Friday, March 10, 2017

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How To Flashing maxx axd11

hey youtubers is charlie so in honor atthe flash midseason finale i thought id be fun to do a video on thereverse flash, or reverse flashes you could consider them partapplies family be using when people talk about the flash family the talking aboutthe hero characters we still don't know who the virgin isdid this show is going with it could be incorporating somemultiverse theory their differently mixing and matching things it's none of the characters that wethink it is right now so we can talk more about the reason to replace myepisode review tonight

so be sure to subscribe to get that sonow let's talk a little bit about the man yellow so the virgin other rivers flash you metfirst depends on when you started reading comics or watching the movies and tv showsthere at least five different versions the character in another one if you consider the blackflash party that line i will for the purposes this video buttechnically the black lashes that physical embodiment up dead youknow are that negatives be force

so it's not really part of the funlineage so here's everybody from back to front from being the new 52 universe there'sthe rival from the golden age d'gary days theoriginal professor zoom a bard on from the late nineteen sixtiesthe hunters oman zoom from dove john's rebirth aaron andersonfrom the late nineteen nineties and then currently in the new 52universe that daniel west salem the backlash was also create during thenineteen nineties but subsequent virgins have been used more as a counterbalanceto the positive flashes and professor

zoom so technically it's not a villain alltheir powers are based on his be forced technically hunters all mine is a littlebit different but it's all about moving fast through space and time super fast seek a look at the mall is like a reallydysfunctional brotherhood speedsters a really terrible for attorney the jazzhe's the shit outta you the new tv show hasn't really given aname to this be forced yet and as in the first episode barry allenhas no idea that other flashes existed before in like

g character or will exist in the futureso let's just start with the first one the first version observers flash wascalled the rival his real name was doctor edward clariceand he was a professor at the university the jager went to he recreated the chemicalaccident at gate garrick his powers in called the formulathe los 89 he started mass-producing the formulaand wearing a darker version a g character costume in committing crimes but the conceit was

is that the formula was very temporaryso eventually he was cut and thrown in jail in a subsequent incident clarence brandso fast that he at the speed of light in entered the speed force but you keep your energy geoff johns usea ride on the tv show right now brought that character back whenever hewas writing the justice society comic in the early 2000's i was forget how geoff johns is reallynotable for bringing classic characters back

in fact he's the one that brought barryallen bag during the rebirth comic do not be surprised if you see a lot aclassic heroes and villains show up on the flash in a row thisseason eventually he turned and appears be force again in escaped so he's forming up theresomewhere but technically he's more but jake carrick enemies not really barryallen enemy next we had the first zoom character abard on known as professors im he was an enemyof the barry allen flash turn the silver age

his character was the start a tying theriver splashes to the good flashes in a blood relativeway it really took the idea of the flash family to a literal place a bard wasfrom the 25th century so like four hundred years from now inthe way way for future he was the start this causality timeloop that would become a huge part %uh all subsequent flash stories shestarted out as these crazy barry allen fan who at that timehad been long dead so we had plastic surgery to makehimself look like barry then replicated the accident to giveimplant powers found the cosmic

treadmill in trying to go back in meet him in reallife just imagine when his time there must look like yanks so i miscalculated the time travelended up arriving a couple years after barry allen a died he traveled tothe flash museum and learned that he was destined tobecome a criminal and as a result under stress is a time-travel and learning is true fate he wentcompletely nuts he tried to pass himself off as the real barry allen

until wally west beat the crap out amoment then back to the future so then like way leader in the comicsthey can rebuild the character a little bit but it's still not a whole lot oftime travel we we later he started using the nameprofessors im it kept trying to go back in time tochange the past so that he could defeat the flash this was also the start love when thereverse flashes started trying to kill people in barry's family so remember thattrailer for the flash tv show

we see aversion to the rivers flash wasthere when berry's mother was being murdered mild spoiler warnings but i'm getting alot of you already know the plot flash rebirth that was published likefive years ago so i don't worry too much about spoilers in the commentsespecially for students like super super old a board on travel back so many times andher berry and family in so many different ways but finally barry just snapped his neck and thenretired thirteenth century

i know they're planning to bid fast andloose with time travel in heroes doing awful things during a bard on there we also learnedthat his family descended from barry's family a bard was the descendant of cobalt blueberries secret twin brother and a confusing it all happened back inthe comics in the nineties so the doctor who delivered barry in histwin brother also deliver this other woman's babynamed charlene gone he accidentally killed her baby so he'ssecretly gay for

berries twin brother and he was raisedas a bon the interesting part about all this is that on the flash tv show detectivepretty boy is named edward on we don't know enoughabout him yet but he might secretly be related to bury due to some weird time travel paradox stuff going ontv shows tend to oversimplify really complicated book light skin head gameofthrones soldiers have to wait andsee how the tv show deals with their connection

the flash rebirth character brought theairport on character back whenever geoff johns brought barry allen back and at the end of all that the severeddon's connection to this be forced in lock them up in airheads prison on a tv show that's theplace where barry's father is in prison so if they ever do any prison scenes be onthe lookout for cellmark don and us begins the hunters on lemanszoom era somen was a police officer with wallywest in keystone city

solomon's area of expertise wascriminology and psychology so he's been all this time trying to get inside criminals heads his father was aserial killer any and a lot a bad luck that resultedin his wife leaving him in getting paralyzed from the waist downduring one of gorilla grodd attacks on the city sienna legitimately troubled past he wasalways a little bit resentful and is being stuck behind a desk because he wasactually a pretty good police officer but he always looked up to 18 west theywere good friends he did know the he was

whens allman asked why to change ispassed to reverse the accident any refused the woman tried to use thecosmic treadmill himself so course that went horribly wrong blow up in his face in severed hisconnection to the time stream giving him the ability to move through time andspace he was able to travel in super speedsjust like the flash but his powers were not based on the speed force and said hewas moving through times so when every talk to speech would change speedscausing the talking it's really funky way

as a result wallet to you also wentpretty insane and concluded that point was perfused tohelp him because he didn't know real tragedy says all men went back in time to tryand kill while his pregnant wife and even though cause the miscarriagewhile he was still able to stop him by borrowing speed from the other flashesso this brings up a really good point the idea that flashes can grant theirpowers for their speed other flash is making them faster weonly know about barry allen on the flash tv show right now

but it's possible if another flashers upthey can make very faster so the next version to the riversplashed exist was inertia he was a clone a bart alan he wasactually cute party infinite crisis inroads revenge story line before thenew 52 reboot so he is most notable for stealing zoomspowers and then getting the ropes to help himkill bart alan since evil ends up turning on itselfeventually keep of course went mad then killed hunters allman then himselfwas killed by the roads who were taking revenge

for be tricked in the killing part alanso this is where we get the new 52 universe and current day right now the reverseflash is actually daniel west the brother iris west hejust calls himself zoom he got his powers from a freak accidentthe granted this be forced to a buncha during an attack from the rogues that'salso the same event the gave the roads there rely powers on the tv show we've only met irisweston detective west so we don't know for their gonna be doing the danielcharacter

it seems like that is gonna stick withthe modified flash rebirth storyline for inspiration but expect to see aspects from all thedifferent versions the characters and i totally would not be surprised ifthey combined edward on character depth pretty boycharacter with hunters oman but as you turn let me know in thecomments below which version at the river's flash is your favorite and which version do you think the showis gonna do so quick reminder my episode review will post tonightafter the episode airs we can talk about

some reversed last the reason that i'm eatingplenty but it's been years in the offseason to but a rope to climb is also going to betomorrow i'm not trying to burn studio for thattoo for racial gold is because the story is supposedly based on a verynotable batman comic batman 232 i think to bespecific so if you're on your mobile phone or onyour tablet you can click up here for extra links it seems the links over here

but click here for that review allposted tonight listening ears everson and review and click here to getready for a ride tomorrow thank you so much watching floods allhype i and shifting into reverse up

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