Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
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How To Flashing huawei ascend p6
hey guys, so i'm going to make a videotutorial to show you how to flash official roms on the huawei honor 2 so before we start something you need toknow... that by flashing unofficial roms or rooting your device or even changing the recovery in automatically voides your warranty so be sure for what you are doing! only official homes and it's reallysimple
soon let's get it started, first you need an external micro sd card from phones school i have 1n i aplaguing pc i already did still and then you need todownload your wrong if you really is just let me knowin the comments below some me find my mom here's city owned by flushing the european icecream sandwich be 115 doesn't really matters so it willprobably be in a rafael still you wanna go ahead andextract
some no other my file its extracted more so go ahead and finals some home moon value memory card so you see the res tomb two folders here a deal one and vendor so defender me not be ian you wrong in depends on which fromdownload still not is not important so when you wanna do is take the deal ownand if a girl in it the series and abdi
dot at tegan killed folder and copy it home memory card so if you only have the at the time our andnontrivial colour just go ahead and created theempty toner in it and copy that simple so it will take some time here so i'm goingto pose w so an ass finished and no and once you've been common there as you can see here in my dell
wrong i have 3 folders western europe north east europe andmiddle east europe so you wanna go in copying it dependingon where you are store i mean north easteurope ok albeit you may have only one vendor doesn't know you have in your copy it ifyou don't it's okay so no on down so now let's go nc our holloway owner to still
here is our hallway her too go ahead andunplug it from the computer and their east two-way now to push the realms i'm gonnashake people's sold the first word its to go into your settings and go all storage and you see on the top we havesoftware at quay the here she i could confer it war startpushing my new role so i'm not gonna go ahead and proceedjust to show you the second way so what is different about the secondway
is that in case you have the lite brite your full which means youdon't have a a softer in it so we can go into the settings in a classroom it allows you to flush it so go ahead power my phone alright so know what i wanna do its chris that to volume case the let the oppressed both of them and now start your full
and go to release them until it starts the i mean its arts pushing the world so like a release them as you can see it will automaticallystart bush in line you will so i'm just gonna first forward to be alittle bit and its done so your phone will automatically peoplewith so this is the very first
good up your phone so it will tee the more time than the other ones so has finally turned on clean up in mypurse were here so i have the startup the wizard so i'll okay i'm gonna skip the video justto the circuit wizard so i have made the startup wizard so another is one more step do youremember the vendor file so know we have to flush the better file toso
when you want to do its the delete the deal find your vendor so my is here and i want to rename it there in a min %uh still or k so no code put your settings storage so sure everett and 10 address will be automatically the
flash to rich just a small update sooner praised the start-up team should tellyou foale then just put it so it has start-up who years because of the the vendor that andstill i must do the circuit wizard again i'mgonna go ahead and do it so i have shown the circuit wizard
all images clearfield to you about 40 and hearing is incident bill number be 115 so that was 0 this is how you flush anofficial role on the hallway 102 the if you have anyquestions let me know and please check in the description ihave my facebook who away 102 page i help people i i shows some important stuff updates about the softer and everythingand
i'll see you guys next time
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