Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
do not forget there are some additional tips from me:
How To Flashing karbonn a19 plus
welcome to gizprime xposed framework is a groundbreaking development that lets you do just that. it’s easy to install and configure.there are lot's of module avaliable on xposed. xposed framework uses root access to directly access core android. so you need a custom recovery on your device so how to install custom recovery watch my other video. now how to install xposed download the latest xposed framework installer app, on xda devlopers site. download link in the description. download it
now go back and install xposed installer apk file open your app drawer and open you xposed installer now you need xposed framwork to running this app. so again go to your browser and download xposed framwork zip file depend on your device here i install exposed sdk 23 because my mobile is running on marshmallow based android os go back to your file maneger to see this file now the main process. turn off your mobile. and go to recovery mode
select recovery with volume down key this is my philz recovery. tap on install zip. choose zip from external sd card. now select your downloaded xposed framwork. install exposed. after installation go back and reboot your mobile. now you can see xposed framwork is install on my mobile. you can do lot's of things with exposed watch my other videos about exposed module, and download exposed installer and framwork in the discription. if you like this video be should a give big tumbs up and subscribe my youtube channel. bye and stay connected.
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