Friday, March 17, 2017

How To Flashing mtech plazma

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How To Flashing mtech plazma

hey this is another video by pet rock. todayi'm going to try to fix my plasma tv. as you can see there is a little black bar on theleft side. right now its flickering, sometimes its solid black. so today i'm going to tryto fix it. often times i can give it a nice big whack on the back panel and it will startworking again temporarily. so that basically means there is a loose connection i'm going to try to find it and hopefully fix it. this tv is a plasma tv made by panasonic.its a 42 inch th-42px600u. this fix probably also applies to other model tvs made by panasonicand others. the general design of most plasma tvs is that there rows or columns of pixelsthat are controlled by individual connectors. these connectors sometimes get loose. so thatswhat i suspect is wrong with mine. and i'm

going to investigate that shortly. so thefirst order of business is to remove the seemingly endless number of phillips head screws onthe back of the tv. once you get the back panel off everything should be pretty muchwide open. you should also make sure that you unplug the tv from power so that you don'telectrocute yourself. you also want to let it sit for a little while before startingto touch anything because you want any capacitors that may had a charge in them, which is probablymost of them, to zap you in case you touch it by accident. so the first step is to startunscrewing. i got the back panel off. there was just a whole bunch of phillips head screws.just take your time. undo them all and the back panel should just lift up and out andit will come right off. so the next thing

i like to do when i'm dealing with electronicslike this is take a can of compressed air and clean out any of the dust bunnies thatare in there. so i just use a can similar to this and just spray it all over the place.get all the dust out of there, especially in the fan area and places like that in thetop. ok, now i've got everything cleaned up. to give you a little bit of layout of whereeverything is, the components on this side, the connectors are the little orange things,are what control the y-axis. so that if you have horizontal black bars then chances arethat circuit on the left side is partially to blame. the bar will line up, will be virtuallylined up with the connector. now if that connector is damaged, then you can replace either thatcircuit or if the ribbon is damaged then you're

going to have to replace the whole panel becauseits part of the panel. on the bottom of the tv there are also ribbons connectors likethat that control the vertical. if one of those is disconnected then you'll have verticalbars. so since my vertical bar is on the right side, of over here, which is technically theleft side if your looking at it from the front, or the right if your looking at it from theback. its around here and is behind the speaker box. so first i have to remove the speakerbox which is just removing this black connector right there. and disconnecting that connectorand pulling it out. there is nothing actually holding the speaker in at this point becauseit was held in by the back panel. ok so here is the top of the speaker box. here is thebottom of the place where the power cord goes

in. you have this black connector here whichis for the speaker and then you have two white clips that go here. you just need to takea small screw driver and just pop it out like that as i knock over my tools. its kind ofhard to show on the screen. sorry about that. you just pop them loose. then to disconnectthis cable you just squeeze and pull. so now you can just pull this whole box out. ok sonow i have the speaker off and so the way this is set up is you have each one of these,right here, all the way down the line, controls the vertical. so you have each one of thesecontrols two bars. so this circuit board right here doesn't really do very much. if you lookat the circuitry inside, if you know what your looking at, there really isn't very muchinvolved. once you take this panel off, behind

here there are actually two vertical, verysmall chips that are part of the ribbon. that is why they say that if you have a problemwith this, if you damage these ribbons, of if you have a problem with vertical lines,often times the general solution is to replace the panel. where hopefully in my case hopefullyi'll just be able to remove this, just clean out this area a little bit with some compressedair and then put it back together again and hopefully that will work. so the first stepis to get this ribbon out. first you undo the screws here. and then once you have thatout and this is free and then you have to unhook it from the connector here. now todo this you have to be very careful. you don't want to brake this plastic.if you brake thisplastic you might as well just buy a new board.

you need to buy a new tv, you just have tofind a place that sells this actual board so that you can replace it. anyway, to getit undone, its literally a little lever so you need to, right now its vertical so youneed to pry it this way so that it will loosen up. so you can do that with a finger nail,just lightly like that. i don't know if you can see that, oh there it is. you can seeit. and then once thats out you just pull down and its disconnected. so if you lookclosely, let me see if i can get this in frame, you got one chip and then you have the secondchip. so this chip right here controls the furthest to the furthest vertical on the rightside, sorry left side if your looking at the screen. this one controls the one that inour case is running black or distorted. so

all i'm going to do is basically just wipethis connection down wipe this connection down. and then reconnect it up here. i'llblow some compressed air. blow some compressed air up in here to get out any dust that maybe in there. and then put it all back together again and see what happens. so to show youwhat i was talking about as far as what the columns were i've kept the cable disconnected.i've reconnected the power and then i've turned the power back on. and now we come aroundto the other side and press the power button and see, and as you can see now the farthestleft side two bars are now white because the cable is disconnected. so that is just toshow that what i was talking about as far as the, remember when i first started thisvideo there was a 3 inch column on the left

side that was normal and then the next 3 incheswere black or flickering. so that shows that the ribbon that i disconnected correspondsto those two columns. so i've gotten it all back together again. the connector is allput back in, i've screwed it all back in. i made sure that the connection was clearand i made sure that the ribbon was securely inside and evenly inside the little connector.i made sure that it was even as well. and it seems to have fixed the problem. so here.take a look. so you can see that there is a, the black bar or distorted picture wouldhave covered half of that blue box, password box previously. so its seems to be fixed.we'll see how long it holds up. but anyway, thanks for watching. hopefully this will helpsomebody out.

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