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How To Flashing lenovo a3300t
hey guys its me rahul and on today’s androidtips episode i will show you guys how to install or “flash†a custom rom and how to flasha custom kernel. two are very simple things to do, once you understand the basics.by theway if you guys want to see any particular how tos or tutorial on any tweaks just commentdown below. since this is going to be a short video i will explain a bit about custom kernelsand custom roms. roms are basically the os or the operating system of the phone.thereare two kinds of roms one is called stock rom, it is the version of the os that comeswith the phone when you buy it and it is developed the manufacturer itself.custom rom on theother hand is a bit different than stock roms, custom roms are developed by independent developers.thedifference between these two is with custom
rom you will get a lot of features, you willget good performance, better ui and you can upgrade to a version of the os that has notyet been released for your device. now let’s talk about kernel, kernel is a part of a devicewhich connects the application, the software part, to the hardware part . custom kernels havea lot of awesome features like enables swap partition , better battery backup better performanceand so on. for this video i’m gonna be using my oldphone , its screen is a bit broken, so bear with me.in order to flash custom roms or custom kernels you device has to be rooted and you must beinstalled a custom recovery on your phone. if you have no idea about rooting , or customrecoveries then watch this video. i
first thing that you need to do is ,you needto find a good rom for you device . i recommend xda forums for finding good roms because itis pretty good website.so open this website then type in your device name here. then from here you need to select android development then selectthe roms tab for custom roms and select kernels tab for custom kernels. then downloada custom recovery including its patch files and a custom kernel that you like , then copyall of the files to your phone then reboot your device into recovery mode.if you don’tknow how to boot into recovery mode just google it because it differs with the device.i’m using a recovery called cwm, i recommend going with twrp, since it is bit more userfriendly.
but anyway the methods are pretty common.so before you flash custom rom you need to wipe data , so in cwm you simply select wipedata/ factory reset. and then you can flash custom rom by selecting install zip.. fromsd card choose zip from sd card or in case you put the zip file in the internal storageselect the other option, choose the rom zip file then just install it.if this rom hasany patch files , install it too. in order to flash the custom kernel you have wipe cacheand dalvik cache first ,then select install zip from sdcard . choose zip from sd cardand select the kernel zip file and install it. then reboot your phone.. i also want to say a few things . number is create a backup of you current rom beforeyou flash a custom rom. number two is you should
always flash kernel after rom. because ifyou do it vice versa the custom kernel will get replaced with the kernel that comes with the rom
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