Thursday, February 16, 2017

How To Flashing intex aqua i5

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Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:

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How To Flashing intex aqua i5

do one or more of the following problems soundfamiliar? your phone or device has suddenly stoppedcharging even though it’s plugged in, or your charge cord is loose, or your chargecord has started falling out of your device or your phone or device is not syncing upproperly with other devices that it is plugged into. if this sounds familiar, then please keepwatching. this is a follow up video to the one i didin 2012 titled “simple fix” for phone not charging”. but in this video, i usea new method that requires basically only one tool, that being a pair of scissors. thisvideo demonstrates a procedure which could

still cause damage to any device if it isnot done properly! so, i must say that anything you see and try after seeing this video, willdone at your own risk! now, no matter what device you have, if itspends all day in your pocket, purse, or any other place for that matter that has dustin it, it will be vulnerable to a debris buildup in the charge port. this buildup can happensometimes rather quickly, and almost always leads to the problems mentioned earlier. what you’ll need to fix this, is just apair of scissors, and some thin rigid plastic packaging like this from something you’vebought in the past. the plastic can be thinner, but must be no thicker than this wall on yourcharge port connector. look closely! if you

try using anything thicker, then you willdamage your charge port, so be careful. now take your packaging and cut a piece off that’sabout 1/2 of an inch wide by 1 1/2 inches long. for those of you in the metric world,that is approximately 1.25 centimeters wide by 4 centimeters long. the size of the cutout does not need to be exact. you just need to be able to hold it between your fingerand your thumb. if you don’t have a way to measure, then use the width of a standardusb connector for the width, and the prongs on a standard fork to get your measurementfor the length. cut the plastic so it has a shape that lookssomething like this. you don’t need to make it exactly like mine.. you can cut a shapeof your own liking if it suits you better.

this one works well for me though. as i saidthe size is not critical but the thickness of the material is!i like to make sure there are no sharp edges on the tip so i sand it quickly with somethinglike a nail file or polishing pad or something. this i do just for good measure. now, holdyour device up like this so the light is shining from behind you. if there is a dust build-upin the charge port, it will now be visible. carefully use the tool you just made, to cleanout out the larger open area of the port. don’t exert any force or dig away in anypart of the charge port! be very careful with your actions. remember, it’s only dust thatyou’re trying to get loose. afterwards, blow it once you’ve cleaned out the larger open

area of the port, you can go behind the pinrow/tab. i must mention 2 things here. do not ever pry against that tab or bend it inanyway. if you see the tab bending at all, stop immediately! you don’t want to haveto replace the charge port because of a careless mistake. the second thing i want to mentionis that even though you can’t see dust in that little area behind the tab, it stillis there tucked into the slot at the bottom of that small gap. any dust left in the gapwill almost always stop charge plugs from going in all the way, so it must be removed.sweep your tool gently to the very bottom and remove the dust like this. you will seethe dust coming out beside the tab when you do this. now blow out your device and lookinside again. if no more dust comes out, you're

done. you can plug in your charge cord andeverything will work fine once again. now for a few might ask, 1, will this work in my phone or device? theanswer is yes. any style charge port that is open to it’s dusty environment, for example, micro usb, mini usb, apple, blutooth devices, or anything else will be vulnerable to a dustbuild-up. you can also make this tool any shape you want to fit future style chargeports! 2,you might also ask, do i have to removemy battery for this? the answer is no. this homemade tool is made of electrically nonconductive plastic. static discharge will not be a concern either, as this homemadetool will be so small that it will not hold

any substantial static charge near its tip.3, will a can of compressed air work? or can i use a vacuum instead? the answer is yesand no. both will work in the larger open area of the port. but both will usually notwork in the thin gap i showed you in the video. for me, i’ve always had to sweep the debrisout manually from that area. so that’s all i have to show for this one.if you think this video could help someone, please share it!.until next time, check out my other videos, and as always, thanks for watching!

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