Tuesday, January 31, 2017

How To Flashing colors x200q

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How To Flashing colors x200q

• from the human brain creating new coloursto why we stretch every morning, we answer some of your most burning questions aboutlife • hey there, my name is melissa, i'll bereading out the questions and answers • i'm danger dolan and i'm here to blowyour mind with truth 10 – raquisha hurt - who was the first pirate? • oh that be captain napster of the uploadseas, who had two eyepatches and two peg legs. he took bounty from the greatest bards anddistributed them to the people for a very low price. but alas people steered clear of him becausehe had a virus.

herpes. it was herpes. • well it depends on what you call a pirate. dionysius the phocaean destroyed merchantships, but he was an admiral, hardly a free spirit, whereas gan ning from ancient chinamade commoners be afraid of the sound of bells as he used them when he raided. 9 – iaskquestions231 - why is a hamburgercalled a hamburger if there is no ham? • i have no idea what you’re talking about,my favourite burger place always puts ham in their burgers, look at this, how is itnot ham?

imma eat it right now. • *• ahh, i love digesting nutrients • this is because the sandwich is namedafter the german city of hamburg, we then later took the last half of this word to meanmany types of meat based sandwiches. burger in reality is just the german wordfor city plus the suffix ‘–er’ • i can’t believe you tried to eat poorlittle slapped ham! he’s people too. • did you know pigs are made of worm meat? • *8 – johanna maldonado - how are air and

smoke different? • let’s ask an expert, shall we? • *• well air gives life to pretty much every animal and plant around, whereas smoke comesfrom cigarettes and they’re harmful to your health. also they give you cancer, so you should probablyavoid them. i can smoke them though because i’m an adultand a horrible person. • well air is made up of mostly nitrogenwith some oxygen and a few other trace gases thrown in, but smoke isn’t purely made ofgas: there are tiny pieces of ash, soot, tar,

oil and other types of carbon that get intoyour lungs and cause damage. 7 – mitchlesnitch - can the human brainphysically create a new colour?7 • well one time i got hit in the head anda brand new colour just fell out of my nose, it was so pretty it made me woozy, i liketo call it the official dolan colour, but most people know it as red, which is fairenough – at least until my trademark for the colour goes through, hopefully soon… • well technically our brains made up magentaas a colour, but other than that some females have extra colour receptors in their eyesand they can see millions of extra colours that we can’t.

as for making one up completely, there hasyet to be a recorded case of this. • * oh wow, another new colour, i shallcall it — • it’s yellow• you’re no fun, next you’ll tell me my hat’s colour wasn’t invented by me. • but it wasn’t? • alright – calm down. 6 – christen auguste how come we can’tsee mars when it’s the planet next to us? • well i mean, why do you think we wentto the moon? we were actually looking for mars, we spentbillions of dollars travelling up there only

to discover that mars was hiding behind anothermoon. so everyone at nasa threw up their hands andwere like “screw this” • mars is really, really far away and it’snot very big. the only reason we see the moon is becauseit’s quite close and the only reason we see the sun is because it’s incredibly large. if we were on pluto for instance the sun wouldjust look like another star in the sky. 5 – ramon valenzuela - how do coin operatedmachines identify one coin from others? • well once a machine asked me for somecoins and all it gave me was a scrap of watery bread, i have no idea how it worked, but thesethings suck and you suck for caring about

them. • it depends on how complex the machineis, some just go by weight and size, others can detect its magnetism as well as scanningit using a camera and comparing it to a database of coin images. • dolan… you are aware that was a person? • pretty sure real people don’t have giantpointy ears melissa, with your… no… ears… actually that’s kinda weird4 – huedudelolrekt - where do words come from? • they come from this magical device…it’s called a dictionary.

i know someone at dictionary hq, they inventnew words through the game scrabble, such as the word winky face• there are a few ways words come into our languages: some of them we take from otherlanguages, like coffee, some come from people’s names or locations, others are based on anapproximation of the sound the thing makes, like ‘zip’. 3 – rainacorn1185 - do blind people blink? • no, they never blink, nor do they existwithin our corporeal realm, instead they observe the haunted masses of the infinite amountof deaths that have happened throughout our fleeting existences, isn’t that right nixxie?

nixxie wixxie? nixxie wixxie dixxie? • if the person in question has actual eyesin their head then they feel the need to blink as much as a person with sight, but a personwith prosthetic eyes don’t actually need to blink, although they may still do so outof habit if they lost their eyes after birth. 2 – zyndhelpie - why do we stretch everymorning? • because it feels good. i bet you only stretch every morning becauseotherwise you’ll shatter your gangly unexercised bones on the way to the fridge, ya lazy goon.

• well you’ve been mostly still for quitea few hours so your muscles are all stiff from lack of use, stretching them wakes themup by sending them more blood. sometimes if you sleep with a bad postureyou’ve done your muscles some harm which would make stretching extra-necessary. 1 – agent_steven - does the time-space continuumexist? if so, is there a way to "break" or "tear"it? • no• according to einstein’s model of the universe it absolutely exists• no it doesn’t • and we know that he’s mostly right• no he’s not

• but ripping the continuum isn’t thesame way that you’d rip fabric on clothes • because it’s not a thing• it might get tunnelled through in the singularity of a black hole• stop lying to the people • but we’re not sure about that• because it’s wrong • * hey look at that, i made some more red,nothing bad could possibly come from thi–• *


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