Friday, March 24, 2017

How To Flashing spice mi 517

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How To Flashing spice mi 517

it's 90 degrees and we're in pasadena foreat drink vegan. we're going to get ready to eat, drink, and be vegan. at least for today. by the way, i don't drink beer. or alcohol.and i'm not vegan. so this should be an interesting day. as you can see, we are on a golf course. sand trap. some of you may be wondering why this is called a "vegan beer festival?" when "isn't all beer vegan?"

the answer is no. sometimes, when beer is made, they use fish parts to filter it. making it not vegan. so all of the beer that's offered here is not filtered through fish parts, and is okfor people who don't want their beer to touch fish. ok i'm getting a beer for the camera man. i think he's an ipa man...are you an ipa man? for you! it's bubbly...and beery. we got acai in the house! there's a little bit of granola on top, and a banana - just one slice of banana.

acai is a superfruit that's packed with antioxidantsand it's very good for you and it's so good on this very hot day.i'm kinda thirsty, want some kombucha? kombucha is a fermented drink made from a scoby. which is a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast. time to drink...the booch. i'm a really particular person. caffeine free,that might be for me... black tea, caffeine free, coffee, yerba mate, toasted genmaicha, white tea... oh my god that is good, it's so refreshingand crisp. it's perfect for this hot hot weather.

kombucha kinda tastes like champagne that's very dull. like, it's fizzy and it's got a little bit of tartness but it's not fully alcoholic. this stuff has a little bit of lime, a little bit of cucumber - it's very refreshing, itreminds me of spa water with a kick. this is pink lady apple kombucha. it's very refreshing, it tastes very similar to the other kombucha i just tried but italso tastes like apples. cheers. so there's food trucks selling everythingfrom mac and cheese waffles to banh mi - all vegan but it's 92 degrees now and i cannotthink of eating anything hot and spicy.

i want something cold and refreshing. we have two scoops of yoga-urt which is an almond and cashew based ice cream - "ice cream"- and i got a caramel flavor, and a peanut butter flavor and i'm going to try them together.because i'm that crazy. (smack) don't know why my mouth made that noise. mmmm! it's so creamy, it's full of flavor, all i taste is peanut butter goodness. thanks for joining me today at vegan beer fest even though i didn't have any beer i certainlyhad some vegan food - that was all cold. i think if i were to come back i would needto have it be a lot cooler.

cause this heat is not good for a festival. you know, i didn't know that they were going to charge for food here - most food festivals i go to it's unlimited food so i came ready to eat. i think that if you came here to drink you might want to bring your own snacks, although i don't think they let you. so you can't, just come not too hungry if you don't have a lot of money to spend on food. (smack) god, why does my mouth keep makingthose noises when i eat this?

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