Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
do not forget there are some additional tips from me:
How To Flashing elephone g2
hi guys today im going to show you how to fash xperia x8 with the original firmware so in my case i have here android 2.2.9 which is froyobread rom and it's a very nice rom by the way it add lot of features to ee... to this xperia one of them is the dsp manager you are a music fun or house music fun or whatever you like and the new gallery system
google maps also you can play some coolgames like assassin creed and asphalt and so on so if you would like of to know how to install this rom i invite you to check my previous tutorial about how to root and install xrecovery plus custom rom on xperia x8 but now let'ssee how to flash this xperia with the original firmware.allright so let's begin we're gonna need 2 files the first one in ftf format and the second one is flash tool
concerning flash tool i'll put the links in the description for both files and you have justdownload it and install it easy and normal just like you install any other software sowe are gonna need to copy this file ftf format go to your computer disk localc and you'll find here the the folder offlash tool enter it and go to firmwares and click past i already have it now go to your
flash tool software and click on theflash icon right here as you can see and gowith flash mode its already selected and double click on the second file which wejust copy and click okay preparing files for flashing now we're gonnaneed to connect our phone with the flash mode so im gonna show you guys how to connect it in the flash mode first thing you need to do is removeyour sd card
in your sim card turn your phone off ofcourse and you remove your battery wait fiveseconds and then put your battery back and click on the back button hold it keep holdin and at the same time connect your usb cable the green light just turned on means that you areconnected now in the flash mode so now you just put your phone and the computer is
already start flashing 20%, 25, 26, 27 it's going fast seventy percent it's almost finish come on 98, 99 device disconnected now you just have todisconnect your usb cable and turn on
your phone the first rebooting after you'll flash itit takes a while but don't worry about anything just bepatient and it's just the first rebooting umm the second rebooting it will reboot normal fast here we go ! now you have just to select your language and your google account and you know thosethings
so thank you guys for watching don'tforget to subscribe and there's more videos coming and also maybe you wanna like my page on facebook aaa if you have any trouble any problem just post it in the comments i'll answer you back as soon as i can and bye bye
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