Monday, January 30, 2017

How To Flashing celkon a77

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How To Flashing celkon a77

joe mcnallyexplains high-speed sync so, we gave up the relative controland security of the studio and we're out here in the world. tompkins square park,lower east side, new york city. and what we're aboutout here in this bright sunlight is high-speed synchronization. high-speed sync is right there with ttl in the realm of new developmentsfor bigger flash units. i'm going to be looking at the sun

and trying to kind of fight backagainst it a little bit because the equation right nowis a little bit against me. lots of f-stop, or even at a low iso, it's bright out here. first things first i'm going tomake an available light exposure. kind of, sort of what i do, right?i see what the light is like. ok, we've got a lot of highlights,he's kind of backlit, okay? so we're going to see ifwe can get him under control. i'm at f/11. you know, if i go up to, say,something around 1/200s,

i still got a lot of highlightsin the background there. so i'm going to see if i can work my f-stop down. i'm going to go to 1/200s at f/11 and seeif i can make the ttl flash work with me. okay, so, my first ttl flash exposure is accurate. it's why i use ttl or why idefault to it, it gets me there. see if you can lower the flash just a little bit. that's it! move in. nice! good look.alright, are you doing alright? generally now, in the industry, the max shutter speed you can get for"normal" flash synchronization

would be around 1/200-1/250s. what high-speed sync enables us to dois to synchronize with electronic flash to heretofore unknown shutter speeds. the max range of your camera, i mean, i'm referring to most higher-enddigital cameras here. i can sync on my d4s or my d810 up to1/8000s in high-speed sync mode. you can work your f-stop all the way down to a very wide open area,f/2.8, something like that. think about the portrait ofa bride at 1/250s at f/16,

with all sorts of things sharp in the background, telephone poles, lights, whatever. think about that same portraitdone at 1/8000s at f/2.8. cool set! definitely fun. you know, all day long you gave megood looks to work with and it was just, you know,all the variations... awesome.

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