys.. that's why there is bad vibrations here.. why are you afraid?please sit..please sit master.. sir, this is raja. he is been inone side love with me for long.. this is raja's assistant..
till now.. both these guys in life..have not done anything useful.. sir, please say a zen philosophy whichcan help them follow a good path in life.. there is a zen saying, "both a finger without a ring acountry without a king is both useless" some 2 bad forces arechasing me from here, i have work at bye pass road,i am leaving.. mr. raja, don't grow beard inlove failure, it won't suit you. mr. assistant, cut his friendship soon.. else, even you'll neverget married ever..
oh my god, i have no coins for alms.. i wished you hello in bharatanatyam..you don't know this? priya, just a minute.. i just have 2 hours before audition.. master has asked me to do meditation.. i have lots of work.. what is it?tell me quick.. when i see your arrogance.. when i see your confidence,i realise one thing.. you've won in ourchallenge and i've lost..
if you participate inthis audition, i prayed to break a coconut togod on bye pass road.. since it is a prayer to god.. that's why..i can't refuse.. oh my god.. - i am the next shobana forsure, but still you can also help me.. "god.. guide me on good path." pray soand break this coconut as offering.. just a minute..god will be happy if you face east only.. come this side for a minute... position is correct now..break it priya.. what happened priya?my god.. master?
"dancer divyanathan"."dancerdivyanathan" you called him so proudly.. i never thought he would be a"street dance divyanathan".. "i am the next shobana" youjumped in such arrogance.. he spoiled all yourconfidence and arrogance.. for the anger i have in me.. oh my god.. the eyesare becoming red.. priya.. don't do anythingto him priya.. please.. go.. go to her.. go. you cheated me right??
priya.. don't cry priya.. priya..listen to me please.. what's the use praying tosun after you become blind? you should have been careful.. you didn't even know if you werelearning bharatanatyam or not.. you trusted this guy asthe master and you were.. ..jumping in arrogance thatyou would be next shobana.. bharatanatyam is a sacred art..you can't learn that in a jiffy. i got you here to makeyou realise this.. you are crying so much for this??
this dancer divyanathanwas sent to you by me.. priya.. please listen to me..please come back.. you are taking wrong decisions again.. you are going the wrong path again...come back.. priya. i will always speak for your good...please listen to me. priya, it's been 3 years sincea train came on this track.. i wanted you to win in this last effortthat's why i came running behind you.. but you didn't trust me.. i thought i couldn't succeedin the world of art..
then, women can never achieveanything in life is it?? hey, i never said anything like that.. don't get me caughtwith women activists.. the world would thinki am against women... look here.. then, now,always, talented women can always succeedin all walks of life.. only people with no talentlike you can't achieve.. i've been telling youthis from the beginning.. then is my life of no value?
you can't infer so.. to get married, to give birthto children, to lead a life.. ..of a disciplined mother itselfa big achievement nowadays.. you can definitely achieve that.. whatever i say cantaste bitter to you.. but that's the truth.. you speak precisely like speaking in a debate,whatever you say is correct? surely, i will succeed as aresponsible house wife. how?
i am in love with you right? i don't feel anything of the sort.. your heart whirls like a tornado,so let's marry in a hurricane. gonna wed you chitra devi priya,wanna take you home. hey waiting for you raja,let's go home holding hands. you made my heart fly like a kite,you robbed my heart like a heist. wanna see crystal gazing,and gonna see heavenly kingdom. can i be your vision?- i'll give you what you want. can i take a place in your heart?- my heart is all yours.
can i touch your cheeks?- do touch gently can i join the party?- needn't ask me. my wishes in the heartslides and glides me to say my latches in the eyes stopsme from staring at you. wanna see crystal gazing,and gonna see heavenly kingdom your heart whirls like a tornado, you got the one to live withyou and taste with you. he is gonna take care of youwith utmost love and happiness have to admire her beautyto give birth to a beauty.
- why you gotta budding flower?- only for you to touch and blossom - why you have a bindi?- only for you to mess it up. - why do we hear bangles sound?- only for you to listen. - why do we hear bangles sound?- only to make you look at me. lemme look for a wedding ring,to live with you. lemme look for a wedding date,to be your wife. raja.. my dad..- hello.. apologies for the delay..i have come late.. i've never accepted anyone as friends orrelatives so easily..
but.. you.. please sit down son-in-law. -you sit first uncle.-please sit son.. son, i can't beat around the bushi'll speak frankly. my daughter never listens to anybody. but she listens and obeys you onlywhat does this mean? it means, there can be no bettergroom than you for my daughter. -thanks, uncle.-that's okay. on an auspicious day, please ask your parentsto come and meet my girl.
the rest can be discussed in person. -what do you say son?-okay uncle. before that, i want to discuss somethingimportant.. that is.. tell me son..you tell him..- tell him please.. what dear? is my son-in-lawexpecting a big dowry? ask him what he wants,we will do even better. it's not that dad.. there was one muthukrishnan whoworked for ramasamy grandfather.. you remember him dad?
how do you know all that?he is his father dad.. he did not want to hide this from you.. that's what he wanted to share.. he should never enter my house again..ask him to get lost.. what uncle? why do you getangry for such a small thing? small thing? what is a small thing? my father was respectedby all in the village... my father was alive and your father insultedhim by preparing for his funeral... is this a small thing? small thing?
please don't get angry uncle..it isn't good for your health. do you know something?do you know? the entire village would call mydad 'burma ramasamy' so proudly.. but, after this incident.. the village called him 'deadramasamy' so insultingly.. do you know how much my heart ached?do you know? leave my feelings..my dad was so affected.. he got so affected of thinkingabout this incident everyday and he passed away ata young age of 80 years..
my god..80 years is a young age is it? now, tell me.. how will send my daughterto your home as a bride? -uncle, please listen,-stop calling me uncle. sir, this happened long ago, wecan forget this now. forget it? hey, why should i arguewith you unnecessarily.. i am not in favour of gettingmy daughter married to you.. please don't say so sir..please listen sir.. i need not listen to you..get out of here..
please don't say so sir..-get lost now.. hey.. quiet-raja... you should not interrupt whenelder people are speaking? okay? since you were my darling's father, i amspeaking to you as humbly as possible.. but you.. you speak so arrogantlylike a politician in a meeting.. now look here, your fathermade a mistake and.. ..my father made a mistake.. thereis fault on both sides. that's why i speak with respect. else, i would carried away and marriedher in a temple already.
you think you are so brave? i challenge you now.. if you can..if my daughter follows you. carry away my home's lucky charm..let me see.. if i carry away your lucky charm? if you carry her away, i'll agreeyou are a man.let me see. is the father's love bigger,or your love bigger?? hey don't crack jokes now..only my love will win.. priya.. come let's go home.. sorry raja.. nothing isimportant to me than my father.
you leave please. what priya? people around me are all yesmasters, nobody cares for me. only you care for me,you said other day. now you speak like this..that's it? it's hurting priya? anyone would get hurt only here,for me, it is hurting completely.. bless you dear.. -raja..-how is this?
it's okay dear-if you had not told me the truth till date, i would have livedthinking as if i were a great singer. the reason for all thisis your blind love dad.. what dear? you are speaking like this? i changed the name of the theater,marriage hall to your name dear. hey, if you don't nameit after your daughter, who else will you name after..ask him priya. hey, take your hand off.- its okay.. dear.. you had a orchestra..'ilaya nila'.
i put a condition that i'll rent the hallonly if they book the orchestra. you know how many people ranaway due to this condition.. you know the loss i incurred? who asked you to do all those? you didnot know how to bring up your daughter. leave that. the mangalam chit fund ad you acted..-don't speak about my ad hey.. i lost 10 lakhs on it..i was the one affected.. if you speak something? careful.. have i ever complained on all this?
dear.. devi priya..is it over? dad..all these days, i thought my fatheronly suffered pain because of me.. but now i realise, how muchloss he had because of me.. to compensate this loss, i'll have tostay with my father.i'm sorry raja.. even i wanted to make my channel anumber one channel and earn in crores.. but when i met you, i changed my ambitionto marry you and living to it till date. because of this, i have losses in crores. have i ever complained on this to you.. but your father is trying to blame youfor the losses he made in his hall..
are you going to stay withsuch a money minded guy? tell me priya. tell me.. you are so selfish dad.. onlymoney is important to you.. don't believe him dear..he is lying.. come priya, let's go to our house. "twinkle twinkle kuttil star" when dad sings wrongly in english.. you would say, "its not kuttil, its little"and you would knock on my head lovingly.. have you forgotten that?"twinkle twinkle kuttil star"
hey, you are saying nursery rhymes? "twinkle twinkle kuttil... kuttil star" hey, what are you doing?- hey priya, priya.. sorry raja, i can't tolerate ifanybody speaks poorly in english.. do you know how many times i've beatenmy father for his poor english. how many times you know?please forget me.. i am always my father's daughter.. yesterday night i wrote a love poem.. if you hear that,even separated lovers will
come together..if they are in true love.. two hearts became one hearttwo hearts became one heart that one heart.. that one heart..- broke to pieces. raja.. you remember my poems??i thought you would have forgotten.. now, i trust you.. that you will take care of mehappily always.. dad, my love is moreimportant to me than you... bless us dad.. let's go priya..
uncle..i am a man.. i am going to marry your daughter,if you can...come and bless us.. dad..-what son? love failure is it? now where are you?-in the shiva temple. will they do marriage there? your mother and i got marriedin this temple only.. even priya & i are gettingmarried there only.-what?? you should bless us. just stay there.i'll come soon. hey listen son..
your son is coming here to marry that girland he wants us to bless them both.. -super..-hey fool.. mom, kandasamy daughter,ramasamy granddaughter.. now, she is your daughter inlaw, devi priya.. take her.. is she my daughter in law? she lookslike a heroine from bollywood.. even if its late, you'vefound the latest one. i don't know what todo in this happiness.. why are you looking dull priya dear? are you worried that you are gettingmarried like this without your family?
don't worry.. once your childcomes, all will become well.. -mom-get ready for that.. my son is feeling very shy. hey fool, what are you speaking of now? what do you think of yourself? you'll bring a girl and saythat you want to marry her and she is speaking about children..are you joking? we both have decided to marry. we need to buy 2 garlands and thaliwill you buy or not?
hey.. what are you saying? how long would you haveprayed for his marriage? now, he has agreed for marriage,now don't refuse because of your past.. if you take a good decision,our son's marriage will happen well.. please decide fast.. why are you silent likea idol of the god? idol is it?-hey dad has agreed. bless them.. wish you well..hey.. come let's buy garland and thali..
-hey muthukrisha..-what man.. that day, you acted cheap andinsulted my father.. now you act cheap again and youare insulting me is it? -won't you ever change? -hey kandasamy, mind your words, who is cheap? -one minute, for someone's fault..-mom.. -you wait-keep quiet for someone's fault you insultedmy husband, that was cheap.. wait..without checking,your husband stuck posters
saying ramasamy is dead..isn't that cheap? you don't speak about my husband..- please stop it.. you are starting all over again? -see uncle..-dont call me uncle.. sorry "mr. kuttil star"-is this how you speak to an elder? now, i swear, this marriagewill never happen.. hey, i swear this marriage will happen.. i'll see how it happens.. that's what i'm saying too. youwill see how the marriage happens..
hey.. please stop... there are 2 men speaking right? why do you 2 ladies keep shoutingas if you were fighting for water.. sir.. if kinsmen keep fighting like this,won't it affect the society...? who are kinsmen? who is whose kinsmen? you and he, he and you are kinsmen.. that will be so only if themarriage takes place right? whatever happens, thismarriage will never happen.. this marriage will happenfor sure at all cost..
it will.. it will.. -it wont..it wont.. hey, just because youhave a long moustache.. you will come to fight is it?? my mush? hey.. who are you?what is your relation to this marriage? i'm related to this kandasamy sir,i'm related! take off your hand.. there is relation to thismarriage and this kalyanam .. you all are fighting becausesomeone called right? do you know who that someone is?
the guy who was working at yourtheatre for 15 years.. kali... my father.. he was thereason behind all problems.. like in a circus, people forgetthe clown when they see a lion.. when he came to work, my fatherwas given less importance.. "hey kali, you are gone" "go and prepare for the egg delicacy" he could not accept that.. even though, he never showed it out,and was acting in front of everyone.. you'll get all goodfor your good heart..
all your blessing brother.-you want boss's daughter is it? the day, he was pushed to takesalary from his hand... that day, he decided to gethim sacked at all cost.. it is great man's duty to give way tofuture generations.. how will i forget you my brother?till death.. -i'll never forget you..-you'll never forget me till death... he was waiting for theright time for that.. that bad time had come... tcm 237 " contessa" is ityour owner ramasamy's car?- yes.
it hit a truck and yourowner died on the spot.. evening the body will reach there.i was told to inform you.. okay? never come back to this village ever.. if you give space to sit,he'll ask space to lie down.. if you give space to lie,he'll ask bed and pillow.. it is like that story... he will become the ownerto ramasamy's theatre it seems, and i should get salaryfrom his hand it seems. all these..-you ask how i know all these..
he told me all this whenhe was about to die.. don't act man.. you and your father get pleasurein spoiling other's marriage is it? you roamed with me calling md sir... why didn't you tell meabout your father? how will i say that myfather is a fraud myself? i wanted to finish this marriage smoothly. but if this marriage willhappen only if i say the truth, i don't have a choice, onlythen my marriage will happen..
leave him son, what did he do?-leave him son.. kandasamy sir..- please call me uncle.. uncle..-son-in-law.. very good-all has become well now.. a zen saying states, when a bigproblem is sorted out in a simple way.. then a big problem is gonna burst froma small issue. let's see how it burst. raja.. one moment.. before me in your life..were you in love? priya, except you,i've never seen or spoken
or been in relation with any other girl, there was never a shadowof another girl on me..enough? you swear?-i swear. if you swear wrongly,i will die.. i know priya, that's why i'm confident..i swear on you.. generally when a women gets angry, eitherthey cry or blame or throw things at us. but if devipriya gets angry,you know what she will do. brother.. will train come on this track? if not train, will a ship come on tracks?
don't you read the news? todayrailway department is on strike.. are you mad? frequently you come downto the railway track for a suicide attempt. your fortune the train doesn't come am i looking sarcastic for you?yes, i will be sarcastic for you. because you have gotanother girl in your life. another girl in my life?why are you blabbering. i am not blabbering,have got the proof. in the name of ad shoot you areenjoying with the bombay girl. i will tell you who is that.
then you yourself will laugh at this.give me the phone. what a doubtful mind.officer, i am with priya now. a small debate, could you pleaseelaborate who is kareena chopra. priya listen.hi darling, where are you? it's been a long time since we met.how are you darling? hey officer, this is not the time to play. please tell about kareena chopra. we cannot disclose certainissues through phone raja. i am in chokku's guest house,could you please make a visit.
i will be waiting.-i swear this is not my phone. i really don't know whothat kareena chopra is. how many times will you swear?- how can you do that? i will prove it.do come with me.please do come. kareena, your valentinesinging song for you. no! looking at kareena,i fell in love. i am asking you for the last time. will you marry me or not?tell me.
hey chokku, please understand. this wedding wouldn'thappen and can't happen. forgive me, shouldn't have slapped you. if you wish you can slap me. i love this rugged behaviour. for all these years i have been waitingfor an arabian horse like you. no for marriage, wedding,nuptials, wedlock. in bombay does salman khan love you? then is it aamir khan?- what rangeela...
is that lungi dance pop corn...no no sharukh khan does he love you? in front of me all thesekhan's are baby corn for me. give me the thali (sacred thread). hey chokku,stop the marriage. what heroine, is thedirector as well in love? - no.-listen to me. hey... all leave.- guys where are you leaving? i will take care.- hey wait!you stop.
-you stop!-idiot wait. first take this off.now look.look well! take your hands off. look kareena is our kalyanam. for the sake of 5000 rupees, i haveto face all these problems. sorry raja. i am really sorry.unnecessarily i doubted you. do take me my love. what?- look there. could you elaborate to the viewers onour chokku and kareena chopra story. his wives called and saidchokkanadhan is in his death bed,
if kareena can come and meet him, thenhis soul will rest in peace. i thought okay for the lasttime let us do this for him. when i went there, i came to knowit's a plot to get me there. sir doctor wants to meet you now.-no emotions, no emotions. he is suffering fromdyslexia,multiple disorder, short term memory loss,suddenlove attack phobia. these are all deadly mind diseases. only one can cure all these. who is that doctor?world famous psychiatrist prathap pothen.
chopra....kareena chopra! everyday if kareena chopra canspend 2 hours singing and dancing there is 100% chancesfor his recovery.
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