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hey there, here are your top news storiesfrom eweek, sponsored by dell and intel. today's topics include microsoft extending digitalassistant cortana’s reach, at&t adding 38 metro areas to its gigpower high-speed network,samsung is seeking new business revenues in automotive technology, and wal-mart entersthe mobile payments industry. siri is getting a roommate. calling it a companionapp for windows 10 pc users, microsoft today announced the official release of cortanafor iphone (ios 8 and up), android "jelly bean" (4.1.2) and cyanogen os. cortana, namedafter an ai character in the popular halo video game series, first made its debut onwindows phone last year. now bundled with the latest version of windows, the voice-enabledassistant has since made its way onto more
than 100 million windows 10 devices. at&t's 1-gigabit-per-second gigapower high-speedfiber network is growing again, this time adding 38 u.s. metro areas that are scheduledto be served by the end of 2016. the additional metro areas will expand the gigapower networkto 56 metro areas around the country. the phone carrier began its gigapower high-speedinternet services back in 2014 for customers around austin, texas, which was one of thefirst cities where google launched its own google fiber high-speed services. samsung electronics is creating a new automotivetechnology development team aimed at in-vehicle entertainment, satellite navigation and autonomousdriving as it tosses out a wider net in the
pursuit of higher revenue and improved financialperformance. according to a dec. 9 article by reuters, the latest samsung business initiativewill be expanded into other vehicle-related markets in the future as it gets underwayand gets its footing in the marketplace. retail giant, wal-mart, launched walmart payservice, which it expects to roll out across the united states by the middle of 2016. theworld's largest retailer announced walmart pay dec. 10 as a fast and secure way for shoppersto make purchases in the company's stores using any android smartphone or apple iphoneat any checkout lane using almost any payment card.the new free service works through the company's existing walmart mobile app, which is alreadybeing used by about 22 million customers each
month,thanks for watching. follow the links on this page to learn more about the stories mentionedin this broadcast. and check back every weekday for another daily tech briefing from eweek.com.
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