Friday, February 3, 2017

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How To Flashing elephone p10c

mother, father! let's go. - madam, not from here.- but that was my husband. this entrance is for prisoners,you go from there. come. ms arti, where were you?i was looking for you. they brought him now. . in handcuffs. - mr gupta, please save him.- madam, be strong. don't worry.

tell me honestly,will he be acquitted? what can i say! i am doing my best. good morning, sir. greetings, mr. thakural.- good morning. hello, mr thakral. good morning, sir. . - sir. . start the court proceedings. your honor, this face whichis the epitome of honesty. .

is nothing but a mask. a mask which hides ahardcore murderer. your honor, who doesn'tknow the deceased mr oberoi. . was a very rich man. . and a great philanthropist also. the killer calls himself a musician. on the night of 18th december,the accused mr deepak verma. . reached his housewith lust for money. but mr oberoi had an inkling. .

that on the pretext ofstarting a music school. . he wanted to fill his own coffers. and so he refusedto donate the money. and mr deepak vermabehaved like a brute. and when he lefthalf an hour later. . he left behind mroberoi's dead body. i object, my lord. the prosecutor is accusingmy client mr deepak verma. . of a crime which he can't prove.

your honor, i agree that onthe night of 18 th december. . between 8. 30 and 9, my client. .was at mr oberoi's house. i also agree that as perthe post-mortem report. . the murder took place around nine. but that doesn't prove that. . mr deepak verma is the killer. the prosecutor can't presentany eye-witness to prove it. your honor, there is a witness. and this witness willput everything in place.

the eye-witness to thismurder by mr deepak verma is. . . . mr. pramod vaswani. i am pramod vaswani. mr. vaswani, can you tell. . what you saw in mroberoi's house on 18th december. . from your house? yes, i was standing at my window. . and i saw this man sittingin mr oberoi's drawing room. mr oberoi was flaying hisarms and talking loudly.

- what was he saying? - icouldn't hear due to the distance. then he stood up and heremoved a huge knife. . - and. . - then what did he do? don't get scared andtell me what did he do? he then stabbed mroberoi with it in the chest. - this is a lie. -this is the only truth ! it's a lie. judge, trust me, i am innocent. every criminal screamsthat he is innocent.

mr. verma, you may try yourbest to hide but evidence. . . . have proved yourgruesome act in court. no, i am innocent. lawyer, i am innocent. the court is adjourned for the day. do you want me to lose this case? - i didn't come totell you that. - then? i came to inform you thatdespite being innocent. . i've made my clientagree to this crime.

please ask for life imprisonmentinstead of capital punishment. look, if you get a capitalpunishment for an innocent man. . it is important for me. you can pick up anynewspaper and see. . this case is on the headlines. if this man doesn't geta capital punishment. . who will acknowledgemy mettle as a lawyer. look. .- i am sorry, mr. gupta. i can't help you.

arti, you have supported mein every struggle of life. now from your tears,should i understand. . - that we have lost this struggle?- no, not at all ! aarti, you are the onlysupport for our kids now. arun. - yes. - come here. - yes, father? - arun, yourmother has suffered a lot for us. - don't ever trouble her.- i won't, father. and komal is your younger sister.

- take care of her.- i will, father. i've pinned all myhopes on you, son. ms arti ! mr gupta, what did thakral say? he is very stubborn. i told him that ifinstead of capital punishment. . he emphasizes on life imprisonment. . - deepak will agree tothe crime in court. - yes. - but yet. . - but what?

he still didn't agree. oh god, what will happen now? now god can onlybring about a miracle. . and thakral relents orhe has set the trap. . for deepak to getcapital punishment. mr oberoi, a lawyer'sprofession is a game of chess. and not everyone knows it. if i want i can getmr deepak verma acquitted. or can let him offwith a mild sentence.

and if i want i can gethim hanged to death also. i've paid you five lakhs for that. i know. if he lives, you will die. but who will give himdeath and life to you? i! thakral ! and rupees five lakhs is not abig amount for it, mr oberoi. mother. where are you going, mother? arun, come with me. i don't have time tolisten to nonsense.

you aren't my were my wife. i've signed and sentthe divorce papers. and don't bother about the child. he and i, we both willlive happily without you. shanta, what are you doing here? - go and put the childto sleep. - okay, sir. you? what are you doing here? i've come to you for charity. mr thakral, you. .

will you be kind to me? i. . i have two small kids. they will. . they will bless you, mr. thakral. they will bless you. how can i help you? your lawyer has noevidence or witness. can't a person who doesn'thas evidence or witness. .

be innocent? you want me to losethis case on your behest? no, but. . he is innocent. butyou can still punish him. but please don't askfor capital punishment. if you want to win the case, do so. . but give him life imprisonment. he will languish in jailbut he will atleast be alive. atleast my childrenwon't be orphaned.

no matter how many years. . but i'll wait for him. but don't give himcapital punishment, mr thakral. don't give him capital punishment. look, i can't doanything for you. you can go. no, mr. thakral ! no. get up! look, what had tohappen has happened.

but there is no need to worry. you are young. you want tobring up your kids, isn't it? if you need a job,i'll find you one. did you get me? don't consideryourself to be hapless. i'll take care of you. understood? rascal ! swine! you dared to touch me? i came to beg youfor my husband's life.

and you. . thakral, he is watching you ! he's watching you ! one day you will haveto pay for your sins. this is a hapless woman's curse. a day will surely come, thakral. .when you will beg for mercy. . . . but nobody will bebenevolent towards you. this is my curse to you ! let's go!

hello. oberoi here! i heard deepakverma's lawyer came to you. and you are thinking oflife imprisonment now. mr oberoi, your brother'skiller deepak will be hanged. . .will be killed. bearing in mind, the evidences. . the court accords mr deepak verma. . . .capital punishmentunder indian penal code 302. . . .for murdering mr.ramkrishna oberoi.

do you want to meet anyone? deepak verma will be hanged. i've paid you rs 50,000for your testification. why are you fighting, mr oberoi? i need another rs 50,000. - you will get it. - when? tomorrow. promise?- promise. thank you and goodnight. goodnight.

i've tolerated you enough. - mr vaswani, you? - you? ! listen. . - yes? - i gave afalse testification. deepak vermadidn't murder mr oberoi. he didn't kill him.he didn't kill him. he is innocent. i know he is innocent.then who is the murderer? - the murderer is. . - who is it?

did you all hear what he said? sister, did you hear what he said? he said deepak verma is innocent. that deepak vermadidn't commit this murder. sir, you heard him, didn't you? you heard him, didn't you? if you all testify to the police. .what he said before dying. . then my husband will be saved. madam, don't worry, we'lltell this to the police.

sir, thank you very much. thank you very much. i'll go and tell him. o god ! sri krishna told arjun. . that the body is. . what happened? - what happened? -my vehicle broke down. central jail is just twokilometers away, you can walk.

two kilometers? oh my god ! the papers are readyfor you to take the body. come and sign. i lodged a police complaintand called up all hospitals also. but son, there is still noinformation about your mother. i think shecouldn't bear this grief. . and like deepak,she too has left us. son, i won't give you false hopes. i'll tell you the stark truth.

at your age, life is carefree. but life is nolonger carefree for you. it is a battle! you have to fightthis battle as per. . the values your parentshave instilled in you, arun. you will have to fight this battle. ''we will win ! '' ''if you are with us! '' ''life is a struggle. .

. .at every step''. ''life is a struggle ''it's you who hasbrought this music on my lips''. ''your love has broughtmusic into my life''. ''o my beloved, all that ilove is a gift from you''. ''i am just a picture whichyou have filled with colors''. deepak verma's piano for rs 7 000. rs 7 000. .i rs 7 000. .ii rs 8000 !

today, deepak verma'shouse was auctioned. his children have become orphaned. . and homeless. and, thakral, you areresponsible for all this. how can you blame me? finally, the truth was outthat deepak verma was innocent. remarkable, gupta ! i always knew thatdeepak verma was innocent. but my job was to gethim hanged. and i did it.

thakral, you ought to be ashamed. you have murdered the law. you have ruined a happy family. now, where will these kids live? mr gupta, i'll give you an advise. .absolutely free. the government hasset up many orphanages. send them to one of them. driver, let's go. make yourselfcomfortable here. eat something.

you must be hungry, isn't it?indu, take care of them. husband, please come in.i want to talk with you. coming. look after them. - be quick! - coming. what do you take this house to be?you just bring anybody here! shanti, the kids are hungry.they've been orphaned. my father didn't giveyou this house to stay. . to convert it into an orphanage. look, don't get street urchins home.

we've fed them. that's enough ! i can't tolerate them.ask them to leave. calm down, shanti ! - yes? - where are they? - father, they left. - where to? i don't know. ''don't lose hopeand fight the world''. ''look, the color of thesky is also changing. '' ''. .the color of the sky. ''

''this is not the color of weather. . but of the changing times''. ''at every step lifethrows new challenges''. ''where can people lookfor the stars and moon?'' ''i'll light a fire. . to dispel this darkness''. ''there's no fear as long asthere's fire in the belly''. mansukh, get all this typed. these papers have topresented in court tomorrow.

yes, sir. and get the file fromthe court's record room. . - of the case which mrthakral has won. - yes, sir. sir, can i ask you something? you are such agood lawyer yourself. . then why do you referto mr thakral's files? i am sorry, sir. if i've saidsomething to offend you. no, it's okay.

mansukh, i became alawyer because of mr. thakral. i want to understand hisstrategies and ploys very well. because a case is goingon in the court of fate. and i have to win that caseagainst thakral at any cost. komal. komal. - ramu, keep mybrief-case in my room. - yes, sir. so, keshav gave this file. ramu, did keshav give a thick file? - that's all that he gave.- that's all? - yes.

tomorrow is mr chopra'scase's hearing and he. . mr. lawyer, arun verma ! do you rememberanything besides court. . case, files,witnesses and your honor? yes! i do remember that ihave a younger sister komal. she is very sweet and cute. . but she gets angry very soon. but she forgives equally fast. she remembers all thatneeds to be remembered.

you need to be given areward for such a good memory. take this. - what is this? - perhaps thismay remind you of something. wow! - but what is this for? -i wanted to remind you. . that a few years ago besideslaw you had another hobby also. and secondly,today is your birthday. i had forgotten about it. but how can i forget it, brother?

a happy birthday to my brother. many, many happy returnsof the day. - thank you. it is a very nice gift. brother, i didn't gift youthis to remind you of your sorrow. komal, those things arereminded that one forgets. but this is a grief that neitheryou nor i have ever forgotten. i remember everything very well. what's next? sir, this eveningyou've an appointment with. .

the king of behrampur. and at twelve with lady zarapshah. - when is her case's hearing?- on the 18th of this month. and you've an appointmentwith dr dinesh mathur now. dr mathur, i'veunderstood your wife's case. but i am sorry. . i can't fight this case. mr thakral, don't say are the city's best lawyer. and if you. .

as the city's best lawyer,i've some problems also. i've so many cases. . that it is difficult tomake time for a new case. mr thakral, my wife is innocent. i can pay you any amount you demand. dr mathur, myreply remains the same. i am sorry. srikanth, just checkif mr dayal has come. he's come.

send dayal inside. ok, mr. thakral. .- that's ok. sir, you could have found time. and he was ready topay handsomely, then. . srikanth, you won't understand. his wife dr asha mathur. . has been accused ofpoisoning her patient. all evidence andwitness are against her. it's totally a flop case.

and i neither like to lose a case. . nor am i used to losing a case. brother-in-law, what happened?you went to meet lawyer thakral? geeta, everyone knowsthat asha is innocent. but the case is so complicated. . that no lawyer isready to take up this case. god knows what will happen now. i just don't understand. someone hasrecommended a lawyer very highly.

i am thinking of meeting him. ms geeta, you will getonly one reply from me. . that i don't handle false cases. mr verma, my sister is innocent. and i can say this confidently. i agree with you butyou also listen to me. . that this can't beproved in the court. there is no way to win this case. and why support the truth whenthere is no chance of winning !

isn't this what you want to say? ms geeta, you havemisunderstood my words. i've understood your wordsand you also, mr arun verma. an innocent person canbe imprisoned for life. . but you don't want to spoilyour name by taking a losing case. because all that matters to you is. . your success and your victory. miss. gita srivastav. anybody looking at this file cansay that dr asha mathur is a. .

cheat and corrupt doctor who hasdeliberately poisoned her patient. but you want toscream yourself hoarse. . that your sister is innocent. - she is innocent! - onlybecause she is your sister? do you have anywitness or evidence? if you have then bring them here,i'll listen to them. - bring them! - if aperson doesn't has witness. . can't he be innocent? if a person doesn't has a witness. .

i'd heard a lot about you. ihad pinned my hopes on you. but before leaving,i can't even say. . that i was pleased to meet you. goodbye, mr. arun verma. dr asha mathur, myname is arun verma. - and i am your lawyer.- did my husband send you? no, your younger sister came to me. ms mathur, i've readyour statements and reports. but i want to hear theentire incident from you.

this happened the day drmathur left for pune. . and i was alone at home. - hello! - dr asha, ward no5's condition has worsened. administer him nestral 500. we don't have it in our stock. i have it, i'll get it. temperature.- 102. - bp. - 140 /240. drink this medicine. don't worry,everything will be fine.

- where's the doctor? -he's in his cabin. - okay. - doctor, his pulseisn't beating. - what? ! it can't be. what i told is the absolute truth. i don't know who mixed thepoison in the medicine. . and how all this happened. i don't know anything. dr mathur, right now, ican only promise you. . that i will do my best.

i'll come back later. mr daga, isn't itpossible that dr asha mathur. . administered damodar the medicinewhich she brought from home. no, that isn't possible. damodar drank the medicine. . which tony plantedin dr mathur's bag. tony, your father mr dagaand i are childhood friends. don't consider me to be a lawyer. . but confide in me as an uncle. .

as to how and why youchanged the medicine. uncle, damodar hadbecome a threat to us. and the police was waiting forhim to regain consciousness. and i had only oneoption to keep him shut. that night i was present inthe hospital as an electrician. and dr mathuradministered damodar that medicine. in that case, nobodycan cause you any harm. go and sleep peacefully. dr mathur, there's poisonpresent in this medicine.

can you tell me. . what arethe chances of survival. . if a person consumesthe quantity of poison. . found in the dead person's bodyas per the post-mortem report? very little. no chance at all. i heard thakralrefused to take up this case. he feels no lawyercan win this case. i will win ! your honor, in lieu ofthe witness and evidence. . it has been proved thatit was dr asha mathur. .

who killed damodar prasad. and the poisoned medicinewhich dr mathur got for damodar. . is right now present in the court. and also thegovernment 's chemical report. . which states that this bottlecontains poison and not medicine. that's all, my lord. the defense can presenthis evidence and witness. yes, your honor. your honor, it is true. .

that damodar prasad wasthe police's prime witness. and he was silenced for good. and this is also true. . that on that night ms mathurtook the medicine to hospital. that a minute afteradministering this medicine. . damodar prasad died ! but all this doesn't prove that. . dr asha mathur isresponsible for damodar's death. all the accusations leviedby the prosecution are that . .

the medicine administered byms mathur to the deceased. . was poisoned and isay this is a lie. the defense lawyerseems to forget. . that the report present inthe court along with bottle. . proves that thisbottle contains only poison. - this bottlecontains poison? - yes. your honor, i've readits chemical report. . which states thatit contains poison. but before giving a verdict onthis case of life and death. .

we mustn't forget that. . this chemical reportisn't the gospel truth. . that can't make an error. i challenge this chemical report. there isn't a drop ofpoison in this medicine bottle. it contains onlymedicine that can't kill anyone. mr verma, do you haveany evidence to prove this? yes, you are right. i am the evidence and the witness.

it's me. what are you doing? mr arun varma ! stop it. what better proof can i give thanthis about this being a medicine? thank you, mr. rawat. the court realizes that itcan't be proved totally. . if dr asha mathur haskilled damodar prasad. and there are chancesof the chemical report. . presented by theprosecution to be erroneous.

and so the courtacquits dr asha mathur. congratulations, mr. arun verma ! congratulations, mr. verma ! get ready. it's an emergency.hurry up! - how is mr arun now? - he's fine. he's still unconsciousbut is out of danger. the poison had spread a lot. any further delaycould have been fatal. asha, i'd say that itwas mr arun who saved you. .

and it was god who saved him. but why did he dothat only to win a case? no, he was certainof asha's innocence. and he had said that he can riskhis life to save the innocent. he is a different man. it contained poison. if there was poisonthen how did he drink it? whether there was poison or no,will it create a problem for us? no. no. no problem.

mr daga, nobody can evenpoint a finger at you. uncle, newspapers havepraised arun verma to the skies. the standard ofnewspapers is falling. i've solved such casesby a flick of my finger. besides, there isn'tanything special about this case. . for newspapers tomake an issue over it. yes.- hello! is mr thakral in? hold on please.

thakral, there is a callfor you from the office. sir, mr vicky is asking for rs 5000. - give it to him. - but sir,he took rs 10,000 last week. mr sharma, he is my son,give him whatever he asks for. and don't bore me. mr sharma, i have moneyfor him, but not time. i've heard these days vicky iscreating an uproar in college. after all, he is my son ! o god ! he is so good.

he is the best. he moves so swiftly. my would-be wife will work? - never! - if onlyi'll become your wife! you still have twoyears to complete college. okay, take up a job. but i've alreadyconsidered you as my wife. . legally or illegally. what's going on here?what audacity is this?

hi, professor! a class-room is atemple not a goon's den. i'll complain againstyou to the principal. decent people don't crossswords with me, vicky, professor. because i am g. d thakral's son. and everyone knows g. d. thakral. sir, did you see this newspaper? your name has been publishedin bold letters on the headline. mr thakral was confidentthat nobody could win this case.

we must talk with him now. mr mansukh, thatday will also dawn. . when i will talk with mr thakral. sir, dr mathur hadcalled up for you. they want to invite you home. and ms geeta had also called up. ok. - madam, a mr arun has come.- what? make him comfortable,i'll just come.

sir, madam is dressing up,please take a seat. mr arun, no, don't get up. what is this! sir, a tune isincomplete without lyrics. - sir, look, i. . - thisapplause was for the tune. - and now this applause. .- will be for the lyrics. a big hand ! ''we will win. . if you are with us''.

mr. arun, what is this! you are standing here allalone and you are without a glass! waiter, whiskey! no whiskey please. thank you. look, right from the startyou haven't been just with us. isn't it, asha? you rescuedus from such a big problem. and you aren't eventalking about your fees. what is this!- right. right. i agree. dr mathur, you wantto pay me my fees?

i can sell my every penny for you. god forbid, you haveto see such a day. mr mathur, unfortunate isthat woman who loses everything. but i'll considermyself to be very fortunate. tell me what you want. a car,bungalow or a blank cheque? whatever you want. mr mathur, pleasegive me this piano. what? ! a piano? this is an old ordinary piano.

it is old but itisn't ordinary for me. what is so special about it? this is that melody. . which has manytunes hidden within it. will you give me this piano? this piano will reach yourhome before you reach home. but this isn't your is a small gift from us. thank you, sir. thank you. - yes, geeta? - how did youcome to know that it was. .

just as people recognize eachother's voices on hearing it. . if you pay attention thenyou can hear and recognize. . other people's silences also. - can i ask you something?- yes, ask. you are a very strange man. i don't know why youare the way you are. but i would surely like to know. there's nothingworth knowing about me. would you have aproblem if i decided that?

okay, i leave all decisions to you. so, my first decision is. . next sunday our group isgoing to manori beach. . and you have to come. and i'll wait for you. geeta ! ''my dream man. . my knight in shining armour''. ''this weather. .

beckons you''. ''you make me restless''. ''you have stirred. . my heart strings''. ''what is your wish?'' ''what are your intentions?'' ''heart! '' ''you have already stolen my heart''. ''now don't take my life also''.

''don't test. . my patience''. ''don't break a fragile doll. . with stone''. ''music! '' ''music!- dance. '' ''let's dance in the music.- in the music. '' ''let's dance in the music. '' ''in the music. ''

''music. '' - what happened? - nothing. nothing at all. - were you deep in thought?- no. you've come? yes, i came. are you alright? yes, i am absolutely fine. but why? you don't seem alright. come,let's sit in the restaurant. - the beer is over. - don't worry,i'll arrange for it.

so, you didn't tell me what wereyou sitting there and thinking? i said i wasn't thinking. actually,i like to dream. hey! - hi, guys!- cheers! since when have you been dreaming? since i was 6-7 years old. atthat time we shifted to london. and i did my college also there. i am very fond of music and dance. really?- really! - what kind of music doyou listen? - all types.

actually, there is nothing tomatch indian classical music. and indian culture has no parallel. geeta, do you know whatthis flower is called? geeta, i was thinking thaton one hand you are there. . who despite living abroad. . has not forgottenyour country's culture. and on the other hand is hewho must have stayed here. . but yet behaves like a foreigner. actually, it istheir parents' fault.

had such children beendisciplined in childhood. . they'd never have misbehaved. good day, gentlemen. hi, komal !- hi ! hi, tina ! your brother arun's picture. . waspublished in the papers today also. - is arun verma yourreal brother? - yes. how lucky you are! vicky, there's a call for you. hello.- vicky, indu here. - yes?

i tried calling you up so manytimes. i tried at home also. - i was busy. -let's meet on sunday. i have lots to tell you. indu, don't bore me. - please. yes.- vicky, arun's sister komal. hello! are you there? vicky, i can't hear you. are you there! hello! hello!

hello!- hello! can i present a flower to agirl as beautiful as a flower? thank you. - komal, you may notknow me, but. . - i know you. your name is vicky andyou are a good dancer. great! can i thank you forthis compliment with a flower? please accept it. komal, anyone can bea good dancer. . but he needs a good partner.

i was looking for a dancepartner who is graceful. . and a good dancer andbeautiful and you are that dancer. this flower is for our partnership.accept it! but i can't dance as well as you. .- and. . - you can learn. i'll teach you.- really? - no problem. we rehearse daily in the assemblyhall after the sixth lecture. and you are coming tomorrow. this flower is for our appointment. accept it! - thank you.

and this flower is for that day. . when our partnership will turninto a meaningful friendship. bye, partner. - amazing ! - this girlwill be easy to woo. and then i'll show mr arun verma. . the consequences of insulting me. arun.- hello, mr. girewal. - i am angry with you. - why? come with me.

our justice departmenthas tried several times. . for you to take upsome cases of prosecution. but you are too busyto become a prosecutor. mr garewal, i became alawyer to save people. . not to get them punished. it's difficult to winan argument with you. ok, goodbye. spend some time with us. come. thakral, you musthave met this young man.

he is arun verma.he's from your field. arun verma. hello! your name sounds familiar. ithink i've seen you somewhere. the lawyer whom you sawfighting asha mathur's case. . was none other than me. i see. it was quite an interesting case. actually, i meet so many people. . that it becomes difficultto remember all of them.

don't worry, i remember everything,mr thakral. oh yes, who canforget thakral, the great? yes, and certainly not me. it is your love thatmakes you say this. mr khanna, youdidn't play your move. i think you willonly win this game also. excuse me, mr khanna, mrthakral's position is strong. . but not invincible. is it? okay, thenyou play instead of me.

- can i? - certainly! two lawyers' brains are clashing ! let's see who plays what moves. no, garewal, thisis not a fair game. mr arun has just entered. and the game isalready under my control. he hardly has any chance to play. mr thakral, when a playeris in a strong position. . he becomes so confident. .

that he tends to overlook something. and that's where he gets defeated. very good. a good move. but a player in a strong position. . has no problem in takingcare of his loose end, mr arun. certainly but tosave that loose end. . he has to divert hisstrength elsewhere. and so he becomes a little weak.

and when he becomes weak,he can be defeated. to save the knight. . you have left your king unprotected. check and mate. wonderful ! mr thakral, you havelost this game. no problem, thiswasn't the last game. very true! mr thakral, don't be toolaid back or over-confident.

goodbye, friends.- bye. thakral, don'tunderestimate today's youth. interesting. if brother remembers anyappointments it's his cases. and if he remembers datesthen that is of the court. he forgets everything else. just yesterday, we decided togo to prithvi theater at 5. 30. how can he forget it so soon? brother-in-law, there aretwenty -fours hours in a day.

and that much time isenough to forget something. - it's already six. - itisn't six and i've come. sorry, dr. mathur. sorry, ladies. i'll freshen up within a minute. - arun, just wait. - yes? - whose picture is this? - why? i've seen her somewhere. you have seen her?where have you seen her? i have met her somewhere.

- what are you saying? - yes,it was this same face. asha, last year when i wasthe locum for dr banerji. . at thane mental asylum for a month. . that's where i saw her. she's there since fifteen years. and doesn't revealanything about herself. she just talksincomprehensible things. . - about a case.- such a thing did happen. such a thing did happen, dr. mathur.

what else does she say? she only repeatstwo children's names. pinky and anu. doctor, i am anu and she is pinky. doctor, that lady in themental asylum is my mother. she's our mother,doctor. i want to meet her. i want to go there right away.where is that place? just wait here, she'll come soon. and bear one thing in mind.

you all can meet her turnby turn but not together. arun, did you follow? don't forget that hermemory and thinking stopped. . fifteen years ago. she still thinks thather husband is in jail. and the case is going on. and her two small kids,pinky and anu. . are still at home alone. - so don't say anything. .- i got it, doctor.

rest assured. we willsee her and meet her. . but we won't address her as mother. are you the onewho's come to meet me? yes. - has mr gupta sent you? - yes. he sent me to ask you. . if you are comfortable here. - do they take care of you?- everyone's very nice here. i am fine but i am only worried. .

that my children are alone at home. i thought of going homebut the senior doctor. . he is a thorough gentleman. he advised me tostay here for the case. the case is in this i decided to stay back. this case has ruined my family. . but i'll leave in a day or two. the doctor always comfortsme saying just a day more. lawyer, you know. .

half the time i'm busyhere with the case. . but a part of me isalways pining for my kids. poor girl ! who is she? - control yourself. -what's wrong with you? hold yourself. take her out. afterall this is a hospital. shemust have come to visit someone. are you mr gupta's assistant? i guessed it from your coat. .

. .that you are a lawyer. what do you think? why are you lookingat me like this? - do you think he. . - no! nothing will happen toyour husband. he is innocent and nobodycan punish the innocent. i thought you would say. . okay, i'll leave then ! mother!

arun ! geeta, she is my mother. my mother. my mother is in this mentalasylum since fifteen years. for fifteen years i didn'tknow if she was alive or dead. and today when i found her,she was in this condition. i can't decide ifshe is alive or dead. i want to talk to thakral,the great,. . the biggest lawyer in the city.

- who are you? - don'tbother about my identity. tell me where is he? he's gone for themeeting of sion club. mr. president,ladies and gentlemen. . some of the workers ofthis place ordered me. . to present my views. . as a lawyer. . if the law should accord. . capital punishment thatis hanged to death or no. some emotional people areagainst the capital punishment.

but emotions always weanyou away from the truth. and that is my opinion. i have always been infavor of capital punishment. and to prove this. . i can present seventy-fiveexamples in front of you. because in my longcareer as a lawyer. . i've got seventy-fivepeople hanged to death. i will. . decent people of this city. .

mr thakral has been very modest. . about his actions. and that is his greatness. who says he has got capitalpunishment for only 7 5 people? absolutely wrong ! the count is muchmore than seventy-five. several peopleaccompany a man to the gallows. nobody is hanged alone. his wife's husband isgiven the capital punishment. .

and also his children's futureand every joy in their life. and even the sunshine in his house. they all get capitalpunishment simultaneously. mr thakral hasn't gotcapital punishment for 7 5 people. . but for seventy-five families. mr thakral is a verylarge-hearted man. he has never differentiatedbetween the innocent and guilty. and never spared the neck. . that came in hisgrip from the noose.

and look. . how tall he stands on. .seventy-five dead bodies! . . how tall he stands. . but bear one thingin mind, thakral. . . .just one thing. . that a innocent man'smurder always demands justice. and you will have topay for those sins. and i will make you pay for it. i will make you pay for it.

now nobody can saveyou from your sins. ramu. - coming. - just put these covers andkeep in the room upstairs. - okay. and also keep ajug of water. - okay. hello! yes! - who's that? - so youstill don't recognize my voice? yes, your highness! you didn't attend college andthe dance rehearsals either. i'm really sorry, vicky.

i am going through a lot of tension. komal, i too am under tension. but you are just notbothered about me. i am very much concerned for you. vicky, i'll call you back later. ok, bye. come in ! you have a beautiful house. make yourself comfortable here.

this can't be my house is very small. - lawyer, will you take meto my house? - certainly. i have to go home. if you come to my home,you can meet my two kids. arun and komal. lawyer, such small kidscan't live without their mother. kids of any age can'tlive without their mother. - come. - yes, you are right. this relationship is such.

i always worry as to who willserve break-fast to my kids. . or who will dress them upfor school every morning. while playing, kidsforget to eat food. i wonder if they havea proper diet. she is my younger sister komal. - greetings!- my daughter's name is also komal ! i was talking about her. she is very head-strong andcompared to her arun is sensible. but your komal looks very sensible.

- komal, take her upstairs.- please come. come, let's go. and yes! - lawyer, will youdo me a favor? - yes. while coming, the senior doctorgave me the money i had saved. please arrange tosend it to my children. they need it. and tell them that i'llbe back in a day or two. please tell them.

geeta, did you hear mother's talks? did you see her dreams and hopes? she is still aliveliving as a married woman. . when my innocent fatherbreathed his last at the gallows. we are still facingtrouble because of that thakral. arun verma behaved veryaudacious at that function. we just want your orders andthen he won't be seen again. - uncle, if you want,he. . - no, son. lawyers fight in the court.

let one of his casescross swords with me. . and then i'll teach him a lesson. that can also be arranged. - how? - i've bought a huge plot. and since years the slum-dwellershave made a hamlet there. - get that plot vacated.- it will be done. how does this concern arun verma? arun verma is the lawyerof those slum-dwellers. mr daga, assumeyour work to be done.

the police has come. there will be a problem. before my men startdemolishing these shanties. . if you want to see thecourt orders of eviction. . then you can see them. mr verma, you told me a nicething on our first meeting. that when a player isin a strong position. . he overlooks one of his weak points. excuse me, brothers. .

if your intelligent lawyer wanted. . he could have taken astay order against my order. but it is too late now. . as the court is nowclosed for three days. this time youoverlooked your loose end. mr thakral, the questionis not of a loose end. . but of this hamlet. mr thakral, don'tmess with the poor. because when the poor istortured beyond endurance. .

then he goes out of control. and then one poor man is enough. . for seventy-five like you. just one poor man is enough ! mr thakral, do you know this man? and this is munnu, mangal's son. munnu. son munnu, he is thakral uncle. he is a very famous lawyer.

he has come to demolish your huts. son, only you can givehim a befitting reply. go and show him these court papers. go, son ! mr thakral, whatdoes this order say? i had taken theseorders last evening itself. i had said one morething on our first meeting. that you shouldn't getover confident and careless. and you forgot this.

mr thakral, go, yourcars are waiting for you. mr daga, let's go. - but we had the court orders.- these are legal hassles. i'll explain later. nothingcan be done now, let's go. hurry up! glories to arun verma ! long live arun verma. thakral. .- down, down ! welcome, vicky!

welcome, darling ! that rascal lawyerinsulted my father in public. and you so called friends justlooked on as mute spectators. not at all. your father stopped us. - or. . - vicky's foes areoften found in the hospital. and this time it is important. . for mr arun verma toland up in a hospital. - geeta, arun here. -where are you calling from? from borivli telephone booth.where's mr mathur?

- he's in the bathroom. - askhim to come home for a while. i wanted him to explain mother. . arun. arun. mr verma, this ishow the law is mislead. can you recognize us now? go and identify usin the police station. this is the result ofcrossing swords with thakral. smash his face. arun, what sounds are these?

what's going on here? hit him! don't spare him. sister. brother-in-law, come, fast. see what's going on ! throw the rogue outside a hospital. doctor, i'll stay here with brother. komal, don't be stubborn.

there is no needfor you to stay here. excuse me.- yes. mr thakral has sent this bouquet. cheers, mr. daga.- cheers. - what a grand party! in the honor of mr. thakral. you shouldn't havedone what you did. this was the onlyway to contain you. correct. correct. thakral, i want yourlife not your death.

so that i can give a befittingreply to all your actions. and my every answer willbe as per your action. vicky. - tony, did you see father?- no, i wonder where he is. vicky, open the door. father, where are you? father, i can hearyou but can't see you. - rascal, i am here.- uncle, where? - idiot, i am inside.- where, father?

inside the almirah. daddy. uncle, i'll get the keys. rascal, i'll die by thetime you get the keys. damn the keys! daddy.- scoundrel ! - vicky, what's wrong with you?- i'm testing my love. no, vicky. no. please don't. - do you love me? - stop it!

do you love me? vicky, please stop it. you arescaring me. stop it. please. vicky, watch out! oh no. say it! i won't stop until youconfess your love for me. vicky, please stop, i am scared.please stop it. please stop it. - i know you love me.say it. - you are very bad. welcome, friends!

to the show that never ends. i have taken thechance to make you dance. you will move your feet and groove. so then which beat would you like? which dance would you prefer? ramba.- no. - no. samba.- no. - no. ramba. samba.- no. takila.- no. tanga. - no.

charleston.- no. - polka. - no. no?- no. then what do you want? one. - rock. - two. - rock. one. two. three. four. one. two. three. four. one.two. three. four. - rock and roll ! ''baby, say it! ''- rock and roll. ''dance with me''.

''rock and roll. '' - ''the earth is round''.- ''rock and roll. '' ''baby, say it. dance with me. '' ''the earth is round. '' ''let me into your heart''. ''open the doors of your heart. '' ''let's sing the music of love''. ''crazy! mad ! '' ''crazy! mad ! wild ! passionate! ''

''your heart has become. '' ''slyly, discreetly. . ''slyly, discreetly. . '' ''life has become difficult''. ''life has become difficult. '' ''we are two lovers. let'sspread our wings and fly''. rock and roll. ''in fun. . . .i am wavering. ''

''in fun i am wavering, i swearon you. take me into your arms. '' ''take me into your arms. '' ''a dream or a mistake. . '' ''. .or a gift or present. . '' ''. . has a price''. ''everything has a pricebut love is priceless''. ''dance with me''- rock and roll. ''the earth is round. ''- rock and roll. ''baby, say it! dance with me.the earth is round. ''

''let me into your the doors of your heart. '' ''rock and roll.- rock and roll. '' ramu.- yes, sir? - where is mother? - she's upstairs, in her room.- and where is komal? sir, she called up to saythat she would get late. i am tired, vicky. alright. komal, before meeting you, ididn't know what true love was. i never liked any girl.- really?

but after meeting you. . really? you know. . hi, vicky! you? what are youdoing on this table? i am sitting on this table. . . .so that you don't ruinanother innocent girl's life. get up i say. call the manager.

komal, he hasalready ruined my life. now i hope hedoesn't ruin your life. shut up i say. get up. i'll show you the love letters. . that this jerk wrote to me. komal, after reading it. . if you try to instigate komal,i'll kill you. - vicky. guards, take her away. komal, it's. .

komal. - listen to me. - idon't want to be a fool. you are making me crazy.- vicky. i got it. komal, now i've only oneoption to make you believe in me. you will have to meetmy father, here and now. - are you arunverma's sister? - yes. you both want to get married? yes ; we only need your blessings.

komal, touch father's feet. god bless you. good. good. good evening, mr. arun verma. you are playing alone? good. in playing alone, thefear of losing is not there. mr thakral, i'venever feared defeat. you are right. because now you'vestarted hitting below the belt. - what do you mean? - youknow that i've only one son.

and to humiliate me,you tried to trap him. . and that too through your sister? ! thakral. i've seen people stopping very low. but not so low! well, now it's up to you. anyway, the ball isnow in your court. brother, it isstupidity to avoid the truth. and the truth is that i love vicky.

komal, he is a rascal, a rogue. brother! abusingvicky means abusing me! - arun, what's happened to you?- ask her what happened. if you try to meet komal. i'll bury you alive. . and the day i decide to do this,. . even your father won'tbe able to save you. don't forget this. arun didn't slap you but heslapped g. d.thakral's son.

will his sister elope with you? she will, father.- good. i'll take care of everything. but if that happens. . arun verma won't beable to face anyone. if komal is immaturethat doesn't mean that. . you also behave immaturely. arun, be sensible. and think of mother. don'tcreate a scene in her presence.

it is good thatgeeta brought her here. let her be here for a few days.we'll make her see sense. fine and also tell her thati can fight with my enemies. . but what shall i dowhen my family deserts me? whom do you want to talk with? - komal, vicky here. - howdid you know i was here? komal, when you love a personyou can trace them anywhere. and i love you, komal. i love you. i'll consume poisonif i can't get you.

vicky, don't say that. no. i love you. then we have only one option.let's elope tonight. - we'll get married tomorrow.- what? ! komal, listen towhat i have to say. please. please or else. . or accept it that youare scared of your brother. i am not scared of anyone thenwhy should i get scared of him? that's my girl.

but vicky, we willpositively be married tomorrow? i'll come to pickyou up tonight at 9. 30. be at the gate. don't forget to come. ''we will win''. ''if you are with me''. ''at every step lifethrows new challenges'' ''our names arelinked with each other''. ''like the breeze. . ''

''. . is linked to the air''. ''as if you are thethread and i am the kite''. you both sing very well. ''this song on mylips is your creation''. ''. . it's your creation. '' ''all that i have is agift from you, my beloved''. ''i am the picture. . ''. . but you have. '' mother, please sing !

''i am just the picture whichyou have filled with colors''. - doctor? - she'sregained her memory. but mr arun, pleasetry and understand. . . .that she has wakenup after fifteen years. you can go and meet her. mother, don't cry. look,. . look. . we have got back our motherand you got back your kids. my son has become so big.

what must you havegone through these days? i couldn't do anything for you. don't say that. it wasyour love and courage. . . .that kept me going, mother. mother! it soundsso good to the ear. - say it again. - mother! - where is komal? -she doesn't even know. mother, she is atmr mathur's house. you rest, i'll go and fetch her.

she will bethrilled on hearing this. komal, wait! don'tconsider me to be your enemy. vicky has ruined me. - he won't spare you either.- you are lying. you don't know him as well as i do. these are vicky'sletters to me, komal. last year, because of him,i had to go to pune. . . .for an abortion. read his lettersdripping with fake love.

shut up! - wretch ! - return it back to me. leave me. - vicky, what is all this? - komal,you stay from all this. - this is her ploy. - komal,don't trust him. he will ruin you. no, vicky, i won't go with you. no.- komal. listen. come here. come fast.

come soon ! - hurry up or he'll escape.- ms asha, what happened? murder! i can't see it anymore. oh god. that rascal escaped. - i saw his car. - hekilled her so brutally. we must immediatelycall up the police. - is he mr gupta? - yes.

his daughter was his only support,now she's also gone. arun verma?- yes. - you are the same arun?- yes, mr gupta. . i am that same arun ! one day you fought thakral for us. and now i'll fightwith thakral for you. this time in this war betweentruth and deceit he will lose. there's no question of my losing. but father, they both have seen me .

don't worry, i'llsee them in the court. vikram, you are g. d.thakral's's no mean feat. just relax. ok. mr thakral, the timefor meeting is over. inspector bhosale, he is my son. - take care of him. - rest assured. we must take care of each other.that's how the world functions. see you. who's there?

good evening, mr. thakral. - what brings you here?- i came to inform you. . . .that i am the prosecutorfor the indu gupta murder. . . .case against vikram. i sympathize with yourenthusiasm and innocence. but the day you standagainst me in court. . all your pride will get shattered. mr thakral, i am not absent minded. and so i remember everything.

i remember the fear on aninnocent person's face. . . .on hearing the capital punishment. his wife's sighs inan empty dark house. - i remember everything.- whom are you talking about? i am talking aboutthat deepak verma. . who died at the gallowsbecause of your brutality. and of that arti whobecause of your cruelty. . . . lived in a mental asylum forfifteen years like a vegetable. - i am talking about them.- how do you know them?

mr thakral, i am their son. life can be very ironic,mr thakral. the pawns in the game ofchess remain the same,. . . . but the game changes. - are you done? - i wantto give you an advise. . absolutely free. ask your son to confess his crime. he will surely be hanged. but at least you'll save yourself. .

. .the embarrassment oflosing a case against me. goodbye, mr. thakral. your honor, this case isthe story of a decent girl. . indu gupta born in a poor family. . who is no more. this murder case is gruesome. . but not complicated. and very soon, you will know. . . .that the murderer is noneother than the accused vikram.

he killed that girl as carelessly. . . .as someone stubs acigarette butt under his feet. your honor, i don't know. . what happens to aperson after death. and if there issomething called a soul. but if there is, then,indu gupta's soul . . . . must be present in the court. and is awaiting justice. and your honor, i am confident. .

. .that she won't be disappointed. thank you, my lord. your honor. . i'd like to firstcongratulate the prosecutor. . . .on his emotionaland energetic speech. but i also want to remind him. . . .the first chapterin the book of law. . that court decisions arenot based on emotions. . . . but on intelligence.

what can i answerthe public prosecutor. . . .for the accusation he's leviedon my client in a fit of rage. because vikram didn't evenknow a girl by this name. he knows her. because the defense. . . . has started thecase with the issue. . . .that vikram and induwere strangers to each other. . so i first want toprove that this is a lie. and my first witnessis ms komal verma. ms komal, did you know indu gupta?

i didn't know herbut i've met her twice. when and where was thelast time when you met her? carried away by vikram thakral. . i was ready to elope with him. . and on the night of 16th july. . when he came to drmathur's house to pick me up. . indu gupta reached there. she again tried tomake me see sense. she had with her apacket of letters. .

which she wanted to show me, but. . but vikram came between us andhe snatched that packet from her. and he kept it in his coat pocket. what happened after that? he pushed indu gupta andkept her away from me. she wanted to comenear me and talk with me. but vikram. . i got scaredand ran inside the house. - then what happened? - iheard dr asha mathur's screams. i came running out and i saw. .

indu gupta's dead bodywas lying in the compound. and dr mathur and ashawere standing near it. ms komal verma, you can go. hold on ! your honor, i'd like toask ms komal a few questions. permission granted ! thank you, sir. take this. come on, take it. wipe your tears.

don't get scared. child, i'll ask you a fewvery easy and simple questions. and you also give simple answers. ok? child, are your parents alive? - my mother is alive but father. .- he's no more? can you tell me where andhow did your father die? objection, my lord. these questions areirrelevant to the case.

they are relevant tothe case, your honor. this case will decidelife or death for someone. so i should be allowedto ask her this question. permission granted. thank you, your honor. so ms komal, youwere going to tell me. . the circumstances ofyour father's death. no, don't look at anyone. calmly answer my question.

tell me, how did he die? he was hanged to death. do you know the lawyer who. . . .got your father punished?- yes. then you must be aware thatvikram thakral is his son? - i didn't know this earlier, but. .- you came to know later. and when you came to know,you decided. . . .to avenge your father'sdeath from that lawyer or his son. and that has made youfalsely testify against vikram.

brother! the defense won't be ableto wash off vikram's sins. . . .with an innocent girls's tears. in his obsession to provekomal's statement false. . he seems to forget thereare two other witnesses also. my next witness is dr asha mathur. yes, this is the one whom i saw. your honor, he is the one. mrs mathur, as per thepolice report you've testified. .

. .that you were standing at yourgate when you saw the accused. - yes. - and as perthat same report. . . .that the distancewhere indu gupta's body was. . to the gate whereyou were standing. . - is a good 22 feet. - yes. mrs mathur, a distance of22 feet on a stormy night. . . .with reduced light, are you sure. . . .that you recognizedthe murderer properly? i agree that this isdifficult but the truth is that. .

i saw this man. what was the murderer wearing? - a coat and trouser.- a coat and trouser? - or only a coat ora trouser? - both. - both of it? - yes, both. mrs mathur, can i knowwhere you had gone. . . .with your husband that night? yes, we had anappointment with dr dastoor. - and we were coming from there.- you are speaking the truth.

dr dastoor is a famous opthalmist. and as per hisreport you have weak eyes. i think this isthe report. check it. - is this right? - yes. mrs mathur, despitehaving a weak eye-sight. . . .you recognized themurderer from such a distance. - is this right? - i said. . thank you. thank you, mrs. mathur. your answer was my question.

you can go now. your honor, i agree thatdr asha mathur is myopic. but i think even thedefense lawyer is myopic. if he sees and readsthis report properly. . . . he will know thatshe is hypermetropic. and 22 feet is quite far.the defense himself said so. your honor, the defense counsel. . is trying to create a gapbetween justice and punishment. but he won't succeed.

because theprosecution has a witness. . . .who has seen themurderer from close quarters. your honor, this boyjumped over the wall. i tried to nab him buthe succeeded in escaping. i've seen him from close quarters. . . .and there's noroom for being mistaken. dr mathur, what did you do. . . .when the murderer escaped? i came back to the spotwhere the dead body was lying.

i'm sure you were near thedead body until the police came. . and you didn't touch the body. i only covered the body with a coat. hold on ! did you bring thecoat from inside the house? no, i covered thedead body with my coat. so that night youwere wearing a coat? - yes. - so you werewearing a coat and trousers? i don't wear acoat without trousers. so you were alsowearing a coat that night?

why are you repeatedlyasking me the same thing? i told you i was wearing a coat! i am sorry to havebothered you, doctor. i am sorry. your wife has made a statement. . that when the murdererwas in front of her. . you weren't with her. and when you came, themurderer managed to escape. it means your wife didn't,simultaneously, see. . . .you and themurderer at the same spot.

- is this right? - yes,she's correct. and your wife has also stated that. . . .that night themurderer was wearing a coat. again the same thing !what are you trying to say? mr mathur, i mean to say. . that it is possible that afterparking the car in the garage. . instead of going to your wife. . . .you went to the spot whereindu gupta was waiting for you. perhaps you had an affair with her.

and she reached your house,. . . .to blackmail you. . . .that if you didn't payher a certain amount. . she would revealeverything to your wife. you were livid. . . .and killed her in a fit of rage. before you couldthink of an excuse. . . .you saw that your wifehas reached the gate. . due to the distanceof 22 feet, myopia. .

. .and the darkness of the night. . your wife couldn'trecognize you properly. . she just saw you in acoat and trouser from far. . she screamed and yourfirst reaction in fear was. . . .to run towards the garden. but then you realized. . . .that perhaps yourwife didn't recognize you. and you came to yourwife from the garage. . . .and to cheat your wifeyou again ran towards. .

. .the side which your wifesaw the murderer running. stop it.- you came back after a minute. . . .and convinced your wife thatthe murderer managed to escape. because your coat bore stainsof indu gupta's blood on it. . . .so you cleverly coveredher dead body with your coat. and later peoplebelieved that those stains. . . .were from indu's dead body. it is all rubbish. are you trying to implythat it was i who killed her?

i'm not implying it. i'llprove it that you are the murderer. this is that and thatis possible, dr. mathur. my lord, there is aflaw in this story. had dr mathur been the murderer. . . .why would he havecalled up the police? and if vikramdidn't go to his house. . how could he tell that vikramcould be found at ashoka road. . in his white jeep? that's not a big deal, your honor.

ashoka road falls on theway to mr vikram's house. he often passes by that road. and in his white jeep.what is of special notice. . . . is that when the policearrested vikram thakral. . neither was he wearing a coatnor was a knife found on him. . . . nor were there anyblood stains on his body. in a span of twenty minutes. .blood stains can be washed away. . the knife and coat canbe discarded or hidden. your honor, i repeat thaton the night of 16th july. .

neither was vikram wearing acoat nor was he carrying a knife. i want to give the courtand especially the defense. . . .a good news. the coat and knife hiddenby vikram have been found. the proof of vikram's sinsare present in the court. this is the knifethat killed indu gupta. and as vikram's finger-printswill be found on this knife. . . . his crimes arescreaming for justice. and what will remainincomplete with the knife. .

. .will be completed by this coat. the blood of the innocent. . . .can never go waste. your honor, the blood ofthe innocent demands justice. every fiber of vikram'scoat screams of his crime. i demand justice. . for indu gupta. - the evidence of vikram's crime. .- this is a lie. - this is the truth.- this isn't my coat. - i say this is the truth.- this isn't vikram's coat.

i can confidently say thatthis is vikram's coat, your honor. and i can also confidently say. . . .that i never hada coat of this color. then what was thecolor of your coat? his coat was white in color. white color! oh no! thank you. thank you very much. your honor, a little while ago. .

. . he said thatvikram hadn't worn a coat. your honor, mr thakral is right. . that this coat and knifedon't belong to vikram. but he also said that. . that night vikram waswearing a while colored coat. i request the court. . . .to grant prosecution timeto find the coat and knife. the court grants threedays time to the prosecution. and with this the courtis adjourned for the day.

- yes, sir? - shut the main door. okay, sir! cigarette. - no, thanks. cheers! you must be thinking as towhy am i favoring you so much. there are two reasons for it. one is that your fathermade a very wise comment. that we should help each other. . . .and that's how theworld should function.

and secondly, i havean old axe to grind. . . .with your lawyer. just because he's won a few cases. . he thinks we cops are his slaves. nonsense! listen ! come here! - yes? - would youlike to earn rs 50,000. . - by this evening? - rs 50,000? - how? - justrelease me for an hour.

don't worry, you willget the money before hand. leave me after you get the money. here's the money. ihope i wasn't late. no ; but one hourmeans precisely an hour. officer, you can trust me. thanks, anthony. or this coat and knife wouldhave got me hanged to death. don't worry, vicky,i'll burn these evidence. and burn these letters of indu also.

ok?- ok. - now leave. thanks.- good evening. sir, the police hascome to receive you. that's the car for you. i want to explain toyour father, mr thakral. . that our police station is nota place to buy or sell people. this is the policeand there is the law. and this is you along withall the evidence. let's go. officer, here isthe coat and knife. .

. .which will be dissolvedin the acid within no time. officer, i've done my job. now, you do your job. - tony, what's this you are saying?- this is true, uncle. mr thakral, we must do something. if those letters reach court. . our all evidence andwitnesses will be proved false. then no power on earthcan save vikram, sir. what will people say?

that such an accomplishedlawyer couldn't save his own son. we'll pay arun vermaany price he wants. - he won't agree. - mr thakral,there must be some way out. your honor, some new aspects. . . . have come up in this case. i request the courtfor some more time. the court grants theprosecution three days time. and with that thecourt is adjourned. arun, what are you saying?

yes ; read this. your mother is in our custody. and if you want to see heralive then tonight at two. . . .come alone with vikram'sletters to borivli park. my god ! much before that, ihave to find out. . where mother is. they've created a big problem.but, i won't spare them! life is one big joke.

just listen and laugh over it. gentleman, learn to live. . . .and also to drink. ''enjoy! it's the time to live''. ''enjoy! '' just look, my sonis dancing so well. ''i have seen you all. '' ''i have seen youhugging each other. '' ''get intoxicated today. ''

''quench your thirst today. '' ''put the bottle to your mouth. '' ''celebrate till you drop. '' ''make merry! '' ''do something that they remember. . '' ''. .that they remember you forever. '' tony has had one too many,send him up. ''it's time to live. '' good evening, mr. tony.

- son, what happened? - mother,the car's broken down. arun, look up! mother, secure the doors. mother, you don't come out. let's run ! check if police is there. mr. thakral has come! remove the body. let him be there.- bring his mother from the car.

- sir, there's nobody here.- what are you saying? she's must besomewhere around. find her. - is she there? - sir,she isn't here. then where could she have gone? lie low, all of you. this will be enough. . tomake arun keep his mouth shut. take her away. leave me! rogues!- you can't take her anywhere.

mother, you go from here. we were taking only we've got a bonus also. thakral, spare this child. i said leave her. don't worry, we'llrelease her and you also. but before that the courtwill release vikram thakral. mother. child, you escape. anybody there! - anybody there? - leave me.

arun.- leave me. ''people will forgetthe sun and moon''. ''we will dispel thedarkness with the fire within us''. ''war means to fight''. ''even deathshouldn't be an impediment''. thakral ! ''you have to fight to live''. ''and die fighting''. ''life is a struggle''.

''at every step life throwsinnumerable challenges''. thakral, all my life i stood atthe steps of the court for you. and today if i'm at the brinkof death is also because of you. today, only one of us will survive. that's for sure, thakral ! this is the answerto your atrocities. breaking news! thakral killed a man. lawyer accused ! the court accords mrvikram thakral death penalty. .

. . under section 302 for thegruesome murder he committed. accords death penalty! death penalty! hell is here. . . .and paradise isalso on this earth. everyone has topay for their deeds. . . . in the court of fate. ''if you are with us. ''

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