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How To Flashing lenovo p70 a
your lenovo laptop doesn’t power-up? hereare few simple steps that you could try by yourself to resolve the problem.if your system is running on battery mode, make sure the battery is not loose and isseated properly. there is a possibility that the battery might have drained completely.to check, try connecting to a power source through an ac adapter. if it is already connected,make sure the connections are firm and secure. you could change to a different wall outletto rule out the possibility of a faulty power outlet. swap the ac adapter with another onethat is known to be in a working condition. if these steps have been performed and thesystem is still not powering up, then remove all peripherals like printer, mouse or anyother devices. press the power button to check
if there is any sign of power. it could be• the on status of the led indicator • sound of a spinning fan• or sound of a spinning hard drive if your system has an optical disc drive,press the eject button to see if the drive tray ejects.if there is no sign of power, then we could try draining the flea power. flea power orresidual power is the current that is often stored in the electronic circuit boards whichmay prevent the system from powering on. to drain the flea power, remove all the powersources like the ac adaptor and batteries. sometimes your system may come with a built-inbattery which cannot be removed. that’s fine, but if it is a detachable one, thenremove it.
press and hold the power button for five seconds.connect the battery and the ac adapter and try powering on. if it still doesn’t work,then it might need additional troubleshooting. you could press the novo button on your laptopto see if the system starts. novo button is a small circular button usually near the powerbutton or on the left side of the laptop. it is provided to recover your operating systemin case of os failure. if the system powers on by using the novo button, select the option“normal startup†in the novo button menu to continue using your computer. this isolatesthe problem to be with the power button. call your technical support to get further assistance.but trying these simple steps before you call could save a lot of your time. thank you.
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