Tuesday, April 4, 2017

How To Flashing walton primo e5

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How To Flashing walton primo e5

[music playing] -hey, guys.-hey, henry. hello.[squeaking] what's this? i don't know. a box of ray's old junk. ooh, let's gothrough his old junk! yeah, let's find outhis dirty secrets. [spray]

no, you can't just gothrough someone else's junk without their permission. ha! look at this pic of raywhen he was a teenager. what a dork. let me see! i thought it was wrong to gothrough someone else's junk ah, hey! leave my junk alone!

what is this trophy? fastest runner boy? that's not a real award. it is, too. i won it at theswellview brolympics. i was, and continue to be,the fastest bro in swellview. you're not even the fastestperson in this room. oh, you think charlotte'sfaster than me? no, me!

you know, speed iskind of my thing. [chuckling] literally, no onethinks that's your thing. ok, braggles, i challengeyou to a footrace. challenge accepted. good. you know what, i'll even giveyou an extra day to get ready. oh, thank you. and i'll take thatday and use it to win.

[grunting] [panting] [wheel squeaking] whoa, what the? [slurping] hey! [inaudible] [gulping] ha ha!

let's do this. [scoff] try not to hurtyourself-- losing. ok, try not to miss me wheni run so far ahead of you, you can't even see me. because i'm so far,you know, ahead of you. that was embarrassing. you're-- you're embarrassing. ok, on the count of three, youguys run from this speed bump

here to that speed bump there. see you at bump two. one. two. [alarm] that alarm is comingfrom the pear store. [glass shattering] oh god, it's jeff again. [groaning]

and he's got an armfulof stolen pear products. well, i guess weshould stop him. aw, do we have to? i really wanted to race you. i spent all dayyesterday getting ready. why don't you run to jeff? whoever stops himfirst is the fastest. genius! pop your gumball, henry, we'regoing superhero on this race.

let's pop and trot. [electrical humming] ok, one, two, three, go! [footfalls] take that! ow! [interposing voices] [yelp] [explosion]

yeah! i touched him first. no way, i clearlygrabbed him before you. how about i say it was a tie. well i'm notsatisfied with that. so what do we do? you guys should have a do over. want me to get upand run away again? rematch?

you're on. [boom] oh no, jeff exploded. it's ok, kid. he was too dumb to live.

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