Wednesday, March 8, 2017

How To Flashing magicon m3

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How To Flashing magicon m3

find. where must it be hidden? "brother, raju." boys, i have found the goods. where is it? where are the goods? you must have seenpigeons eating seeds. but have you everseen them eating gold? look at this. how did you find this?

open the locker. what brains he has? they are jk's men.let's run from here. come on brother raju,let's go from here. come on, raju. i don't feel like goingafter seeing the gold. you take care of them. i knew it. have you gone mad? hey, who are you?

brother jk, he is raju. after a long time we have trapped you. so will kill you today. shall i kill you? shoot if you want to buti don't want unnecessary howling. my boys ran away the moment you came. i also could have run away. but what to do. lions never run away. jk, i want to talk to you, rascal.

it is private. how did you come to know about gold? who informed you about this? will they inform such thing on news? for this there shouldbe an informer in the gang. who is he? the one who stammers.. what was his name? andheri balram. - yes.

i do not know whether heis balram of andheri or borivali he would be the one. he is the one. brother,don't believe in what he says. raju is very smart. he is trapping you intalks and making you fool. fine. in every gang someoneor the other does cheating for money. don't listen if you don't want to. i am leaving.

sit down. go. tell me. if i get a small drinkthen it would be interesting. sure. i am sitting with youbelieving in your talks. but understand one thing clearly. if anything wrong happens.. ..then i will chop you into pieces.

now tell me. what? - come near, buddy. jk.. sir.. if anyone makes a movethen i shall cut his throat. what were you saying, uncle? thatyou will chop me into small pieces. i will decide about my death. i will also decide about your death. did you think that i am a pigeon..

..which will fly away afterhearing the sound of crackers? i am the eagle thatsits and does hunting. come on. why don't you say anything?our brother raju is a fool. his men attacked us and hewas standing there and watching gold. jk's men would have killed us.- yes. raju has not come yet. that means he will come with the gold. or he will get the men.

forgive me. i made a very big mistake. you must never think of sidemoney without finishing the work. first finish the work. here work is not done ona piece of paper but on faith. deal of crores is also doneon faith and not on agreement. then why have you starteddoing wrong things? now make a call. call up.

and return all their goods. jaggi, return all the goods. do as i say. your intentions changedafter seeing the gold. isn't it? jk, if next time you dolike this then i shall kill you. half a bullet is enough for you. come. city of dreams..mumbai. everyone come here with his dreams.

here beautiful women rule the nights. and the days areruled by their lovers. such are two loving and young friendshave come to mumbai to try their luck. raju and chandu. people swear upon their friendship. both can die for each for friendship.. well as kill someonefor their friendship. they are mumbai's unknown prince. after ruling entire mumbai their dreamis now to rule the entire country.

raju, as sharp as spicychili and as clever as a fox. but very cool and stylish. and chandu is as fast asa bullet and is of angry nature. he kills first and then talks. beware underworld astwo strangers are on the way. chandu and raju. the day the new and brave policecommissioner made an entry in mumbai.. ..he targeted raju and his gang. he destroyed all the illegalbusinesses of raju and his gang.

and arrested his close friends. johnny, manish anddev..were arrested at last. i knew that he would interfere. what does he want? will we have to givebribe to every police officer? what does he think of himself? we did not give him bribeso he is after our lives now. are we the only ones whoare doing this business in mumbai? that rascal just arrested our men.

go and give him money. where are we going?- i have to go and meet a girl. will you marry her?come quietly. i am coming. what is this brother raju?where is the girl? wait for some time. rain. what is going on there? shooting is going onbrother of a punjabi movie. now, everyone listen carefully.

as i say rain everyone willrun towards water. okay. understood. did you see brother, raju? he will fool the publicby showing the scene of rain. come on start the rain. come on start the flow of water. you all wait here. what is this? i was saying that.. the shooting is happening here andwhere are you throwing water, idiot. why are you looking at me?go and see what is happening?

why is it raining that side? what are we to do with that? the director askedus to run towards the rain. so let's go. open your umbrellas.come on you also open yours. hey, come here quickly. what is happening here? sir, the shooting ofpunjabi movie is going on. do they have the permitto do shooting here? they must be having thatis why they are shooting here, sir.

go and ask them to stop.where were you all? go and ask them to stop.- listen, son. you go and sit with gia in the car. why are you getting wet? gia is not in the car.i don't know where has she gone? gia.where has she gone? commissioner had giventhe permission of shooting. that is why i kidnappedhis daughter from there. tell him that if he wantshis daughter back before marriage..

..then he will have to releaseall our men that he has arrested. commissioner sir, your daughteris absolutely safe with us. but there is no guaranteeas to till when she will remain safe. release all our men thatyou have arrested only.. ..then your daughterwill return back home safely. i am not scared of yourunnecessary threats, understood. what did you think thati will release your men? listen to me carefully.your end has just started. so don't call and threaten me again.

search every nook andcorner of the city. - yes sir. pull them out from the cornerwherever they are sitting. - yes sir. neither raju nor chandu should escape. move. sir. sir. - tell me what is it? sir, it is child gia's wedding.all guests have arrived. sir now is not the timeto be stubborn with them. sir, we can arrest them again.

as it is they will notleave mumbai and go anywhere. we will arrest them again. god is great. yes, chandu. raju, commissionerhas released our men. go and drop his daughter back. hey, commissioner has agreed.go and drop the girl back home. take this. - okay brother. child sara, go and give the towel.

excuse me.can't you drop me after two hours? what? if i go now then the marriagewill take place on time. that is why.. give me the keys. so what is the problem from marriage? i had prayed to god to do a magicand this marriage does not take place. and the rain startedat the correct time. i was thinking of exitand you made an entry.

just as hero and heroinewalk under one umbrella in movies. in the same way you got the umbrellalike a hero and made my work easy. you have not kidnappedme but i have kidnapped myself. what is the matter?why don't you want to get married? the groom should be nice. neither anyone fell in love withme nor did i fall in love with anyone. my father is a commissionerand i am getting the punishment. that is correct. how will we spend these two hours?

don't you have any plan? plan? hey, look..what is the matter? there is a theatre..two hours will pass easily. brother raju, got married. and did not call thisbeard man in the marriage. it is not good thatyou did not invite me. that is not the case. sister-in-law raju is a verynice man and you are very lucky.

we have come to see the movie,understood. movie.. okay,i will get the ticket, sister-in-law. come this way raju. come. i have taken sofa seat for you. come. be careful, it is dark.come. come. sister-in-law. come. sister-in-law, this side. where should we sit? you will be able to see full screen.i shall get cold drink for you. thanks.

it's okay, i have done earlier also. actually i.. on seeing you i came to know dear.. that love is crazy, dear. where will we go from here.. i am telling thatthey do not know hindi. i have seen this movie 40 times. i very well rememberevery dialogue of it. brother raju, this is cold drink.

why did you get this? love increases whenyou drink together. okay bye sister-in-law. don't talk in front. yes. - where are you? i am watching a movie in the theatre. where is that girl?- she is also watching. hey, it is her marriage. commissioner has called five times.

look, deal is a deal. he has released our men sogo and drop her daughter quickly. chandu, that girl doesnot want to get married. hey, then what can we do? just drop her home quickly. - okay. hey, come on. the movie has just started. you have already seen it 40 times. hey, one minute stop here.

hey. stop the car. she is commissioner's daughter.stop the car. hi. you seem to be happy.has the marriage got cancelled? that is why i cameto the temple to thank god. i had to thank youalso and you made an entry. take this. and put it on your forehead.

thank you so much. bye. wow! brother you look verynice in that vermillion on forehead. i was born handsome, buddy. what should we do now, chandu? what is the problemof that commissioner? what does he want from us now? now if his daughter is missing again.. ..does not mean wehave kidnapped her again. call the commissioner andsay that we have not done this.

he is after our life.- what happened? the moment he sees ourmen he puts them behind bars. that girl is missing again. and commissioner isputting our men behind bars. hello, is commissioner sir there? i am raju speaking. did you recognize me or not? i have kidnapped your daughter. we both are going toget married after eloping.

is it fine? what are you doing? just use your brains. do as i say. don't get confused. raju's way of speakingis just like a lion. and you are threateningjust like a dead man. here, give me the phone. hey commissioner i am raju speaking. i had warned you earlieralso but you did not bother.

you just have one daughter. now you talk.- i understood. okay. commissioner sir.- superb. i.. speak. come on speak. actually my father hasfixed my marriage again. that is why i was using your trick. come.. sir, if you arrangemarriage of your daughter..

..then she will keep doing like this. your daughter wants to fall in love. and till now she has not found one. boys come till your house butrun away after seeing your uniform. take a leave for somedays and go for a holiday. and talk to her. he has told her storyto a stranger like me. just find out what she wants. and then get her married.

now if she runs away againthen don't arrest our men. get in. yes. hi. - hi. thank you so much. the way youtalked to my father really helped me. father took a leaveand spent time with me. he took me to switzerland. he also told me tofind my own life partner. but there is one tension. i don't know how and what kindof a life partner should i choose.

i want your advice. will you help me? please, please. your feet are not on ground. you are still immature. just be careful. think coolly and then take a decision. come on sit. what happened? - nothing. brother raju..

she is looking at you. hey! hey, stop the car. what is the matter? i have chosen my partner. i thought a lot about it. okay. i have decided coolly. look my feet are on the ground.

you are the one. are you mad? yes in your love. "i am 16 going on 17." "why will the heart not beat fast?" "my youth is in my controlbut still i feel incomplete." "oh dear." "without you." brother raju, look who is calling?

earlier commissioner used tocall and now his daughter is calling. what? how did she get my number? she is commissioner's daughterso can easily find the number. she got tired of running after youso that is why she is calling you now. hey brother,i hope you are not scared. why should i feel scared? you are scared that youmight fall in love with her. look at brother.. he is blushing. you all have gone mad.

then prove it, brother. when there is no matterthen what do i prove? that you don't love her. let's do one thing.let's ask sister-in-law. come on. go away.. you are restless. and your feet are not on the ground. calm your mind and then come to me. what happened, brother?

did something unexpected happen? what unexpected happen? "the one whom i like." the one whom i love. the one whom i like. the one whom i love.. and he starts to stay away. what should this heart do? we have to leave with the goods.

hey catch him. catch all of them. don't let them go. come on catch him.he should not be able to escape. wait. stop.- let's go from here. catch them. come on, get inside. do you have an idea howmuch loss we have suffered? we have blind faith on you. and you are not bothered.

i think we will haveto talk to brother imran. you will not be able tomanage so much business of gold. enough of it.why are you all shouting? don't you know whomare you talking to? has there been anyproblem in your work? every time we haveplayed with our lives. and your tone changedon just one mistake. rascal. you will get your goods. go away from here.- look you..

what is this? he is shouting at you alland you are quietly listening. who were they? police or customs. this work is not of thecustoms but that of police. none of our men areinformer of police. what if anyone isnot involved with police. but is surely involvedwith police officer's daughter. he either meets commissioneror with his daughter.

taking this point into considerationwe can again kidnap the girl. but raju wouldn't like this. brother kareem i want to talk to raju. brother, that girl is on the line. switch off the phone.i don't want to talk to her. don't take to heartwhatever they said. forget it brother. i am not bothered about those people. chandu's silence is troubling me.i am worried about that.

raju and chandu got achance they were waiting for. they got an invitation ofinternational mafia's brother imran. i will take the heroineyou ask me to take. forgive me. i made a mistake brother. people who don't makea mistake do not cry so much. i am not crying, brother.but i am laughing. i am laughing. whoever you tell will be the heroine. you were right.

the one who has not made sucha big mistake does not laugh so much. brother, i am neitherable to cry nor laugh. what is the timing of the party? brother, should i thinkthat you have forgiven me. brother, if my movie isstopped then i will be finished. he is really troubling me.- please help me. brother.. brother imran. brother, he is chandu and he is raju.

chandu, raju.. you seem to be veryyoung but do big jobs. you are flying very are becoming too daring. stay where you have reachedotherwise you will die a dog's death. forget him. what was that rascal saying? he will give us a dog's death. he will kill me like a dog. i will shoot him in his head.- forget it.

why are you thinkingso much about him? nonsense. he was talking nonsense.what status does he have? go and sleep. he doesn't know me.what does he think about himself? chandu. - he willgive us a dog's death. what has happened to you? he just said it once butyou have said it hundred times. what did he say?

he just said it.he does not have the courage to do it. chandu. hey, you did notsleep the whole night. hey, you are stillthinking about that. have you gone mad? he invited us tothe party to insult us. if you say then shall ikidnap him and bring him here. is he commissioner's daughteror jk whom we shall just kidnap? you don't know him.he is a great personality.

he lives in a big castle. hey. - yes. you kidnapped him. do you think it is easy? he is such a great personality. he lives in such a big castle. how can i.. no.. you have kidnapped him. isn't it? i know you have kidnapped him.

where is he? it is written on your facethat you have done something. have you kidnapped him? tell me, tell me.. how could i leave him?- so you have kidnapped him. yes. how did you kidnap him? brother raju, i did notlet him sleep the whole night. the head of underworlds is standingin underground parking in under van.

you did a great job. why? you were scaring us. you will give us a dog's death. this is what you said. you thought that the entiresea belongs to your father. who are you? no one can stop theperson who has daring. many like you come and go. people like you cannotstop our progress.

we are like eaglesand are made to fly high. chandu, tell me shallwe threaten him the way he did. if i can kidnap you. then i can kill you also. this time i am sparing you. come on. uncle, let him go. okay brother raju, okay. hey, how did you kidnap him? you were complaining non-stop.

i did not feel likecoming alone from the party. that is why i went to the party again. thank you, sir. it was really enjoyable. where are you taking me? just wait and watch. new car! what a style? today i am very happy. i have bought it for you.

for me. just sit and see. what a steering buddy? what is she doing inside?who got her here? what happened? do you thinkonly you can give a surprise? since last one week i am watching you. everything can beunderstood from your face. neither you call hernor do you receive her calls. why are you troubling her?

answer me. why are you avoiding her? why are you avoiding her? who told you? hey, raju..chandu verywell knows who raju is? and raju knows who chandu is now do i have to openmy heart and show you? shall i show you? why are you making me feel ashamed? we will not leave eachother till the last breath.

first answer my question. chandu, the thing is that.. hey, first answer my questionotherwise i will get angry. i will not talk to you. okay, brother sorry. tell me what should i do? now i should not see you for a week. switch off your phoneand go and enjoy. understood.go and enjoy your holidays.

go, go. chandu, listen. say whatever you wantto after you come back. go. hello. i had never thoughtthat we both would.. you disconnect my phoneand do not reply to my messages. come on, you shouldget beatings sometimes. may i..- dare not come inside and sit. i don't want to talk to you. hey. if i get hurt thenyou will be in trouble.

hey, nice car. look, the top opens. wow! it would be fungoing in this for long drive. hey, shut up. don't change the topic. i left everything andrunning after you like fools. and you are avoiding me. so what if i did not call. our heart to heartconnection is always there. phone lines can getdisconnected anytime.

but look there isso much love in my eyes. your eyes are also cheater like you. wait. one minute,the phone is ringing. one minute. this is a call fromyour father's office. pick up the phoneand put it on speaker. tell them that i am with you. - okay. hello. - i am speakingfrom commissioner's office. his daughter has been kidnapped again. if you come to know anythingabout her then please inform us.

actually we have arrested many people. this is just for your information. not anybody else buti have kidnapped her. she is with me and loves me. i also love her. understood. where is jackie? his mother is unwellso that is why he hasn't come. then do one thing. send himsome money. it will be of use to him.

i will receive it. yes jackie, how is your mother now? don't worry. take mother to thehospital and i will arrange for money. okay, keep the phone. it was jackie's call. chandu, there isa lot of traffic here. let's go from some other route. let's wait for some time. manoj is right.the traffic is very badly jammed.

we will get late. we will go to marriotand will call jk there. we will call andask him to come there. okay tell him. inform jk. chandu, you sit in the car.we will go up and check the room. i shall call you and then you come. come on, amar. hello. - yes chandu, come up.

why hasn't jk come till now? he must be on his way. whose phone is it? it is jk's call. why is he calling again and again. he knows very wellthat we are waiting. tell him to come. jk, where are you? come soon. quickly. we are waiting.

he is coming. there is something wrong here. we will do this meetingonce raju is back. let's go. here he comes. open. your enmity is with me. whatever revenge you want youcan take from me but leave my men. where is that boy, your friend? what is his name? raju?

call him. call him immediately. if he doesn't come thenno one will escape from here. is everything fine? you all are fine. what did you think thatyou will be able to kill us? raju, who are these people? who are these people? you don't worry. it is raju's call.

pick it up. yes raju. chandu. where is chandu? if he has to save you.. is everything fine? ..then he will have to come here. where is chandu?- yes, he is in front of me. give the phone to chandu. give him the phone.- he is in a meeting. meeting.

i will ask him tocall you in some time. where are you raju? hello. you. you have seen cheating of cheaters. now see the faithfulnessof faithful people. he will come and will not spare you. he will kill each one of you. and in the last will kill you.

once you are deadhe will also be killed. he wanted to kill me. rascal. who was he? who killed him? i shouldn't have left him alone. i made a mistake, brother kareem. it is entirely my fault. raju. - it is my fault. raju. how did all this happen?

who did this? how did this happen? answer me. what condition has he done of chandu? no one has the power tomake his condition like this? who did this? who was he? hey, did imran do this? tell me if imran has done this. where will i find imran now?

i will not spare him. i will kill him. brother kareem, has imran done this? no one knows wherehe is but i will find him. listen, raju.- i don't want to listen to anything. i am asking you tocome and sit in the car. listen to me. come on. raju, listen.. i will not spare him. i will kill him.

everything is over.everything is over. what were you doingwhen he ws killing him? were you on looker? calm down, brother. i will kill him right now. come into your senses, raju. calm down. this is not the righttime to kill him. i will not spare him.i will not spare him.

what are you doing raju?have you gone mad? where will we find him?- what are you doing? he killed chandu?- we will surely kill him. he killed my brother. calm down for now.- where will i find him? where will i find him? i should not havegone leaving him alone. enough. your condition would havebeen the same if you were there.

what did you say? what do you think?you would have saved him. brother imran, raju is dead. the main problem of our way is dead. after 11 months. chennai express willleave in some time. hurry up sir otherwiseyou will miss the train. i will not miss it.i will run and catch it. train bound for kolkattawill arrive on platform 8

sorry for the inconvenience. what is it? even sheelaand munni like your beauty. if i get a chance.. ..then by doing an item song inbollywood i would leave them behind. you are the male versionof aishwarya rai. people do not havevalue for your beauty. hey, you broke the mirror of my car. rascal, stop the car.your car will be damaged. it has just been two monthsi bought the car and you banged it.

i did not bang. rascal, now in whose mirrorshall i see my beautiful face? will you take me? side mirror is broken and ifyou still wish to come then you can. why are you in so muchtension in the morning? some stupid fellow damagedmy image in the morning. did you see yourown face in the morning? have you come to trouble me more? no, i was just saying that.

tell me where do you want to go? i want to go to parla.- come, i will drop you. give me the luggage. even this idiot is damagedfrom one side like my car. someone seems to have banged him also. get inside. where are you from, brother? i think you are from kolhapur. hey, how did you come to know?

i came to know from your style. from style i am totally kolhapuri. from how long are you in mumbai? for last 15 years i am here. where are you from? - are you married? yes, 5 years ago. wife is in village. how many children do you have?- and yours. i have two children. why have you become sad?

every time i ask the questionand the passenger gives the answer. but today everything is happeningthe other way since morning. before dropping him i willsurely ask him one question. look. - one minute. even i have to ask you a question. okay, ask.- you will not speak in between. okay, i will not speak. tell me, for what have you come here? just drop me there.

stop the car on the left. - you.. what kind of a passenger is he? he seems to be playing kbc with me. come on, get down. i think today is a bad day for me. on the way i had tolisten to his nonsense. i don't know whatis filled in his bag. sir, money. wait here. i will change and come.

hey, give him a cup of tea. i am in a very bad mood. i know that is whyi have called tea for you. hello sir. - hi. i am krishna from chennai. this is my id card. - thank you. hello brother, shall we go? what is the matter?why are you sitting quiet? hey, what happened?why aren't you speaking anything?

i will speak only if you let me speak. you ask me questions just like police. if i would have answeredso many questions in kbc.. ..then today i wouldhave been a millionaire. did you tell anything about yourself? so you want to know about me.ask whatever you want to ask. thank you, brother. hey, this is the place.i want to go here also. the place is left behind.- take a u turn.

now i feel like jumping from the taxi. he looks so innocent from face. i think he has gotbored from drinking indian. that is why he has cometo mumbai to drink imported. he cannot walk properlywithout drinking. and after drinking iam sure he will start dancing. sir, a boy has cometo meet brother amar. amar. - he is sitting there. what is it? who have you come to meet?

i am raju's brother. and have to find about him. someone told me that amaris his good friend. can i meet him? if i meet amar then i will.. i don't know anyone by the name raju. excuse me, where is amar? i told you that i don't him, go away. hey, brother, are you okay? hey, come here.

what were you askingthose people over there? don't call him rajubut call him brother raju. brother raju. how will those cowardsknow about a brave person? nothing. brother raju was mumbai's king. king. i am krishna, raju's brother. brother.krishna.

sit, sit down. sit down. brother raju's brother. drink, drink. have a drink. take this. drink. no, no. cheers. - no, no i don't take drinks. you don't drink. very good. brother raju. do you know what was brother raju?

people got scared of his name. the entire mumbai used toget scared by brother raju's name. cheers. brother raju was my friend.he was the king. when brother raju willcome then he will kill everyone. he will kill everyone. i am sure he is drunk. - hey! oh no! hey rascal, what did you do?

i am sorry. can't you see? i have just taken a new car. go away from here. - i am going. what happened?you were ditching me and running away. why shouldn't i go? i heard your story andhave come to know your flashback. couldn't you tell me earlierthat you are brother of raju? look here. do you think i have putthis sticker in my car just for fun?

look, there are holes in it. these holes have justnot been made in my car. your brother shot at it. the tyres of a car get punctured butyour brother punctured the entire car. you ask questionsto people and kill them. and kill them and yourbrother kills them with bullets. do both of you find my car always? hey, i have small childrenand an old mother. and i don't want mycar to be damaged further.

that is why, forgive me, and you go. get a side. you are already crippled. listen to me. are you drunk early in the morning? nothing has happened. who will pay for the damage? since morning i havenot earned anything. i am saved at last that he has gone.

hey, when did you come and sit inside? i banged the front side of a rickshawand you are sitting comfortably. your brother was a violentkiller and you are a silent killer. that means i have to tolerateboth the brothers in mumbai. now tell me where you want to go. kamattipura. kamattipura..kamattipura. this is what happens when youdon't get married at the right age. it is good that atleast you are still young.

he was sitting here, brother. if he was sitting herethen where did he go. excuse me. can i meet mr. manoj here? what's your good name, sir? hey the queen come on play. hi. i have come to meet mr. jk. he is raju's brotherand has come to meet mr. jk. hey, tell me why have you come here?

tell me why have you come here?- sir. tell me what work you have here. tell me otherwise i will kill you.- i have just.. you seem, to be very daring. if you were a true man. then you would have daredto touch his brother that day. why are you threateninghim unnecessarily? your brother had really hit him. that is why he is takingout the anger on you.

why did you want to meet me? actually i am findingmy brother, raju. someone said that you mustbe having any idea about him. he was very true to hiswords and perfect in his work. in my entire life i havenot seen a person like him. i did a lot of business withthem and learnt many things from them. one day i had a meetingwith chandu but amar cancelled it. after that i never met both of them. hail to god.

kareem was a very importantperson of that gang. if you meet him then you might be ableto know something about your brother. brother kareem someonehas come to meet you. he is waiting for you outside. i am krishna. raju's brother. i have come here to find my brother. come with me. raju and chandu weremore than real brothers.

they were an example of friendship. both had the passionof ruling underworld. everyone used to feel scaredby the name of raju and chandu. one day they met agreat king of underworld. brother imraan. from that day their bad time started. they are very do not stay here. they must not know that you are here.hide behind. who refused to give the car?

you are so smalland yet so much daring. amar, what did that child do? why are you hitting him? what is it kareem?why did you refuse to give the car? you use the car for wrongdoings that is why we did not give. don't trouble me. is that so? after doing so manywrong things now you are saying this. you don't want your travelagency business to do well. send the car from tomorrow.

come on everyone. brother, the boy who was askingabout you in the bar is standing here. take it back. take it back. there he is. hey, bring him here. what has he done?why are you calling him? he has just come from chennai. he has got nothing to do with this. he is handicapped.

why are you taking his side? i have heard thathe was asking about me. come on. come on rascal. who is he? i have come to know thathe is finding his brother. look, let him go. he has not done anything. please. get a side kareem. get a side.- listen to me. where have you come from? what do you want toknow about your brother?

what is there in the bag?give me the bag. there is nothing in this. please.- give me the bag. look, what is there inside this. didn't you tell himthat his brother is dead? till now insects musthave eaten him up in water. i have killed your brother. i have. understood. shall i kill you also? amar, no.- i killed your brother with this gun. make him understand, kareem.

make him understand thatpeople once dead cannot get alive. that is why it is better to go. if iget angry then i shall kill you here. look, he is getting so angry. do one thing. let his searchfor his brother end here. send him also there. kill him. no amar, let him go. get away. anybody help him.he has not done anything.

leave him. no. ask him not to kill him. "leave him." "he is the man." "brother raju, brother raju." hey, lock the one should escape. you thought that you wouldkill me by shooting two bullets at me. i am raju and i willdecide about my death.

i will decide about your death also. traitor. raju, if they come to know that youhave come then they will die of fear. those who came to knowabout my truth are no more. till i do not come toknow who the real traitor.. ..till that time iam not raju but krishna. keep it as a secret. "he is a man power." "brother raju."

raju, you take rest for some time. i have not come here to take rest,brother kareem. whenever i close my eyes i seethe chandu's face covered with blood. i just want to take revenge. even i have not beenable to forget him, raju. i can understand that.. you have come so wecan come to know about the truth. tell me what happened the other day. there was an importantmeeting that day.

at the last moment the plan changedand told me that i need not come along. so they did not take me. after chandu and you wentthe entire gang scattered. only one person did not come inchandu's last rites and that was jackie. if we find him then we can come toknow that what happened the other day. brother kareem,i know where we can find him. in the horse race. yes, yes come on. yes. wow! you have startedrunning faster than the horses.

where were you running, traitor. why can't you speak? why are you hiding then? will you tell me everything.. ..or shall i make you open your mouth? are you speaking or..- no, brother raju. no, brother raju. it is not necessary thatthe one who hides is the culprit. i have not done anything.

i am just scared of death. he is also running to save his life,brother raju. i swear brother raju,i have not done anything. that day johnny asked me not to come. he said that there wasno need of me to come today. i asked him the reason.. ..and he replied that therewas no need to ask so many questions. and told me that i will get my share. that time i understoodthat there was something wrong.

i had called you brotherbut you did not pick up the phone. then i called up chandu. but instead of chandujohnny picked up the phone. he started talking aboutmatters as if my mother was sick. i do not know what theydid with brother chandu. i had run away from there. i am saying the truth, brother.i swear upon my mother. where is johnny? after that day i havenever seen him, brother.

i know the weaknessof that rascal also. my eyes are on the way.. my heart is restless.. my life is restless. there is no music. come, my dear. and dance with me. sir, sit here. sit down. hey, reshma a customer has come.

is bijli there? bijli where will you find her. look, there is rekha,rani, sheela, jawani. i just want bijli. i will give you any amount. bijli, my darling bijli. a handsome hot man has comeoutside and is just asking about you. come. along with funyou will get money also. tell him to come i have given time to johnny.

my lover is waiting for me. i wish he had asked for me. hey handsome, even if youpay more bijli will not be yours. she is going out fora meeting with someone else. you come tomorrow.she will surely be yours. tell her that i will come tomorrow. i am telling you thatshe was a sexy girl. taxi. he is a fool. hey are you ram's brother shyam?

are you still in mumbai? you will not be ableto find your brother here. so many people getlost after coming here. now where do youwant to go? - malad. do you want to goto malad or madh island? come on, i will drop you. your brother was a nice man so therewas no chance of him coming here. brother raju might beat peoplebut he was a nice man at heart. i had a doubt when youwere asking about your brother.

where is my brother?where is my brother? where will you findhim in entire city? stop the car, here. how much? hey, your money is still saved. i thought you wouldhave spent everything there. did you do anything or justshowed your face and came back. did you say anything? no, i was just sayingthat it is raining heavily.

you have already insulted yourself.. now there isno need to bow your head. you had said that you hadbooked a special ticket for me. i was a fool that i believed you. what should i do ifan important work came up? i don't know where you went to fight.- we have reached. come on. the show must have started. is this the place? come on, come on. what is the fun of going now?

come on otherwisethe show will get over. show is already over. we are there. come on.we will get it started from beginning. people will call us fools.- come on. everything is fine. greetings brother raju. chandu, how comeyou both are here? we would have comeif you had asked us. what is the matter?is there any problem? tell us.

no, no we just wantto make a small request. this program needs to be done again.there is no tension of expenditure. why will we take moneyfrom you brother, chandu? please come.- yes, please come. you too come, madam. sir, you did an amazing work today. your classical tunesdid a magic on everyone. you are great. you sing so well. it seems as if goddesssaradswati sits in your throat.

you just sing like tansen. come, come. sir, i have a request for you. you keep sitting. they are our special guests. they have great respect in mumbai. they have come to hear your song, sir. sir, they are mumbai's don. he is right.

oh god, don. don of this place. - yes sir. if they are, don of thisplace then i am don of music. i am, don of music. will he sing today? what do you think music is? do you think it is a sweetmeat that.. ..whenever you wantyou can distribute it? and then eat it.

no. music is an art. it is an art that givessatisfaction to soul. do you know how didit rain in mumbai today? when i sang the tuneof amrit varsha raag. i raised it higher and higher andtouched the god of rain in heaven.. ..and then it started raining. the entire mumbai is floating. obama from america saidonce more but i did not entertain. then who are you? useless people.

he is shouting unnecessarily. request him, please. take them from i am not in a good mood. go from here.- come on. request him.- i will talk to him. sir, we will give youfour times the money you take. oh, you are showing me money. you want to give bribe and buy music. what do you think i am?

take them from here.i am not in a mood. throw them out.i am not in a mood. - come on, chandu. raju wait, i will talk to him. wait. go away. we are requesting you. - what? and not threatening you. they both love each other.. ..and had bought the ticketsin the front row to watch your show. because of me they got late.we got stuck in a meeting.

just for love,sir otherwise they will break up. please sing for them. are they in love? with each other. is it? okay, okay. you know brother. bhairavi.. what do you know about bhairavi? this is not just a tune but my soul.

i loved bhairaviand wanted to marry her. but bhairavi died andnow she only guides me. if you are giving four timesthe money then why shouldn't i sing? for their love i will sing again. hey, he agreed. - just wait and watch. come on, come on start the music. happy. very nice. has he got any fit?

i cannot tolerate this. i will not be able to hear tolerate it. i am waiting outside. - leave me. oh my god. he made us crazy. why have you come out?- wasn't it nice? brilliant. we came out to see if itis raining because of concert. stop fooling me.

to hell with him. his singing was hopeless. he was singing bhairav tune. i think he must havekilled his girl friend.. making her listen to this tune. you should start dancingthe moment the music plays. i am going to dance. wait. "1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13."

"i wait for you by counting days." "come on dear it is time for love." "your eyes are black with kohl." "what is behind the blouse?" "what is under the veil?" "my heart is there in blouse." "my heart is there in the veil." "i will give thisheart to my beloved." "to my love."

"twisting my moustaches." "and putting on goggles like brother." "by adding buttermilk in coconut." "come in mood everyone." "all the rajni fans..thaliva." "don't miss the chance.. thaliva." "let's do lungi dance, lungi dance." enjoy.. you always keep sticking to him.

what have i done? what have you not done? having a girlfriend hestill praises his boyfriend. chandu is like this,chandu is like that. okay, so this is your problem. come on, today i will talk tohim and solve this problem. just wait. raju. come here. come here. i want to talk to you. sit.

in the middle of the road. what do you want to talkin the middle of the road? what is the problem? hey, do you really love her? yes, buddy. there is some friend of yours chandu.. ..and she says that youkeep on talking about him. who is this chandu? so sister-in-law is complaining.

hey back biter. listen. you want to know who chandu is. look here. raju leave me.- look here. leave me, buddy. many times there were attempts tokill me but he always came in between. he has saved my life five times. chandu is not just my friend.

but more than my brother. have i only saved your life? today no one dares to mess with you know why? today the entire mumbaiis scared of me. do you know why? just because you are with me. those seven years youspent in jail just for me. hey, keep quiet. why, can't i speak anything? only you can talk about me.

wherever i am is because of you. whatever i say you get itin two minutes. who does all this? tell me, who does all this. hello, hello, wait a minute, brothers. what is going on? you promised me thatyou will solve my problem. and you both are praising each other. am i an audience? if you want to talk aboutyourself then why am i needed?

dostana part ii willreally be made with you two. shameless. i am going. hey, hey stop her.- hey wait. listen, gia. it never happens like this. we just said what we were thinking. we have never talkedto each other like this. sorry. shall i say something truly? i have no complaints against you.

such friendship is verydifficult to get, raju. shall i say something from heart? you will always remainhappy like this. she fall in love. sister, your phone is ringing. you are the one whowas finding me yesterday. what did you see in me? i have heard that youare ready to give any amount. do you love me so much?

my lover. i am fluttering more todaythan you were fluttering yesterday. i am totally trapped in your awe. today is my birthday. and an old lover johnnyis coming to give me a gift. just one hour.i will be back soon after meeting him. okay. - write down my number 99380229767. just one hour and theni will be in your arms.

hello baby. hello darling. where are you? since long i am waiting for you. have patience dear.i am about to reach. what gift are yougoing to give me today? it is your birthday babyso tell me what you want. will you give me whatever i ask for? you are my heart beat andi am ready to give my life for you. tell me which colordress are you wearing.

i am wearing a red sari. great! even i am wearing a red outfit. now i cannot wait. my love, my sweetheart. will you take my life? hey, who is it? hey, watchman, wait.i have not come out yet. wait. i am with johnny brotherand will come in an hour. the car is here.

but where is brother johnny. just check. it takes time to check. you go ahead and see. brother is neither here nor there. - look there, look there. hey, wait.. stop. come on quickly, take the car out.

hurry up. come on hurry up. bring the car up, hurry up. raju, raju don't kill me please. you are surprised that how am i alive. start telling me the truth. raju. - what happened that day? where did you take chandu? speak rascal, where did you kill him?

raju.- why did you do like this? raju, that day i hadnot gone for the meeting. believe me. i swear uponmy mother i am saying the truth. our driver jackie was driving the car. he must know it. raju that.. i know somethingwrong happened that day. just tell me what happened. tell me.- i will tell you, wait i will tell you.

that day we had a meeting with jk. i, amar,chandu and manoj went there. kill you. he will come and not spare you. and at the end you also. the moment you die hewill be the next one to die. you wanted to kill me,idiot, and rascal. i made a mistake. raju, don't kill me. please.

i am sorry raju. no, raju no. no, raju no. let brother manoj come.we will talk and solve it later. okay, is that fine? it is fine. come on go down and see who it is. who shot at us? hey, catch hold of that car. he is there. follow him. hurry up.

take the car out. tell me when manoj is coming. otherwise i will kill you. next friday. no problem. who was he? who can dare to comehere and shoot at us? tell me who is he? till now two incidentshave taken place.

nothing is known about amar.johnny is also dead. and now this shootout. surely there is someonewho is targeting me. find out who he is. i will have to find out. sir. - hey. lastly a person by name krishna came.. ..and was saying thathe is raju's brother. hey, turn on the cctv.

hey wait. pause. zoom. i want him soon. wherever he is in mumbai i want him. i have sent you aphoto and we want him. don't take tension. work will be done. turn it off now. ..this is not recorded but live. live.

a person is coming up now.send him to me. i have heard that youcame here in search of me. why? yes, i had come insearch of my brother. i think you are raju's brother. - yes. did you all see?he is his brother. wow. you resemble raju buthave a different hairstyle. i will open the buttonsof the shirt and do the collar up. wow! raju style.

these spectacles are not suiting you. there is no need for this. and this bag. it seems as if you aregoing to school. no, no. no bag wow! one more thing that is quite differentbetween you and your brother. your brother used to pressa tooth pick in his teeth with style. and you in feet. no problem. be careful.

are you okay? other than all this therewas something else in your brother.. ..which is not there in you. there was a nicebig cut on his eyebrow. there is just a cutthat is missing in you. here, on this side. hello, greetings brother imran. brother,you have given me this new life. nothing brother. a boy has comeand says that he is raju's brother.

but there is no tension. brother arrangements of yourbirthday are happening in hotel hyatt. okay brother, okay. don't waste your time in findingyour brother here. go from here. your brother is not here. go, your brother is not here. he is dead. my brother is not dead. he is alive.

is your brother alive? where is he? he is here. is he here in mumbai? he is present here. now i have understood. first amar then johnnyand then this shoot out. so he has done everything. what are you doing standing here?go and find him. you are so daring that youwill enter my office and kill me.

tell me where your brother is? shoot. raju, brother raju. how can the person recognize otherswhose face is covered with lies? no.. brother raju. no one can become chandyjust by tossing the coin. listen to me. don't kill me. raju, please listen to whati want to say. please, listen to me. raju, earlier i had nothingbut now i have everything.

look at everything.all this is mine raju. i have bungalows,cars and even do gold business. look raju, i have progressed a lot. i have become a big man. a big man. look raju don't worry at all. i will talk to brother imran.he will forgive you. raju, he is a very nice man. i will apologize on your behalf. raju, whatever chanduhad now belongs to me.

i have everything todaywith me except one thing. what is that? that is you raju.only you are not with me raju. just be with me raju andentire mumbai will be ours. come on shake hands with me raju. what are you thinking raju,shake hands with me raju. shake hands with me. you cheated chandu and nowyou want me to be a traitor too. you have reached this positionby standing on chandu's dead body.

such a position isnot sufficient for you. you have to gomuch higher and higher. you still have to go higher. traitor.. all are traitors. you must be thinking that theaim was right even then i am alive. this is live telecast baby. live telecast. you are just standing at one placebut i am at ten different places. because the party is goingon at 10 different places, darling.

holography 3d projection. you have made a lotof efforts to reach me. i know that you havekilled the three of them. only you can givethem such worst death. my estimation was right, brother raju. this time when i cometo mumbai will surely meet you. find out this rascalwherever he is in mumbai. that also alive. find him.

catch him. hey, where is he? where is raju? who are you all? he is not here. leave him. what are you doing? tell us where is he? leave her. leave me. kareem, some hooliganscame and beat us very badly. they destroyed everything and thoserascals took panchi also with them. what? - save panchi, kareem.

brother kareem nothingwill happen to saira. i promise you. i will not leave themalive who have kidnapped her. they have not kidnapped saira.. ..but she is your gia. she was gia. my raju cannot die. he cannot leave us like this and go. he will surely come back.

i have full faith. even you know how deep friendshipwas there between chandu and raju. he still has to avenge chandu's death. i don't want him to forget his aim,brother kareem. can i stay for somedays in your house? show me your hand. show. she is brother raju's lover. now call him.

otherwise i will burn this tattoo. don't laugh. you do not know whomhave you kidnapped. now it is your turn. he has yourself if you can, baldy. brother kareem is waiting outside. go and sit in the car. go. i am asking you to go. what do you think we peopleare standing here unnecessarily?

will we let you go like this? without giving you a treat. let me see how you go. brother, we have caught raju. bring him to me immediately. okay, brother i willbring him to you immediately. do you know why haveyou come back alive? on whose request? it was my whole hearted wish.. kill you. you don't have to diewith a small bullet, raju. i shall make you swim in blood. you messed up with brother imran. you should feel sorry for that. do you know with whatdid i kill your friend? with this. death is pondering onyour head and you are laughing. my death or yours.

if you can change your plan.. ..then i am your master. you have kidnapped meon brother imraan's order. if i run away.. ..then will brotherimraan leave you alive? keep quiet. have you gone mad? you are sitting here withfour people pointing gun at you.. ..and you think youwill run away easily. i have not come to die at yourhands after having facing death once.

i am a kidnapping specialist. then who are you to kidnap me. not you but i have kidnapped you. you used to be a kidnapper earlier. don't pay attention to what he says. he is a very clever person. don't you believe me?ask the driver to take right. ask the driver toturn the car to right. hey, take to the right.

ask him to take left. left, right, front,back everywhere there are my cars. i have kidnapped you. you all are in my custody. let's talk about business. for how many years areyou working with imraan? what has he done for you all? but if for now youkeep your gun away from me. just a little away.

then in just 10 minutes of acquaintancei can take your life 10 years ahead. who are you all? you work for imraan. you smuggle gold ofarabs and give it to imraan. he joins hands withpolice and sells gold here. you have manpower that iswhy he has kept you all with him. i know your capability. but you do not know yourself. i just want imraan. at any cost.

i will surely reach to him. this mumbai will be without imraan.. ..but will belong to you four. you can get goods worth 100 crores. think over it. just think over it. what are you thinking? just kill him. only a diamond can cut diamond. only fire can extinguish fire. only traitor can kill a traitor.

i have learnt all this from you. i will not kill youwith a small bullet. but kill you by makingyou swim in blood. you killed chandu with this. now watch the faithfulnessof faithful people. and kill each one of you. and in the end you also. brother raju. raju you go. we will put his deadbody in a proper place.

you don't worry.we will manage everything. you go. yes brother raju you go. what are you looking at? pick him up. pick him. if they cannot befaithful to their master. then how can they be faithful to me? hey, where are you going? hey, rickshaw where are you going? yesterday i got a new glassfitted and today you broke it.

i think it is not in my destiny tosee my beautiful face in the mirror. brother, kanyakumari expresswill come on which platform. am i a tc? hey, hero it is you. so, you are going back. you came here to find yourbrother and now you have found a wife. in mumbai every seconda person gets lost. even you will not be ableto find your brother. understood. okay close the chapterof your brother.

and go and settle your life. okay. my blessingswill always be with you. go and take a leftfrom ahead. - come. one minute, brother. listen, brother. when did your leg get cured? i did not know that iwas talking to a powerful man.

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