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welcome to the how to install a carsecurity system tutorial in this video we will go over thenecessary steps it takes to install security system and its components the tools you willneed to install security system include a multi-meter various test leads a soldering iron electrical tape socket set power drill pick tools a crimping tool wire strippers wire separators
any light the parts you will need toinstall a security system include rosin core male connectors t taps and depending on your vehicle relays diodes and resistors there areseven main steps to installing any alarm these includedownloading tech notes prepping the harness disassemblingpanels installing security extras mounting thealarm locate tests and integrate and finally testing the unit different makes andmodels of vehicles
had different wiring schematics so whenorder to determine what circuit interface into you must know where the circuit islocated in the vehicle the text sheet tells you were each wireslocated the color of the wire and is polarity you can find texts from vehicle formsonce you have found the text sheet make sure to print it out and bring itwith you to the alarm prep area upon first glance at the harness thesheer amount all wires can be intimidating
to even the most experienced dollars butluckily we will have to use but half of thesewires, these alarms are designed to fit every vehicle on the market so they give you all the wires necessaryto integrate into all them so let's prep the alarm for type vehicleyou're working on grab you take sheet and install manualwith the security system and bring it to the test bench first onthe list you will see a 12 volt constant, switched ignition starter interupt and ground wire, thesewires
on your lower are always connected donot cut them off if you have electric door locks usethese wires to unlock and lock your doors via remote if you oryour customer does not have electric door locks savethis harness in the box just in case you or yourcustomer want to upgrade to electric door locksin the future by adding actuators the wires in the door lock harness canlook very similar in color to the alarm main output harness especiallywhen the harnesses are all taped up to distinguish the wires from each othertake a drill
insert the wires and twist them, so lateryou know that the twisted wires are the door locks,your vehicle will either have positive door triggersor negative door triggers if you take notes a you had negativedoor triggers then you will not need the positive doorpin input cut it off if you text she says you havea positive door trigger then cut off the negative door trigger inputwire you will not need it look at your tech sheet does show that your vehicle is equippedwith a hood or trunk pin
some vehicles do not have these pins installed from the factory if they do or if you plan on adding apin switch later keep this wire if not cut the wire off in a alarm you can use a horn to soundthe alarm instead of a siren if you plan on usingthe horn keep this wire if not cut it off usually the horn is connected to savemoney on the cost of a siren if your vehicle does not have an electric trunk pop or you do not plan on adding one latercut this wire off
if you are using a siren to sound thealarm keep this wire if not cut it off, the siren is astandard method for sounding the alarm over the horn this wire flashes thelights it is always connected do not cut thiswire of once the alarm is prepped tape up yourharness as we go more into depth on the installyou'll notice that certain vehicles will need relays or resistors added tothe alarm prep section once you have learned the added processyou can add that into your prep section most of the circuits for the alarm arelocated at ignition harness
kick panel and below the dash so order to reach them we will have toremove the kick panel and lower section of the dash most kickpanels will be held in by pressure fitting clips and that dash is usually held in by boltranging in size go ahead and remove those panels now installing the models first helps cutthe install time first we will start with the led mountled were it can be easily seen from the outside driver side
a great spot to mount the led is in aremovable piece a plastic on the dash use a drill bit to drill ahole for the led to fit in it done correctly led should be able tobe pressure fit it in it the whole is slightly too big you canuse a touch of super glue from behind to seal it in ,the connectorwill run through the plastic piece and plug into the alarm once we havefound a location for it the programming but should be installedin a hiddin but assessable location cover locations include: behind the kickpanel in the ashtray or a predeterminedlocation
chosen by the customer the shock sensoris used to sense when someone has impacted the vehicle toinstall the shock sensor mount it to a wire harness or fasten it to inside the kick panel using self tapping screws mount a sireninside the engine compartment with the open and facing downwards,ground the black wire of thesiren to the chassis ground most of all circuits we will need toconnect into are located at the ignition harness, kickpanel and at the dash so it is only fitting
that the alarm be located close by thetrick is though is to make the alarm look like it camefrom the factory built in that way theives cannot easilydefeated it make sure and choose a location for thealarm they were not cause it to interfere with moving parts once you have decided on a location routthe shock sensor connector and the led connector to the alarm thenplug them in once that is complete mount the alarm brainusing a wire tie zip tie to bundle wires in a dash or a solidmetal mount
to test the circuit we must use amulti-meter it is best to use a multimeter with a negative test leedfitted with the alligator or ground terminalclip this helps free up one of your hands foreasier testing furthermore if you are a frequent alarminstaller you want to purchase a set a piercing probes it makes testing alarm circuitsextremely easier set your meter to the 12 volt dc range orthe closest range to it ground a negative test leed to the vehiclechassis
first thing i look for when testing awire is the molex connector for that wire thisprovides the easiest way to test the circuit just place your test lead to thecontacts inside on some circuits that is not possiblebecause it may be too hard to trace a circuit back to its molex plug this is when peircing probes come inhandy, the other option is if you're using an tap connector you can connect into the wire with a tapand then test the t tapp
now that we have the general idea on howto test the wire let's go ahead integrate into a wirelet's go over various ways to integrate into a wire there are various ways connected to awire, most common are connectors such as t tapp andintegration by solder at the two connecting metods irecommend solder t taps are a good way to integrateinto a alarm but any installer will tell you that solder is the strongest connection possible so when possible use this method for yourinstall
to solder you when the soldering flux, asoldering iron and some electrical tape preferably the plus 33 type by 3m to start plug in your soldering iron andlet the heat up for a good 10 minutes this step is crucial in a good solderingconnection if you try to solder when a iron is not readyyou end up getting bad solder joints now i will show you how to solder intothe wire first you will need to open up the wire, theeasiest way to do this is to use a wire splitter tool, just inserta wire squeeze the handle and it was separateinsulation from the wire
although it is not work very well onsmaller thin gauge wires another way to open a wire is to use wirestrippers to do this bite into the insulation withthe stripping section with the strippers then with some force push the wirestrippers away from you the insulation should slide off for thewire now that you have the wire expose use your pic tool and pierce the center of the wire, take your alarm wire and strip back a half an inch an insert it in between the wire thenwrap it tightly around the circuit grab your soldering iron and apply heat tothe bottom of the circuit
let it heat the wire up this should takeabout a good 10 seconds then when ready tap the rosin core tothe tip of the soldering iron it should noweasily then apply the soldered directly to the top of the circuit let the solder flow into the circuitonce you are happy with the results use electrical tape to insulate the exposedcircuit t taps integrate into the wire bybitting down on the circuit when using an t tap itis very important to you the correct size tap for the wire gauge yourintegrating into
there are three sizes of t taps they are easily identifiable by the respectivecolor ,the red tap is used for smaller wire 22 gauge to 18 gauge the blue tap is used for medium sizewire 16 gauge to 14 gauge and the yellow tap is used for thickerignition harness wires such as 12-gauge to 10 gauge to use a t tap you will need a pair of pliers insert the t tap onto the wire then clamp down on thewire you should hear it click if you don't you need to remove it and try againonce the t tap is in place crimp a male
connector onto wire that will be inserted in, make sure youthe proper male connector on the alarm wire base it on the gauge of the alarm wire notthe circuit you're interfacing into the number one reason these connectorsfail is due to using the wrong size connector on the alarm harness and used the wrong size t tap lets locate test integrated circuits for our alarmbring out your tech notes multi-meter and connectors we will startat the top of the text sheet
and make our way down this wire connectsinto the vehicle circuit that shows 12 volt regardless a vehicle key position andwill show 12 volts even when no key is inserted it is normally found at the ignharness use your test lead to verify the circuit once verified integrate into the circuit this wire connects into the circuitthat shows 12 volts when the key cylinder is in the on position which is the second click over and alsoshows 12 volts during the cranking at the vehicle thiswire
is normally found at the ignharness use your test lead to identify the circuit once verified integrate into the circuitwhen the alarm is armed this wire sends a negative pulse to thestarer kill relay when this happens the relay internallycreates a break of vehicle starter wire resulting inthe vehicle not being able to start to test the vehicle starter wire contactthe suspected circuit it was show 12 volts only when thevehicle is cranking once this wire is verified cut it then tryto start the car the vehicle should not start let's lookat the starter kill relay and its harness
as mentioned before this relay willcreate a break in the vehicle starter wire plug the relay into the starer killharness, you will notice that the harness has four wires two of the wires will go to the vehiclestarter wires one wire will go to the alarm ground output when armed wire and the last wire will go to vehicles ign wire to connect this harness take relay contact 30 and 87a crimp a butt connector on the twowires next a contact 30 a connect it to thestarter side
other starter wire then connect 87 a to the ignition switch side ofstarter wire next crimp a female disconnect connector onto wire relay contact 86 thiswill connect into the alarms ground output when armedwire next take the relay contact number 85 and connect it to the vehicle's ignitionwire this wire completes the electrical if you haven't done so already crimp aground ring to the ground wire from the alarmsand off any paint from where you will be grounding the wire
and drill it into the chassis the vehicleusing a self-tapping screw when the system is armed and someoneopens the door the alarm reads that a doors is open and soundsthe alarm to test the circuit contact the suspecta circuit with your meter press in and depress the door pin it isusually located on the door jam when you press it in itthinks the doors close when you release a it thinks it doorsopen when it opens you should see a change in voltage it will either go 12 volts positive or 12volts negative
depending on the polarity of your door pinwhen the alarm is breech this wire sends a positive output to thesiren causing it to sound this wire will run through the firewall into the engine where the siren is locatedconnect this wire to the positive side of the siren using a connector, this wire whenconnected to a light switch will flash the parking lights this a circuitin the vehicle shows 12 volts when the light switch isturned to the on position most vehicles have a positive triggerlight so all alarms from the factory come with this installed if your vehiclehas a negative triggered headlight switch
then you will need to convert outputof the alarm using a relay most alarms may have a feature where youcan change output of the light flash refer to your alarm manual for help to test the circuit may contact with asuspected circuit turn headlight switch on/off your metershould change voltage to either positive 12 volts or negative 12 volts, once this wire has been verified integrate into the circuit, when the lock or the unlock button is pressed on the remote these wires when connected will send a pulse to your door locks telling them to lock and unlock normally the output on these wires fromthe alarm are negative outputs
check your tech notes to see what polarity your vehicle door locks need to activate there are couple different types of doorlock systems most common are negative pulse andpositive pulse others include reversed polarity, singlewire vacuum locks and data control locks ifyour vehicle locks are something other than negative youwill need to prept the door lock outputs for such door locks to test a positive or negative door lockcircuit make contact with the lock wire hit thelock switch
on the vehicle the circuit shouldtrigger 12 volts or 12 both negative depending on thedoor lock system once a circuit is verified integrate into the circuit ,test the unlock door circuit by making contact with the circuit hitthe unlock switch on the door, it should change voltage justas before, once a circuit is verified integrate into the circuit after allwires had been integrated test the alarm functions to test thevehicle close all the doors but leave the windows open, arm the alarmand wait 20 seconds for the unit to arm
reach an and open the door through thewindow the siren or horn should sound do thisfor each door if you have the hood and truck monitoredarm the vehicle and pop the hood release cable frominside and open the hood the alarm should go off once the hood truck and doors are tested arm the vehicle get in and try to start the car withthe key it should not start to test the shock sensor hit the base atthe steering wheel the shock sensor should go off if notyou may need to adjust the gains a
little bit higher well that wraps it up for the alarminstall video thanks for watching my video
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