Friday, March 3, 2017

How To Flashing lenovo a238t

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How To Flashing lenovo a238t

let's get started. so, if you go to your settings straight away you'll see wireless andnetworks and wi-fi. so, if you click on wi-fi, click on your options and you'll see advanced so if you click on that, we can getstarted. okay, so we'll go through each of these options one by one let's start with thefirst one: network notification it says notify me when an open network isavailable it's pretty self-explanatory if you tick this box here, then the mobiledevice will let you know when there's an open network

available. so what is an open network? well it's a network that can be joined byanyone at anytime. now the legal issues surrounding whetheryou can use an open network or not obviously depend upon the laws of yourountry and also the source of the network. sofor instance in the uk we have open networks in most of thecoffee shops that's why you don't need to type in the passphrase and they have it freely available fortheir customers to use. now obviously in this case, it would belegal to use the open network.

having some people decide for somereason not to use a pass phrase or any type ofsecurity on their wi-fi and for that reason you can easilyaccess it because theres though and password to type in and you can get onto the wi-fi and access theinternet however if he did do so it would be illegal so like i said it woulddepend upon the laws of your country and also the source of the network. so let'smove on to the second option it says keep wi-fi

on during sleep now i covered wi-fi inepisode one and this option here is the only relevant provided when your near a wireless network that you are connected to. so lets start by explaining what we meanby sleep. well this is basically the name given tohow your mobile saves power when you're not using it. its said to be in sleep mode, it saves powerby keeping your worked saved, but seizes other functions which shows lesspower is used. when you go to use your phone again and sleep mode allows you to quickly startworking

with all your processes just as youleft them. so if you keep wi-fi on during sleep. you'll get started on what the 3 optionsthat your given will do. if you click on keep wi-fi onduring sleep this is a screen that you'll see. now you get to be options here, alwaysonly when plugged in and never. let's start with the first onealways. so if you click on this option your wi-fiwill definitely continue to run at all times. now this is great if youreceive notifications on facebook or twitter

or any other social medium is also the option you want to choose. so if you want to know as soon as any newemails come through. its basicly the option to choose if any of the applications you regularly use need to be refreshed constantly and use the internet and if you want toconserve your data and continue to receive your updates and alerts as and when they come throughwhen your phone is in sleep mode. so this option will basically continuously keep your phone connected to your wi-fi.

so if we look at the third option now alternatively you can shoot this neveroption so whenever your mobile goes into sleep mode your wi-fi will turn off and then battery now something to know at thispoint is although it says here that clicking on never increases your data usage which is basically the internet allowance given to you by your simcard service's provider this is not necessarily the case see ifyou're worried about your data usage

just turn it off from your settings. for me i can do it here, if i just bring down this menu bar go across, and there it is mobile data,itsoff at the minute, so now it's on so click on it again it turns it off, it will sayyou will no longer be able to use application such as internet email and youtube via mobile networks continueclick on okay. now my mobile data is off, since thats thecase if i choose this never option it won't increase my data usage at all since my data usage has beenturned

off. okay so this option here: never to turn yourwi-fi off when your phone is in sleep mode andyour data usage is off as well. ok its the most battery conservancy statefor your phone to be in. now you can turn mobile data easily backon whenever you need it as so that's how i turned it off in that demonstration so it's pretty simple easy to do,on most mobile devices it will be exactly the same sometimes by putting a video in yourhome screen which should be covering in my later videos.

okay so if you choose never although yourwi-fi will be off your phone is in sleep mode it will turn back on whenever you useyour phone and any okay so let's welcome through atthis poin.t okay so the second option here: only when plugged in to keep your wi-fi on during sleep onlywhen it's plugged in, what this means in most cases your phone will be in the same state asoption 3 which is 'never' so when your phone is on charge only thenwill it be like the first option

as 'always' while the wi-fi is continuously on so which of these options youchoose basically all depends on your personal preference so let's go back to the other screenand continue explaining what the other points are all about. ok so let's have a look at our option 3 it ischeck for internet service check if wi-fi internet service isavailable when ap connected and you have an optionwhether to tick this box or to leave it blank, so what actuallymean?

well ap stands for access point, now anaccess point is the device that allows your wirelessmobile phone to connect via wi-fi to a wired network. so what the check in this box do? wellwe connect to a wireless network it doesn't necessarily mean that yourconnected to the internet. now the simplest way to explain this isto put wi-fi connectivity into three steps, now in the first step you've decided toconnect to the internet via wi-fi to start this process by turning on thewi-fi on your device as explained in episode one now during thesecond step

your devices connecting to therouter now at this point although you're connected by wi-fi you will not yet have access to the internet so during the third the router will connect to the internetand you have a working service on your device. now sometimes there canbe connectivity issues which prevented the third step fromhappening although your device may be connected by wi-fi to the router and shows is wifi connected this doesnot necessarily mean that you're able to connect to theinternet if there's a problem between

the second good step now you may have seen thathappen to your computer when you see limited connectivity show up now taking on this box like so what that basically means is your deviceto let you know if that any connected with the issues when youtry to connect to the internet so it's up to you whether you'd likethat to be on their own up as you can see have the option let'smove on to the fourth option here by fight time for now this option againis pretty self-explanatory

so you can choose to have your deviceconnected to your wifi to set hours within a day for instanceif you're a cut 7 a.m. and sleep at 10 p.m. and only want yourphone to connect to wifi join these hours instead of turning the wifi on in themorning and off at night every day you can set this to happenautomatically you can do this by clicking on wifi timemissile st that now okay so this is what you feed from yourwifi time asahi said if you wake up at 7am a sleep at 10 p.m.

she want that the times between those iwas for your wifi to be on this is how youdo it safely be just change that to 7 a.m. for the starting time for the end in time if we just set butshe 10 p.m. and that's all we basically need todayand then just click on don okay to make sure you i heart i'm alwaysmakes sure you tended on by pressing this rich kid obviously isdifferent depending on what android device you're using as you can see here they will tell youwhat times you to know by fight time

on full she's between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. anytime after 10 p.m. anytime before 7a.m. your wife i will obviously be of a justand you will be a time each day such move on to the next point my couldland you can also see what your mic addresses now much less touch the media accesscontrol address a mac addresses only to the hardware inorder with the physical components up network adopt is now network adapter is willing tocomputer or phone to a network

by the languages and codes theapplications you use to communicate with each other and the hardware the mac address is a unique physicaladdress on unlike most ip addresses tend to be penthen and here you can also find the ipaddress to be explained by ip addresses are uncovered in an episode 1 so that the end of episode 3 i hopeyou've enjoyed a if you have any questions or would like me to review anap or explain any feature settings on your mobiledevice please leave me a comment and

i'll do my best to get a video out now will be making a lab so simplysubscribe to my channel for my open come in videos

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