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hi guys, this is puneet and this video will guide you how to add custom ringtones in motorola moto deviceseither it is moto e, moto g, moto g2 moto x or motox2 i bought this moto e day before yesterday and i'm quite impress with this phone not because of it's price but because of its features in thisprice range as i am very insane user of android butstill
this phone did not let me down any aspect even with it's mid-level features while i was using this phone i found that this phone doesn't have any other way to choose any custom ringtone so, i thought to help myself out from this problem as well as other users who are also facing thisproblem and this video is the best way to help you in a very easy step-by-stepinstructions there are two ways to do this
so the first way is to open play store and download an app named es file explorer so here as you can see as i've already downloaded this es file explorer so after downloadingthis app what you have to do is to go to settings and then go to sound oopps... sorry
and click on on phone ringtone. when you click on this you will get two options whether to choose the ringtone from esfile explorer or from media storage. now here you have the ability or you have the chance tochoose it from other source so i'm choosing fromes file explorer here i've got the songs in my sd card and i have the chance or the ability to choose any
other or custom song apart from the system songs, or system ringtones. for example is just click on this and my ringtone has been changed this is the first step. the second step this to open any file manager i've choosed root explorer to do this or to illustrate this example so when you open the file explorer who willfind two options
the first one is sdcard0 and the second one is sdcard1 these to storage devices shows different storages the sdcard0 shows the storage of your phone's internal memory and the sdcard1 shows the external storage of your phone means the memory card storage so in the internal memory sdcard0 you will find a folder named ringtones
here what you can do is simply just copy any song and paste it in this folder so let me tell you as i've these different songs i just want to select anyone let me just select some familiar song sothat you can understand tha this really works so i'm just coping this and pasting in this folder ringtones so as you can seeit is
pasted in this folder and now now go to settings and open ringtones, now this time have to select media stories rather than es file explorerl and click just once here you can see umm... this conor maynard r u crazy. so if you select this so, as you can see the two simple steps to
change your ringtone or to set a custom ringtone in your mobile devices i hope you likethis video and don't forget to subscribe, like and share my video thank you guys....
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