Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
do not forget there are some additional tips from me:
How To Flashing elephone g1
how to stock a samsung device this videoapplies just for samsung devices you will need just your samsung and a pc windows system if you got custom rom in your samsung, and want to go back, to the original firmware this is how you do it. first you need toget the original firmware of your samsung model go to portal and register afree or premium membership account
then has a member go to menu firmware, and search for yoursamsung model simply entered the model number of yourdevice and you will be able to find every firmware ever released for yoursamsung device including the mobile network specificfirmwares has a disclaimer i like to mention, thatthis video in sammobile are not responsible, if you brick ordamage your device this being said go and download bycountry your stock firmware next go to odin download dot com
and download odin. odin is the romflashing tool for samsung android devices then after you download your rom, and this flashing tool let's proceed and start flashing yourdevice in your computer unzip your new rom andlaunch odin with administrator privileges next in your device android debugging mustbe turned on in settings/developer options/android debugging if you forgot where developer optionsare go to settings
about phone and tap four times in buildnumber to activate the developer options. then, enable usb debugging next power off, your samsung plug your device to the computer and put itin downloading mode pressing at the same time volume downpower and home buttons and odin in should be able to detect your device you will note a bluish light in the portsection next, re-partition option must beunchecked, and click on app button
to browse for your unzipped firmware now click start, sit back, and wait untilit finishes flashing your device when it's done you can unplug your android wait until the stock rom is installed and this is how you can stock anandroid device to his original rom i would like to thank you for viewing and it was helpful leave a comment givea like and subscribe to get more of this thanks
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