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in this video i take on another cardthemed shoot, but this time with a multi light setup. adoramatv presents, take and make great photography with gavin hoey. hello, i'm gavin hoey and you're watching adoramatv, brought to you by adorama, the camera store that has everything for us photographers, and in this video i'm going to do a shoothere in my small home studio. so there's aconcept behind this shoot and it's a continuation of the last onewhere we had playing cards in the shot, well this time i've gone allout. we're going to have a full on poker game here
and we're going to try capture a range ofemotions across the set of pictures. now to do this i'm going towelcome back brian to the studio, say hello brian, and he's going to be our poker player who'sgoing to have a bit of an interesting roller coaster ride, there's going to be thrills, spills and ultimately i'm afraid brian, you're going to lose all yourmoney, such is the way of the world. ok, but to do it we need to set up somelights so let's set this up one light at a time. so whenever you start up with a complexlight setup at least anything with more than one light thebest place to begin is with your key
light, your main light and for this my main light is going to be, wellthis guy right here. this is the the flashpoint streaklight 360 and i've just got it on a small beauty dish, sothis is going to be the key light that lights brian but i'm working in quite a tight spacehere and i need to think about where i position the light. now knowingsomething about the inverse square law means that i know ifi keep this light nice and close to brian it will light himreally well, but the fall off will mean that thebackground will stay quite dark
and that's important to me because it means ican light that background separately. now if you want to find out more about theinverse square law check out the adorama learning center where there's tons of information about how this inverse square law thing works. once the light is in roughly the rightposition, i reckon that's probably about right there, we need to meter, so lets grab the light meter, we'll pop it underneath brian's chin, pointing back at the light and i can get a flash meter readinghere, so i'm getting f/16 so thats just a little bitbright, i think i want to an aperture of about f/11, so let's just dial that downone-stop
and i can do that here on the remote, takeanother meter reading and sure enough it says f/11 so that set the light correctly, i'm going to dial f/11 into the camera and we'll take atest shot and see how it goes. ok brian here we go. brilliant so there we go, that works really nicely youcan see that brian is nicely lit, we've got some excellent illumination but thatbackground has stayed nice and dark it's kind of a contrast-y light, but that's thelook i want to go for for this shot. so the second light in thissetup is actually two lights, i want
two equal an identical lights just to rim light the edge of brian just to separate him fromthe background. so i've got one of my rovelight 600's on one side, and i'm going to add the second onehere and try to try to get it exactly the same, same power and roughlythe same angle and height. but before i do that i needto make sure its turned on which it is and also set it so it can fire when thestreaklight 360 fires. so these are different lights, they have aradio trigger but they don't work together so instead what i'm going to do is switch on the optical slave for the rovelight
so when it sees the streaklight firethe rovelight fires as well, and most flashes will have this function. once thats turned on, i'm going to just elevate this up, get the angle about the same i'm just trying to get it so thelight just hits the the side of brian's head that's just coming, just slightly frombehind as well and i'll get some spill onto the table to add a little bit morelight there too. ok lets just take a meter reading forthese and see what we get so i'm to meter just for the the sidelight, i'm going to get my meter reading frombrian's shoulder pointing back at the rovelight.
so that's reading f/16 so that'sroughly one stop more light on the shoulders than on the face, that should give us a nice glow on the shoulders but there's only one way to find out, let's take a shot! yes so you can see that that really gives somelovely highlights around brian's shoulders there's a little bit of light in the hair and again it adds to that slightly contrast-y feel and the innovated lighting positions adds tothe whole mood of the shot. so the last light is just going to be for the background only really, itsanother one of the streaklights, this is the
lower watted 180 streetlight and it'sjust going to fire a little light up here just to light that part of thebackground just behind brian really. how much light does it need? well itneeds as much light as your background requires so if youhad a a white background, you would obviously need less light than if you had a black background, this is a grey oneso its something in the middle. i don't know what the right power is, let'stake a meter reading and see what it says f/22 well that sounds pretty bright compared toeverything else,
remember i'm shooting at f/11 throughout but you've got to remember i'm lighting a dark surface here so that might be right, it might be too bright, might be toodark, there's only one way to find out take the shot. and i reckon that looks justabout right there's just that little circle of light behindbrian just two separate him out from the background without overpowering the background andoverpowering the shot. so there we go we've got everything ready,we've got our set prepared our lights are ready to go, brian are you readyto go? yeah. ok we're going to do a shoot, let's do it!
so there we go that was great fun to do,did you enjoy that brian? yeah. fantastic, we've got chipseverywhere, we've got cards everywhere but what we're going to do now is we're going to getmy favorite picture into photoshop and we'll do a little bit of work on it, and we're going to do that right now. don't forget to check out adorama'slatest contest and your chance to win amazing prizes! well now i've had a chance to sit downand look at the images, i can see that brian did a brilliant job at showing a range of emotions as a result i thinkthe images look best
when you see more than one, when you seethat range of emotions through the shots. so how am i going to do thatin photoshop? well i'm going to create a triptych, three images on one single sheet of paper or onesingle image. now i've gone through and i've sorted out myfavorite images so let's have a look. i think these three kind of sum up thewhole emotional roller coaster. so let's just select one, hold shiftselect another, hold shift to click on the 3rd and then i canright click and choose open in camera raw, and that'll open
all 3 images in camera raw and that'shandy because now i can do the same thing to all 3 images. in fact i've done a little bitof playing around here just to get us going but if i click on the select all button you'llnotice that all of the three images on the left are nowhighlighted, and that's important because it meansthat i can do one thing to the image on screen and have it affect all of the otherimages at the same time,
and what i'm going to do is come over tothe effects here and i'm going to add in a border, becausewhen these are joined together i don't want them just to bang up next to each other i want a nice little curvy edge border, and i cando it here in raw which means its non-destructive. so i'm justgoing to increase the amount of the post-crop vignetting, allthe way up to maximum, and i know your thinking that'sabsolutely hideous. it's actually going to get worse before it getsbetter because now i'm going to change the midpoint
all the way down to zero, like that, and yes it has got worse.then i'm going to take the roundness and i'll take that down to the left as well,minus a hundred and now you can start to see this borderstarting to take shape. it's a little bit soft and fuzzy at the edgesso let's just take the feathering for that, and remove it all the way down to zero to get that nicehard edged border, and you'll see that all threeimages have the same border treatment, although i've only had to do it
to one, and that was because select all hadbeen checked. there's one more thing i want to do and that's tomake sure the all three images come out exactly the same size and i can do that here in raw as well, so again non-destructive, i'll just come down to the workflow options atthe bottom and here i'm going to change the the resize i'm going to resize this down, so the longest side, the width in this case, 3000 pixels that's fine. i'll open up the images and that will open all three images
into photoshop. once i've got the imagesinto photoshop we can do the next step which is to gather the three images together inone long thin single image. now of course its' worthnoting which is going to be your left, yourcenter and you're right image. in this case the most importantone to work on is the middle image, so let's go find it. ireckon that's the right one, that's probably the middle one, and yesthat's the beginning. so let's go with this one this is the middle
image that's what i'm going to use.what we need to do is make enough space either side of this image to make roomfor the other two pictures, and i can do it really simply by going to image canvas size, now on canvas size there's a couple ofthings i'm going to change. first of all i'll make sure my units area nice easy percent because that just makes the maths mucheasier if i have it on percent because if i need three timesthe width that is now, well three times a hundred, will be 300. next i'm going to change the
anchor point, so i'm going to make sure it'sdead center just like this it doesn't want to be any of these corners, none of these just click in the middle if it'sanything else other than that. finally the extension color, well we've got this white border so itkind of makes sense to have the rest of the brand-new area white as well but of course you canchange it if you wish, i'll click ok, so that gives meroom for the other two pictures, now i just add them in. so let's go grab this one inselect all,
edit and copy, close it down, edit and paste, and we can paste it straight in and because we did allthat resizing in raw i can drag it to the side knowing it's aperfect fit and same with the first one copy it, close it down, and pasted it in, and remember because most this happenedin raw all of this is non-destructive so of courseyou could change it at a later stage but for now, there it is,there's my three images all on one sheet of paper well if you enjoyed this video and youwould see more videos from myself
and the other amazing presenters here onadoramatv you know what you've got to do, you've got to click onthe subscribe button! i'm gavin hoey, thanks for watching! do you want great-looking prints at low-cost? be sureto visit our easy to use, online printing service. adoramapix has professionals to treat yourimages with the utmost care that you can count on. for a quick turnaround on photos, cards oralbums, use
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