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How To Flashing infocus m510t
hi guys welcome to techtutorialguiein this video iam going to show you how to install xposed framework on lollipopjust checkout this website called fourm.,xdadevelopers.com/rovo89 so let start we will see how to install xposedso we need to download the some of the following files just you need to downlaod the xposedinstaller then after we need to download arm basedif you hjave a arm based devices like arm6,arm7 means you need to download this arm.zip fileif you have arm64 based processor means you need to download arm x64.zip fileif u have intel atom or intel based processors like x86 device means you need to downloadthis version x86.zip you must have custom recovery installed onyour device like cwm,twrp to flash this zip
via custom recoverysop lets move on to device now iis my device having arm version 7 so i wouldbe downloading arm.zip file after the downloading process is over as i would copy out the xposedframework 75 sdk 22 arm.zip file to my android deviceso here if you wannna check which porocessor you might have means you need to downloadan app called cpu-x from this you will find the which processor you have in instructionset you can find out because iam having arm v7 processor so i must installed the xposedframework arm.zip file so if u have other processor like x64,x86 means you need to downlaodthe proper sdk other wise you will get an errorgo to file manager and install the xposed
frame work apk and then after placed out themobile at recovery to flash this xposed framework.zip no iam on recovery nowto put manually your mobile at recovery means press vol up and volume down and power keyat same time to place manually then click on install button recovery and find out the xposed framework.zip file fromyour file manager and then click on swipe to flashit will install the xposed framework arm .zip on my deviceso after the installation completeclick on reboot system ias ihave got an bootloop after installingxposed framework so i need to wipe out the cache and delvick cache from wipe option onrecovery menu
reboot systemit will fix the bootloop problem as it b would taken some time to boot so bepatient untill the booting process done so let here it will showing android upgradingias ihave got an bootloop after installing xposed framework so i need to wipe out thecache and delvick cache from wipe option on recovery menuafter 5-10 min it will booted the rom now it will start the appsthe booting process has completed so lets checkout the xposed framework installer solet go framework here it will showing active
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