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How To Flashing maximus max907
- welcome, artists. in this competition, you never knowwhat's coming next. but one thing is certain. only one of you will walk awaywith $100,000, a feature in inked magazine, and the title of ink master. today there isno flash challenge. - what?
- your next elimination tattoois happening right now. - [scoffs] - aaron,you don't look psyched. - i couldn't be less excited. i've developed an infectionfrom my tooth that has become so severe,i can't see straight. i can't focus. i can't even bear the thought of having to sit downand tattoo.
i am screwed. - as always, you'll be judgedby oliver peck, mr. chris nuã‘ez, and myself,but we're not your only critics. each week, you'll also be judgedby america. viewers at homewill scour every detail of your elimination tattoosat and vote for the tattoothat they think is the best. america's votewill have a massive impact at the live finale.
this week, we're testing... your technical application. - technical application is applying a tattoowith no flaws-- smooth lines, smooth shading,solid saturation. i don't see how you can doa good tattoo without it. - now, you have an intensechallenge ahead of you. you must create... a 12-hour tattoo.
- a 12-hour tattoois a big deal. whatever this piece is,it has to be huge. - and you must tattoo a partof the body that is typically covered,so the skin is very fragile... the gluteus maximus. - no. - butt tattoos suck. it's just fat and jell-o. technical applicationis desperately important.
you could blow out a lineso easy. - your tattoomust fill both glutes, and you will have six hoursto tattoo one glute today and six hours to tattoothe other glute tomorrow. - damn. six hours on one cheek and then six hourson the next cheek-- these people are going to be inthe worst pain of their lives.
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