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hello everyone today i'll be talkingabout how to set up turnigy 9x to work with dji naza and how to setup dji naza to work on hexa copters and quad-copters. what we'll need today is our turnigy radio turnigy 9x receiver eight channel receiver i have avopnix brand but this is the same as the one that comes with turnigy 9x. our dji naza controller, servo extensionwires that come with dji naza and the versatility unit from the dji naza package
first we'll set up our transmitter go tothe settings system settings and choose the slots youwant to use after that go to type select and choose heli and heli1 then go to sticks set and select mode 2 it asks for throttle reverse, press exit to say no. so we are done with system settings, go to function settings
select reverse and choose reverse pit good pit and use minus and confirm it with a tap of the menubutton. i reversed the pitch channel in order to make it simpler to set up the mode switch for dji naza after that go down to axillary channels aux-ch selected and go down tochannel seven and choose pitch trim, go down to channel 8
and choose hover pitch, push menu toconfirm if you want to use dual rates and exposgo down to d/r exp. menu push menu choose the channelyou want to set up and you can set up dual rates and expovalues for the off and on states of the switch are usually set up 100 percent dual rateand 0 expo for off, sixty expo for the on state of the switch, i don't recommendto use dual rates at all because dji naza depends on having full throw
in order to switch off and on the motorsso i didn't leave to dual rates at 100 in both states after that push exit and basically the radio setup is done.before you can start setting up your naza using your pc you'll have to connect naza a to the receiver and theversatility unit to the naza the versatility unit connects usingtwo cables the four wire cable goes to the led input on the naza and the threewire cable goes to the
x3 port on the naza. then you'llhave to connect servo extension wires from thereceiver to the naza channel one goes into a aeleronschannel 2 goes into e elevator channel 3 goes into t throttle channel 4 goes into r rudder channel 6 goes into u which stands for flight mode channel,seven goes to x input which will control
the gimbal pitch or which will set remote gains for the naza and channel 8 goes into x2 which will be the second remote gain forthe naza. now that we have our receiver connected to the naza and to the versatility unit it'stime to power up the naza and connect it to the pc for setting up naza flashes when it powers up and when it starts flashing orange it's time toconnect it to the pc
when the light on the versatility unit turns green it's timeto open the naza assistant software software loads, after that have the screen where we set our mounting options, you have to mountyour naza unit in the center of gravity ofyour quadcopter or hexacopter. in case you have gps unit that is coming soon you'll have to enter its relative positionto the center of gravity then on the next page you have a motormixer choose the type of the aircraft you will beusing
quadcopteer, hexacopter supporters and quite coulter's differentmotor configuration then would have molter idle speedcontrol haven't tested it yet a and i will recommend that using atthey recommend settings then who have transmitter calibration this is very important first choose thetraditional receiver type the buses for for tab receivers then a go to cutoff types a is intelligent i'm it means that motors will start andstop only if you make
command was both peaks to the bottomleft a in that mood is dangerous because the motors a few quadrotor or executorswill turn off in case you just a get your throttle elude 10 percent which is dangerous an extra have come on stick liberation check descriptions on the rights a makesure that when you throttle-up the slider goesright you i use right rudder the slider goesright
when you use up elevator this played agood goes right and when to use right alawrence the slider who's right keys the this is different check reverse ornormal in order to make it cracked then clickstart collaboration and your sticks on the radio in circles several times up to your a click finish collaboration a in case 30 the sliders i'm not criminal
repeat the calibration process when here was clear breach up to spiders a rather elevator and theother apps should be green indicating that they arethe neutral position then you have stick monitors they areassigned to put wanna input to on the top left already o.o they would be used tocontrol gene bowl if you want in stellate or just to modkeen for setting up the nasa he you havecontrol mode switch slider
this a i'm section you'll have to justyour radio so that change the control modes ofurine as a it has i'm gps mode the it works in case you have a gps add-on for you in as a feel safe whichwill am your a naz immediately it is yet mood so which is the usualmode you flying and manual mode in which your nestlecontrol the scene we therefore channel helicopter i have
mine as a set up so that the top position on the throughway switchinstitute mood middle position is manual mode and downpositions feel safe mode the way you set up i healready a for this corresponding settings is goinginto settings function settings each curve and for every a position over the two way switch up middle and down will have to enter thisteam values
in all three points although 123 andhigh they will be equal and issued the just them so that the slider in the control mode switch when do thanas a are software slides to the desired mood forexample in the edit mode in there as a controlsoftware eagle have to set up you're a deal for 2 percent i'm each curve in all the points im a middle mode which i set up as manyall mod
it will be it in 9.5 percent 40 points handing down position whichhas had as feel see if it will be 32 percent xp jim the software is autopilot here you will have to just your games for the nasa so that your aquad core projects a copper plays perfectly i will start with thevalues the as you can see on the screen 140percent 140 percent 120 percent 130 percent 120 and 120
very nice feature that you consent i'm remote keen for up to two channels atthe time for example i want to change each game i sign it tx1 and /url game i can assign that to x2 and this way ican go is my noms you can see it here to just the games on the fly to that you won'thave to land your quadcopter hex a cop another to justyour games this is a very neat feature next pages
gmail control a switch it off in caseyou don't have a gym ball a switch it on the few have a jumblehere we'll have to just marks travel for your server some peachunder alexis also just the center the values in themaximum in those should be lower than 1,000 ext a who is the game for each and rollstabilization also the divers and your own directionsjust this game so that when you tilt yourquad copter x a copper meeting both follows the same amount
on can see it correctly next there ismanual control speed 100 these immediate response to the x1 channel of your a deal which willimmediately turn your dimple up and down i like toleave it at 30 percent which is somewhat slower andis more fluid and finally there is voltage monitor he you can calibrate your voltage wicket calibrate and in case you have avery good multimeter you can enter correct valuefor the better voltage
usually it is pretty good won't choosebetter tripe two three four five or six li-po annexed the here are first and secondlevel protections or you can set it up like me and it 10 volts and 9.7 wats or read the description to the rightshows how to set them up kirk correctly for your aircraft after your bit three hits the firstlevel protection voltage a your nazar versatility unitstarts to flash very brightly
and after it hits second levelprotection voltage your another will automatically leveland start to the sound as if you hit et's which now i've covered all thesetup process all of your dejan as a controller iyou'll have to click right so that to see a thesettings to the mmm as a control unit else you can clickexpert so that you can see all the settings on yourcomputer for a future recovery or in case you missedsomething up terribly please subscribe to mychannel
and i will see you guys next time
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