Friday, March 17, 2017

How To Flashing okapia joy next

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How To Flashing okapia joy next

suicide is present trend, the word we often hear ontv channels and in newspapers, no, a real thing happening. no need of big reasonsto commit suicide, if boyfriend failsto reply message on time, if girl friend failsto answer phone call, to threaten parents, people are committing suicidewithout any big reasons, unable to face even a small problem,

people taking thesimplest way is suicide. without knowing the value of lifeand making it just a joke, a strange thought from a coupleof love failures is the plot, of this film 'prema katha chitram'. in this wind... somewhere there's a disturbance... it's turmoil there... stumbling with intoxication...softly uniting... taking into arms on one side...cheeks turned like moon...

what would happen nobody knows... dimples on cheeks one sideand thrills on another side... come, lakshmi.- why this excitement... how enticing you are?- go beau! come, my queen.- where? you're shameless. my dream was to marry you, how should our first nightbe after our marriage? this night must becomethe most beautiful night. come.

we've to live and die here...where else can we go other than here... nandu, have tea. irani tea, don't know if you canhave it again or not. why tea when we shouldbe having poison? there's still time for it,first have tea. you won't have it. still didn't introduced yourselves? why should we knoweach other before dying? at least be happy till you die, nandu.

i'm dying because i'm unhappy, right? why should we die if we're happy? happiness, joy, laughing heartily, all these have been deletedfrom my lifelong back. all that's left is suicide! why are you wasting time? when i think about that she-devil,i feel like dying this moment. for the problems i've faced,i shouldn't come this far to die. do you know it would be 2 daysby now since my death?

people were born withoutknowing anything, people die without knowing anything,but we're special people! we're dying knowing it well. we must celebrate death too like life! we go to shop to buy a dress,if it's not good, we'll try another. this is also like that only. we didn't like this life,let's try another life. do you know what's my gift toyou both as your common friend? nice death!

i've designed our death beautifully. a guest house far away from city. generally people goto guest house for rest. but we're going to turn intoghosts in the guest house. ghost? i'm scared. if we die, we'll be ghosts.come, let's go for shopping. why shopping now? we've to buy material to dieas we wish, right? come. how about using this cutter to slit?- good but nylon would be nice.

many of our seniors had used this. no, a knife would be better than nylon...- move...move... this knife is very good,cutting with it would be smooth, shall i try? you may kill me here. you must help us. unable to decide which ofthe three to use we're confused. why confusion?i'm here to help you. may i select one for you?

then, smoothly and simple,all three of us, without a third eye knowing,sorry, fourth eye knowing it, the job must be done. didn't get me?kill us! we came to shop for committing suicide. cutters, poison, nylon rope,anything is okay. but death must be very sweet. you're wasting time,you don't select anything. did you find anyonemore foolish than me?

yes, sir. are you playing with meearly in the morning? are you playing drama? why don't you believe us, sir?look at that girl, see! it seems a new type of cutterhas come into market, show me. look at this cutter, madam. keep your hand like andcut it smoothly like this, like a surgical blade,you'd die without knowing it. how can we die without knowing it?we'll die with pain.

since you say pain... look at this super poison,you get 40% free too, like how it cleans bathroomand kills bacteria, it'll clean your body andtake your soul up smoothly. show me.- see, madam. uncle, he says a little of itwould kill bacteria, how much would it taketo kill a human? how much one should take, dear?you can take as much as you can. may i show you?

uncle, you're having it fully. did i drink it? would i die now? he said he'll select for usbut selected it for himself. jack ass! they ask last wishbefore one is hanged. we too must fulfillour last wish before we die. tell me your last wishes, if we die with unfulfilled wishes,we'll become ghosts. i don't want to become a ghost.i wish to steal a new car.

oh god! steal?- but i don't know to drive. oh no, girls are too dangerous!what's your last wish? i wish to slap tightlyour mla in his own home. slap mla? then, we'll surely die. if not what else? if we get caught after stealingor after slapping mla, we're sure to die. we must steal that car. is it mango to pluckas soon as you ask?

it's a car! is he a man who can't fulfilla girl's wish? isn't it?- hold my bag. is entire media here? still times of india isn't here?let's start after they come, brother. this toothache is killing me. this is mla's house. no, listen to me,let's go back. here they come, start, brother.

why are you late?shall we start? i've a small questionbefore we start, sir? gandhiji told to show another cheekif you slap on one cheek. what about you?- my back! i'll show my back! are you cracking jokesearly in the morning? oh my god! my tooth! come...come fast! when time pushes youto unknown destinations... when story takes turn inthe twists of naughty hell...

sight, meeting, chatting happily... the chase has begun... this is strange love story... this is a film on roads... if one knows how fate bringspeople together... heart will not valuemany relationships... if we play the gameknowing the result... fun and thrill is lost... it entertains to pass time...

watching chase scenes in films,it's my childhood dream to get chased. with this my last wish toois fulfilled. police are here, come. a turning point camejust before hitting a dead end... green light said gowhile stopping for red light... whatever it is script changedfor them in this strange film... without knowing this charactersare confused with the twists... it's a treat presentedin 24 frames... i think new car, very nice.

keys, brother.- parking? yes, brother. our bags!- get my bag also. why don't you leave the bags?- with you or with us? in car! he doesn't look like parking manbut a car thief. thief...thief... a thief shouldn't callanother man as thief! then vehicle?

our wishes are fulfilled, right?let him fulfill his wish. you said guest house is near,let's walk. nearby only but that stocky mantook away a good vehicle. i'm famished, please ordera good biryani for me. i'll go to wash room. didn't think about biryaniin sadness, she's hungry in happiness. let's sit there. nandu is very happy, right?

why is she committing suicide then? failure!like you! should one die for love failure? i think you shouldn't say that.- yes, you're right. there are millions of reasons to die. why do you want that?who wants to die here? not just one but three people.- not three but four along with me. please allow me to join you.- impossible. i've been going around thiscity alone for a week now.

to find a companion to die.didn't find one also! would anyone die announcing?- why do you want to die anyway? i threatened my girl friendi would die if she refuses me. i want to die and show her. what would you show her after dying?your ash? don't know brother... your uncle's devil.- no, angel...nellore angel... don't go close to her,say whatever from away. your english is good,you appear strong wealthy.

come, join us to die. what's this? bell? would i carry bell?can i hang it around my neck? waiter, two biryanis please. for me?- three! sit. have it. is this one? why has everyone gone silent? till now we were happy,we're going to die now.

why are you saying that dull? we were happy till now andwe're going to die now. you can say like this also.- i'll beat you with slippers. be silent. first find the watchman.- no need, he's coming. get him. he looks like a pigin search of soar. who are you? owner subrahmanyam told youto receive 3 guests, right? we're the 3 guests. you're 4, i won't let you in.

he's joker in of the pack, no value. let us in.- watchman, come here,i can't bear you for long. let them in. let them in,you come, i'll tell you. come in...come in... one girl, three boys,that too at this hour. in guest house,i'll take them to task. we're going to die in a big house.

look, you've come herewittingly or unwittingly, but you need to knowabout a thing here, what's that?- 3 people died here committing suicide. one hanged from the fan upstairs, second stabbed self inbathroom downstairs, third by consuming poison, so, this farm house has becomefamous by killing three people. after midnight,all three roam in the building. it's not safe for you to stay here.

listen to me, go away from here. leave my hand.- go way, sir. watchman, we're not here to go away. we're here to show you...ghosts. come after midnight,i'll show you 7 ghosts not just 3! if you're ready to die,8 ghosts along with you. do you also want to die? come're very handsome.cute! how handsome you are!

he's servant here. he won't talk to humans.- then? he talks only with ghosts. he roams with dead souls. i'm scared.are ghosts real? no ghosts or devils, okay? there are! ghosts are there! let it be there!

can't we know there areghosts after seeing you? go out, we'll go upstairsand freshen up. bloody idiot! go out, you chimpanzee face!go out!'ll see ghosts! am i committing suicide?i'm ashamed of it. when my life has become a shame,why feel shame to commit suicide? at least my death will makethem realise my value. room is very good.

why did you come to my room? why are you latching the door? i'll call help. no need of them here, let them be in their job andlet's be in our job. i controlled it withgreat difficulty, i can't hold on anymore. when you said my shirt is nice andlooked at my short, i suspected. that you're different.

whatever you may think,please keep this secret between us. i'll tell.- it must, i'll show you. i'll tell. you'll see.please don't tell. if you do like this, i'll tell. whatever you may think, i hid itfor so long with great difficulty. my emotions are breaking barriers. my mind is going blank.i'm going mad. i'll remove it. i must remove the shirt, right?

what will you take, you fool?my wig! wig? why are you feelingshame to tell? no, my girl friend knows melike this only. i used a wig to impress her. if she sees my photoafter suicide without a wig, she may think someone else. then, my suicide would go waste, right?that's why this wig. you've a killer brain,first take bath. dead rat smell is emanating from you.

will you also join me for bath? not just one dead rat buthe smells like 50 or 60 dead rats. elderly man, i don't thinkthe guests will leave. not because of farm house butliving happily because of junior boss. junior boss is responsiblefor our today's happiness. but i think, they'll notleave this place. what did sir tell you?- to look after them well. he personally called andtold me to look after them well. not a living creature must be hereby the time junior boss comes here.

by this sunday,everyone must be outside the gate. saidulu, call parvathi! can't you understandif i tell you once? don't call me often. everything is going on hereas we planned. got it? i'll take care of everything,hang up the phone now. who are you talking to before dying? i'm closing my old accounts. if we die without tellinganyone like others,

we may not get a chanceto repent for dying, i don't have any such wish,so i settled all my loans. i don't owe anyone a rupeeand nobody owes me a rupee. i'm very happy to becomea solo soul. i'm dying because of love, what happened to you?why are you committing suicide? sudheer, first tell me your story,let's hear praveen's story later. why don't you tell, sudheer? we've become friends in death,if we know about each other...

we can share our feelings too.we can die peacefully then. okay, nandu.tell me your story first. not mine, first yours. my passion was to make music albums. sudheer, i can't come for lunch. i've to go to consultancy office,i've a meeting. why are you going to office now? you know i'm working formy brother's friend. he won't get satisfiedunless i do that job myself.

we're going to marry,do you need that job? the company was in doldrums, i worked day and night andbrought it back to a shape. here?- stop here. saying job with him,she made me drop there every day, getting me do all her shopping, taking my money,she presented him with gifts, without knowing she'd do like this,me and my father, fixed marriage and sentinvitations to everyone we knew.

one day i met a friendwhile inviting for my wedding, my friend saw the cardand was shocked, he said she was his ex-girl friendand presently dating another man, i didn't believe him, but i went to see out of curiosity. tell me! will you please listen to me?- shut up! don't say another want to die! what would've had happenedif i had come little late?

what would've happened?i would be dead, that's all. death is better choice afterlosing love and respect. if i'm alive, my dad wouldforce marriage on me at gun point. i loved her so much. she romanced with another mangoing out with me. when i asked, she lied theywere close friends. would close friends kissand hug passionately? if it is so, after marriage i've to walk away fromhome seeing his slippers outside.

i don't want such a dog's life. instead of dying seeing herbehaviour later, it's better to die nowand make all others happy. why don't you tell your fatherthat you don't want to marry her? whom should i tell?who listens to me? not only that, i had introduced heras my future wife to my friends, i painted the town red with her, but everyone knows every man hereis her boyfriend other than me. recently someone had uploadedher romance video on net.

should i've to marry such a girl? there's only one solution for this. i decided that and here i'm now. before you to commit suicide. what about yours? mine is not story but my life. i'll make it simple. we're kannada brahmins. we live in bangalore.

i came here to dohotel management course. i was engaged to my aunt's son.but i don't like him. my mother wanted me to marry him. my aunt's son was a gay. my mother wouldn't believeif i tell her. he created a story that i'm avoidinghim because i've another love affair. he made everyone believe it. my mother attempted suicidewhen i refused to marry him. so, if i die before my mother dies,all problems would get solved.

here i'm like this! this is not right,what did nandu do? why should she die? what can i sat if you ask me?ask her. it's wrong, we mustn't encourageacts like this. tell her to drop the idea of suicide. young girl! she has great future! isn't she?one minute. it seems the kettle doesn'tknow its base is black.

even in your matter,you haven't done anything wrong. except loving a wrong girl. will you drop now if i ask?no, right? let's do one thing,since you insist so much, i can't change her, let's postpone suicide for 3 days, then, let's change nanduand die, okay? what do you say? i can't wait for 3 days, no way.

how can she live aloneif we both die? think over it. you said she's young and sweet girl. look at nandu's close up! first pacify her, she's crying. your acting was fabulous.what's that love story? the point you said is good for a film. how well you weaveda story on the spot! not a lie the story is friend's.

is your job done?did you postpone it for 3 days? am i not smart? don't talk to me with smile,he's observing us. act as if you're sad. i can't hold on anymore,i'll say i love you to sudheer. i lied to my dad about a week tourand escaped from engagement, if my love doesn't succeedin 3 days, i'm finished. he's watching us,go on say something like that. what am i to tell now?

how was biryani today afternoon? all the bones were in my plate only. i'll talk to him now. what did she say?- she's not listening to me. why?- i don't know. she didn't agree initially,she insisted on dying. but she thought about you andpostponed suicide for 3 days. why? don't know why,she likes you so much.

she's feeling so sad for youas if her lover is dying. don't play drama.- drama? am i her lover? i don't know how girls developso much love on someone in just a day. look there. i'm telling you, right?look at me, she's looking at you sadly to makeyou drop the idea of suicide. you'll have the satisfaction ofat least for saving a life. show her life is beautifulin these 3 days.

then, you die! why are you still thinking?- okay. 3 days only, don't extend it again. you go, i'll take care of things. where's that dirty face? my chenchulakshmi told me to go,my damn like is finished... what's this dress? i found it in cupboard,i think it's large size. it's loose for is the dress?

didn't you wear anything bottom? t-shirt is xxxl,can i hold on that size down? won't it slip down?forget that, when are we dying?how are we dying? where are we going to die? there's a little changein the program. make yourself clear about where,when and how you'll die? we've postponed our suicidefor 3 days. this looks fishy,

are you planning to kill meand sell my kidneys? no way, we came togetherand we must die together. we must become ghosts. nellore giri, i'm non-local. i'm local, i'm sleepy.i'm off to bed. we surely dyingafter 3 days? it's confirmed after 3 days. if they don't die, i'll kill youand then die to join you. come. give this coffee to nandita.

give it yourself,i know why you made this coffee? she's sweet and cute girl, right?you'd have added extra sugar too. go, same cups...go!give it yourself. looks like he's fullyinto it in one night. a sort of friendship hasbegun with you... i'm coming towards you... silence has spoken to me today...i was running all these days... am i you who looks like myself?am i the one who is in you? whatever it is, it is good...

though i can see,i can't get closer...dream... my hidden imaginations areappearing in real in this world... when you're before me,i'm restless... don't know some magical spellhas taken over me... my heart seeks to unitewith you like past... my heart has stopped seeking you...impossible... when you're with me,days fly way like minutes... it went after you like waves... i'm getting tired...still i'm elated...

with memories of you in my sleep... my heart beats to announcethat i love you... to express this with youmy eyes perched on your lap... impossible... looks like you'll change in 3 daysin trying to change that girl. did you observe it? will you take it as loveif any girl moves closer to you? are you so weak? how cheap nandu would thinkabout you if she knows about this?

what's this love aftercoming here to die? no, i'll die.- do that first. if nandu too despises you,not even your soul will rest in peace. as you wish. i'm giving this advice to your soul. if you follow it, i'll be happy. o jesus, look at your son giri, please forgive all my sinswith your kind heart, please bless us tonight.

we've decided to leavethis sinful body, o father. please give us an opportunityto join you in heaven, o lord. please bless our soulsto rest in peace. bless us peaceful death, o lord! you fool, ask about your deathnot ours. what happened now? informal call?- what else then? you promised to die in 3 days,are you playing fun now? are you going to die or not?

whether anyone here dies or not,i'll surely accompany you in death. giri, don't trust anyone here,they say like that only. let's die, fix a time as you wish. nandu, no...- don't say anything. i wanted to die without telling you. i'll be ready to die at midnight. lord, please confirm berths. giri, that is...- your idea won't work out. die along with us or watch us die,anyway you'll die then.

always postpones death. why are you sitting here? i'm struggling to get him outfrom suicide thought. why did you say like that suddenly? if he doesn't come to our route,we must take his route. though i got closer to sudheer,he didn't change a bit. moreover he's againthinking of suicide. may be he doesn't like me. shall i tell him about your love?he'll surely accept.

if you do like that,i'll die immediately. i don't want his love if he getsit only after you tell him. if sudheer likes me really,he'll come out on his own. why are you so stubborn?we don't have much time also. what if he doesn't tell you?- i'll also die along with him. what are you saying?you're here to stop him from dying. not to die. i've only 3 more daysto go back to my dad. if sudheer refuses my love orkeeps me away, i can't bear it.

i won't live. you stop it.okay, i'll do something, i don't know how thisnight would pass! what are you doing here, saidulu? i'm waiting, elderly man!parvathi is coming. wait...wait... move...move...move... it's going to be 12 midnight. as soon as it's midnight 12,it'll ring 12 times,

as soon as the 12th ring ends,we must cut our nerves, okay? we must all die at a time!go...go...stop! if anyone doesn't dieafter going to your rooms, it's dead promise on me! dead promise after you're dead? i'm dying! chenchulakshmi, i'm dying. see, i'm dying to win your love!see, i'm dying. i'm dying with the wig you love.

tomorrow you'll see my photoin paper and think my love has won. i'm ready to leave this world, father! make my journey comfortable, lord! have you gone mad?if you die, can your love succeed? it'll not succeed till i'm alive. you still have a chance to win your love. how? sudheer will die in few minutes. if you don't mistake me...- what's it? just for 15 minutes with sudheer...- how?

take it as first kiss! you've to do this to save him. you've come this far, you can takechances with your chastity. chastity? you said only kiss. kiss is also chastity for a woman. what will he think of me? i'll tell you man's psychology. a man will never give up a girlwho gives herself completely to him. he'll hug her close to his heart.he's top in that.

it's not wrong to take such adecision in these circumstances. okay, go.- give me just 10 seconds. how is nandu?is she dead? why don't you answer me? tell me. ask...ask about the girlshe'll ask about you. you both are more interested oneach other than on yourselves. though you both don't have anyrelationship or don't love each other, both of you have great lovefor each other. don't beat around the bush,come straight.

are you trying to postponesuicide again? impossible. i must die.- die, who is stopping you? but do a small favourand then die. not to me but to nandu. what's it? kiss her, hug her andcommit yourself for 15 minutes. blood rogue! what are you talking aboutbefore death? have you gone mad?- not mine, nandu is mad.

anyway all are going to die. it seems she had never beenkissed in life. may be she's wishing forthat happiness before dying. she told me to tell you. if you can't, tell me,i'll say no to her. is it her thought or your thought? what would i get if you bothkiss or make love? leave it if you don't like. no, i never saw nanduwith that intention.

with what intentiondid you see her then? do one thing, look at herwith that intention now. only kiss, right?- as you wish. anyway we're dying,why not enjoy that pleasure too? what pleasure? whatever it is, tell me quickly. if i don't tell her in 10 seconds,she'll die before you. what's this sudden twist?won't you give me time to think also? i can't believe nandu made this wish.

i don't have time,please say something. a girl is asking,why are you still hesitating? tell me. she's a good friend,how can i kiss her? you just stand, she'll do the rest.- what?- kiss. tell me quickly.- okay. it's okay to him,i'll send him in 2 minutes. it must get over in 5 minutes, okay? go...

where are you going?will you go to her with sweat smell? take a bath, use deodorant. use enchanting perfume. aim a love arrow at her. you said kiss but say arrow now. i beg you, come. i think he cut his nerve,hey long hair! i know you'll not die. you're a gang of thieves who selleyes and kidneys, right?

are you planning to sellmy organs after killing me? i'll not do it, i'll cry. you come, i need to talk to you. you change the plans.- come i say! you get ready, be on it. are you the new feeling of happiness? are you the magic of intoxication? i called you...i wished youto give me sweet pain... i'm coming...i'm bringing unwritten tale...

sound of steps is chasing me... thoughts are pushing meto unite with you... why am i scared of thisunknown new hesitation? why is my heart is poundingwith new strange excitement? shall i open the door with your call? is it unknown twist... is it known feelings... a gentle touch is giving me thrill... i'm thrilled with thetouch of excitement...

when slipping dream is coming true,my lips are withering... a distance not wished for has comenear asking to fulfill a desire... shall i call you onthe verge of losing out? overwhelmed by emotions... as bodies unite... hey you...what's happening to you? what do you think of girls? are girls so cheap to you creepy men? you're falling ona flower girl to crush her.

i'll cut your throat! if you dare touch her again,you'll die! go! go away! hey thief! did you feel shy? you did everything andescaping silently. slowly. i'll freshen up andbe back in 2 minutes. you're going to die in my hands,don't relax! move!

look, how fresh he's liketandoori chicken. hello, boss...- don't disturb him. he's tired and sweating. i fixed midnight time to commit suicide, are you converting as theirfirst night and playing with me? what's this skin business, you pimp? i'm not here to die.i'm here to unite them both. yes, you heard me right. they wanted to die, i'm trying togive them hope with taste of pleasure.

why are you so dull? anyway you can't understand,it's poetical language. why did you bring mehere then, you fool? you're a fool! if i leave you may die,that's why i brought you here. look, how buddy is so me to unite them, i'll unite you withyour chenchulakshmi. trust me. not spit, trust me.

people call you a foolfor this behaviour only. can i trust you?- i promise on your wig. tell me one thing clearly,no need to die, right? can i remove my wig? you can but you look better with it. where's the new groom? may be cooling it in swimming pool. why did nandita beat me like that? why did she behaveas if possessed by ghost?

suddenly she behaved normal,very confusing. bunny...bunny...watching youmakes me trip... buddy, it's time,shall we die now? no dying, go away! i told you, once you play cricket,you start loving it. is it such a great game? doesn't god know what interests manand what keeps him alive? who is it? what are you doing here in cold?

what can cold do to him withafter what you did to him inside? isn't it, buddy? did you see? how the girl'sbody language changed in 10 minutes? the flower bouquet is on fire... hey you! why did you come outwithout informing? did you come without telling her? did you come midway?- is it? i think the job isn't done. but he's sweating so much.

don't know, let's stay out of it. i'm sleepy, good night. what happened to him? looks like physics and chemistryis working out well between them. watch out, i'll make them inseparable. once you put ice cream inside mouth,you can't take it out, right? just like that! your simile is like your face! a fool like me couldn't get it,how can you unite them?

you can't get it,you're a fool, right? go away! take it. catch it! please come here for a moment, sir. how come he's like this? why did you call me?- please believe me, sir. there's a ghost hereand it'll kill you. last night i saw it with my eyes.please go away from here. what's this get up?- this is my original get up.

i did like that to scare youand go away from here. you got scared coming hereto scare us, right? by the way, who is the ghost?- your friend...look, that girl! don't laugh like that sir, last night to scare you,parvathi sister, a junior artiste, i brought her here dressedas a ghost. what's this drama at midnight?- be little patient. why are you holding lamp behind,show it in front? am i showing way correctly, sister?

damn fool, my legs are hurting. real ghost! after seeing a real ghostfrom the window, sister fell ill in fear! since your last night'sghost drama failed, you're here with a new trailerto scare us away. our way is highway! do whatsoever you can.- your damned fate! escape! what's his problem?- he says nandu is a ghost.

nandu! it seems you're a ghost!- yes, i'm a ghost. what happened to you?why are you scared? what are you doing here?let's go to sleep. you go. - come.- i'll not come, you go. i'll not stay here tillthat ghost is here. tomorrow morning i'm leaving,come with me or die here. she's not a ghost but an angelwho is here to stop your suicide. you came here to die for your love,but she's here to save her love. she loves you madly.

what are you telling?- truth. there's a house opposite to yours, in that house, there's a girl who madly loves you,she chases wherever you go, not just when you see, a girl ischasing you to grab your attention, did you ever observe this? o my love! wherever you are,i'm always with you like your shadow... i'm seeing myself in you... o my heart! whatever i'm doing,shall i be always with you?

may i become you andyou become me... the love in heart for you,how will it reach your heart? i'm waiting eagerly forthe answer... when i face you,don't know why i feel shy... i'm distressed because of you... i'm feeling strange doingstrange things... it's you...only you all around me... i'm confident thatyou'd be mine... i'm taking liberty to comenear you...

your thoughts are moving me... i'm feeling good...when you become me... what are you doing here?let's go to class. what?- sudheer is missing for 3 days. he brought her to college too. i'm sure he would've married her. don't write your own script. it seems sudheer is going to shyam hookahcentre daily with his friends. if you sit here with tears andworrying that he's married,

write a letter to him,after college you're proposing to him. okay?- propose? you'd know if he has love affairor not only if you tell him, right? let's go to class. will you please listen to me? do you what would've happenedif i had come a minute late? don't know if you remember or not, that day i saved you fromcommitting suicide, when we both were talkingin a hookah centre,

nandita came there. wait a minute. i've been watching you,why are you loitering here only? what's this dress?it isn't matching with the place. which school?- not school but college. she's 20, she looks young in uniform, but she appears like a womanin ordinary dress. why is she so tensed?why is she sweating so much? no sir...-

nothing wrong, he's sudheer'sfriend, tell him. let's go.- you keep quiet. you tell me. she lives opposite to sudheer's house,she loves him sincerely for many days, she's here to propose to him. new love proposal at thetime of committing suicide. looks like it'll work out,use the situation to optimum, boy! do you know what's happening hereand why is he here? to enjoy hookah, right? that's what silly girls think!

he's older to you by 6 years,is it okay? you're too excited! okay, if you do as i say,you can get him. tell me, sir.- can you come out with me for 3 days? i'll come, sir.- wouldn't your parents object? i'll say i've project work. come tomorrow morning tokrishna nagar irani cafe at 9 am. i'll tell youour plan of action there. with the thought i got that day,

in cafe i said not just youbut all of us are committing suicide, and brought you here. nandu did what no girl would doto save you from suicide. nandu is an angel who riskedher chastity to save your life. though she knows you don't love her, i know the pain she has beenthrough to save you. should i stay away orget closer to nandita now? is nandita possessedby ghost or not? if she's possessed,how am i to save her?

why are you eating without us? why would he call uswhen he doesn't have love us? no, i was hungry, that's all. still your hunger isn't satiated?got used to it and you want more? stop that nonsense and eat. don't divert the topic,answer nandu's question. nandu, i was really hungry, that's all. you too eat! eat!

won't you? shall i feed you? any fight between you both? he's fine but suddenly he leaveswith indifferent attitude. don't know why... even if i get closer to him,he's going away from me. why are you leaving, nandu? don't behave like a mad man,she's hurt. a girl is ready to givewhat she shouldn't,

why are you acting too high?- what will she give? kiss? nothing happened between us,no kiss or anything. didn't she kiss you yesterday? before that she threw me away! don't talk nonsense,she's a little girl, how can she throw you out?i don't get you. i'm little scared,please leave me. don't act smart, you go,i'll wait near the door.

take nandu into your armsand comfort her. she'll be very me. she went to the room with tears. go...go...listen to me.- please listen.- go! i'm scared.- go, i know. praveen, please listen to me. why did you come? go away. you look at me as if i'm a ghost. i'm observing're avoiding me wantonly.

if you look at me angrily...- i'm not seeing angrily. my eyes are like that,it's very big like duck eggs! do you know there are big fansin my college for my eyes? they used to drool over my eyes.but you... i'll not talk to you. may be the problem is mine. i doubt what i see is real. something has happened to me. love failure and depression!i almost died once.

that's why...someone unknown fear. why fear when nandu is here? i love you so much. why don't you hug me?hug me. tightly! hands off me! how long will you hug me, mad man? will you talk sweetlyand take me to bed? i beat you...scared you!isn't that enough, you bloody?

you may not know why are herebut i know! nothing!- you're a lizard. you came here to die,why are you after kisses? your act will not work out with me,i'm there for nandu. leave the farm house by morning. if you come before nandu again,i'll kill you. didn't you get me? i'll go away...please, leave me. are you a man?

if women rebel,you've to go begging. go! it's very thrilling to seefear in the eyes of macho man! where are you taking me?- look at your friend, he's going mad! why are you sitting alone here?come, let's go.- you go. what happened? nandita is possessed by doubt. possessed by ghost? yes, she showed mereal hell last night. last night her behaviourwas most horrible.

just thinking about itis making me sweat in fear. are you telling truth?- dead promise. i saw death from so close. i don't believe in ghosts and devils.i came here bravely to die. love has taken roots againand i've started liking nandu, infact i don't know myselfwhat my situation is! no, nandu... nandu is a good girl,i too like her. who this ghost is between us?

she's fine but the momenti touch her, ghost torture is horrible. just now you said you like herbut what's this ghost thing? if nandu is really torturing you, you slap her tightly,she'll say sorry to you. don't talk anymore, come.- you can't understand, go away. she's young girl,will you go away if she says so? don't talk nonsense, come.there are no ghosts, come. please listen to me.- keep quiet.

i'm scared.- keep quiet. i'll talk to her. no please! where is she? are you mad? play your childish gameselsewhere not here. what for are we here?what are you doing? i set up thing for you bothto enjoy life. will you scare and show him hell? for last night's your effect,he refused to come from farm.

i brought him with great difficulty. say sorry and give him a hug.go! i know! it's your plan not his! why is your voice like that? will you send a manto a girl to kiss her? aren't you that girl?- no, i'm lakshmi. lakshmi?- devil for you! saidulu, squeeze...squeeze it well!massage me well.

how well you massage! i used to give baths to cattle,now i'm doing it for you. i told you! saidulu, change the water,he dirtied the pool. okay, brother. play well, you're wantonly losing. it's not good, i'm warning you. my move. why are you watching her like that?

is it real what i sawand seeing now? won't you believe meunless you get the stick? i'm scared, i'll go out.- where? if you move, i'll break your legs. since morning you've been escapingfrom me using different get ups. we?- then am i? yes, we...we only!- isn't it? i'm playing. if you keep here,you'll die,

can't you play without touching me? my beau loves this game. i and my beau used to play like this. don't you hear a cry? it's different, bro!escape! you coward!i'll find it myself. what would you do if kashmora hugs you? who cried here just now? i heard someone crying from here.did you cry, baby?

did you cry, dear?did you cry, sweetie? indeed she cried, go away. why would nandita crywhen she's playing chess happily? did you cry, dude? your cry was different.i'm sure it wasn't you. he's kissing as much as youneed whenever you want, right? why would you cry?did sudheer refused to kiss you? shall i help to make him kiss you?it'll be fantastic! watch out! please come closer.bring your faces closer, quick!

sudheer, seep it,take it with all might. you dog! i'll kill and drink your blood! why is your voice like this? do you want kiss?come on, kiss me! please save me! confirmed,nandita is possessed by ghost. never again in my lifei'll tease anyone. bloody he overacts!he's dead today!

after bashing him up,would she come here to beat us? i'm already tensed,don't scare me! where are you going?- i'll go to pee, sister. will you come back? i'll come back, will you haveanother round, sister? where the hell are you guys? looks like his batting is over,he's coming out yes.- i'm finished. why is your face like a monkey?

she beat me black and blue, bro! don't shout, if she comes,all three of us would get thrashed. when i was coming out,she asked where was i going? i said, i'm going to pee andwould come back, sister. she may come here, brother. she beat me like a mad dogin hitchcock film. i was about to throw up everything. promise on me, bro! hereafter wherever we go or come,we must all be together.

okay, sit here. where did you get her, praveen?she's not a woman! i think he'll kill us with his fear. she crushed me withoutconsidering me as a child. she crushed me like hell.- is he a child? shaken up my cherry bags! i shudder to think about her. sleep without thinking about her. oh no...

body is paining like hell. still last night's dinnerhasn't yet digested. we're having gastric eat! cashew upma!your wish! may be poisonous seeds,she's planning to poison us to death. are you coming? shall i come there? no need to take trouble,you go, we'll join you. what shall we do now?shall we go?

i'll tell you,let's go to elderly man. had you listened to me,you wouldn't have faced this, right? come.- will you tell that now? why look at me? let's go. we may get some solutionfrom the elderly man. yes. first try to get rid of theghost possessed by the girl. why? isn't the problem getsolved if we leave this place? if we take her to city,she'll show us king kong part 2.

if one is possessed by the ghost, it will not leave untilits wish is fulfilled. first change the ghost's direction.then, you change the way. you can't take the girl out from farmhouse without getting rid of ghost. only incoming is our wish,outgoing needs ghost's permission, right? what are you saying, elderly man? find out what the ghost likesand do that. once it's wish is fulfilled,the ghost will leave as it came. we've to fulfill theghost's wish, right?

do whatsoever it is yourself,you're great in fulfilling wishes. if you want, take that pimp's help. you dog! there's a point inwhat the elderly man said. what's there? when a girl rajini got possessedby ghost in my village, they found out the last wishand fulfilled it, ghost left her.- did it go away? you come with me.- thank you, elderly man. so, the ghost loves plays!

moreover stripping draupadiis her favourite scene. parvathi sister is an actor,leave it on me, i'll bring tonight a drama troupe, i'll satisfy the ghost andit'll be very happy, it must enjoy it to the hilt. be careful boy, if anything goeswrong, baby will rip out our skin. get up is super.what surprise? saidulu's sister is a theatre artiste. she has a program in hi-tech city,this is rehearsal for it.

we too got bored andjoined the troupe. how is my get up?- superb! shall i also do a role?- if you too act who'll watch us? infact we're acting for your only.- for me?- shut up! you must judge the dramaif it'll reach the audience or not. if you really like, we can getrid of the thing in you. what? ghost...- shut up. happiness...happiness.

are pandavas and kauravas ready? let's go...let's go. am i duryodhana or dussasana? duryodhana, you foolish boy! but you said i was dussasana earlier? i changed the characterafter seeing draupadi. it's been many days since i'vesmelled any woman so closely. i'll pull my darling's sari,you keep watching it. don't know why i'm floored by draupadi.

i must have her tonight. get up, you dark duryodhana. uncle, his wish about to getfulfilled today. our enemies pandavas arrogancewill go to dogs today. that drupada's daughter draupadi,this saidulu's sister, mischievous boy. will become servant ofmonkey praveen...sorry dussasana. in this court,amidst all the people here, i'll have my revengeright before her husbands, by blowing a french kiss to her.

i'll beat you with slippers, duryodhana. draupadi is mine, if you look at her,i'll cut you into pieces. sorry, drag draupadi to this court. take my mace. i'll bring her quickly.- be careful with mace, we've only one. uncle! he went, he'll bring the girl. we'll finish the matter here itself. what?- duryodhana is calling you.

dharamaraju has staked his kingdom,brothers, you and lost. he wants you in the court immediately. i'm having masala tea,i'll finish it and come. why that ghost girl is sitting there? is she still possessed by ghost or not? we're doing all thisto satisfy the ghost. as drama reaches the climax,she'll also get into the act. you come quickly. where's draupadi?

useless man! have you come empty handedby not following my royal edict? what's the use of you to this kingdom? you eat like gargantuanand use the pot. duryodhana, don't deliver toomany dialogues and get tired, shut your gob and sit tight. beautiful draupadi is here. panchali, woman with 5 husbands!why have you grown thin? aren't your 5 husbandsproviding you enough food also?

why are you with people who can'ttake care of a beautiful wife? be with us, one woman and 101 guns!it'll keep firing! draupadi is mine,i hate to hear you praise her. hey you duryodhana and dussasana! aren't you ashamed ofholding pandavas' wife? my brother got emotionaland played the game, he lost himself as well as us,he left us to struggle for food also. brother, you're actuallyinsulting me, watch out. already we're in deep trouble.

bheema, sit under the treeand squeeze the mace. why are you still talking to them? pull her sari out andshow your love. let me see who would dare stop you! in this august court of kuru,a damsel is in distress, should i get sacrificedto this injustice? yes, you must. isn't there anyone to stopthese villains? shut up!you're telling blatant lies.

i'll strip you and enjoy the sight! let me see who'd dare stop me! someone please stop this. since he'll come to rescue you,we cut his role in this drama. save me! arjuna, save me.he's stripping me in court. sari will tear off, stop it. duryodhana, stop! saidulu, they're stripping me really.

stop it!it'll tear off. stop it. come! why are you here?where's draupadi? my hands... don't beat me, it's sin. did you pull her sari withthese hands, right? leave me...- with these hands, right? i didn't strip her, it was dussasana.

leave me. if you pull her sari again...- i'll never even see a sari. i can't even lift my hands. looks like she has left me. he got the stick,she has left me easily. why are you here? because of my damned fate! is the drama over? over.- where are the others?

one minute! they ran away! parvathi, let's continuethe play in my room. you rogue! something has happened to me.everyone is scared of me. what has happened to me? why aren't you behaving with melike earlier? all are getting scared of me. i'm asking you, what has happened?

what's happening? tell me. tell her.- i beg you, please listen to me. let's tell her, it'll be over. i said no.- let's tell her. why are you murmuring there? tell me, i know everything.i'm asking you, tell me. that is...- what had happened was... you're possessed by a ghost! me? when? where? how?

how do we know if you ask how? for the past 3 days you've beenshowing us continuously ghost films. you're beating us black and blue. not just beatingbut thrashing us, sister. words can't express the pain,only the man who experiences knows it. yes, we're playing many dramasto save you from the ghost. but ending up in more me. i'm scared of ghosts.- what can we say if ghost says that? tell me what's the solution?

may i...- stop your bore and torture. he'll take us to thatone-eyed devil elderly man. he acts as if he's a big magician. i'll find a solution to this,give me cell phone. why would i bring cell phoneto commit suicide? i have! vodafone?- my foot phone! call! no need to call, he can hear you. wait, the girl says line is busy.- who is it?

i'm sapthagiri here.can you hear me? i can hear you, tell me. a girl here is possessed by the ghost,what should i do now, dark man? make the ghost to enter her bodyand beat the girl with slippers. okay, i got you. no need of you anymore, cut the call. take it, baby. tonight, i'll chase out theghost from you, watch out. ghost must come...come...

are ghosts real? i thought there were no ghoststill i came here. after the experience with you,i've decided ghosts are real. please stay away from mefor my safety. keep quiet, i think you're sacred. hey wig! your confidence isgetting too high. be within limits, if anythinggoes wrong, she'll rip you away. shut up, you street dog! you don't know the differencebetween leaf and flower.

if we had died the day we arrived,we'd have become ghosts happily. would we get beaten up by this ghost? if i slap the ghost tonight,it must run away in fear. will you beat me?- not you, my little girl, there's a thing in you,if i beat it left and right, with that ghost mustleave you in fear! tonight, i'll see the end of the ghost. get up, brother! you too listen to me, praveen.

i want to tell you a thing clearly, the ghost comes when youboth hug each other, then, when you kiss each other, then, it comes whenever i or praveendo anything to unite you both, so, the ghost comes to save nandita,whenever you try to touch her. nandita will hug sudheer now. when the passionate fire lights updesires in them, the ghost comes, if i beat it with slippers... you'll die if you beat me.

i'm doing this to save you, right?is hug okay to you? don't think, run intothe farm immediately. if the ghost comes really,please don't leave me. please take also with you. please don't talk like an innocent girl. how can i take youwhen possessed by ghost? listen to me, please hug!hug tightly. where are you? they're hugging each other.

come, i'm calling you beating thigh! come, if you've guts. i'll come to your house,tell me your address. i'll take you to task there. please hug her, only then it'll come. we can do anything after that only. what you're making isn'tfilm 'strange love story'? it's fort of ghosts, devils den,ghost, dark night, remember that fool. keep quiet, it'll come,tonight i'll finish it.

has the ghost come, baby? no.- not yet? make me peg. i'll see why will it not come? you keep hugging her. you keep on filming me as soon it comes. i've called the entire ghost clan! are you ready to rape?- did you? i'm ready.

there's a girl in my place,she said she's scared of ghosts... a mischief boy said don't worry,i'm there for you... sister! have you come? i called you for namesake,will you come for that also, sister? do you love me so much, sister? if you move little,i'll go away, sister. have you come alone orwith entire clan? what's left with me to beat, sister? i called you going crazy after drinks,

what's this hastiness, sister?i can't stand it, sister. how well you stand, sister? i don't have the patienceto see your face too, sister. i called you in madness.i'll never call you again, sister. nandita, i'm telling you.why are you going back? come, let's go.why don't you talk to me? she'll not come till i havemy revenge, you can go. why is he slapping her? what are you looking at?

you slapped nandita not the ghost. are you mad? that's ghost,she'll thrash us, let's go. we'll leave this placewith nandita only. looks like he too has gone mad. looks like he hasn't yet gotthe stick from the ghost. whether it moonlightor darkness... whether it is near or far away... my life is with you... your love is eternal...

don't know which life's bond is this... earth and sky are witness... we're the shores of love... memories are followinglike shadow... dreams are taking over your eyes... even wind mustn't comebetween our hug... even stars mustn't dare see us... you're all mine... i'm body and you're my has united us...

in this never ending relationship... i'm standing on the vergeand watching you... spring is covered with flowers... tell me when will thebaby shower be celebrated? the kiss of love has begun... when the crane comes flying to home... and brings light tothe love of a couple... i didn't slap you wantonly. i know it wasn't you who slapped me.

i behaved foolishly. nandita, please stay away from me. the more you stay away from me,the better for both of us. if sudheer refuses to acceptmy love in these 3 days, or if he keeps me away from him,i can't bear it. i can't live. buddy! you had a blast i think! she called to tell me.don't feel shy. look there!

please come in, sir. who are they? junior boss,senior boss subrahmanyam's son. bye sir. i'm praveen,i'm working in your company. my friends giri and sudheer. we came for 3 days,tomorrow morning we're leaving. can you please stay upstairs?my friend is in this room. girl?

my friend's girl friend. can we also take a look? if you can't go tomorrow,you can stay back for 2 days also. what happened to you? nothing will happen to your nandita. i'm there for her. kill them! hack the demons who arrived now. what happened to her?- leave nandita.

won't you listen to me? just do what i say! who are you?how are you connected to them? my aunt's son was security man here, i married him andwe both came here very happily, come, lakshmi! look! come in! it's great!

they entered this room. somebody is here. just a minute. beau! leave me! all the three men joinedto kill me and my beau. i'll go away...i'll leave nandita and go away! please go! where are you going angrily?

will you take her personalproblems so seriously? yes, we must save nandita at any cost. think about taking herout of this farm house safely. she came here to save me from death, but she was ready to die for me, but the problem isn't just nandita's,a girl's, how can i keep quiet knowing howthey raped and killed an innocent girl? give me just two minutes!2 minutes only! no man ever would thinkof raping a girl again.

who are you guys?what did you here earlier? you're finished, we know the truth. got you at the right moment,bloody rogues. we lost sleep for 3 daysbecause of you. we'll break your cherry bags! is it manliness to rapeand kill a lonely girl? show your manliness now.- no need to talk to them. why are you acting? where are they?

beat him...beat him, praveen. your beard is pricking me. love story has succeeded, right?shave the beard. your love has succeeded not mine.- no lousy jokes please. you're sleeping on my hand. you've donated a lot of blood. i'll donate more.- thank you, dear!

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