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lightning flickers somewhere in earth's atmospheredozens of times every second. most of these electrical flashes remain in the clouds, withonly about a fifth of them reaching low enough to strike trees, buildings or the ground.yet lightning bolts in the clouds deliver a unique and powerful punch of their own.they're directly linked to events that produce some of the highest-energy radiation naturallyfound on earth: terrestrial gamma-ray flashes, or tgfs for short. thanks to recent work by nasa's fermi gamma-rayspace telescope, scientists have come a few steps closer to understanding these extraordinaryoutbursts. when lightning flashes high in the clouds, its energy may alter the strongelectric fields near the top of the storm.
about a thousand times each day, this suddenchange triggers an upward surge of high-speed electrons. reaching speeds nearly as fastas light, these accelerated electrons give off gamma rays when they're deflected by airmolecules. tgfs happen quickly and randomly, so even catching them by satellite has beendifficult. but new results from the gamma-ray burst monitoron fermi are giving scientists fresh insights. last year the gbm team showed that tgfs wellaway from fermi produced beams of charged particles that could travel along earth'smagnetic field and hit the satellite. now, thanks to advancements in data processing,fermi's gbm is better at detecting tgfs than ever before. as a result, scientists havediscovered that radio signals once thought
to be produced by the lightning that triggersa tgf are in fact broadcast by tgfs themselves. each lightning stroke creates a burst of verylow frequency radio waves. through the world wide lightning location network, scientistsuse this unique radio signal to track electrical activity around the globe. for some time,scientists have know that tgfs were associated with strong radio signals, so it was naturalto think that these radio signals were produced by the lightning stroke that triggered thetgfs. here's one instance that highlights why thegbm team now questions this interpretation. it's august 2009 and fermi is flying overthunderstorms off mexico's west coast. each symbol marks the location of a lightning thehighlighted circle shows how much of earth's
surface fermi can see at any given moment. just asthe satellite passes over the storms, a tgf occurs. there's no other lightning near thatposition when fermi detected the tgf. hundreds of tgfs and comparing them to radio-basedlightning locations, the gbm team concludes that both the gamma-ray and the the strongradio emission comes from the tgf. the team also finds that weaker radio bursts ocurringup to several thousandths of a second before or after a tgf actually represent the individuallightning stroke associated with it. the gbm findings confirm a theory publishedin 2011 that the same avalanche of speedy electrons that creates a tgfs gamma rays alsoproduce strong very low frequency radio signals.
with this knowledge, scientists can pair thefermi tgf sample with the more precise radio positions from the world wide lightning locationnetwork. this will clarify weather patterns associatedwith tgfs and usher in new studies, perhaps helping scientists determine which types ofthunderstorms produce some earth's highest-energy natural light.
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