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hey youtubers, it's charlie so the actor theplays any thawne confirm he's coming back to the show so we got a break this down. he didn't say exactly which episode he's gonnacome back for but there couple theories about what can be going on and why they're bringinghim back now. so there's a new round of the flash ring giveawaythat starts now. all you have to do to enter is be a subscriberand leave a comment on this video winners are usually announced at the end be sure toclick that bell to enable alerts so that you don't miss anything. so many things going on here.
so we'll talk about who he might be how theymight use them in the future and why they're bringing him back now. so, they always bring the big characters back. but number five i think the biggest reasonthey're bringing him back it just sort of a way to get the fans and trying to fix thecharacter just a little bit because he started out in season one, when they first teasedthem and they explain what his name was everyone's like oh my got what's what's going on here. he was one of those things where they takea name from a really big character like the biggest character from the flash is villainsgallery and then sort of pair that with the
characters you never heard of it with a backstorythat's unfamiliar so any thawne is not somebody from the comics but they hadn't explainedthat the reverse flash was going to be the big villain eobard thawne. so this was just meant to show you that hecan go in any different direction. sort of like storm clouds on the horizon likewhose substance can be happening with his character, but what ended up happening iskind of unfortunate because he ended up getting sidelined in this melodrama plot where heand barry were competing for iris's affections. i don't think the dudes that were watchingthe show were very happy about this and i don't think that the iris fans that were watchingwere happy about it either because she didn't
really have anything to do during season oneother than be the object of affection like she was the prize that was won by either barryor eddie, so rewind back to the first half of the season. they do provide some context for iris's characterhow she grew up with barry how she was so important to him that she really didn't existwithout barry or without eddie's storyline, so i think everybody was just really unsatisfiedwith the way that it up happening, so they wanted to fix that in the back half of theseason so they completely changed what their original plans were for the characters. so number four what was that original eddiethawne plan like over.
they originally going to do with the characterbefore they decided to kill them off because andrew kreisberg the show runner said thatoriginally they had something totally different in mind they were going to kill them, butwhen they did use him get sucked up into the singularity with the talisman on. so he got to be the hero, but that is arelike tease that something really big was going to be happening later on in season two likewho there very clearly setting something up comic book rules. if there's nobody that he's not dead. so originally allowed people had theoriesthat eddie thawne would be the season to villain
because his character had hunter solomon'sback story from the comics with a thawne name, so people like who may be he's going to bethe zoom of season two he'll be like the big bad because barry still his girlfriend. so in explaining it. that way you kinda see the problem with thatlike they didn't want to turn iris into the object of affection in that way. so i think they just pivoted their plans. but originally i think their plan was is tomake eddie more of a season two villain person in the way that arrow did the same thing withslade wilson in the first two seasons.
so if you didn't watch arrow what happenedin the first season is that you meet slade wilson and anybody that reads comics is likeoh my god this is deathstroke and he's friends with all of her on the island what's goingon here. this is so crazy where the gonna take thisseason two that plays out. he becomes the deathstroke character in abecame one of the best seasons of arrow ever do because the same people that make arrowstarted making the flash it sounded like they were sort of repeating that paradigm. but then about halfway through decided topivoted and double down on the jay garrick storyline set that up and make him more ofa thing in season two during season two they
took actual hunter solomon and sort of pairthat with the jay garrick storyline and is much as that made people upset like long time,comic book readers are like oh my god, you're telling is that jay garrick is evil. so before the big twist at the end where theyreveal it is actually secretly hunter solomon. this been pretending to be jay garrick peoplereally upset, even long time flash comic book writer mark wade who the flash tv show borrowsa lot of stuff from was really upset for the explain. the twist he was this big thing that peopleget upset at tv shows all the time. so it was kind of funny watching you knowlike old, comic book writer shake their fists
and stuff, so i actually think that the showchose the lesser of two evils the of the chose to not recycle the deathstroke arc from arrow,but in doing so he kind of threw themselves into like this big jay garrick twist thatplayed out like relatively okay could've been a lot better, but number three. the other logic problem. i get so many questions about this if anythawne died at the end of season one the reverse flash of that moment was erased from existence. how did he come back alive and well duringseason two of this gets into time travel rules one of the problems with syfy tv shows isthat sometimes you have an actor or a character
like ora storyline. the just has so much chemistry and works sowell you want to find a way to capitalize on that later on, but if there dead you haveto find a way to explain how they came back. so the beauty of the reverse flash is thathe is basically the smartest person in this universe. maybe next to jesse quick but the way theytease jesse quick is that she's smarter than harrison wells from earth two, so one of myfavorite lines from him during season one is when he actually says i'm a genius wherei come from imagine what that makes me here. so because of the way he exists in flash canonis like the biggest villain that barry as
ever had ever will have is that he sort ofthe baltimore in has whore cruxes plans in case he dies so because he's a time traveler. doctor who style is a lot of different versionsof him that overlap traveling through time trying to get rid of barry allen or bringsome evil plan to fruition. so even just on earth one in our universethere multiple versions of eobard thawne. they're all aware of each other like he understandstime travel like no one else when you messed with time travel. we learned during season two the time wraithswill come for you. the reverse flash is one of the few peoplethat knows how to keep off their radar.
so he's able to time travel in a way thatthe other flashes are. but the simplest explanation for how eobardthawne is still alive after eddie killed himself is one because of flashpoint, now but to becauseof a speed force protective bubble like a speed force whore cruxes. so even if you haven't read the comics earlierthis season. jay garrick explained that the speed forceis sort of a nexus of space time it exists out of normal space time so if a younger versionof the reverse flash is traveling back through the speed force. when older reverse flash gets killed in thespeed force protects that younger version
from the consequences of eddie's death. so as of season two that's really the onlyway that eddie can still be dead in the reverse flash on earth one can still be alive becausenumber two you know which version of eddie is this going to be. so like i said flashpoint happen this season. it could choose to bring back eddie v of flashpoint,but i feel like that creates more problems than it's worth. and you have to explain why he's not aroundall the time on earth one, the easier explanation is that is earth two eddie we learned duringseason two is alive and well.
based on barry's phone there still friends. we have no idea how different he is the justteased his name like oh barry talks to him on a regular basis he's on his speed dialso clearly there friends he's doing well this is great. so this season. they will be going back to earth to eventuallyso that be my first boat is that when they go back to earth two just find a way for eddieto show up, you guys can let me know which version of eddie you want them to use. i just feel like the jesse quick is a reallygood example of why multi-verse characters
are the best way to explain why people aren'taround. so jesse quick is the flash of earth two theyhave all the same types of problems that they have on earth one. maybe not savitar level problems, but theystill have villains running amok so team flash on earth two is the exact same thing, theteam flash on earth one does she's very, very busy, so she can just come over and hang outall the time in the other thing about earth two or three you know multi-verse charactersis part of the fun is that you get to learn how their life is different and what's differentabout them or they a villain on a different earth, we can learn about all the adventuresthat they had that we didn't get to see because
it was in a different universe, so numberone though what about turning eddie into a villain or a speedster in the future seasonlike cobalt blue style doing something really crazy. some big twist with him the original plotline of season one to season two like i said sounded like they wanted to do that with himuse him as more of the hunter solomon zoom character turn that twist from the comicsinto a big thing, so in the comics. hunter solomon is a police detective thatworks with the wally west character inside the central city police department gorillagrodd attacks the city his spine is broken so he can't walk anymore and wally refusesto go back in time to change it.
so in his grief, hunter solomon tries to usethe cosmic treadmill to fix it himself gets into an accident and it gives him powers,turning him into the zoom character. so that's comic books zoom tv zoom was likea completely separate thing, so i don't think the gonna do that but i did it is totallypossible they could pick one of the other lesser speedsters to make eddie thawne somefuture villain orson a small twist but i feel like if they did that it would be like therival he be around for a couple episodes, it would be like a really small thing. he wouldn't be the main villain. let me know if they bring eddie back and turnthem into a villain in the future season which
character do you want him to be was can happennext is that unless they drop some footage him and to be doing a legion trailer videois basically x-men breaking bad for the most powerful x-men character ever. it's a new tv show that's going to be on fxnetworks in the united states, it's gonna simulcast internationally on fox channels. so i'll explain when i post a trailer videothat can be a thursday show going forward. so i almost forgot. congratulations to the new reverse flash ringgiveaway winner kieran owens be sure to private message me on the back and my channel so ican get your contact details.
i will be doing giveaways for the legion tvshow so i'll explain when i post that later today while you wait for that you can clickhere to watch the trailer for the next episode of the flash and you can click here for mystar wars episode eight people rain. thank you so much watching everybody thoughtfive i'll see you guys tonight!
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