Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
do not forget there are some additional tips from me:
How To Flashing micromax a89
hi friends , this is mehedy hasan . and wecome to my channel. in this video , i'm gonna show you how increase your sd card or memory if you have a 1 gb, 2 gb or 4 gb sd card then you can increase the space of your sd card to 16 gb here, i have a 4 gb sd card and this is show that it has 3.99 gb now i can increase it to 16 gb if you have a 1 gb of sd card then you can increase to 16 gb you can repeat the process until you get 16 gb of storage to increase the storage you will have needed a software called sdata tool
i have already downloaded the softwareand i will give the direct download link of the software below after downloading the software , unzip it now inter the folder of sd data that you have gotten after unzip the zip file don't open the software by double clicking if you do that it might get problem open the exe file run as administrator here you will get a window like this to compress you sd card - select the drive letter of your sd card or memory card "j" is was my sd card drive letter so that i have selected that
here the software says , my sd card could be compressed to 8 gb so that i can increase my sd card to 8 gb and one thing you should knowhow does it works it's a e-compress technology by using the e-compress technology , we can increase our sd card storage so click on e-compress button it could take some times so wait for a while don't close the software then process is running
it could damage your sd card so be careful with this it has compressed the sd card successfully see guys , it is showing that it has 8 gb of storage and it's showing 7.44 gb so guys , it works you can repeat it again here i'm showing you how to do it go to the folder called sdata tools
and open the software at the same process select your drive latter again and see the magic it will show that you are able to increase your sd card to 16 gb so e-compress now and enjoy yourself if you like the video then subscribe my and hit the like button do subscribe my channel to have more amazing video like this
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