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>> costa: coming upon high school quiz show, we have wellesley high school... (cheers and applause) taking on hingham high school. it's a big one, and that's nexton high school quiz show. >> buying insurance shouldn't bea race against time. these are the most importantassets you're protecting. you can talk to an independentagent about safety insurance. we'll help you managelife's storms.
>> costa: hi, everybody,and welcome to high school quiz show. i'm billy costa, your host. okay, we've got a crazy grouphere today. listen, back in november,130 high school teams in massachusetts competed at oursuper sunday qualifying event to earn one of the coveted16 spots in this year's competition. so the goal now is to becomethe next high school quiz show
state champion. and today's match-uphas hingham high school taking on wellesley high school. and on the hingham team we have andy, ben, noah, and billy. the alternate is jacobon the sidelines, and the coach is glenda garland. let's hear it everybodyfor hingham high school. and for wellesley high we've got
teddy, zoe, matt, and vinay. with the alternates kateand jarrett on the sideline. and the coach is robert cohen,nice round of applause. wellesley high school represent. the competition as alwayshas four rounds: a toss-up, a head-to-head,a category round, and a lightning round. and we will beginwith a toss-up round. all answers are worthten points,
and this is the only roundwith no point deductions for any wrong answers. so teams, if you're ready,good luck to both of you, and here we go. in the 1840s, many irishimmigrated to the united states because of the failureof what crop? yes, matt? >> potatoes?>> costa: yes. in 1663 galileo was convictedof heresy for promoting
a sun-centric theoryof the solar system, a theory associatedwith what polish astronomer? yes, teddy. >> copernicus?>> costa: yes. johnny tremain by esther forbesis a historical novel set during the outbreakof what war? yes, ben? >> the american revolution. >> costa: that is correct.
take a look at your screensand you'll see a photograph. what south carolina fort,seen here, was attacked by confederateforces on april 12, 1861, marking the startof the civil war? yes, billy. >> fort sumter?>> costa: yes. from the greek meaning "light,"what is the elementary unit, or quantum,of electromagnetic radiation? >> photon?>> costa: yes.
dar es salaam is the capitalcity of what country in east africa situatedjust south of the equator? yes, zoe? >> tanzania?>> costa: yes. what children's bookby margaret wise brown begins, "in the great green room,there was a telephone and a red balloon"? yes, teddy.>> good night, moon? >> costa:yes, good night, moon.
"maybe it isn't a bad formof diplomacy to send a comedian over." what brookline native said thisin 2015, as the first u.s. late-nighttalk show host to visit cuba in more than 50 years? yes, zoe. >> conan o'brien?>> costa: that is correct. and take a look at your screensagain because the next question will be up on videoand here it comes.
>> hi, i'm erica mcdermott,and i'm an actress. i had a role in the fighter, a film about lowell boxer"irish" mickey ward. it was directedby what american filmmaker who also directed silver linings playbook and american hustle? >> costa: yes, zoe? >> david o. russell?>> costa: that is correct. we move on. the social security actwas passed
under which u.s. president? ben. >> franklin delano roosevelt? >> costa: yes. every autumn, most indiansregardless of faith celebrate what national holiday knownas "the festival of lights"? yes, ben. >> diwali?>> costa: that's correct. "that government is bestwhich governs least."
who wrote this in his 1849 essay"civil disobedience"? >> thoreau?>> costa: yes. which of the following termsbest defines a change in the gene poolof a small population that takes placestrictly by chance? is it a) adaptation, b) geneticdrift, or c) gene migration? yes, matt. >> genetic drift?>> costa: that's correct. math question coming.
what number is exactly halfwaybetween 32 and 48? >> 40?>> costa: that's correct. "a woman must have moneyand a room of her own if she is to write fiction." what british author wrote thisin her 1929 title a room of one's own? >> virginia woolf?>> costa: yes. in may 2015,london's tower bridge and other iconic landmarks weretemporarily lit with pink lights
to celebrate the birthof what royal princess? yes, vinay.>> charlotte? >> costa:princess charlotte is correct. when nationalist troopsfled from mainland china to taiwan in 1949, they were ledby what chinese statesman? >> chiang kai-shek?>> costa: that is correct. most coral reefs are builtfrom stony corals that cluster in groups. what word that begins with theletter "p" refers to a single,
individual coral? yes, teddy? >> polyp?>> costa: yes. in 2015, what television seriesbased on the books of george r.r. martinwon a record 12 emmy awards, the most in a single year? noah.>> game of thrones? >> costa:of course, game of thrones. which of the following countrieshas the largest land area?
is it a) kazakhstan, b) turkey,or c) sudan? yes, andy. >> kazakhstan?>> costa: that is correct. most invertebrate groupsdeveloped and grew the most during what geologic era thatliterally means "ancient life"? >> paleozoic?>> costa: yes. math question: what isthe common logarithm of 100? >> two.>> costa: two is correct. when her album partners debuted at number one
on a billboard chart in 2014,what funny girl star became the only artistto have a top album in each of the past six decades? zoe. >> barbra streisand?>> costa: that's correct. twice as long as hadrian's wallin the north, offa's dyke was for centuriesthe traditional boundary between englandand what country to the west? yes, vinay.
>> wales?>> costa: correct. on march 15, 2015,an estimated 15,000 people gathered on copacabana beachin rio to protest what president knownas brazil's "iron lady"? yes, vinay? >> dilma rousseff?>> costa: that's correct. "if you can meetwith triumph and disaster, and treat those two impostorsjust the same." what british author wrotethis in his inspirational poem
titled "if"? >> rudyard kipling? >> costa: that's correct. in 2015, what far-rightfrench political party suspended its own founder,jean-marie le pen, after he made a seriesof controversial remarks about jews and nazis? >> the national front?>> costa: that's correct. before the attackon pearl harbor,
what japanese emperorcriticized plans to go to war with the united statesas "self-destructive" and opposed an alliancewith germany? yes, billy? >> hirohito?>> costa: that is correct. what gas used in the manufactureof solar panels and computer chipshas the chemical formula nf3? >> nitrogen trifluoride? >> costa: correct.
in 1968...(bell ringing) oh, there's the bellthat ends the round. let's take a look at the scorebecause it is very close. hingham high school right now,140 points. wellesley high school,150 points. let's hear it for both teams. we have a battle here. okay, so the head-to-head roundis next. first we're goingto take a little break,
everybody can breathefor just a couple of minutes. i've got a question. we're going to get to knowthe players a little bit better. i'll ask the question andyou guys will each answer, okay? and andy, we're goingto start with you over there in hingham high school. what event in historydid you wish you had been able to witness and why? >> well,i like military history,
so i would like to bear witnessto the battle of hodow and see how early modern warfarewas conducted. >> costa: wow. and ben? >> i'd like to see thedeclaration of independence being signed because i wouldjust love to witness the birth of this great nation. >> costa:wow, well said, noah? >> i would like to see thepremiere of "the rite of spring"
because it was a historicalmoment in ballet history, and it resulted in a riot. >> costa: wow,some interesting selections. billy. >> i would like to witnessthe apollo 11 moon landing because i'd getto go to the moon, and i would get to seeif it was actually real or not. (laughter) >> costa: over to wellesleyhigh school, teddy.
>> hm, i think it would've beennice to be there for the birth of radio personality and tv showhost billy costa actually. >> costa: thank you so much. listen, why did i know? (applause) bonus points! no, kidding about the bonuspoints. zoe, how about you? >> i'm going to have to go withthe elementary school graduation
of radio personalityand tv show host billy costa? >> costa:oh, thank you so much. i sense a theme here. matt, how about you? >> billy, i think i'm actuallygoing to have to go with the high school graduationof radio personality and tv host billy costa. >> costa: okay. we had a fun time.
i'm afraid to ask. vinay. >> well, i'm going to gowith the college graduation of radio host and tv...oh wait, sorry. radio personality and tv hostbilly costa. >> costa: get it right, okay,vinay, get it right. all right, here we go,hingham high, wellesley high, this is the head-to-head. one member of each teamcomes forward.
who's it going to befor hingham? >> andy.>> costa: it'll be andy. and i don't know if you knewyou were the guy, andy, but you're going. wellesley, who you going with? >> vinay. >> costa: vinay. all right, so andy, vinay, let'sgo head-to-head, come on down. okay, so we go head-to-head now.
i've got vinay from wellesleyhigh school right here. i've also got andy fromhingham high school to my right. guys, why don't you shake hands? and i just want to remindeverybody that in this round you get ten pointsfor correct answers. incorrect answers are goingto cost you ten points. and by the way,you can buzz in at any time. so, the clock is setat 90 seconds. good luck, gentlemen,here we go.
in september 2015,who suddenly announced he would step downas speaker of the house? yes. >> john boehner.(buzzer) >> costa: he got it, okay,just got it in. "the cradle of texas liberty"is the nickname for what historic sitein san antonio? >> the alamo.>> costa: yes. in the hobbit, bilbo bagginsand a group of dwarves
are aided by whatpowerful wizard? >> gandalf.>> costa: yes. what is the lightestchemical element on the periodic table of...? >> hydrogen?>> costa: yes. in surface area, which is thesmallest of the five great lakes of north america? >> eerie? >> costa: no, ontario.
for star wars: the force awakens, what actor agreed to reprise his role as han solo? >> harrison ford.>> costa: yes. what middle eastern countryis the setting of the 2003 bestseller the kite runner? >> afghanistan.>> costa: yes. what is the second largestplanet in the solar system of the eight known planets? >> saturn?
what country is hometo the iberian mountains? >> spain.>> costa: yes. who was the leaderof the soviet union when the berlin wall fellin 1980... yes? >> khrushchev,i know that's wrong. >> costa: mikhail gorbachevthe answer there. the dingo is a wild dog that'smost commonly found in... >> australia.>> costa: yes. derived from the latinfor "thread," what thin wire
is found insidean electric light bulb? >> filament? >> costa: filament is right.(bell ringing) there's the end of thehead-to-head round, round two. let's take a look at the scoresright now. hingham high school, 150 points. wellesley high school right now,220 points. let's hear it for both teams,everybody. this is a battle,this is a good round.
okay, next upis the category round with the following categories:roman holiday, know your rights!, callthe midwife, inside baseball, these united states,and teen beat. now, each categoryhas five questions with increasing point value. and teams, you can conferwith your teammates, but once you do buzz in,you cannot confer any longer. we will need your answer.
now, hingham, you havea little ground to make up, so you get to choosethe first category. what's it going to be? >> we're going to dothese united states. >> costa:these united states, okay. questions about the 50 states. and for ten points:death valley, the lowest, driest, and hottest areain north america, is located in the eastern partof what u.s. state?
matt? >> california?>> costa: correct. so you've got the board,wellesley, category? >> these united states. >> costa: we'll stay there for15 points, these united states. which statehas the longest coastline? ben.>> alaska? >> costa: correct,and now hingham high. >> costa: we'll stay therefor 20 points.
what state is hometo iolani palace, the only royal palacein the united states? yes, vinay.>> hawaii? >> costa: hawaii is correctand now wellesley, you've got the board, category? >> costa:this time for 25 points. with more than400 miles explored, mammoth cave is the world'slongest underground cave system, and is located in which state?
yes, vinay?>> new mexico? >> costa:no, hingham, you want to try? (buzzer)(rings in) did he make it? no,kentucky is the answer there. so wellesley,you keep the board, category? >> roman holiday. >> costa: roman holiday,this is a new category, and these are questionsabout ancient rome.
and for ten points:what twin brothers are the legendary foundersof rome? yes, teddy?>> romulus and remus? >> costa: yes, so you'vestill got the board, wellesley, category? >> we'll do roman holiday again. >> costa:roman holiday for 15 points. what leader becamethe dictator of rome and put an endto the roman republic?
>> julius caesar? >> costa: correct, you've stillgot the board, wellesley. >> we'll do teen beat for ten. >> costa: okay, we're jumpingto teen beat. a new category. questions about young adultnovels, and for ten points: "oh, i wouldn't mind,hazel grace. it would be a privilege to havemy heart broken by you." this quote is from whatjohn green novel?
yes, teddy?>> the fault in our stars? >> costa: yes, so wellesley, you've still got the board,category? >> teen beat for 15? >> costa: 15 points: the absolutely true diary of a part-time indian tells the story of junior,a boy who transfers to a new school wherethe only other american indian is which of the following?
is it a) the janitor, b)the mascot, c) the principal? yes, teddy?>> the mascot? >> costa: the mascot is right. you've still got the board,wellesley? >> we'll do inside baseballfor ten. >> costa: new category:questions about baseball. and for ten points:what great yankees catcher who passed away at age 90in 2015 was known for his amusing sayings, like"it's dã©jã vu all over again"
and "it ain't overtill it's over"? yes, ben?>> yogi berra? >> costa:yogi berra is right, hingham, you've got control of the board,category? >> costa: these united states,this time 30 points at stake. in 1869, what becamethe first state to grant women the right to vote? zoe?>> wyoming? >> costa: correct, and nowwellesley, you've got the board.
you'll need a new category. >> know your rights? >> costa: know your rights. i've got questionsabout music copyright. for ten points: in 2015,a jury ruled that robin thicke and pharrell williams's"blurred lines" infringes the copyrightof "got to give it up," a disco classic by which artist? yes, andy?
>> marvin gaye?>> costa: marvin gaye. hingham high,you've got the board back. >> roman holiday? >> costa:going back to roman holiday, and this timeit's for 20 points. metamorphoses, a collectionof 15 books and over 250 myths, is the magnum opusof what roman poet? yes, vinay.>> ovid. >> costa: ovid is correct,so you get the board, wellesley,
category? >> call the midwife? >> costa: call the midwife,new category, these are questionsabout birth and babies. (laughs) for ten points:how many eggs are fertilized when fraternal twinsare produced? yes, teddy?>> two? >> costa: two is right,category from wellesley.
>> we'll do call the midwife. >> costa:call the midwife for 15 points. once rare, what is now the mostcommon major surgical procedure performed in the u.s., accounting for approximately32% of all births? yes, noah. >> c-section? >> costa: yes, caesarean sectionor c-section, and hingham, >> know your rights.
>> costa: know your rightsfor 15 points this time. in 1990, vanilla ice had a hitwith "ice ice baby," the first hip hop song to topthe billboard charts. it sampled but did not creditwhat song by david bowie and queen? teddy.>> "under pressure"? >> costa:correct, and wellesley high, >> inside baseball? >> costa:this time for 15 points.
the cable network nesnfaced an angry backlash in september 2015, when itannounced it was replacing what popular play-by-playannouncer for the red sox? yes, matt?>> don orsillo? >> costa: don orsillo,who by the way, has been on high school quiz show. i just want to throw itout there. all right, wellesley,you've got the board. >> call the midwife.
>> costa: call the midwifefor 20 points. from the greek meaning "yoked,"what term refers to a fertilized egg beforeit becomes an embryo? yes, andy.>> zygote? >> costa: zygote is right, and now hingham high'sgot the board, category? >> costa: know your rights,this time 20 points. in a stunning decision in 2015,a federal judge ruled that all copyright claimsheld for the past 80 years
are invalid for what song bysisters patty and mildred hill? yes, billy?>> "happy birthday." >> costa: yes, "happy birthday"or "happy birthday to you." hingham, you've got the board. >> costa: know your rightsfor 25 points. in 1976, a judge ruled thatwhat hit song by george harrison was "virtually identical"to the song "he's so fine" by the chiffons? (buzzer)
"my sweet lord"is the answer there. hingham, you've got the board,category? >> costa:30 points up for grab here. in 1984, huey lewis suedray parker jr. for plagiarism, claiming that parkerhad stolen the melody from "i want a new drug"for what hit movie theme song? ghostbusters. hingham, you've still gotthe board, category? >> costa:roman holiday for 25 points.
seating up to 250,000 people-- one-quarterof rome's population-- what chariot-racing stadium was the first and largeststadium in ancient rome? >> coliseum? >> costa: no, wellesley,you want to try it? >> circus maximus? >> costa: that is correct,wellesley, you've got the board, >> teen beat.
>> costa:teen beat for 20 points. for displeasing crete, athensperiodically had to sacrifice seven youths and seven maidensto the minotaur. who cited this mythas her main inspiration for the hunger games trilogy? yes, teddy?>> suzanne collins? wellesley, you've got the board. >> let's do inside baseball. >> costa:inside baseball, 20 points.
sabermetrics,the use of statistical analysis to analyze baseball recordsand player performance, is highlighted in what2003 book by michael lewis? yes, matt.>> moneyball? >> costa: moneyball is right,great movie, too. >> costa:call the midwife for 25 points. a developing fetus in the wombis protected by what fluid that acts as a liquidshock absorber? >> amniotic fluid?
>> costa: that is right, you'vestill got the board, wellesley. where do you want to go? >> costa:teen beat for 25 points. meryl streep starsin a recent film adaptation of what lois lowry novel abouta society that has eliminated all fear and pain, but alsoall choice and individuality? yes, teddy.>> the giver? >> costa: the giver is right,you've still got the board. (bell rings)
oh, however, there's the bellthat ends the category round. as we look at the scoreright now, hingham high schoolwith 215 points. wellesley high school,480 points. nice round of applausefor the teams, everybody. okay, so here we go, we go into the final 90 secondsof game play, and we call itthe lightning round. and in this round, teams,
you get 20 pointsfor each correct answer. incorrect answers will cost you20 points. now the clock is set. teams, if you're ready, we'll just proceed,here we go. what deposed queen was executedduring the french revolution? >> marie antoinette?>> costa: yes. what is the longest mountainrange in north america? >> the rockies?>> costa: yes.
founded in 2009,what car service company is now the top choice....yes, noah? >> uber? >> costa: uber is correct. what grand slam tennistournament takes place every yearat roland garros stadium? >> the french open?>> costa: yes. like his characters huck finnand tom sawyer, author... >> mark twain?
>> costa: no. i'll read the question. like his characters huck finnand tom sawyer, author mark twain was fromwhat u.s. state? the answer missouri. what organ gets builtand broken down by cells called osteoblasts and... >> bone.>> costa: yes. in 2015, who won an oscarfor playing stephen hawking
in the theory of everything? >> eddie redmayne?>> costa: yes. the nehru jacket is named aftera prime minister... >> india.>> costa: yes. in greek myth, poseidon wasthe father of what winged horse? >> pegasus?>> costa: yes. the hammer, anvil, and stirrupbones are found in which organ? >> the ear?>> costa: yes. in 1836, texas declared itsindependence from what country?
>> mexico.>> costa: yes, ben. what three-mile-high mountainis a prime research objective of nasa's curiosity roveron mars? mount sharp the answer. "steel city" is a nicknamefor what pennsylvania city? >> harrisburg? >> costa:pittsburgh is the answer. in 1918, what vermont nativewas elected governor of massachusetts?
oh, calvin coolidgewould have been the answer, but we have a winner this week. wellesley high school witha final score of 520 points is the winner this week. and the runner-up, congratulationsto hingham high school, an impressive scoreof 315 points. so congratulations to both teamsfor a really good round. now, wellesley high schoolis going to move now
and play in the quarterfinals,so please be sure to tune in. and we'll see everybodyback here next week for high school quiz show. check out high school quiz show on youtube for full episodes and bonus features. visit our websiteat highschoolquizshow.org. you can also follow uson facebook and twitter. high school quiz show is available on xfinity tvon demand from comcast.
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