Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
do not forget there are some additional tips from me:
How To Flashing celkon a1
by the name of allah through this video, we'll teach how to flashing your infinix phone by new infinix flash program xflashtool we can say the easiest program to flash the first step we'll do, start to install infinix drivers for people who didn't install it before but if you installed it before,no need to install it again we'll open drivers folder and start with the first driver you'll install driver which compatible with your windows
if you have windows xp or 7, you'll install the second driver but if you have windows 8,8.1 or 10 you'll install the first driver double click click next next install will appear this window you'll click next choose install this driver software anyway
same choice another time it maybe appear for third or fourth time click finish ok this is important step will appear two windows text window you'll close it normal from exit this black window you'll press any key inside it to close,don't close it from exit button finish
back to second driver you'll click installdriver file exit now,you finished drivers installing another important step you'll check drivers firstly before start flashing now connect your phone switched off the driver will appear in ports in this name and will disappear i'll try again to can see it
now you have to turn off anti virus your pc is ready for flashing open xflashtool leave it extract files i've note if you have windows 8,8.1 or 10 there are steps you have to do it in windows before start install drivers to can install it you'll found it in infinix mobile owners group or in xclub now, xflashtool is preparing rom files
now, the program is ready connect your phone switched off and leave it it's started flash your phone by appearing this message, you can unplug your phone from cable and switch on it special thank for infinix team
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