Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
do not forget there are some additional tips from me:
How To Flashing maxx ax505 duo
this is a follow up to the black screenblinking red light video i did back in january 19th, 2016. i try to respond to every comment that comesin, i really do, but it's beginning to get a bit repetitive on mine so i decided anupdated video is easier to refer people to in the future. today we'll be going over all the littletechniques i picked up over the past few months dealing with this issue. i call itblack screen, blinking red light.
if you're an iphone user click thisannotation on the screen, if not sit your ass down and listen. let's get started! you plugged your mom's phone into thecharger yesterday and woke up this... a lifeless phone with a pulsethat's it! how do i fix this? you may bewondering you talk too much a viewer once said. i know i knowso let's get to the point! the first thing i recommend you do is plugthis
sapsucker into a charger you know for sureworks. next hold down the home, power, andvolume up buttons simultaneously just until the device powers on. if your phone does indeed power on, releasethe power button while still holding the home, andvolume up button. i recommend wiping thepartition catch for extra measures. what this does is flushes out any corruptedfiles you might have downloaded preventing the phone from properlybooting up. once you get to this screen,us the volume rockers to navigate your
way through the options, until you get towipe partition catch. hit the power button to select. it'll say wiping cache, formatting cache,cache wipe complete. to boot up the phone navigate to reboot system now and hitthe power button method two requires a little less work on your end. hold down the power button for roughly10 seconds. if your phone powers on, great!if not, just hold on we'll turn it on.
keep holding it until you reach the15-second mark. only then can you plug the charger to itwhile still holding down the power button. it should power on by now. these methods should work the same way onphones without physical home buttons. if the two methods did you no justice, thenyou better hope this one does cause i'm beginningto run out of arsenal here. last but not least,remove the battery if it is
non-removable,find a way to remove it. your phone depends on it. thank you forwatching. let me in on the back story ofhow your phone got the way did down in the comments below. anyways guys, bendji d here from getfixed and...... i'm out. peace!
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